UbuntuIRC / 2014 /02 /25 /#ubuntu-desktop.txt
Initial commit
=== duflu_ is now known as duflu
[05:08] <Mirv> morning desktopers
[05:40] <pitti> Good morning
[08:18] <Mirv> cyphermox: (wpa) "1.x branch is considered to have reached itsend-of-life. If you are still using 1.x (or any older version), you arerecommended to update to the 2.1 release" (released two weeks ago)
[08:19] <Mirv> not that myself saw problems with 2.0 either, but I knew Debian bug claimed there were many bugs with that
[08:28] <Mirv> I'm now rolling with the 2.1 from Anders' PPA https://launchpad.net/~anders-kaseorg/+archive/ppa/+packages
[09:03] <Laney> morning!
[09:03] <seb128> Hey Laney
[09:03] <seb128> good morning desktopers!
[09:03] <seb128> how are you?
[09:03] <Laney> hey seb128
[09:04] <Laney> i'm good thanks
[09:04] <Laney> you? how was the curling?
[09:04] <seb128> I'm good thanks
[09:04] <seb128> "curling" was good :p
[09:05] <Laney> curling those yellow balls over the net ...
[09:05] <seb128> the stone was just yellow and round and we had devices to handle it :p
[09:05] <seb128> how was your evening? did you go climbing?
[09:06] <Laney> yeah but I hurt my finger a little bit so I didn't stay that long to not make it worse
[09:07] <Laney> so came back and played games ;-)
[09:07] <seb128> utch
[09:07] <seb128> good thinking to not insist on it though
[09:07] <Laney> yeah, things happen
[09:37] <seb128> xnox, hey, saw the most recent comment on https://code.launchpad.net/~xnox/unity/fix-packaging/+merge/207920 ?
[09:38] <xnox> seb128: yeah
[09:38] <seb128> xnox, seems like the CI error are your fault and not in trunk ;-)
[09:39] <xnox> seb128: yeah
[09:39] <seb128> can you fix? ;-)
[09:39] <xnox> seb128: i'm on my laptop however, with my desktop having memtest errors =/
[09:39] <seb128> :-(
[09:41] <seb128> time to go to buy some new ram I guess?
[09:42] <xnox> seb128: well, it's started on monday, and on sunday i did "clean" my computer....
[09:43] <seb128> the perfect is the enemy of good?
[09:43] <seb128> well, joke aside, good luck getting your desktop back in shape
[09:43] <seb128> still would be nice if you could fix that mp from your laptop meanwhile ;-)
[09:45] <seb128> Trevinho, hey, do you know what's the status of unity's landing?
[09:46] <seb128> bregma put a landing ask with 3 vcses but didn't validate it
[10:01] <seb128> larsu, hey, how is the nautilus hacking going? do you have any estimate how much work that's going to be to add a traditionnal menu to it?
[10:01] <xnox> seb128: fixed https://code.launchpad.net/~xnox/unity/no-debug-symbols/+merge/208093
[10:01] <xnox> seb128: the rest is spurious changes, that I'll keep on working.
[10:02] <seb128> xnox, ok, thanks
[10:02] <xnox> seb128: since e.g. i think it's redundant to have make-check-headless, and e.g. xvfb-run should be sufficient to run all tests at all times.
[10:02] <xnox> (without compromising on any GL/NUX textures)
[10:11] <jibel> mlankhorst, hey, could you have a look at bug 1284536, seb128 suggested it might be an xorg bug.
[10:11] <ubot2> Launchpad bug 1284536 in compiz (Ubuntu) "compiz crashed with SIGSEGV in two_way_long_needle()" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1284536
[10:12] <seb128> jibel, mlankhorst: it's segfaulting in swrast_dri.so
=== tkamppeter_ is now known as tkamppeter
[10:13] <seb128> so either it's a bug there, or unity using wrong calls/not fallbacking properly
=== vrruiz_ is now known as rvr
[10:27] <larsu> seb128: today I learned that I should reconnect to irssi after suspending :(
[10:28] * larsu was wondering why it is so quiet in irc this morning
[10:28] <seb128> larsu, "why is the world so calm today" ;-)
[10:28] <seb128> haha
[10:28] <seb128> larsu, good morning!
[10:28] <larsu> seb128: hi!
[10:28] <larsu> how are you?
[10:28] <seb128> I'm good thanks!
[10:28] <seb128> how are you?
[10:28] <larsu> very good
[10:28] <larsu> I'm making good progress on nautilus
[10:29] <seb128> nice
[10:29] <larsu> it seems like there are no crazy actions
[10:29] <larsu> if I'm right about that, I'll probably have a patch before eod
[10:29] <seb128> did you see my question about that?
[10:29] <seb128> not sure if you have backlog or not
[10:29] <larsu> (a first version of course)
[10:29] <larsu> seb128: yes, I did
[10:29] <larsu> I wanted to tell you last night, but had to rush
[10:31] <seb128> excellent
[10:31] <seb128> I was after an estimate
[10:31] <seb128> like if that's 3 weeks worth of work that's not worth it for the this cycle
[10:31] <seb128> if you plan for eod, double for budget and say it's going to be ready this week
[10:31] <seb128> which is good enough for me ;-)
[10:55] * xnox loves seb128 planning skillz =)
[10:55] <seb128> ;-)
[11:06] * didrocks hugs seb128 and larsu on unity-settings-daemon
[11:06] <didrocks> was waiting for that for so long!
[11:06] * seb128 hugs didrocks ;-)
[11:07] <didrocks> Trevinho: are you around now that I guess it's a quieter time for you for some debugging on this decorator? :)
[11:07] * larsu doesn't have anything to do with that but hugs didrocks anyway
[11:07] <didrocks> oh?
[11:07] <didrocks> [ Lars Uebernickel ]
[11:07] <didrocks> * media-keys: add support for allow-amplified-volume When that key is
[11:07] <seb128> larsu, it's your work dude :p
[11:07] <didrocks> set, the maximum volume is PA_VOLUME_UI_MAX instead of
[11:07] <didrocks> PA_VOLUME_NORM. This makes it consistent with the sound indicator
[11:07] <didrocks> and system settings.
[11:07] <didrocks> it was denouncing you!
[11:07] <didrocks> :)
[11:07] <larsu> didrocks: oh, I thought you meant u-s-d itself
[11:07] <larsu> ya I did that one. Hug accepted and appreciated!
[11:07] <seb128> ;-)
[11:07] <didrocks> ah, it's in u-s-d, I was just speaking about the last upload :)
[11:07] <didrocks> ahah
[11:08] <didrocks> seb128: so, just to be clear, you told me you didn't get that bug
[11:08] <didrocks> which is:
[11:08] <didrocks> 1. ensure you have a terminal window not maximized
[11:08] <didrocks> click on a menu item in the decorator
[11:08] <didrocks> then, press left
[11:08] <didrocks> (well, 2. and 3. ;))
[11:08] <xnox> larsu: \o/ finally full-max-sound instead of cripple one =)
[11:09] <didrocks> -> for me, the menu opened is then the global menu
[11:09] <seb128> didrocks, it cycles in the local menu for me
[11:09] <didrocks> I really have a weird version of the decoration :p
[11:09] <larsu> xnox: testing appreciated :)
[11:09] <seb128> didrocks, does it work in a guest session? ;-)
[11:09] <didrocks> seems I got the low-cost one :p
[11:09] <didrocks> let me see
[11:10] <xnox> larsu: as soon as my desktop bisects which of the 4 RAM modules is busted.
[11:10] <xnox> =)
[11:10] <xnox> with memtest
[11:10] <larsu> haha, have fun!
[11:12] <didrocks> and of course, it's working in a guest session
[11:12] <didrocks> I don't even have global menu shown at all
[11:12] <didrocks> when the app isn't maximized
[11:12] <didrocks> (and local menu was enabled by default on my session)
[11:12] <didrocks> not sure what happens, let me see u-c-c
[11:12] <didrocks> so…
[11:12] <didrocks> I have lim
[11:12] <didrocks> where the option in appearance is set to global menu
[11:14] <didrocks> and nothing in dconf…
[11:14] <didrocks> ok, now that I opened u-c-c, no more global menu (I think it set to global)
[11:14] <didrocks> and after selecting "in windows titlebar", I don't have that bug anymore
[11:15] <seb128> do you still have the wrong buttons?
[11:16] <seb128> seems like your config was in a weird state
[11:16] <didrocks> yeah, I have the wrong buttons though
[11:16] <didrocks> it's weird, I removed the compiz config though…
[11:17] <seb128> dconf config or .compiz directory?
[11:17] <didrocks> both…
[11:17] <seb128> brb, restarting with unity-lock-screen
[11:35] <mlankhorst> seb128: probably a llvmpipe bug then
[11:36] <seb128> mlankhorst, can you help getting it fixed, or at least reported to the right bug tracker?
[11:37] <mlankhorst> some way to reproduce would be nice
[11:38] <mlankhorst> drisw_update_tex_buffer (drawable=<optimized out>, ctx=<optimized out>, res=<optimized out>) at ../../../../../../../src/gallium/state_trackers/dri/sw/drisw.c:320
[11:38] <mlankhorst> look like garbage
[11:38] <seb128> does https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/unity/+bug/1055166 looks similar to you?
[11:38] <ubot2> Launchpad bug 1055166 in unity (Ubuntu) "compiz crashed with SIGSEGV in memmove() from drisw_update_tex_buffer() from dri_set_tex_buffer2() from operator() from compiz::opengl::bindTexImageGLX() from ... from unity::UnityWindow::DrawWindowDecoration" [High,Triaged]
[11:38] <mlankhorst> yeah
[11:38] <mlankhorst> same backtrace
[11:39] <seb128> duflu wrote "This one is coming from Unity trying to hand-draw decorations."
[11:39] <seb128> Trevinho, ^ is that an issue you are aware of/working on?
[11:39] <mlankhorst> some way to reproduce would be nice, even if it means running things in valgrind
[11:39] <seb128> mlankhorst, seems like the way to reproduce is "try to run unity from trusty in software rendering mode"
[11:40] <mlankhorst> seb128: yeah but LIBGL_ALWAYS_SOFTWARE=1 compiz is probably not enough
[11:40] <seb128> jibel, ^ do you have a way to reproduce the issue?
[11:41] <mlankhorst> that should be the way to force sw rendering at least
[11:46] <didrocks> ok, found it
[11:46] <didrocks> it's a form-factor=desktop
[11:46] <didrocks> which triggered this
[11:46] <didrocks> Trevinho: ^
[11:48] <seb128> where is that form-factor setting?
[11:48] <seb128> what are the other values?
[11:48] <didrocks> it was an old key, not sure where, I'm trying to get back to a working setup first :)
[11:49] <didrocks> (it was in unity code for sure)
[11:49] * didrocks lost ctrl + alt + T, even if it's set as shortcut
[11:49] <didrocks> (and yes, it's working in a guest session)
[12:00] <seb128> didrocks, it's nice to know that the unity team has all those "if username === didrocks" codepaths, make you feel like special ;-)
[12:01] <didrocks> yeah, it's so painful :p
[12:01] <didrocks> I clearly don't understand what is eating ctrl + alt + T
[12:01] <didrocks> if I reassign to ctrl + alt + u, no issue
[12:02] <didrocks> and nothing in dconf dump /
[12:02] <didrocks> seb128: btw, it's not the form factor that failed before
[12:02] <didrocks> seb128: it was before of the decor plugin was loaded
[12:02] <didrocks> becauseù
[12:02] <didrocks> because*
[12:03] <seb128> didrocks, ctrl-alt-t is handled by compiz itself
[12:03] <didrocks> so the migration didn't work
[12:03] <seb128> it's in the special keybindings there
[12:03] <didrocks> yeah, in system settings
[12:03] <didrocks> right?
[12:03] <didrocks> control center
[12:03] <seb128> no
[12:03] <seb128> ctrl-alt-t is handled in a special way in compiz
[12:03] <seb128> not through the normal keybindings handling
[12:04] <didrocks> it was before handled as a normal keybinding with the gnome compat
[12:04] <didrocks> so, where is it supposed to be defined now?
[12:04] <Laney> that UI works for me to configure it
[12:05] <didrocks> same here, if I set to anything else than Ctrl + alt + t :/
[12:06] <seb128> didrocks, ctrl-alt-t is set specifically in "compat with GNOME "in cssm
[12:06] <seb128> try to unset it from there?
[12:07] <didrocks> seb128: well, it disabled it in u-c-c at the same time
[12:07] <didrocks> (as it's the same key)
[12:08] <didrocks> and yeah, Ctrl + alt + T doesn't work
[12:08] <didrocks> setting ctrl + alt + U works :/
[12:09] <seb128> weird :/
[12:09] <didrocks> I tried creating a custom command as well…
[12:10] <mlankhorst> but back to the bug, how do I reproduce it?
[12:11] <seb128> I wonder if compiz/u-s-d fight for the key grabiing
[12:11] <didrocks> seb128: yeah, that's the most plausible one
[12:11] <seb128> mlankhorst, the compiz/software rendering one?
[12:11] <mlankhorst> yeah
[12:11] <seb128> mlankhorst, did you try to run compiz under LIBGL_ALWAYS_SOFTWARE=1?
[12:12] <seb128> mlankhorst, the reports seem to be along the line of "boot trusty daily iso in a virtualbox without 3d support"
[12:13] <mlankhorst> ah misunderstood it :P
[12:13] <didrocks> seb128: hum
[12:13] <didrocks> if I restart compiz
[12:13] <didrocks> it works
[12:13] <didrocks> let me try to logout/back
[12:13] * mlankhorst adds a bunch of dbgsyms
[12:14] * seb128 shakes fist at upstart and ssh-agent
[12:14] <seb128> which is that thing so unreliable?
[12:15] <mlankhorst> we should move to systemd
[12:15] <didrocks> ok, working now
[12:15] <didrocks> so yeah, probably a race
[12:15] <didrocks> still worried that the decor plugin wasn't removed on upgrade though
[12:17] <seb128> it was for me
[12:17] <seb128> it's weird because I even tried to readd it for testing and it seemed like unity would force unload it if it was loaded
[12:27] <seb128> bah, "Not touching package due to block request by freeze (contact #ubuntu-release if update is needed) "
[12:27] <Laney> beta week!
[12:28] <seb128> Laney, how comes it affects ubuntu-ui-toolkit?
[12:28] <seb128> I saw we blocked only seeds
[12:28] <Laney> seeded-in-ubuntu ubuntu-ui-toolkit
[12:28] <Laney> webbrowser-app is on the image now remember
[12:29] <seb128> oh, right
[12:29] <seb128> our turn to get back to the touch guys by blocking their landing due to desktop freezes? :p
=== jhernand1z is now known as jhernandez
[12:29] <seb128> didrocks, no UI toolkit fixes for you! :p
[12:30] <didrocks> seb128: I don't really care/wanted that change anyway :p
=== MacSlow is now known as MacSlow|lunch
[12:30] <seb128> didrocks, no pulseaudio fix for you! (better? :p)
[12:31] <didrocks> seb128: yeah, that one will maybe be discussed a little bit more :p
[12:31] * seb128 though we had shorter freezes nowadays
[12:31] <Laney> this is shorter
[12:32] <seb128> Laney, is it worth asking for u-c-c u-s-d to be moved in, or should I just wait for the end of week?
[12:32] * seb128 hates beta freezes
[12:33] <Laney> it'll be thursday
[12:33] * seb128 uses the "merge back in trunk even if not in destination" flag from didrocks
[12:33] <Laney> depends how urgently you think they should go in
[12:34] <seb128> I'm annoyed by things not being merged back in trunk more than by them not going to release
[12:34] <seb128> but CI train link both
[12:34] <didrocks> and you can thank me for implementing overriding when used responsibly :)
[12:34] <seb128> didrocks, indeed, thanks! ;-)
[12:35] <seb128> I'm just going to do that
[12:35] <didrocks> heh
[12:35] <seb128> I've already been abusing it while u-c-c was blocked in proposed some days ago
[12:35] <didrocks> as long as you care for it moving it and know the version isn't busted, that's fine :)
[12:36] <seb128> yeah, that's fine
[12:36] * seb128 looks at excuses and sees all those nices bugfixes being hostage of beta freeze
[12:36] <seb128> oh well, it's only a few days
[12:41] <jibel> mlankhorst, bug 1284588 is the same compiz crash with symbols for libgl1-mesa-dri, but retracing failed. so not very useful
[12:41] <ubot2> Launchpad bug 1284588 in compiz (Ubuntu) "compiz crashed with SIGSEGV in _wordcopy_fwd_aligned()" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1284588
[12:43] <mlankhorst> dup it :p
[13:00] <mlankhorst> hm looks like a drisw bug http://paste.debian.net/83976/
=== alan_g is now known as alan_g|lunch
[13:07] <seb128> mlankhorst, did you manage to reproduce then?
[13:18] <desrt> seb128: did you win? :)
[13:19] <seb128> desrt, oh, yesterday was training, no win or loosing ;-)
[13:19] <seb128> desrt, good morning!
[13:19] <desrt> everybody wins!
[13:19] <desrt> good morning :)
[13:19] <seb128> indeed
[13:23] <larsu> desrt: morning, how's it going?
[13:23] <desrt> good
[13:23] <desrt> my gmain stuff is already starting to land, a cycle early :)
[13:24] <desrt> still a lot of work there, though... turns out the relationship between GMainContext and GSource is slightly complicated. go figure.
[13:55] <desrt> hikiko: hey... i was looking at that add_dict_entry() code again and i actually found a very serious problem. i'd recommend replacing it with that new code ASAP. i don't think that it's doing what you think it's doing, at all
[13:55] <desrt> hikiko: in particular, you will probably notice that you can get duplicated dictionary entries...
[13:56] <desrt> char str[512];
[13:56] <desrt> g_variant_get_child (tmp, 0, "s", &str);
[13:57] <desrt> this will not put the string into that buffer... rather, it will put a pointer to a string into the buffer -- which you will then interpret as a string
[13:57] <desrt> the only reason this code doesn't crash outright is because the only thing you do with it is a strcmp and at some point out of 512 it is sure to contain a '\0'...
=== alan_g|lunch is now known as alan_g
[14:00] <hikiko> desrt, thanks, I ll check it in a while and change it to use the builder, I didnt get any duplicated entries though
[14:00] <hikiko> I had a debug function that was printing the dict
[14:00] <desrt> interesting...
[14:00] <hikiko> and everything looked fine
[14:01] <hikiko> I'll be back in 15 minutes (lunch) to see what's wrong and give you the code that prints the entries
[14:01] <hikiko> to check
[14:01] <hikiko> if you like
[14:01] <desrt> hikiko: would be interesting if you added a printf() for 'str' each time around that loop, just before the strcmp -- i think you'd be surprised at what's in there
[14:02] <hikiko> yes I had one let me show you
[14:02] <hikiko> I just deleted them in the final branch
[14:02] <desrt> ohhhh... wait.
[14:02] <desrt> i take it back
[14:02] <desrt> this is EXTREMELY confusing:
[14:02] <desrt> char str[512];
[14:02] <desrt> later...
[14:02] <cyphermox> Mirv: I have 2.0 in my own PPA, been testing it for a while
[14:02] <desrt> {
[14:02] <desrt> int val = 0; char *str;
[14:03] <desrt> i misunderstood it because of that
[14:03] <seb128> desrt, could you have a look to https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/glib2.0/+bug/1284647?
[14:03] <ubot2> Launchpad bug 1284647 in glib2.0 (Ubuntu) "gsettings crashed with SIGSEGV in g_settings_backend_dispatch_signal()" [Medium,New]
[14:04] <desrt> yup
[14:04] <seb128> thanks
[14:04] <Mirv> cyphermox: yes I know, I got it from there during the spring and now updated to 2.1 which continues to work fine (+ probably better)
[14:04] <desrt> seb128: i've seen this bug from time to time...
[14:04] <seb128> desrt, likely https://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=710367 ?
[14:04] <ubot2> Gnome bug 710367 in gsettings backend "Crash in g_settings_backend_dispatch_signal()" [Major,Unconfirmed]
[14:04] <desrt> but always somewhat rare and difficult to trace
[14:05] <desrt> seb128: i'm pretty sure it's an invalid use of gsettings, but it's a use that i plan to make valid...
[14:05] <desrt> since it's common and (honestly) not that much to expect that it would already work this way
[14:05] <seb128> desrt, the launchpad report is from the "gsettings" command line...
[14:05] <desrt> that's new.
[14:05] <seb128> do you have invalid gsettings use in there? ;-)
[14:05] <desrt> seb128: it's possible :)
[14:05] * desrt wants to see this stack trace :)
[14:06] <desrt> seb128: now you have my attention :)
[14:06] <seb128> desrt, it's on the bug
[14:06] <desrt> seb128: looking
[14:13] <hikiko> https://code.launchpad.net/~hikiko/unity-control-center/unity-control-center.per-monitor-fonts-scale-factor-slider/+merge/205227 what happened to the history? :s :/
[14:13] <xnox> seb128: unity8-desktop-session is stuck in proposed =(
[14:13] <xnox> seb128: * arm64: unity8-desktop-session-mir
[14:14] <seb128> hikiko, you pushed over the wrong location yesterday, that nuked it
[14:14] <xnox> can't wait to try it on my convertable
[14:14] <hikiko> oh nooooo
[14:14] <hikiko> https://code.launchpad.net/~hikiko/unity-control-center/unity-control-center.per-monitor-fonts-scale-factor-slider/+merge/205227/comments/484957 <- I am looking for that func btw
[14:14] <hikiko> well be back in 15 minutes to either find it or rewrite it
[14:15] <hikiko> because I was printing everything before/after get/set
[14:15] <hikiko> and the values were ok
[14:15] <hikiko> desrt, ^ brb to find it
[14:16] <desrt> hikiko: don't worry about printing it out. i believe you now :)
[14:16] <mlankhorst> seb128: hm the failling crash reported by valgrind call maps to a BadRequest for XGetGeometry
[14:17] <desrt> hikiko: the way you declared a variable in one way globally and then shadowed it with a variable of the same name declared inside of a block on the same line as a variable of a different type confused me. you should not do that :)
[14:21] <seb128> xnox, is that because it's not installable on that arch?
[14:21] <xnox> seb128: yeah.
[14:22] <xnox> seb128: which is shocking, given that it's a new package....
[14:22] <seb128> xnox, should be add an hackish build-depends on unity8 to depwait on e.g arm64?
[14:22] <xnox> seb128: i see, it does increase uninstall coun by one =)
[14:22] <xnox> seb128: dep-wait is usually the best way, yes.
[14:24] <seb128> xnox, I don't understand briney
[14:24] <desrt> seb128: i hate gobject
[14:24] <seb128> britney
[14:24] <seb128> why do we care about installability of things that have never been installable?
[14:24] <desrt> (read: i figured out the bug)
[14:25] <seb128> it sucks to have to b-d on unity8
[14:25] <seb128> desrt, found the issue?
[14:25] <seb128> "good" (is it easy to fix/workaround?)
[14:25] <desrt> no
[14:26] <seb128> what's the issue?
[14:26] <xnox> seb128: oh, it cares about total number only. So e.g. it will hapily trade: unity uninstallable, for unity8-desktop-session, such that total number of uninstallable packages on the architecture stays same or goes down.
[14:26] <desrt> basically, if a signal arrives just as someone drops the last ref on a gsettings (irrespective of if they have a signal connected or not) then a race occurs -- and if the signal handler grabs the mutex first, it will increase the reference count on the object that is in the middle of destruction.... but in the other thread, we are waiting on the mutex acquire in the remove-from-list function.... after we unlock, we have a ref on the dead object, but
[14:26] <xnox> seb128: this is to prevent arch-scew on first time a package is uploaded.
[14:27] <xnox> seb128: cause it can't know if it's uninstallable.... or it's just arch:all etc packages weren't built yet.
[14:27] <desrt> seb128: it has to do with how our weak reference notifies really have nothing at all to do with object lifecycle, but rather with disposing
[14:27] <seb128> desrt, irc cut at "but"
[14:27] <desrt> but it will still be removed from the list.... and then we access the list and crash.
[14:28] <xnox> seb128: at least this is what i gather. that's why removing packages can be dangerous, cause it will go "oh look uninstall count went up, and i can shove random crap in and uninstall count will stay the same"
[14:28] <desrt> there were two 'but' there. hope that was the right one :)
[14:28] <seb128> hum, "fun"
[14:28] <desrt> seb128: fun and very difficult to fix.
[14:28] <seb128> it was
[14:28] <seb128> good luck :/
[14:28] * desrt has a complicated plan that just moved a few notches up his todo list
[14:29] <seb128> xnox, I guess that makes sense, in practice we just got bitten often there because of qt5 missing on those arch, we need 5.2 to land
[14:29] <xnox> seb128: oh, are you landing it now, then?! =)
[14:29] <xnox> *shiny*
[14:30] <seb128> I wish we would, I'm not the one deciding
[14:30] <xnox> it's a negative cost-saving at this point, the longer we delay the less time we have to resolve things.
[14:31] <seb128> bregma, can you make unity8-desktop-session b-d on unity8? cf backlog for details, basically britney doesn't like the fact it builds on arm64 but can't be installed there because unity8 isn't available on it
[14:31] <seb128> xnox, yeah, you don't need to convince me, but the touch team has that 0 regression rule
[14:33] <bregma> seb128, sure, I guess, but wouldn't specifying [!arm64] be cleaner?
[14:38] <hikiko> back
[14:38] <hikiko> ok desrt :)
[14:39] <hikiko> desrt, if you agree, I ll leave it like that for the moment to fix more urgent errors (I mean since this is not a real bug but a better coding style) and come back to it at a later point
[14:39] <desrt> hikiko: sounds good -- but there is still a leak in there :)
[14:39] <desrt> so don't wait too long
[14:39] <hikiko> leak?
[14:40] <desrt> ya... you call malloc() [instead of g_new...] and then don't call free()
[14:40] <hikiko> oh that's a bug then :D
[14:40] <hikiko> I ll fix this!!
[14:40] <larsu> desrt: do you mind writing these all down in a comment on the MR so that it's documented?
[14:40] <desrt> hikiko: if you're going to do that, then just rewrite using GVariantBuilder :)
[14:41] <hikiko> desrt, ok! I will push in a while
[14:46] <desrt> hikiko: i'm happy to review when you're done
[14:48] <ogra> does anyone know how rtkit makes sure to get the right cgroup setup for pulse in the desktop ?
[14:49] <ogra> we have an issue on the phone (where pulse is just fired up by an upstart session job) where rtkit dislikes to give any realtime capabilities to pulse
[14:49] <ogra> seems this works flawless on my trusty laptop
[14:49] <didrocks> ok, going for a run
[14:50] <ogra> (i assume that the session manager configures something we are missing in the phone setup, i just cant seem to find what/where)
[14:53] <ochosi> tedg: hey! how's it going with the indicator-upstart transition?
[14:54] <ali1234> tedg: i was just looking at your indicator branches and i'm slightly worried by all the "OnlyShowIn:Unity" everywhere...
[14:54] <seb128> bregma, well, then you would have a unity8-desktop-session-mir binary that isn't working since it wouldn't bring unity8
[14:54] <seb128> bregma, you could as well change the arch: any to list the archs where unity8 is available then
[14:54] <seb128> which is another valid option
[14:56] <Laney> ali1234: indeed, that seems weird --- as those xdg autostart files aren't even needed under an upstart user session
[14:57] <ali1234> one of them actually has "OnlyShowIn:Unity;Xfce"
[14:57] <Laney> my poor gnome session
[14:57] <ali1234> so i'm mostly wondering why the others don't
[14:57] <ali1234> elementary also uses this stuff
[14:58] <mdeslaur> ogra: IIRC, it has nothing to do with cgroups. rtkit listens on the system bus. pulse requests to be bumped to realtime, rtkit adjusts priority
[14:58] <Laney> what's their OnlyShowIn value?
[14:58] <Laney> anyway, leave a review comment
[14:59] <mdeslaur> ogra: you need a working policykit (does that work on the phone?)
[14:59] <ali1234> i have absolutely no idea, but i could find out i suppose
[14:59] <tedg> ochosi, Okay, they're blocked on the android stuff in Ubuntu Touch right now :-(
[14:59] <ogra> mdeslaur, and if CONFIG_RT_GROUP_SCHED is set in the kernel and unconfigured this can only be done for root
[14:59] <ogra> at least according to the kernel docs
[14:59] <tedg> ali1234, Yeah, I just didn't want to have them start everywhere if they get installed. I put XFCE on the ones I thought you guys used.
[14:59] <Laney> dunno, you could just remove that line
[14:59] <Laney> but then people who don't want it would get it
[14:59] <mdeslaur> ogra: yes, rtkit runs as root
[15:00] <tedg> ali1234, Happy to update or change them.
[15:00] <ali1234> tedg: well i personally use messages, sound, sync, bluetooth, and application
[15:00] <ogra> mdeslaur, runs as "rtkit" here
[15:00] <ali1234> oh and datetime
[15:00] <ali1234> basically all of them
[15:01] <ali1234> i don't think we have decided which ones will be default - that rather depends on which ones actually work for us, which currently is none of them
[15:01] <tedg> ali1234, So do you think the services should start on XFCE if they're installed?
[15:01] <ali1234> yes
[15:01] <ochosi> and power
[15:01] <mdeslaur> ogra: the daemon drops privs buts keeps CAP_SYS_NICE
[15:01] <ali1234> certainly if indicator-plugin is on the panel
[15:01] <Laney> and GNOME
[15:01] <tedg> Okay, I can do that. You guys can override if you want to control that.
[15:02] <ali1234> since we use upstart, we can run them only if the plugin is loaded
[15:02] <Laney> the xdg autostart files are irrelevent if you use upstart
[15:02] <tedg> Yeah, Upstart will turn off the XDG files.
[15:02] <Laney> modulo the OnlyShowIn I guess
[15:02] <ali1234> right, but one of them has a check for SESSION=unity in the upstart script
[15:02] <tedg> Ah, yes.
[15:02] <ali1234> -sync iirc
[15:03] <tedg> We should probably then just block it from the greeter instead of checking Unity.
[15:03] <ochosi> yeah, isn't there the greeter-mode for indicators?
[15:03] <ochosi> sounds like a good way to block
[15:03] <tedg> Yes, but we were trying to ensure it didn't start at all, even in greeter mode.
[15:04] <ochosi> ok
[15:04] <ali1234> i do know that elementary doesn't use upstart, but they were talking about adapting the way they get launched to their own session init anyway
[15:05] <tedg> So it's application, printers and sync that do that. And they're trying not to start in unity8.
[15:05] <tedg> Because they use DBusMenu which Unity8 doesn't support.
[15:06] <hikiko> sorry desrt I had switch wm and didnt see you talked, I ll ping you when it's done, thanks
[15:06] <tedg> I can make them just block on unity8
[15:08] <GunnarHj> seb128: Hi Sebastien!
[15:08] <ali1234> tedg: that would be great, thanks :)
[15:08] <seb128> GunnarHj, hey, congrats on the ppu for ubuntu-doc ;-)
[15:09] <Laney> bah, my internets went down
[15:09] * Laney is tethered
[15:09] <GunnarHj> seb128: Thanks. Time for today's question? ;-)
[15:09] <seb128> TheMuso, hey, are you looking at https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/unity-control-center/+bug/1266312 ?
[15:09] <ubot2> Launchpad bug 1266312 in unity-control-center (Ubuntu) "Mute button is not labelled and Test sound button does not activate with Orca" [High,In progress]
[15:09] <seb128> GunnarHj, sure
[15:09] <GunnarHj> seb128: I prepared the micro package mythes-sv (Swedish thesaurus) yesterday, and would like it to be included in the archive.
[15:09] <GunnarHj> https://launchpad.net/~gunnarhj/+archive/mythes-sv
[15:09] <GunnarHj> It would be pulled by language-selector when Swedish is installed.
[15:09] <GunnarHj> Should I commit to a bzr branch to start with? What about naming? (Sooner or later it ought to be in Debian as well.)
[15:09] <seb128> TheMuso, https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/unity-control-center/+bug/1266291 as well
[15:09] <ubot2> Launchpad bug 1266291 in unity-control-center (Ubuntu) "Workspace switcher toggle in Appearance Behaviour tab not available to Orca" [High,In progress]
[15:11] <seb128> GunnarHj, bzr branch works fine, you can also put a source package in a ppa if you prefer
[15:11] <seb128> GunnarHj, naming, follow what is done for e.g http://packages.qa.debian.org/m/mythes-it.html
[15:12] <GunnarHj> seb128: Should it be with or without ubuntu1?
[15:12] <seb128> GunnarHj, it doesn't matter much, the version can be changed for Debian if/when they upload it
[15:13] <GunnarHj> seb128: Ok, thanks. Then I'll make a couple of mods and get back to you.
[15:13] <seb128> yw, ok
[15:30] <Laney> what the hell
[15:30] <Laney> why is my computer ringing at me
[15:30] <Laney> about the meeting
[15:30] <seb128> haha
[15:30] <seb128> same here
[15:30] <seb128> indicator-datetime sending a notification with actions
[15:30] <seb128> it's meeting time!
[15:30] <Laney> I pressed OK
[15:30] <Laney> how do I stop it
[15:30] <Laney> argh
[15:30] <seb128> ok
[15:30] <seb128> lol
[15:30] <Laney> there's no dialog left!
[15:30] <Laney> TED
[15:30] <Laney> WHY
[15:30] <seb128> I pressed accept, that made the ringing stop
[15:30] <seb128> haha
[15:30] <seb128> charles_, tedg: ^
[15:31] <seb128> it's actually nice to have a reminder working
[15:31] <Laney> hahaha
[15:31] <Laney> the idea is good
[15:31] <seb128> the UI is suboptimal on desktop though :p
[15:31] <seb128> notify-osd ftl
[15:31] <charles_> the notify dialogs pop up underneath the other windows
=== charles_ is now known as charles
[15:31] <Laney> it popped up on top
[15:31] <seb128> qengho, Sweetshark, mlankhorst, Laney, tkamppeter, desrt, attente, larsu, kenvandine: hey, it's meeting time ;-)
[15:31] <Laney> I clicked OK, the dialog was dismissed and yet it was still ringing
[15:32] <desrt> zomg meeting
[15:32] <seb128> it had 4 buttons
[15:32] <Laney> yeah
[15:32] <charles> that's not good
[15:32] <seb128> notify-osd fallback dialogs suck
[15:32] <Laney> try not to get a fallback ...
[15:32] <seb128> I assume it's one of those
[15:32] <Laney> I don't know if I needed it to ring at me
[15:32] * kenvandine waves
[15:32] <seb128> can we get actions on notifications? ;-)
[15:32] <larsu> ...
[15:33] <seb128> ok, let's get started before the trolls catch us
[15:33] <charles> on the phone there are only two buttons in the notification -- I don't know if/how we can disable the other buttons on desktop
[15:33] <seb128> ;-)
[15:33] * desrt smacks seb around with google's mountainview campus
[15:33] <seb128> utch
[15:33] <kenvandine> haha
[15:33] <seb128> (deserved I guess)
[15:33] <seb128> ok, let's get started ;-)
[15:33] <seb128> qengho, hey
[15:33] <desrt> (the crittenden one)
[15:34] <charles> I'll take a look at it and see. My guess Laney is that you clicked the wrong button, one of the other two no-op buttons that notify-osd is throwing up for who knows why
[15:34] <seb128> no qengho?
[15:34] <Laney> i'll do you a bug
[15:34] <charles> Laney, ty
[15:34] <seb128> Sweetshark, you are next ;-)
[15:35] <Sweetshark> - prepared libreoffice-dicts
[15:35] <Sweetshark> - some more rules cleanup
[15:36] <seb128> (somebody is typing his summary on the go there :p)
[15:36] <Sweetshark> - chasing some l10n issues
[15:36] <Sweetshark> (indeed)
[15:36] <Sweetshark> EOF
[15:36] <seb128> how is 4.2.1 looking bugswise?
[15:36] <seb128> e.g are we in good shape for trusty?
[15:37] <Sweetshark> well, calc has more bugs than I would like to from upstream refactoring.
[15:38] <Sweetshark> but packaging-wise it should be good. and upgstream gives us another update.
[15:38] <seb128> ok, good
[15:39] <seb128> Sweetshark, thanks
[15:39] <seb128> mlankhorst, hey
=== alan_g is now known as alan_g|tea
[15:39] <desrt> tsk tsk tsk
[15:39] <seb128> qengho, mlankhorst: it's meeting time, please be around
[15:40] <seb128> Laney, your turn
[15:40] <qengho> Oh, I didn't see.
[15:40] <qengho> I'm ready.
[15:40] <Laney> hah
[15:40] * Laney has JITed his report
[15:40] <Laney> qengho: you go
[15:40] <seb128> qengho, ok, you are up
[15:40] <qengho> - done: chromium high-DPI. Submitting patch upstream.
[15:40] <qengho> - todo: chromium touch support.
[15:40] <qengho> - todo: new release 33.0.1750.117. new major version, so some testing necessary.
[15:40] <qengho> EOF
[15:40] <seb128> do you have a ppa with the touch/hidpi work? need testers? ;-)
[15:41] <seb128> seems there is some lag there
[15:41] <seb128> Laney, want to come back at the end of list?
[15:41] <Laney> why lag?
[15:42] <seb128> Laney, qengho is not really responsive
[15:42] <Laney> oh, him not me
[15:42] <seb128> right
[15:42] <seb128> sorry :p
[15:42] <seb128> those 2 lines were not in the same context
[15:42] <qengho> I am preparing a PPA. It's bleeding-edge dev line, so packaging is wonky.
[15:42] <seb128> qengho is lagging so I moved to the next one
[15:42] <qengho> I'll announce ppa later today.
[15:42] <seb128> qengho, thanks
[15:42] <Laney> I don't get why you suggest that I go at the end :P
[15:43] <seb128> Laney, next is you, so I was asking if you got your summary back or want to go at the end ;-)
[15:43] <Laney> ah
[15:43] <Laney> yes I'm here
[15:43] <Laney> lemme do it
[15:43] <seb128> * Laney has JITed his report
[15:43] <seb128> I maybe misunderstood "JITed" :p
[15:43] <Laney> I meant that I finished it about 0.1 seconds previously
[15:43] <seb128> oh ok
[15:43] <seb128> I though you deleted it or something
[15:43] <seb128> Laney, your turn then ;-)
[15:43] <Laney> "just in time"
[15:43] <seb128> oooh
[15:43] <seb128> gotcha!
[15:43] <Laney> • Some GNOME updates: gtk-doc glib2.0 d-conf webkitgtk grilo p11-kit
[15:43] <Laney> • Pre feature-freeze sponsoring and merges
[15:43] <Laney> • Fixes to try and get g-s-d off the CD
[15:43] <Laney> • Fix pango1.0 copyright file in Debian to try and get it past NEW (take 2)
[15:43] <Laney> • Feature freeze! Review some FFes
[15:43] <Laney> • Start the DMB election
[15:43] <Laney> • Review some u-c-c/u-s-d/g-u-t-s merges
[15:43] <Laney> • Fix u-s-d's screenshot media key handling
[15:44] <Laney> • Rename gsettings-ubuntu-touch-schemas to drop the 'touch'
[15:44] <Laney> • Propose a split to unity-greeter to allow the generated Ubuntu logo to be used by other packages
[15:44] <Laney> • u-s-s: Many discussions about the updates bug; try out the silo; get bug #1248217; debug this - it's likely to be a bug or incorrect usage of system-image. I can see a partial workaround in u-s-s, but not a full one. Hopefully barry will come around to changing s-i for us.
[15:44] <ubot2> Launchpad bug 1248217 in Fluidity "def Val gives seg fault" [Medium,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1248217
[15:44] <Laney> • Bit of fun time detective work to find out why some archive reports were full of blatant lies. Some ppc64el snapshot is messing things up; best ignore any odd results until that goes away.
[15:44] <Laney> ☂
[15:44] * seb128 has a feeling that bug number is wrong
[15:44] <Laney> it sure is
[15:44] <Laney> https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu-system-image/+bug/1284217
[15:44] <ubot2> Launchpad bug 1284217 in ubuntu-system-settings (Ubuntu) "[updates] Displays a spinner indefinitely when an update download was started externally" [Critical,Triaged]
[15:45] <seb128> that makes more sense ;-)
[15:45] <seb128> thanks for looking at those issues
[15:45] <seb128> how is the FFe queue looking from what you saw? anything scary (out of qt 5.2 and maybe unity screenlock)?
[15:46] <Laney> hooking up the scaling slider
[15:46] <Laney> and some cloud things, nothing too insane
[15:46] <Laney> although I noticed that doko randomly started an octave transition without FFe
[15:46] <Laney> naughty boy
[15:46] <seb128> yeah, saw that
[15:47] <seb128> Laney, thanks
[15:47] <seb128> tkamppeter, hey
[15:47] <tkamppeter> - CUPS: Patched the CUPS daemon (scheduler) to be able to Bonjour-broadcast shared printers also if avahi-daemon is started after CUPS and also to recover broadcasting when avahi-daemon is shut down or crashes and restarted while CUPS is running. This eliminates Upstart and package dependencies between CUPS and avahi-daemon and makes Ubuntu systems more reliable and user-friendly when it comes to configuration changes or updates of
[15:47] <tkamppeter> avahi-daemon.
[15:47] <tkamppeter> - Gutenprint: With version 5.2.10 there comes a special USB backend which makes most dye sublimation photo printers working. Also device IDs for more reliable setup of Canon inkjets are included.
[15:47] <tkamppeter> - Feature Freeze: Made sure all printing-related packages are up-to-date: Updated system-config-printer, cups-filters, foomatic-db, foomatic-db-engine, python-cups, gutenprint, pnm2ppa, min12xxw, foo2zjs.
[15:47] <tkamppeter> - The Linux Foundation got accepted as mentoring organization for the Google Summer of Code 2014, and so projects like OpenPrinting and the Linux kernel can run student projects. Ideas list: https://www.linuxfoundation.org/collaborate/workgroups/gsoc/google-summer-code-2014
[15:47] <tkamppeter> - Bugs.
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[15:49] <seb128> tkamppeter, did you land everything you want in for feature freeze?
[15:49] <tkamppeter> seb128, yes.
[15:49] <seb128> excellent
[15:49] <seb128> tkamppeter, thanks
[15:49] <seb128> desrt, your turn ;-)
[15:50] * desrt tries to paste one at a time this week
[15:50] <desrt> did some reviews for control centre and unity-gtk-module
[15:50] <tkamppeter> seb128, id FF also relevant for Ubuntu Touch or only for desktop/server?
[15:50] * desrt waits
[15:50] <kenvandine> i never got an answer on that...
[15:50] <desrt> tkamppeter: iirc, they had MWC freeze for touch :)
[15:50] <kenvandine> i know i have lots to land :)
[15:50] <tkamppeter> desrt, OK, thanks.
[15:50] <Laney> https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+bug/1282590
[15:50] <ubot2> Launchpad bug 1282590 in Ubuntu "[FFe] standing freeze exception in trusty for Ubuntu Touch-specific packages" [Undecided,Confirmed]
[15:51] <seb128> I was looking for the number
[15:51] <seb128> thanks Laney
[15:51] <kenvandine> Laney, thanks!
[15:51] <seb128> tkamppeter, ^
[15:51] <Laney> Ubuntu/release/lp is a glorious mailbox
[15:51] <seb128> ;-)
[15:51] <desrt> okay
[15:51] <desrt> did some reviews for control centre and unity-gtk-module
[15:51] <desrt> fix dconf file-db crasher: maybe vendor-patch that until the release?
[15:51] <tkamppeter> seb128, thanks.
[15:51] <desrt> tracked down the only bug in gsettings: have a plan for fixing it, but it's non-trivial
[15:51] <desrt> gmaincontext work continues -- many changes already merged (~15 commits), including socket work and some gsource cleanups
[15:51] <desrt> tested out the new portability policy and broke glib on hurd, uclibc and winpthreads: upstreams are fixing their stuff to work better with us now
[15:51] <desrt> found the asyncqueue pthread_cond_timedwait bug: turned out to only impact 32bit which is why we didn't find it
[15:51] <desrt> planning to sort out the one remaining test failure on Laney's list this week
[15:52] <desrt> fin
[15:52] <Laney> can it be solved with a sleep?
[15:52] <desrt> Laney: i resolved it with math!!
[15:52] <Laney> (hahaha)
[15:52] <desrt> namely, 64bit math
[15:52] <Laney> ah, the cmpfloat things?
[15:52] <desrt> no
[15:52] <desrt> in the asyncqueue test the reason we sometimes ended up with a non-sense negative time is because we were doing 32bit math in a time calculation in microseconds and it wrapped
[15:53] <desrt> so now we always do it 64
[15:53] <desrt> but now that i think about it i should probably add an extra check to make sure this value is never negative -- which it could be if the user passed us a very old timestamp from outside
[15:53] <desrt> (ie: negative relative time)
[15:54] <Laney> sounds like an actual bug
[15:54] <Laney> go tests
[15:54] <desrt> it was an actual bug
[15:54] <desrt> :)
[15:54] <desrt> i'll add another testcase that triggers the negative time case i was just mentioning and fix that too
[15:54] <Laney> nod
[15:55] <desrt> Laney: btw: the dconf fix is this one: https://git.gnome.org/browse/dconf/commit/?id=54a490e4d9b5a788fa63011fb6ff73ad1c1ebf80
[15:55] <desrt> "doctor. it crashes when i press here!"
[15:55] <Laney> is the release monday?
[15:55] <desrt> <doctor> here?
[15:55] <desrt> "ow!"
[15:56] <desrt> Laney: following monday, i think?
[15:56] * desrt never remembers
[15:56] <desrt> oh no. you're right. next monday.
[15:56] <desrt> can probably wait
[15:56] <Laney> we have a beta freeze until thursday, just wondering if I should push it through all of that or wait for release
[15:57] <desrt> afaik nobody in ubuntu is actually using this code (Although the phone guys said they need it very much)
[15:57] <Laney> so, let me know if they start complaining :)
[15:57] <desrt> will do
[15:58] <Laney> is seb128 broken?
[15:58] <desrt> yes. i think so.
[15:58] <desrt> seb128: wake up!
[15:59] * Laney hands desrt the backup chair
[15:59] <desrt> attente: your turn :)
[15:59] <attente> hi desrt
[15:59] <desrt> mm. comfy.
[15:59] <attente> re-writing the MP to fix alt mnemonics in gnome-terminal
[15:59] <attente> if u-s-d is killed/dies, shortcuts break... need to figure out a fix
[15:59] <attente> EOF
[16:00] <desrt> attente: is that because the dbus interface for requesting key watches is stateful and has no way of rebooting itself post-crash?
[16:00] <seb128> (sorry, got an unity segfault, which "blocked" my session while apport was dealing with the process before letting it respawn)
[16:00] <attente> desrt, yep
[16:00] <seb128> yeah, I don't know if they are using it yet
[16:00] <seb128> desrt, thanks
[16:00] <seb128> larsu, hey
[16:00] <desrt> attente: my two suggestions:
[16:00] <desrt> 1) don't worry
[16:00] <desrt> or
[16:00] <desrt> 2) put a file in the xdgruntime dir
[16:00] <seb128> (sorry, wifi stopped transfering datas again, I noticed when the IRC lag-o-meter was reaching quite some lag)
[16:00] <larsu> lol
[16:00] <larsu> hi
[16:00] <GunnarHj> seb128: Getting back about mythes-sv
[16:00] <GunnarHj> branch: https://code.launchpad.net/~gunnarhj/+junk/mythes-sv
[16:00] <seb128> larsu, sorry, attente first ;-)
[16:00] <GunnarHj> ppa: https://launchpad.net/~gunnarhj/+archive/mythes-sv (build queue)
[16:01] <GunnarHj> Can you please review it and take it from there?
[16:01] <larsu> seb128: ok
[16:01] <seb128> GunnarHj, we are in a meeting, please in a bit
[16:01] <attente> oh. seb128, i just went :)
[16:01] <Laney> chaos ensues
[16:01] <larsu> attente: I think he didn't get that
[16:01] <desrt> attente: i can chat with you about that after
[16:01] <seb128> GunnarHj, can you open a bug and subscribe ubuntu-sponsors?
[16:01] <seb128> attente, reading backlog
[16:01] <attente> desrt, anyways, i know shell deals with it properly somehow, but no idea how
[16:01] <GunnarHj> seb128: Against which package?
[16:02] <seb128> GunnarHj, none, just ubuntu
[16:02] <desrt> attente: if shell crashes the session dies?
[16:02] <GunnarHj> seb128: ok
[16:02] <attente> desrt, no if g-s-d crashes/killed, then media keys plugin still works
[16:02] <larsu> ooh is this my bug?
[16:02] <attente> larsu, yep :)
[16:02] <seb128> attente, in practice if g-s-d/u-s-d goes down you have other issues (like some apps don't handle theming properly when that happens)
[16:02] <desrt> attente: lol. gnome-shell has a runtime state directory in xdg-runtime-dir
[16:02] <desrt> attente: looks like they had the same idea as me :)
[16:03] <seb128> but it would be nice to fix if we can
[16:03] <attente> desrt, ok, i'll try that
[16:03] <seb128> attente, thanks
[16:03] <desrt> attente: just spit out a keyfile or soemthing simple
[16:03] <desrt> and check if it's there on startup to parse again
[16:03] <larsu> hm? A file?
[16:03] <seb128> attente, that's low priority I would say, u-s-d should be stable
[16:03] * larsu didn't pay enough attention
[16:04] <larsu> seb128: lol, I have a patch in there now
[16:04] <seb128> handling failures gracefully is a nice to have, but lower in the queue than bugs happening in normal use
[16:04] <attente> seb128, ok, hope so :)
[16:04] <desrt> larsu: tldr: g-s-d gets dbus calls to register watches for certain keybindings to signal people over dbus. if it crashes and gets restarted then it forgets all the requests.
[16:04] <larsu> desrt: dude, I tracked down and reported this bug...
[16:04] <seb128> hah
[16:04] <attente> lol
[16:04] <larsu> desrt: I want to know why the fix involves a file...
[16:04] <seb128> larsu, bug number?
[16:05] <larsu> seb128: #toronto :/
[16:05] <desrt> larsu: putting a small file in xdgruntime dir is a good way of keeping state between crash/restart
[16:05] <larsu> seb128: I was randomly ranting at attente because he knows about shortcuts
[16:05] <seb128> k
[16:05] <larsu> and he said, "wait, I wrote that code"
[16:05] <larsu> desrt: it's about u-s-d crashing and not the shell
[16:05] <larsu> but that would be worthwhile anyway I guess
[16:06] <desrt> larsu: i know. i propose that u-s-d writes thie file on changes and attempts to read it on startup.
[16:06] <larsu> no...
[16:06] <desrt> it's tmpfs so it's going to be fast...
[16:06] <larsu> why can't it just call GRabAccels again on restart?
[16:06] <desrt> larsu: on what accels?
[16:06] <larsu> that's what it does right now
[16:06] <larsu> clearly we're talking about something different here. Let's move this to after the meeting
[16:07] <desrt> indeed :)
[16:07] <seb128> +1
[16:07] <seb128> attente, thanks
[16:07] <attente> seb128, thanks :)
[16:07] <seb128> larsu, your turn (for other topics than this bug ;-)
[16:07] <larsu> ya. I've finished the allow-amplified-volume stuff
[16:08] <larsu> in i-sound, u-c-c and u-s-d (hacking on that made me find this bug)
[16:08] <larsu> should be working now, testing appreciated
[16:08] <larsu> I've also worked on bringing a menu bar back to nautilus
[16:08] <larsu> I'm almost done with that, currently shuffling around menu xml
[16:08] <seb128> (works fine here, settings, indicator and keys)
[16:09] <larsu> of course it'll need some testing and upstreaming
[16:09] <larsu> seb128: awesome :)
[16:09] <seb128> let me know when you have a patch ready to test, I'm happy to give it a try
[16:09] <larsu> cool
[16:09] <larsu> will do
[16:09] <larsu> oh, err, eof
[16:10] <seb128> larsu, thanks
[16:10] <seb128> kenvandine, hey ;-)
[16:10] <kenvandine> hey
[16:11] <kenvandine> working on exposing the name and icon provided in the .desktop file to confined apps via the hub
[16:11] <kenvandine> since they don't have access to load the icons
[16:11] <kenvandine> and working with elleo on the qml bindings changes
[16:11] <kenvandine> /EOF
[16:11] <ochosi> larsu: the allow-amplified is configured how again? gsettings? dconf?
[16:12] <larsu> gsettings
[16:12] <larsu> in ubuntu-touch-schemas
[16:12] <larsu> or however that package is named
[16:12] <seb128> kenvandine, how far are you from having something we can play with/try to use with u-s-s/ringtone?
[16:12] <ochosi> i'm just wondering whether it makes sense to enable that in xubuntu
[16:12] <seb128> ochosi, larsu: gsettings-ubuntu-schemas
[16:12] <larsu> thanks seb128
[16:13] <seb128> ochosi, https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gsettings-ubuntu-touch-schemas/0.0.1+14.04.20140224-0ubuntu1
[16:13] <kenvandine> seb128, you should wait until the new QML bindings are ready, maybe a week or 2
[16:13] <larsu> ochosi: if you have that package and unity-{c-c,s-d} I don't see a reason why not
[16:13] <ochosi> larsu: we only have pavucontrol instead of unity-*
[16:13] <seb128> kenvandine, ok, good, let me some time to catch up with post-ff backlog and bugs ;-)
[16:14] <seb128> kenvandine, thanks
[16:14] <kenvandine> yeah
[16:14] <kenvandine> and i'll need time to get all these branches queued up to land :)
[16:14] <larsu> ochosi: then it doesn't make a lot of sense. pavucontrol doesn't know about this key
[16:14] <ochosi> larsu: well pavucontrol allows the 150% itself in fact
[16:14] <seb128> ok, my turn
[16:14] <seb128> ochosi, larsu: please wait a few minutes for the meeting to be over to discuss it
[16:15] <seb128> so, my week in summary
[16:15] <seb128> got gnome-control-center dropped from the desktop iso (by fixing some leftover recommends)
[16:15] <seb128> • desktop updates (gdk-pixdbuf, glibmm, shotwell, totem-pl-parser,
[16:15] <seb128> • some sponsoring
[16:15] <seb128> • dropped fallback automounted from g-s-d, it's not needed in g-s and was conflict with u-s-d
[16:15] <seb128> • got a traditional menubar in file-roller (the work in master from larsu was not easily backportable so went for an alternative solution for this cycle)
[16:15] <seb128> • backported some upstream fixes and small improvements for nautilus
[16:15] <seb128> • quite some unity-control-center work (backported improvements from gnome-3-8 for {info,shell,bluetooth,users}, some small fixes on the side)
[16:15] <seb128> • tested new unity
[16:15] <seb128> • helped with ff landings (especially tracked u-c-c, u-s-d and indicators)
[16:15] <seb128> • quite some reviewing/testing of ff changes
[16:15] <seb128> • since we are in ff, started catching up with bug reports/e.u.c to see what we need to work on before release
[16:15] <seb128> •
[16:15] <seb128> </week>
[16:15] <ochosi> seb128: oops, didn't notice the meeting. apologies!
[16:16] <seb128> ochosi, no worry
[16:16] <seb128> we are almost done
[16:16] <seb128> did I forget anyone?
[16:16] <seb128> questions/comments? ;-)
[16:17] <seb128> seems not
[16:17] <seb128> that's a wrap then
[16:17] <seb128> thanks everyone
[16:17] <larsu> ochosi: but it allows it unconditionally. It doesn't know about the new settings key ("allow-amplified-volume") which affects the hardware volume buttons and the indicator as well
[16:18] <seb128> ochosi, larsu: you can resume discussing bugs ;-)
[16:18] <ochosi> seb128: hehe, that was quick! thanks :)
[16:18] <ochosi> larsu: yes, true. actually pavucontrol could really use a refresh...
[16:18] <ochosi> but i'd love to test that setting just to see whether the volume-control remains in sync
[16:19] <ochosi> we can also only offer to switch it on/off by default, as currently these kinds of settings aren't integrated in any settings-dialog
[16:19] <larsu> ochosi: no wonder, this setting is like 5 days old ;)
[16:20] <ochosi> hehe, well all the other settings are hidden for xubuntu-users too
[16:20] <ochosi> i mean: *all* settings for *all* indicators
[16:20] <larsu> the sound indicator respects it, but whatever is handling your media keys would have to look at it as well
[16:20] <ochosi> luckily it's not a huge problem in most use-cases
[16:20] <larsu> heh
[16:20] <ochosi> oh crap, true, i forgot about that
[16:20] <ochosi> meh, i guess we'll stick with keeping that switched off then
[16:22] <ochosi> thanks for the heads-up larsu!
[16:22] <larsu> welcome :)
[17:24] * xnox is running on 16GB RAM at the moment, everything feels slow....
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[17:47] <mterry> JohnLea, can you assign someone new to bug 840777? Mika was previous assignee
[17:47] <ubot2> Launchpad bug 840777 in Ayatana Design "Muting sound indicator in Unity Greeter does not mute sound on login" [Medium,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/840777
[17:49] <JohnLea> mterry; I've assigned myself, the 'Desired solution' in the bug description is accurate, so if it is possible to get this fixed for 14.04 then great news! ;-)
[17:51] <mterry> JohnLea, OK, thanks
[17:52] <mterry> larsu, heyo! So I'm looking at bug 840777 and how we might want to implement it. I could see storing volume in AccountsService but then we'd need to sync it with pulseaudio. We could do that in indicator-sound I suppose... Your thoughts?
[17:52] <ubot2> Launchpad bug 840777 in pulseaudio (Ubuntu Raring) "Muting sound indicator in Unity Greeter does not mute sound on login" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/840777
[18:00] * didrocks waves good evening
[18:15] <larsu> mterry: I'd rather have pulseaudio store the volume system-wide
[18:15] <larsu> which is something it can do apparently
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[18:18] <mterry> larsu, design prefers per-user, but system-wide is still better than what we have today
[18:18] <larsu> mterry: hm, how would per-user work on the greeter?
[18:18] <larsu> whose volume would you use
[18:21] <mterry> larsu, the selected use
[18:21] <mterry> *user
[18:21] <mterry> larsu, like we do for keyboard layouts and ringtones and similar things
[18:21] <larsu> so it'll be changing volume (or muting / unmuting) when I cycle through users?
[18:21] <larsu> that sounds weird to me
[18:21] <mterry> larsu, yeah, that's what design wants
[18:21] <larsu> but I guess mostly there won't be sound playing anyways...
[18:22] <mterry> larsu, orca maybe for desktop
[18:22] <mterry> larsu, but on phone, there will be incoming message / phone sounds
[18:22] <larsu> mterry: ya in that case, I'd put it in accountsservice and sync it in indicator-sound
[18:23] <larsu> mterry: right, but even with those cycling through users shouldn't be much of an issue (I was thinking about music playing)
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[18:23] <larsu> those incoming sounds tend to be short
[18:23] <Laney> also, if I've muted it's for a reason
[18:24] <Laney> just because billy likes to play angry birds on full volume and I happened to scroll to his user doesn't mean I want my ringtone blasting out when I'm in a meeting
[18:24] <Laney> or worse, his ringtone
[18:24] <mterry> larsu, yeah, so how is muted stored? A separate setting from volume I assume
[18:24] <mterry> larsu, in phone, we have "SilentMode"
[18:24] <mterry> larsu, I assume that's equivalent to mute?
[18:24] <mterry> on desktop
[18:24] <larsu> Laney: apparently that's what design wants!
[18:25] <larsu> mterry: mute and silent mode are something different according to mpt, but I don't know the exact semantics
[18:25] <larsu> mterry: on desktop, mute is stored per-device somewhere in pulse's configuration
[18:25] <larsu> not sure how that works, but there's API for that
[18:26] <larsu> and indicator-sound already makes use of it
[18:26] <mterry> Laney, I know, but I confirmed with JohnLea today. I maybe should re-stress the phone use cases to him
[18:26] <mterry> Laney, but multi-user phones are weird in lots of spots
[18:27] * larsu thinks multi-user is just not a real-world use case for a phone
[18:28] <Laney> notwithstanding my technical objection to syncing state like that in general, I think this design needs some work
[18:28] <mterry> larsu, apparently there are some business-phone cases (like an account owned by your company, and a personal account)
[18:28] <larsu> mterry: ah, that makes sense
[18:28] <larsu> but then do I need to log out when I want to read work email in the evening?
[18:28] <mterry> larsu, well, switch users maybe?
[18:28] <mterry> larsu, dunno!
[18:28] <larsu> :)
[18:29] <mterry> Laney, I'll catch JohnLea tomorrow and poke you too, maybe we can get some clarification of intent
[18:29] <mterry> and larsu
[18:30] <larsu> Laney: I think I agree with you - mute is a hardware state that should affect the phone itself, not a user accounts
[18:30] <mterry> Laney, (is it not similar to per-user SilentMode?)
[18:30] <larsu> mterry: mpt was thinking about this quite a bit as well. Maybe you could talk to them both?
[18:31] <larsu> mterry: SilentMode sounds like a ring tone profile to me
[18:31] <larsu> whereas mute is lüike turning wifi on and off
[18:31] <ogra> larsu, phone and tablet images are identical ... and for tablet multiuser isnt uncommon i guess
[18:31] <larsu> which is also per-device, not per user
[18:31] <larsu> ogra: good point
[18:32] <larsu> I wouldn't say uncommon, but definitely much more common than on the phone
[18:32] <larsu> (and very much worth supporting)
[18:32] <mterry> larsu, but people use "SilentMode" like wifi switches. You do it because your device is at a comedy show or something, not because you have a user preference for it
[18:32] <ogra> yeah
[18:32] <mterry> unless that is what we are calling mute and "SilentMode" is just an absence of ringtone settings
[18:33] * ogra really doesnt want his phones to go to comady shows
[18:33] <mterry> I think I should start an email thread
[18:33] <larsu> mterry: I'm just saying what the terminology sounds like to me. mpt has clear definitions that he used when designing the sound panel
[18:33] <mterry> ogra, if you love it, let it go
[18:33] <ogra> lol
[18:33] <larsu> haha
[18:35] <mterry> https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Sound#Silent_Mode
[18:35] <mterry> Silent Mode means only things you initiate happen
[18:35] <mterry> Not things like incoming calls
[18:36] <larsu> much more complicated than I thought :)
[18:36] <larsu> but yeah, makes sense
[18:37] <Laney> so that seems fine to have in AS and for things that play unexpected sounds to look at
[18:37] <Laney> or the service, or what evz
[18:37] <larsu> it does have a weird interaction with "mute" though
[18:38] <larsu> for example, if sound is muted and the phone is in silent mode
[18:38] <larsu> and I exit silent mode, I still don't hear any sounds
[18:45] <czajkowski> Laney: any chance you can see https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/1283489
[18:45] <ubot2> czajkowski: Error: launchpad bug 1283489 not found
[18:45] <czajkowski> private bug but one I keep getting on 14.04
[18:49] <seb128> czajkowski, I set it public
[18:49] <seb128> but the bt is pretty useless
[18:49] <czajkowski> seb128: thanks
[18:50] <czajkowski> seb128 other than that and the annoying restart button 14.04 is looking very nice
[18:50] <seb128> czajkowski, but I think there is a known segfault in the current version, Townsend reported it
[18:50] <czajkowski> https://twitter.com/czajkowski/status/438263423064092672/photo/1
[18:50] <czajkowski> seb128: cheers
[18:52] <seb128> czajkowski, that's https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/unity/+bug/1250262
[18:52] <ubot2> Launchpad bug 1250262 in unity (Ubuntu) "Calling EndSessionDialog.Open(Restart) opens the dialog with a focused 'Shutdown' button" [Medium,Triaged]
[18:52] <seb128> Trevinho, ^ that one might be a nice to fix for the LTS if we can
[18:52] <seb128> did you see charles' comment on it?
[18:54] <ChrisTownsend> Yeah, I'm working in the most serious crash at the moment. Testing a fix as I type this.
[18:58] <seb128> ChrisTownsend, thanks ;-)
[18:59] <ChrisTownsend> seb128: np!
[19:07] <mlankhorst> seb128: sorry had a vacation day today :P
[19:08] <seb128> mlankhorst, oh ok, you are not marked off in canonicaladmin
[19:08] <mlankhorst> odd, should have been
[19:08] <mlankhorst> maybe not approved yet
[19:08] <seb128> right
[19:09] <seb128> don't worry
[19:34] <czajkowski> seb128: ahh thank you!
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[20:45] <Trevinho> seb128: yes, but the problem was: we need to change gnome-session...
[20:45] <Trevinho> seb128: I explained the thing at https://bugs.launchpad.net/indicator-session/+bug/1156566/comments/8
[20:45] <ubot2> Launchpad bug 1156566 in indicator-session (Ubuntu) ""Restart" is missing from the system menu" [Medium,Triaged]
[20:45] <seb128> Trevinho, then "patches are welcome"? ;-)
[20:46] <Trevinho> seb128: it would need to patch also gnome shell
[20:46] <Trevinho> seb128: and... I tried to work on this upstream some time ago, but I really have no time now :/
[20:46] <seb128> that shouldn't be an issue
[20:46] <seb128> k, as said, it's a "would be nice to have"
[20:47] <Trevinho> it will be a trivial change, but involving multiple places... I see if I can find time
[20:47] <seb128> don't worry if you have other priorities for this cycle
[20:47] <seb128> Trevinho, what are you working on?
[20:47] <Trevinho> seb128: one reason why I didn't put much effort on that was because the "restart" button was deprecated from menus one cycle ago
[20:47] * seb128 is concerned that new features are coming
[20:47] <Trevinho> seb128: no, no worries
[20:48] <seb128> good! ;-)
[20:48] <Trevinho> seb128: right now on imporving hidpi, then I've lots of other bugs to look at
[20:48] <seb128> k
[20:48] <seb128> well, bugs can come between release and .1 if they are minor things
[20:48] <seb128> if multiple components need to be synced (e.g that restart issue) it might be better before release
[20:49] <seb128> let me know if I can help testing/syncing uploads with other components
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