UbuntuIRC / 2014 /02 /25 /#ubuntu-app-devel.txt
Initial commit
[00:39] <ubuntourist> Hullo. I'm running 12.10 and have installed the SDK following the directions at http://developer.ubuntu.com/apps/create/get-the-sdk/ but the tutorial and other sources like Ask Ubuntu indicate I should be seeing Touch as a Project type.
[00:42] <ubuntourist> When I create the default HTML5 app, it runs, but it suggests I should be able to uncomment the <!-- <script src="cordova/cordova.js"></script> -->. There's no cordova/cordova.js.
[00:43] <aquarius> For other cordova platforms, the cordova build process inserts the reference to cordova.js -- you don't put it in your code yourself. However, I don't know if it works that way on Ubuntu (I haven't tried making a Cordova Ubuntu app yet!)
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[00:47] <ubuntourist> aquarius: All I did was choose "HTML5 App" as the type of project, since I'm not seeing project types like Ubuntu Touch or Cordova Ubuntu listed as options. The default source that "HTML5 App" produced included the <script src="cordova/cordova.js">. So, I assumed it would supply said file as well.
[01:03] <aquarius> I'd suggest fixing that you're not seeing those things
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[06:03] <zsombi> charles_: ping
[08:24] <dholbach> good morning
[09:10] <nerochiaro> zsombi: morning. have you had time to look into these two MRs that bill emailed you about yesterday ?
[09:35] <JamesTait> Good morning all; happy Chocolate-Covered Peanuts Day! :-D
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[09:48] * kalikiana smacks his lips
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[10:09] <zsombi> nerochiaro: not yet, I'll check them now
[10:09] <nerochiaro> zsombi: thanks
[10:15] <zsombi> nerochiaro: I see Jenkins had problems with them...
[10:16] <nerochiaro> zsombi: one if fixed, it should be ok now, let me check again
[10:16] <zsombi> nerochiaro: this one has failures: https://code.launchpad.net/~amanzi-team/ubuntu-ui-toolkit/ubuntu-ui-toolkit-xlarge-thumbnails/+merge/207500
[10:17] <nerochiaro> zsombi: it will keep having them until the MR it depends on in lp:thumbnailer gets released into whatever package archive CI feeds from when building the pacakage.
[10:17] <nerochiaro> zsombi: this was approved today: https://code.launchpad.net/~amanzi-team/thumbnailer/thumbnailer-x-large/+merge/205785
[10:17] <nerochiaro> zsombi: and it's what CI needs to stop failing
[10:19] <zsombi> nerochiaro: ok, this one change wise looks good to me.... approved this one
[10:23] <zsombi> nerochiaro: this one also looks good: https://code.launchpad.net/~amanzi-team/ubuntu-ui-toolkit/ubuntu-ui-toolkit-thumbnailer-querystring/+merge/207940
[10:23] <nerochiaro> zsombi: excellent
[10:24] <nerochiaro> zsombi: but shouldn't we wait to merge the x-large one until the thumbnailer pacakge gets released ? or the uitk will fail to build
[10:25] <zsombi> nerochiaro: yes, we should, that's why I don't top-approve it yet
[10:25] <nerochiaro> zsombi: ok
[10:25] <nerochiaro> zsombi: top approve the query string one though, that's stand alone
[10:26] <zsombi> nerochiaro: so that could go in? asking it because bzoltan already had prepared some stuff for landing...
[10:27] <nerochiaro> zsombi: yes it can go in
[10:27] <nerochiaro> zsombi: it's a small change and completely stand alone
[10:27] <zsombi> nerochiaro: ok, we will take that as well then
[11:23] <Laney> in QML, can I lazily construct an object of a qmlRegisterType-d thing?
[11:24] <Laney> I want to be able to optionally pass an object in and only construct a new one if necessary
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[12:13] <kalikiana> Laney: Qt.createQmlObject?
[12:13] <kalikiana> or depending on the use case put it in a Loader
[12:13] <Laney> using a string of qml?
[12:13] <Laney> mmm
[12:14] <kalikiana> yes
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[12:14] <kalikiana> I don't like the api very much except for a emergencies so to speak… it's not very qml-ish
[12:14] <kalikiana> I prefer Loader personally
[12:14] <Laney> would that work?
[12:15] <kalikiana> depends on what you want to do, you didn't say much :-]
[12:15] <Laney> are those things Components?
[12:15] <Laney> it's a type with some properties, signals and methods that's registered into QML using qmlRegisterType
[12:18] <kalikiana> then you should be able to normally declare it in QML, and hence in a Loader also
[12:19] <kalikiana> the ui tookit has several of those and you probably don't even know ;-)
[12:24] <nik90> Does anybody how to go fullscreen? I mean also hiding the indicator panel...the gallery app does this as well
[12:30] <t1mp> nik90: perhaps http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~phablet-team/gallery-app/trunk/view/head:/src/gallery-application.cpp#L280 ?
[12:31] <nik90> t1mp: thnx..will try it in my JS app
[12:31] <t1mp> I don't know if you can do it from qml
[12:33] <nik90> t1mp: oh :(
[12:38] <nik90> popey: hey I saw your bug report comment
[12:38] <popey> Ashkar: nik90 hey
[12:38] <nik90> popey: however the issue is that weeekdays are not always Mon-Fri in all countries..It varies according to the locale
[12:38] <popey> er, oops
[12:38] <nik90> erm
[12:38] <popey> yeah
[12:39] <nik90> So I need to figure how to do it the proper way using Qt Date component
[12:39] <popey> ios does "weekdays"
[12:40] <nik90> yeah I want to use "Weekdays" and "Weekends"
[12:40] <nik90> however I need Qt to tell me which days are Weekdays and Weekends to ensure that this works in all locales
[12:40] <nik90> I believe that was also part of the original design
[13:06] <nik90> popey: Do you know what's happening to the core apps ppa? I haven't received the last few updates these past 2 weeks.
[13:08] <popey> nik90: it should build from jenkins, if it doesn't then we need to speak to fginther
[13:08] <nik90> popey: seems like the build is failing
[13:08] * popey bets it's cmake related
[13:08] <nik90> fginther: ^^ Happen to know what's going wrong with the core apps daily ppa?
[13:08] <nik90> popey: not surprised
[13:11] <nik90> fginther: it also seems the SDK PPA updates have stopped since 12th Feb..can you look into that as well?
[13:12] <popey> ImportError: No module named distutils.sysconfig
[13:12] <popey> CMake Error at tests/autopilot/CMakeLists.txt:5 (install): install DIRECTORY given no DESTINATION!
[13:12] <popey> https://launchpadlibrarian.net/167469278/buildlog_ubuntu-precise-i386.ubuntu-clock-app_1.0ubuntu1bzr350precise0_FAILEDTOBUILD.txt.gz
[13:12] <popey> nik90: thanks for letting us know
[13:12] <nik90> popey: np
[13:16] <popey> nik90: filed bug 1284637 to track it
[13:16] <ubot2> Launchpad bug 1284637 in Ubuntu Clock App "App fails to build in PPA" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1284637
[13:16] <popey> also bug 1284638
[13:16] <ubot2> Launchpad bug 1284638 in Ubuntu Music App "App fails to build in PPA" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1284638
[13:17] <nik90> popey: too many bug reports these past few days :P
[13:17] <popey> heh
[13:17] <popey> sorry ☻
[13:17] <popey> hmm, better to have one bug actually...
[13:18] <popey> although they differ slightly.. will see what fginther has to say
[13:18] <nik90> I will assign this to balloons..he is the one who did this :D
[13:18] <popey> #blameballoons
[13:19] <nik90> balloons: we are still cool ;)
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[15:08] <rpadovani> mzanetti, o/
[15:09] <rpadovani> I'm not able to reproduce your problems with cameraImprovement
[15:09] <rpadovani> https://code.launchpad.net/~rpadovani/reminders-app/cameraImprovement/+merge/206559/comments/488824
[15:09] <rpadovani> and I fixed all other things
[15:12] <rpadovani> hey mhall119 :-) Great post today! I don't see any license for content on your website, so for Italian law is under the the tighter copyright. May I translate it and add it to my italan blog, indicating the source, of course?
[15:13] <mhall119> rpadovani: absolutely
[15:13] <rpadovani> thanks :-)
[15:13] <mhall119> I really should put something up there about content being under a CC license
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[15:48] <nerochiaro> artmello: i pushed the rest of the changes to the thumbnailer merge request
[15:53] <balloons> haha, I just found the #blameballoons; nice
[16:05] <iBelieve> t1mp: ping
[16:08] <t1mp> iBelieve: hello
[16:09] <iBelieve> hi timp, I was wondering about LP #1190972 and when it will be fixed or if there is some work-around
[16:09] <ubot2> Launchpad bug 1190972 in Ubuntu UI Toolkit "Cannot hide individual tabs" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1190972
[16:09] <iBelieve> t1mp: ^^
[16:11] <t1mp> iBelieve: I'm not working on that at the moment
[16:11] <t1mp> iBelieve: there will be a new design for the tabs, without the vertical scrolling header
[16:11] <t1mp> iBelieve: I'm working on that first, it will take some time
[16:12] <t1mp> iBelieve: there is an MR for dynamic tabs, if we get that one merged soon would that be useful for you?
[16:12] <iBelieve> t1mp: basically, I have three tabs that should be shown in phone mode, but only one of those needs to be visible when the app is in wide mode
[16:12] <t1mp> iBelieve: it adds addTab() and removeTab() functions
[16:13] <t1mp> iBelieve: maybe the layouts can help you out there?
[16:13] <iBelieve> t1mp: I don't think Ubuntu.Layouts helps with hiding tabs, does it?
[16:14] <t1mp> iBelieve: I can imagine that on a tablet in landscape you'd like to show for example 3 columns with contents, while on a phone (portrait) you would have 3 tabs for that
[16:14] <artmello> nerochiaro: thx, i will take a look
[16:14] <t1mp> so in that case layouts should be able to manipulate tabs
[16:14] <t1mp> iBelieve: but yeah, your suggestion in the bug report does make sense
[16:17] <iBelieve> t1mp: I'm not sure how contributing to the SDK works - If I came to come up with a merge request adding a "show" property to Tab, using something along the lines of the hack I mentioned in the bug report, is there a chance that it would get merged?
[16:20] <t1mp> iBelieve: yes, we certainly do take accept merge requests
[16:20] <t1mp> iBelieve: but we are not easy reviewers
[16:25] <iBelieve> t1mp: okay, thanks. I may possibly try coming up with something
[16:26] <t1mp> zsombi_: have you seen this bug? https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu-ui-toolkit/+bug/1190972
[16:26] <ubot2> Launchpad bug 1190972 in Ubuntu UI Toolkit "Cannot hide individual tabs" [Medium,Confirmed]
[16:27] <t1mp> iBelieve: perhaps zsombi's dynamic tabs will help you https://code.launchpad.net/~zsombi/ubuntu-ui-toolkit/dynamic-tabs-reloaded/+merge/199620
[16:27] <t1mp> zsombi_: what's the status of that MR?
[16:27] <zsombi> t1mp: you forgot to review it
[16:28] <t1mp> zsombi: me?
[16:28] <iBelieve> t1mp: maybe, but it isn't a very declarative way of doing what I want to do
[16:28] <zsombi> t1mp: we agreed that you will review it, then you said it's the Xth one in your list :)
[16:28] <t1mp> I was under the impression that you asked kalikiana
[16:28] <zsombi> t1mp: whoever was available...
[16:29] <t1mp> zsombi: ok, somehow it was removed from my list
[16:29] <zsombi> t1mp: never mind :) kalikaina said he will take a look today, but most likely he got other high priority stuff...
[16:29] <zsombi> t1mp: so, I have no idea again qho's gonna review it :D
[16:32] <kalikiana> zsombi: it was reviewed. but without an uptodate branch I can't really give you approval you know ;-)
[16:33] <zsombi> kalikiana: I've updated the branch ~3h ago :)
[16:33] <balloons> m-b-o, ping
[16:33] <om26er> popey, balloons hey! are there any core-apps failing tests I could help with ?
[16:33] <zsombi> even more, right @ the standup, and I even told U :)
[16:33] <m-b-o> balloons: pong
[16:33] <kalikiana> zsombi: forgive me for not reloading every 5 minutes because J may take 5 or 500 min to update :-)
[16:34] <zsombi> kalikiana: you shoudl have that embedded in yr browser :D
[16:34] <balloons> m-b-o, running through your MP now, backlogged yesterday :-) Anyways, I notice it still shows the tablet side UI while running tests. I believe that is https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu-weather-app/+bug/1283266
[16:34] <ubot2> Launchpad bug 1283266 in Ubuntu Weather App "Weather AP tests assume tablet mode" [High,Triaged]
[16:34] <balloons> om26er, see the mail I just sent to ubuntu-phone
[16:34] <kalikiana> zsombi: well, even if I make it reload I don't see it without switching to the tab
[16:35] <m-b-o> balloons yes, I guess this was a "hotfix" for MWC. Since that should be done now, shall I switch back?
[16:35] <kalikiana> but if you have a script for it, that'd be neat
[16:35] * kalikiana not keen on writing lp scripts atm
[16:35] <balloons> m-b-o, switch back? I guess I don't know about this hotfix
[16:36] <balloons> om26er, more or less I think things are ok. If you want to help out, the rssreader tests could use some refactoring love :-)
[16:37] <om26er> balloons, alright, I could look into that. though wanted to first make sure if some tests were not blocking things.
[16:37] <m-b-o> balloons initial size was to set to n7 friendly size, but it can be swiched back a initial size for phone
[16:38] <balloons> om26er, if you want to look at calculator tests and see if anything looks silly, that would be nice
[16:38] <balloons> the errors on the dashboard though are all no process found; aka not test failures
[16:38] <balloons> m-b-o, where did you set the size? forced it in the qml or ?
[16:38] <zsombi> kalikiana: on sdk channel: [11:49] <zsombi> kalikiana: dynamic-tabs is up to date
[16:39] <zsombi> kalikiana: the time is UTC seems
[16:39] <m-b-o> popey can switch back some "quirks" we made for MWC in weather? initial size etc
[16:41] <m-b-o> balloons: yes, forced it in qml. Waht do you mean with "Weather AP tests assume tablet mode "?
[16:41] <m-b-o> balloons the app should start in phone mode in AP, right?
[16:42] <balloons> m-b-o, yes, since I only saw the side UI peeking through in tests, I assumed it was in the fake data. I filed the bug late last friday
[16:42] <balloons> I just knew it was a problem mostly, and that you would know what the deal was :-)
[16:43] <kalikiana> zsombi: sorry, I guess I missed that. I have too many things in my head today… trying to wait for make check, ap there, ap elsewhere, while reading something else…
[16:44] <zsombi> kalikiana: np :) you are not alone :D
[16:44] <zsombi> kalikiana: if you could do a quick update for cornflakes, seems it needs trunk merge...
[16:45] <kalikiana> zsombi: I did that today
[16:45] <zsombi> kalikiana; then I took the old artifacts...
[16:45] <kalikiana> but that's a fine example of how J takes 5 - 500min…
[16:45] <zsombi> kalikiana: and there's no new artifacts for that MR...
[16:46] <zsombi> 6h ago...
[16:46] <zsombi> omfg
[16:46] <zsombi> I give up for today... EOD 4 me
[16:46] <kalikiana> it seems slowish also loading logs currently, might be overloaded
[16:46] <m-b-o> balloons data/assert-wise it shouldn't be a matter for the tests, if the app was started in tablet mode or in phone mode.
[16:46] <m-b-o> balloons But in reality tests were getting flaky, since the ui needs some time to settle in tablet mode. I've fixed the tests for this case.
[16:47] <m-b-o> balloons is the initial size important for the AP tests?
[16:48] <m-b-o> balloons: regarding the actual size
[16:48] <balloons> m-b-o, on the phone we should see phone UI, and test accordingly. On tablet, tablet UI and test accordingly
[16:52] <balloons> so yea, I would revert whatever quickfix we added to the qml to force one mode or the other and do the work to determine the proper layout upon launch. I also think we need new tests for the side UI right?
[16:52] <m-b-o> balloons okay, that's problem. than let me check the MP again... I'll set it to WIP
[16:52] <m-b-o> balloons: yes, test wozld be ok now for tabelt, but would fail on device
[16:53] <m-b-o> balloons I will try to sort this out, will come back to you tomorrow!
[16:54] <balloons> m-b-o, yea, seems to fail on my n4.. So what do you think of making another branch to solve this problem, rather than make your current diff bigger?
[16:54] <balloons> would that work or ?
[16:54] <m-b-o> balloons: yes, you're right!
[16:55] <balloons> you could make it as a pre-req if you want to this branch in lp, or just wait to land it as you said
[16:56] <m-b-o> balloons I will make a branch from trunk and revert the specific changes in the MP. No problem.
[16:56] <balloons> ok if you've got a plan, I'll assume you are set, heh :-)
[16:56] <balloons> keep it easy, and if you need some help let me know
[16:57] <m-b-o> balloons: actually yes. the same problem as with ekyboard-shortcuts, if you remember. Can I detect running in tablet or phone in AP?
[16:57] <balloons> m-b-o, yes you can
[16:58] <balloons> m-b-o, http://unity.ubuntu.com/autopilot/api/platform.html?highlight=model#autopilot.platform.model
[16:58] <balloons> m-b-o, you can see this in action in tests like filemanager
[16:59] <m-b-o> balloons: so what to assume for manta? "manta"? ;)
[16:59] <balloons> something like if model() == 'Desktop':, to check for desktop
[17:01] <balloons> m-b-o, check this func out from fm tests; http://paste.ubuntu.com/6995308/
[17:01] <balloons> you can see the qml sets a wideAspect property if it's in tablet mode
[17:01] <m-b-o> balloons: hehe, just had my eyes on it :)
[17:01] <balloons> we simply check for that and act accordingly
[17:02] <m-b-o> Thanks. exactly what I need!
[17:03] <balloons> m-b-o, you are welcome, glad that makes sense!
[17:04] <m-b-o> balloons for sure :)
[17:04] <m-b-o> but balloons, what is "autopilot.platform.is_tablet()" ?
[17:07] <balloons> m-b-o, oO I actually didn't know that got added. I asked for a way to tell at some point, but settled on checking the app state and testing accordingly.. It's more of a reactive approach. The app can support tablet mode / phone mode on whatever device
[17:07] <balloons> whatever mode it launches in, we'll test it :-)
[17:08] <m-b-o> balloons ! : )
[17:22] <rpadovani> mzanetti, could you ping me when you have 5 minutes please? I want to talk with you about errors, I need your opinion :-)
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[19:29] <m-b-o> balloons: can't find self.main_view.internal_wideAspect. How can I get this autopilpot version?
[19:31] <balloons> m-b-o, that's set inside the filemanager; in the qml
[19:31] <balloons> depending on which mode the app is launched in, a flag is set
[19:31] <m-b-o> ah..
[19:31] <balloons> inside the tests we check the mode we are in and test accordingly
[19:32] <balloons> if you want to test to make sure the right mode is launched, use model
[19:32] <balloons> and yes, it's "Nexus 10", "Nexus 4", "Nexus 7"
[19:32] <balloons> so like, if model() == "Nexus 10" or model() == "Nexus 7": assert(tabletmode property)
[19:33] <balloons> if you wanted a simple test for that
[19:33] <balloons> but I was speaking to merely testing everything according to the mode launched
[19:36] <m-b-o> balloons: should be enough to check with internal_wideAspect! (which works now, thanks!)
[19:37] <balloons> m-b-o, you are most welcome :-)
[19:37] <m-b-o> balloons: will add it to the MP, it's not that much. as you are now familair with the diff ;)
[19:37] <balloons> haha, fair enough
[19:38] <m-b-o> it's not much change needed :)
[19:55] <m-b-o> balloons: how to install ubuntuuitoolkit on device?
[19:56] <balloons> m-b-o, why do you ask? what's the issue?
[19:56] <nik90> charles:
[19:56] <nik90> charles: ping
[19:56] <charles> nik90: pong
[19:56] <nik90> charles: I assure you bug https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu-clock-app/+bug/1275560 is fixed in image #207
[19:56] <ubot2> Launchpad bug 1275560 in Ubuntu Clock App "When setting an alarm and dragging minute hand anticlockwise, possible to get '60' minutes instead of '0'" [Undecided,New]
[19:57] <nik90> where it is running clock app v1.0.349
[19:57] <nik90> your version v1.0.300 is 50 commits behind ;)
[19:57] <m-b-o> balloons ImportError: No module named ubuntuuitoolkit on device Has qt creator install these package on device??
[19:57] <balloons> m-b-o, trying to run the tests right?
[19:58] <nik90> m-b-o: adb push /usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/ubuntuuitoolkit /home/phablet/autopilot/ubuntuuitoolkit
[19:58] <nik90> m-b-o: http://www.theorangenotebook.com/2014/02/click-buddy-and-you-how-to-test-your.html
[19:58] <m-b-o> click provison then
[19:58] <m-b-o> pahblet test run
[19:58] <charles> nik90: so the impl of setMinutesLabel() is correct as-is?
[19:58] <balloons> m-b-o, what nik90 said is correct. Support for doing this automagically is wip for click-buddy
[19:58] <balloons> but for now, you can copy it :-)
[19:58] <balloons> once it's copied you don't need to do it again
[19:59] <t1mp> if you have apt working on device, apt-get install ubuntu-ui-toolkit-autopilot
[19:59] <nik90> charles: the setMinutesLabel() is no longer there...we have changed that code significantly
[19:59] <t1mp> maybe that's not the way you are supposed to do it, but that's how I do it
[19:59] <balloons> we don't want to break ro mode so :-)
[19:59] <t1mp> yeah, doesn't work in ro mode
[19:59] <m-b-o> t1mp ballons
[19:59] <m-b-o> I know
[20:00] <m-b-o> but if the next update won't fail...
[20:00] <charles> nik90: I'm working off lp:ubuntu-clock-app, which branch should I be reading?
[20:00] <nik90> charles: lp:ubuntu-clock-app is the latest code
[20:01] <charles> nik90: http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-clock-dev/ubuntu-clock-app/trunk/view/head:/alarm/AddAlarmPage.qml#L194
[20:07] <charles> nik90: I agree, I'm not seeing the bug when running trunk in qmlscene
[20:07] <nik90> charles: awesome :)
[20:07] <charles> nik90: I still think the bounds checking in setMinuteLabel() is broken in trunk, though >:)
[20:08] <charles> granted, I can't find a path to trigger it... :)
[20:33] <m-b-o> balloons: found a general problem with the app and ConditionalLayout. When the app starts the width isn't the one from the device, but as set in mainView. So the app thinks it is in tablet mode width > units.gu(80)
[20:33] <m-b-o> ballons: the right value seems to be set late
[20:34] <balloons> m-b-o, why would you have 2 values? What did you do to set the value in the qml?
[20:35] <balloons> Upon app launch you should know the gu's available and then you make a decision on layout right?
[20:38] <m-b-o> yes. clock and filemanager are also setting width and height of MainView
[20:38] <m-b-o> will try without
[20:38] <m-b-o> balloons: you have to set width height for MainView. When I start, the app on the device.width is 1926, thats 107 gu
[20:40] <balloons> m-b-o, ok, let me know how it goes I guess. I'm not as well versed on the qml side of things :-)
[20:41] <m-b-o> balloons: alright :) will try tomorrow again
[20:44] <balloons> m-b-o, if you do things the same as clock and fm, that should work.. it's my goto examples of this
[20:45] <m-b-o> nik90: are you using ConditionalLayout already in clock app?
[20:45] <fginther> nik90, are referring to ubuntu-ui-toolkit packages in https://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-sdk-team/+archive/ppa ?
[20:46] <m-b-o> balloons: test are running okay, it's a general problem in the application logic of the app
[20:59] <m-b-o> balloons: same behaviour in the clock app. so at start, the right gu is not available and ConditionalLayout assumes the wrong layout.
[20:59] <balloons> nik90, ^^ thoughts?
[21:06] <danielholm> mhall119 where are you at, mate?
[21:07] <mhall119> sorry guys, coming now
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[21:08] <nik90> balloons, m-b-o: just back from dinner
[21:08] * nik90 starts reading from the top
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[21:10] <nik90> fginther: yes that's the PPA I am referring to
[21:13] <fginther> nik90, the process has changed, so I just want to make sure I understand your needs... Ubuntu-ui-toolkit changes are landing directly in the trusty archive now, so the PPA is not used. Do you still need saucy packages for development?
[21:13] <m-b-o> nik90: when starting the clock app on the phone, in Component.onCompleted of your MainView shows true when you print("wideAspect: "+wideAspect)?
[21:14] <nik90> fginther: oh..yeah my development pc (which I used for production) is saucy
[21:14] <nik90> m-b-o: really
[21:15] <nik90> m-b-o: shouldn't the phone width be less than 80 gu units?
[21:15] <m-b-o> yes
[21:16] <nik90> m-b-o: I am guessing this is concerning AP tests
[21:16] <nik90> m-b-o: in the clock app AP tests, I have added a if logic, if not self.main_view.wideAspect to accordingly do things on phone and tablet interfaces
[21:17] <m-b-o> nik90: yes, but in the weather app a sidebar is loaded when in tablet mode. Which is bad, when started on n4
[21:17] <m-b-o> nik90: when started from QtCreator
[21:18] <nik90> m-b-o: that's weird..
[21:18] <nik90> m-b-o: let me branch the weather code and try on my desktop
[21:19] <nik90> m-b-o: how do you run weather on the phone through qtcreator
[21:19] <nik90> ?
[21:19] <m-b-o> nik90: yes, added a desktop file
[21:20] <m-b-o> nik90: http://paste.ubuntu.com/6996557/
[21:21] <nik90> m-b-o: named as ubuntu-weather-app.desktop?
[21:21] <m-b-o> yes. done one for clock app too :)
[21:22] <m-b-o> nik90 just replace weather with clock
[21:24] <nik90> m-b-o: I just ran the weather trunk on my N4 and I dont see the sidebar
[21:24] <nik90> m-b-o: am I testing the right branch?
[21:25] <nik90> m-b-o: btw I had some issues with running clock on my N4 despite adding ubuntu-clock-app.desktop...that's why I asked :)
[21:25] <m-b-o> nik90: try this one lp:~martin-borho/ubuntu-weather-app/anchors-refactoring
[21:26] <m-b-o> ah, .desktop was enough for me
[21:28] <nik90> m-b-o: I see the sidebar on your branch in the N4 now
[21:28] <nik90> m-b-o: definitely something in your branch...will review the diff to see what's going wrong
[21:33] <iBelieve> danielholm: hey, I forgot to mention that I'm using my ubuntu-ui-extras repository in snippet-manager.
[21:34] <danielholm> iBelieve: ok, thanks for the heads up.
[21:34] <iBelieve> danielholm: Basically, the repository (github.com/ibeliever/ubuntu-ui-extras), needs to end up inside the snippet-manager directory
[21:34] <danielholm> aha okej
[21:36] <danielholm> iBelieve: with a .deb that could be either downloaded or be a dependency
[21:36] <iBelieve> danielholm: what I do (at least with my click packages), is copy the repo in and build it into the package just like a regular directory
[21:37] <m-b-o> nik90: it happens in trunk too on my n4
[21:37] <danielholm> iBelieve: ok. that works for now at least
[21:38] <nik90> m-b-o: yeah I just reproduced it in trunk as well
[21:38] <m-b-o> nik90: I will investigate further tomorrow. Who to ask about CondtionalLayout?
[21:39] <nik90> m-b-o: definitely zsombi or greyback
[21:39] <m-b-o> okay. thanks for your help!
[21:39] <nik90> m-b-o: zsombi leaves irc by 17:00 UTC...so you got to catch him early
[21:39] <nik90> m-b-o: sry, I wasn't that helpful
[21:41] <m-b-o> nik90: now I know more :)
[22:18] <balloons> nik90, in case you didn't see everything landed on https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/qtorganizer5-eds/+bug/1282129
[22:18] <ubot2> Launchpad bug 1282129 in Ubuntu Clock App "Clock and calendar tests fail with static void QOrganizerEDSEngine::itemsAsyncListed(ECalComponent*, time_t, time_t, FetchRequestData*) " [Undecided,New]
[22:22] <nik90> balloons: yup noticed it
[22:22] <nik90> balloons: does this mean all tests pass now properly
[22:24] <balloons> nik90, if they fail at this point, it's something else :-)
[22:24] <balloons> so yea
[22:24] <balloons> heh
[22:24] <nik90> hehe
[22:25] <popey> \o/
[22:25] <nik90> mhall119: looking forward to tomorrow...heard on ubuntuonair that some really cool stuff are planned :)
[22:26] <balloons> and you thought all the cool stuff was announced already? :p
[22:27] <nik90> I know! this is like ubuntu christmas
[22:41] <mhall119> nik90: tomorrow's what?
[22:41] <nik90> mhall119: new stuff coming to developer.ubuntu.com ?
[22:42] <mhall119> oh
[22:42] <mhall119> most of it's already there
[22:42] <mhall119> that's why I've been so busy today :)
[22:43] <nik90> mhall119: oh :)
[22:43] <nik90> mhall119: hey btw u1db docs missing in 14.04
[22:56] <marcoceppi> mhall119: how well supported is HTML5 stuff? I want to take a crack at writing a game but I don't think qml is the best choice for that
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[23:13] <ahayzen> balloons, ping
[23:15] <mhall119> nik90: u1db docs for QML have always been missing
[23:16] <mhall119> poke kalikiana about that
[23:16] <nik90> mhall119: no I am referring to http://developer.ubuntu.com/api/qml/sdk-1.0/U1DB/
[23:16] <mhall119> marcoceppi: in theory the HTML support is as good as the QML support, but if it's not poke alex-abreu
[23:17] <mhall119> nik90: if you look, you'll see they're not actually QML docs, they're C++ docs
[23:17] <nik90> mhall119: true, but those are the same function calls I use in the clock app
[23:17] <marcoceppi> mhall119: cool, I'm going to try to port some basic HTML5/Canvas stuff I've written to see how it holds up, then hopefully write a game!
[23:17] <nik90> mhall119: those functions are QML as well
[23:17] <mhall119> nik90: which is the only reason I left those up, but I'd much rather have proper QML docs
[23:29] <nik90> mhall119: true, but something is better than nothing..I have a feeling that everyone will look at 14.04 docs since they are the latest and not find the u1db docs.
[23:32] <iBelieve> nik90, mhall119: I agree with nik, I was wondering where the docs went until I looked at 13.10. They're not that good, but are still better than nothing
[23:42] <mhall119> alright, if kalikiana can't get me a QML version this week I'll re-publish those
[23:42] <nik90> iBelieve: so grateful for the tasks update..I was just about to report the Project page back button bug..Nice to see it fixed.
[23:42] <iBelieve> nik90: sorry it took so long to fix - school and work have kept be quite busy, and I haven't had much time to work on my apps
[23:43] <nik90> iBelieve: np