UbuntuIRC / 2014 /02 /23 /#ubuntu-irc.txt
Initial commit
=== xnox_ is now known as xnox
=== AlanBell_ is now known as AlanBell
[02:59] <freeflying> anyone arounds? how can I get my nickname cloaked
[03:45] <elky> freeflying: you have an unaffiliated cloak currently. if your membership is still valid (show your launchpad page), one of the IRCC would need to help you get a member cloak
[04:42] <freeflying> elky, https://launchpad.net/~zhengpeng-hou
[04:43] <freeflying> elky, I'm still a member
[04:44] <elky> freeflying: i'm not ircc anymore, so you'll need to wait for someone like pici or IdleOne i think
[04:44] <freeflying> elky, k, thx
[04:46] <IdleOne> staff can we please get an @ubuntu/member/ for freeflying ?
[04:50] <IdleOne> there you go freeflying
[04:50] <IdleOne> :)
[04:50] <freeflying> IdleOne, thanks
[04:50] <IdleOne> welcome and thank you ldunn
=== k1l is now known as Guest29058
=== fnbotti_ is now known as fnbotti
[05:47] <freeflying> IdleOne, seems doesn't work :)
[05:48] <IdleOne> what doesn't work?
[05:49] <jussi> IdleOne: doesnt work... :P
[05:49] <IdleOne> if counting all my money is not work, I don't know what is :P
[05:55] <genii> Hopefully it's not all pennies
[05:57] <freeflying> IdleOne, I mean the cloak
[05:58] <IdleOne> * freeflying (~freeflyin@ubuntu/member/freeflying) has joined
[05:58] <IdleOne> seems to work just fine
[05:58] <IdleOne> you can see your real host when you whois yourself. we can't
[05:58] <freeflying> IdleOne, ic
[05:59] <IdleOne> the cloak is applied when you identify to nickserv.
[06:29] <Unit193> Though you may want to make sure you have set up a proper means of identification.
=== OutOfControl is now known as benonsoftware
=== popey_ is now known as popey
[14:04] <belkinsa> I would like to inform you all that I have created a channel for my team, Ubuntu Scientists, and the name of the channel is #ubuntu-scientists. I will e-mail the rt e-mail requesting a logging bot and I will add it to the channel list page on the wiki. Thank you.
[14:09] <jussi> belkinsa: thanks! AlanBell, Tm_T, et al ^^
=== Zic is now known as Zic_
=== Zic_ is now known as Zic__
=== Zic__ is now known as Zic
=== guntbert_ is now known as guntbert