UbuntuIRC / 2014 /02 /23 /#ubuntu-devel.txt
Initial commit
=== rsalveti_ is now known as rsalveti
=== xnox_ is now known as xnox
=== freeflying is now known as freeflying_away
=== freeflying_away is now known as freeflying
=== Jessie is now known as Guest7890
[04:08] <Takyoji> Anyway way of contacting a package maintainer of a package lacking a needed dependency?
[04:08] <Takyoji> (forget the second 'way', typo)
[04:08] <Logan_> Takyoji: Which one?
[04:09] <Takyoji> Because 'd-rats' needs a dependency of 'python-glade2' otherwise it won't be usable at all.
[04:09] * Logan_ looks
[04:09] <Takyoji> and it's maintainer is listed as ubuntu-devel-discuss@lists.ubuntu.com
[04:09] <Logan_> yeah, that's for all Ubuntu packages
[04:10] <Logan_> let me see if a no-change rebuild pulls it in
[04:11] <Logan_> Takyoji: okay, confirmed on my end
[04:13] <Takyoji> That the package doesn't install python-glade2, and throws a Python error when ran after installation?
[04:14] <Logan_> Takyoji: correct
[04:14] <Logan_> how far does this go back?
[04:15] <Logan_> I'm guessing to Precise
[04:15] <Logan_> I'll have to SRU a fix to all of them...
[04:15] <Logan_> Takyoji: follow this bug, I'll take care of it: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/d-rats/+bug/917204
[04:15] <ubottu> Launchpad bug 917204 in d-rats (Ubuntu) "d-rats crashed with ImportError in /usr/lib/pymodules/python2.7/d_rats/mainwindow.py: No module named glade" [Medium,New]
[04:16] <Takyoji> Subscribed.
[04:19] <Logan_> Takyoji: I just pushed out a fix to trusty
[04:19] <Logan_> I'll do it for the other stable releases as well
[04:19] <Takyoji> Logan_, thank you.
[04:19] <Logan_> np :)
[04:24] <Logan_> Takyoji: uploaded a fix to Precise, Quantal, Saucy as well
=== henrix_ is now known as henrix
=== yofel is now known as Guest77623
=== fnbotti_ is now known as fnbotti
=== iulian is now known as Guest92457
=== NCommander is now known as Guest37921
=== happyaron is now known as Guest12291
=== jackson is now known as Guest16889
=== Guest16889 is now known as Noskcaj
=== Guest37921 is now known as NCommander
=== NCommander is now known as Guest18324
=== OutOfControl is now known as benonsoftware
=== pcwhite is now known as PaulW2U
=== Guest77623 is now known as yofel
=== kfunk_ is now known as kfunk
=== bigon_ is now known as bigon
=== HandheldPenguin` is now known as nostferka
=== nostferka is now known as HandheldPenguin
=== DrKranz is now known as DktrKranz
=== popey_ is now known as popey
=== yofel_ is now known as Guest39928
=== shadeslayer_ is now known as Guest58286
=== Guest39928 is now known as yofel
=== highvolt1ge is now known as highvoltage
=== achiang` is now known as achiang
=== herb_ is now known as herb
=== Zic is now known as Zic_
=== Zic_ is now known as Zic__
=== Zic__ is now known as Zic
[15:51] <hakermania> I am looking for a sponsor for my package, Wallch ( https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/wallch/+bug/1282830 ) Does anyone know where I should try my luck :) ?
[15:51] <ubottu> Launchpad bug 1282830 in wallch (Ubuntu) "FFE: Wallch 4.0" [Wishlist,Confirmed]
=== Lutin is now known as Guest27786
=== Guest27786 is now known as Lutin
=== lan3y is now known as Laneyu
=== Laneyu is now known as Laney
=== 7JTAAALD7 is now known as lifeless
[19:31] <Noskcaj> Could someone please sponsor bug 1282937 ?
[19:31] <ubottu> bug 1282937 in xfburn (Ubuntu) "Please package xfburn 0.5.0" [Undecided,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1282937
=== DrKranz is now known as DktrKranz
[19:51] <Logan_> poor Noskcaj
[19:53] <Noskcaj> Logan_, I've made the sponsoring queue pretty big again, enjoy
[19:54] <Logan_> oh dear
=== zz_mwhudson is now known as mwhudson
[20:03] <jtaylor> doko: our python2.7 has match_hostname from python3.4a1 but it doesn't seem to have the rfc6125 change added in 3.4a5
[20:04] <jtaylor> is there a reason for that?
[20:11] <jtaylor> its also in 3.3.3
=== Logan_ is now known as hg
[20:44] <asac`> smoser`: server dashoard has been unhappy for a while: http://ci.ubuntu.com/smokeng/trusty/server/i386/20140221/6740/ ... can you forward to whowever might be interested in this on server team?
[20:44] <asac`> tomcat and lamp are failing
[20:44] <asac`> thanks
=== mwhudson is now known as zz_mwhudson
=== zz_mwhudson is now known as mwhudson
=== hg is now known as Logan_
=== ev_ is now known as ev
[22:20] <infinity> xnox: Any idea what's going on in https://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=739913
[22:20] <ubottu> Debian bug 739913 in src:libnih "libnih: FTBFS on i386 ("killed with signal TERM after 150 minutes of inactivity" during configure)" [Serious,Open]
[22:20] <infinity> xnox: Is that fixed in Ubuntu's libnih? If so, can we NMU that patch to Debian?
[22:21] <infinity> slangasek: ^
[22:28] <shadeslayer> anyone attending MWC ?
=== asac` is now known as asac
[22:38] <infinity> Ahh, no, that's not fixed in Ubuntu, the Ubuntu sources die the same way on Debian/i386...
=== Trevinho__ is now known as Trevinho
[23:44] <darkxst> spamassassin has broken ubuntu GNOME daily builds Bug 1283850
[23:44] <ubottu> bug 1283850 in spamassassin (Ubuntu) "Spamassassin update broke Ubuntu GNOME daily builds" [Critical,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1283850
[23:45] <darkxst> and I can't work out what is wrong...