UbuntuIRC / 2014 /02 /21 /#lubuntu.txt
Initial commit
[00:19] <wxl> ok, seriously.
[00:19] <wxl> /bin/ps is looking like a package list
[00:19] <wxl> what the smurf
[00:19] <wxl> is that ok to say, Unit193 ? smurf?
[00:53] <wxl> ok so ps is fixed now
[00:53] <wxl> but i'm still getting something about the file list for procps being messed up
=== tsimpson_ is now known as tsimpson
[00:55] <Unit193> --reinstall?
=== Daviey_ is now known as Daviey
[00:59] <wxl> hm
[00:59] <wxl> nope
[00:59] <wxl> do the .dscs get saved locally first?
[01:01] <Unit193> The dsc files aren't needed, though the deb files are in /var/cache/apt/archives/
[01:01] <wxl> so that's the file list
[01:02] <wxl> procfs isn't there
[01:02] <wxl> s/f/p/g
[01:03] <wxl> oh there it is
[01:03] <wxl> maybe i'll delete all the archives
[01:04] <wxl> deleting, reupdating failed :(
[01:05] <Unit193> Can I haz paste?
[01:05] <wxl> don't look texty!
[01:05] <wxl> but yes
[01:06] <wxl> argh no pastebinit on here
[01:07] <wxl> yeah it's megagobbledeegook
[01:09] <wxl> http://www.sendspace.com/file/2u4wnx
[01:09] <wxl> it's not pastebin i know
[01:09] <wxl> too big
[01:11] <Unit193> You're sending the debfile? Also don't see that version in any release of Ubuntu.
[01:12] <wxl> yeah well don't ask me
[01:12] <wxl> i ask to download procps and that's what i get
[01:12] <wxl> maybe it's a key problem?
[01:13] <wxl> how do i get new keys?
[01:14] <Unit193> ubuntu-keyring for the archive signing. So, just to rehash: What exactly is the problem? Can you check sources.list? And lastly, apt-get update?
[01:15] <wxl> update is working fine now
[01:15] <wxl> so initially i was getting all these ps errors when i tried to update
[01:15] <wxl> so i took a look at /bin/ps and it looked like it was a file list!
[01:15] <wxl> i put ps on from another computer
=== TheLordOfTime is now known as teward
[01:16] <wxl> and then every time i try to install i get an error that the file list for procps doesn't have a ending newline
[01:16] <wxl> sources.list looks fine
[02:26] <zsw__> hello is there an op here
[02:28] <hyperair> yes
[02:28] <hyperair> why?
[02:29] <zsw__> you not an op
[02:29] <hyperair> says who?
[02:29] <zsw__> nvm
[02:29] <zsw__> can you help me
[02:29] <hyperair> with what?
[02:30] <zsw__> i resolved my buntu bans last night and im baned again
[02:30] <zsw__> what hapend
=== zsw__ is now known as zack123
[02:32] <zack123> i cant even join ubuntu0ops
[02:32] <zack123> hello?
[02:36] <hyperair> whoops, sorry
[02:36] <zack123> its ok
[02:36] <hyperair> was afk
[02:36] <zack123> can you help
[02:36] <hyperair> i'll check with #ubuntu-ops
[02:36] <zack123> ok
[06:57] <DF3D2> i cant seem to figure out how to add a "custom" launch button to a panel ?
[06:57] <DF3D2> only pre defined apps
[10:19] <Warcow> hello!
[11:03] <diecastarts> have a odd problem. I rebooted the computer and now lubuntu will not login. it flash black for a second and then goes back to the login screen over and over. But i open ok in openbox mode
=== ochosi_ is now known as ochosi
[11:11] <diecastarts> have a odd problem. I rebooted the computer and now lubuntu will not login. it flash black for a second and then goes back to the login screen over and over. But i open ok in openbox mode
[11:35] <Nindustries> So I changed some things to grub, and now the same programs keep opening when starting lubuntu. Suggestions?
[11:36] <Nindustries> I think; reboot=acpi
[12:04] <diecastarts> No good
[12:04] <diecastarts> tried a shutdown to be sure
[12:05] <diecastarts> oops wrong window
=== Pici` is now known as Pici
[14:49] <BlitzHere> Does anyone know how to configure xdg-open to open the right application when I click on magnet/irc/steam links in chrome?
[14:49] <BlitzHere> I've tried a bunch of things and it done't work
[14:49] <BlitzHere> Keeps opening a new browser window
[14:49] <BlitzHere> Computer:~$ xdg-open steam://run/550
[14:50] <BlitzHere> Created new window in existing browser session.
[15:22] <STHGOM> how do you mount a .iso file with wine?
[15:23] <holstein> STHGOM: whats the bigger picture you are trying to do?
[15:23] <Unit193> ..Why with wine?
[15:23] <Unit193> mkdir mnt && sudo mount mygame.iso mnt/
[15:23] <Unit193> mount -o loop that is
[15:24] <STHGOM> old laptop = external disc drive = one free usb port
[15:24] <STHGOM> trying to get a windows game to play without disc
[15:25] <holstein> i suppose there are ways that could still be prevented
[15:25] <Unit193> Sure, loopmount and define the mount as drive D: in winecfg
[15:25] <STHGOM> Unit193 can you explain those commands?
[15:26] <holstein> man mount
[15:26] <holstein> !sudo
[15:26] <ubottu> sudo is a command to run command-line programs with superuser privileges ("root") (also see !cli). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for more information. For graphical applications see !gksu (GNOME, Xfce), or !kdesudo (KDE). If you're unable to execute commands with sudo see: http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/fixsudo
[15:26] <holstein> !mount
[15:26] <ubottu> mount is used to attach devices to directories. See also https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Mount
[15:27] <STHGOM> !mkdir
[15:27] <Unit193> mkdir make dir
[15:27] <holstein> make directory
[15:27] <STHGOM> yea
[15:27] <STHGOM> sooo
[15:28] <STHGOM> make directory mount && sudo mount mygame.iso mount/
[15:28] * STHGOM digesting this
[15:29] <STHGOM> what do i do then?
[15:31] <STHGOM> and dont i have to have a path for mygame.iso?
[15:33] <STHGOM> block device is write-protected
[15:34] <STHGOM> it arrears to have worked
[15:34] <STHGOM> appears
[15:35] <STHGOM> ty
[15:36] <STHGOM> goodbye
[18:39] <STHGOM> are there other ways to find programs you have installed with LSC than just going into the menu?
[18:40] <STHGOM> LSC = Lubuntu Software Center
[18:44] <STHGOM> anyone?
[18:47] <phillw> STHGOM: not sure what you seek?
[18:50] <STHGOM> i just cant find it in the menu
[18:50] <phillw> STHGOM: does http://askubuntu.com/questions/17823/how-to-list-all-installed-packages answer your question?
[18:52] <phillw> ahh, the installed an application and it does not show up in the menu issue!... that's a little more tricky... 1st see if it is installed (use that link) then try launching it from terminal. If it launches from there you can manually make a menu entry for a mis behaving application.
[18:53] <phillw> do NOT use sudo <<application name>> you will break it horribly!
[18:55] <STHGOM> i guess so
[18:55] <phillw> if it insists on sudo, use gksudo which will not horribly break things :)
[18:56] <STHGOM> can you do recent
[18:56] <STHGOM> ?
[18:56] <phillw> Oh... WHY, OH WHY did they stop issuing gksudo / gksu?.... There are times I pull my hair out! STHGOM you will also need http://askubuntu.com/questions/284306/why-is-gksu-no-longer-installed-by-default to install it
[18:57] <STHGOM> what?
[18:59] <phillw> STHGOM: you can look at /var/log/apt it will list all that apt has done (so a grep, or a tail should find what you have been doing)
[18:59] <STHGOM> recently installed
[19:00] <phillw> STHGOM: if the application needs privs of an admin, then you will need to launch it with gksu and NOT sudo.
[19:00] <phillw> basically, the simple rule is... if it has a window (e.g. GUI) then use gksu.
[19:02] <STHGOM> i was thinking more along the lines of folders
[19:03] <phillw> the filemanagers are a classic case of using gksudo (try sudo firefox and watch it crash and burn before your eyes once you try it from menu... - well actually don't unless you want some serious headaches!!!)
[19:04] <STHGOM> wut?
[19:04] <phillw> pcmanfm can open folders as root user, it is safer that way :)
[19:04] <STHGOM> man im you lost me
[19:05] <phillw> if you issue dpkg --get-selections | grep -v deinstall > ~/Desktop/packages and then pastebin that up, I will be happy to look for you.
[19:07] <STHGOM> what?
[19:07] <STHGOM> im new to lubuntu
[19:07] <phillw> Menu --> Accessories --> LXTerminal
[19:07] <phillw> then issue dpkg --get-selections | grep -v deinstall > ~/Desktop/packages
[19:08] <phillw> that will create a file onyou desktop called packages
[19:08] <STHGOM> k
[19:09] <phillw> sorry, that I'm the best at explaining this... I'm wathing one of the only two TV programmes I like at the same time....
[19:09] <phillw> *not the best*
[19:10] <phillw> Oh, and I have a finger in a splint which affects my typing!... the typos will appear.. if they are critical I'll re-type.
[19:17] <STHGOM> is there a way to show the programs that arent requred for lubuntu to run
[19:18] <phillw> STHGOM: there is a list of what lubuntu ships with
[19:18] <phillw> i install bluefish and other bits and pieces at each install.
[19:20] <STHGOM> i want a list of what is installed that DOSN'T come with lubuntu
[19:21] <phillw> if you make that listing, we can then look at what comes with the lubuntu-desktop meta package
[19:25] <STHGOM> what is that?
[19:27] <phillw> the meta package has all the applications that lubuntu auto installs and also is used when the build machines make the ISO's that people download.
[19:30] <STHGOM> k
[19:31] <phillw> it is, simply put, a list of what to include from the many thousands of applications in the repository into lubuntu... for an example, we do not ship libre-office like some of the family do, so it is not in the list. You can, as you have seen, install anything you want from the repository as an 'add on' and also remove things. removing things will usually prompt you to be told that lubuntu-desktop will be removed. that is the file that holds the list.
[19:33] <phillw> *buntu meta files are very well behaved... You tell it you no longer want the defaults and it will never trouble you again.
[19:34] <STHGOM> all... i.. want... is... to... see... my... recently... installed... games...
[19:35] <phillw> STHGOM: then run dpkg --get-selections | grep -v deinstall > ~/Desktop/packages
[19:37] <STHGOM> i guess i installed lubuntu the other day so everything is "recently installed"
[19:37] <phillw> STHGOM: that's fine.... run the command and tell me when you have done so.
[19:38] <STHGOM> a thing came up on the desktop that says this:
[19:38] <STHGOM> abiword install
[19:38] <STHGOM> abiword-common install
[19:38] <STHGOM> accountsservice install
[19:38] <STHGOM> ace-of-penguins install
[19:38] <STHGOM> acl install
[19:38] <STHGOM> acpid install
[19:38] <STHGOM> adduser install
[19:38] <STHGOM> alsa-base install
[19:38] <STHGOM> alsa-utils install
[19:38] <STHGOM> anacron install
[19:38] <STHGOM> app-install-data install
[19:38] <STHGOM> apparmor install
[19:38] <STHGOM> apport install
[19:38] <STHGOM> apport-gtk install
[19:38] <STHGOM> apt install
[19:38] <STHGOM> apt-transport-https install
[19:38] <phillw> ;flood | STHGOM
[19:38] <STHGOM> apt-utils install
[19:38] <STHGOM> aptdaemon install
[19:38] <STHGOM> aptdaemon-data install
[19:39] <STHGOM> apturl install
[19:39] <STHGOM> apturl-common install
[19:39] <STHGOM> aspell install
[19:39] <STHGOM> aspell-en install
[19:39] <STHGOM> at-spi2-core install
[19:39] <STHGOM> audacious install
[19:39] <STHGOM> audacious-plugins:i386 install
[19:39] <STHGOM> audacious-plugins-data install
[19:39] <STHGOM> avahi-daemon install
[19:39] <STHGOM> base-files install
[19:39] <STHGOM> base-passwd install
[19:39] <STHGOM> bash install
[19:39] <STHGOM> bash-completion install
[19:39] <STHGOM> bc install
[19:39] <STHGOM> bind9-host install
[19:39] <STHGOM> binfmt-support install
[19:39] <STHGOM> binutils install
[19:39] <STHGOM> blueman install
[19:39] <STHGOM> bluez install
[19:39] <STHGOM> bsdmainutils install
[19:39] <STHGOM> bsdutils install
[19:39] <STHGOM> busybox-initramfs install
[19:39] <STHGOM> busybox-static install
[19:39] <STHGOM> bzip2 install
[19:39] <STHGOM> ca-certificates install
[19:39] <STHGOM> cabextract install
[19:39] <STHGOM> caps install
[19:39] <STHGOM> chromium-browser install
[19:40] <STHGOM> chromium-codecs-ffmpeg install
[19:40] <STHGOM> clementine install
[19:40] <STHGOM> command-not-found install
[19:40] <STHGOM> command-not-found-data install
[19:40] <STHGOM> console-setup install
[19:40] <STHGOM> consolekit install
[19:40] <STHGOM> coreutils install
[19:40] <STHGOM> cpio install
[19:40] <STHGOM> cpp install
[19:40] <STHGOM> cpp-4.7 install
[19:40] <STHGOM> cpp-4.8 install
[19:40] <STHGOM> crafty install
[19:40] <STHGOM> crafty-books-medtosmall install
[19:40] <STHGOM> crda install
[19:40] <STHGOM> cron install
[19:40] <STHGOM> cryptsetup-bin install
[19:40] <STHGOM> cups install
[19:40] <STHGOM> cups-bsd install
[19:40] <STHGOM> cups-client install
[19:40] <STHGOM> cups-common install
[19:40] <STHGOM> cups-daemon install
[19:40] <STHGOM> cups-driver-gutenprint install
[19:40] <STHGOM> cups-filters install
[19:40] <STHGOM> cups-ppdc install
[19:40] <STHGOM> cups-server-common install
[19:40] <STHGOM> curl install
[19:40] <STHGOM> dash install
[19:40] <STHGOM> dbus install
[19:41] <STHGOM> dbus-x11 install
[19:41] <STHGOM> dconf-cli install
[19:41] <STHGOM> dconf-gsettings-backend:i386 install
[19:41] <STHGOM> dconf-service install
[19:41] <STHGOM> debconf install
[19:41] <STHGOM> debconf-i18n install
[19:41] <STHGOM> debianutils install
[19:41] <STHGOM> desktop-file-utils install
[19:41] <STHGOM> dh-python install
[19:41] <STHGOM> dictionaries-common install
[19:41] <STHGOM> diffutils install
[19:41] <STHGOM> exactly
[19:41] <STHGOM> to much
[19:42] <STHGOM> ;flood | STHGOM
[19:46] <phillw> Unit193: STHGOM seems a newbie.... I'll keep an eye on him re-appearing
[22:50] <k-rad> how do i change lubuntu clock settings to am and pm only through something i can adjust
[23:40] <wxl> ok guys, know of any hope for a drive for VGA compatible controller: Silicon Integrated Systems [SiS] 661/741/760 PCI/AGP or 662/761Gx PCIE VGA Display Adapter?
[23:41] <wxl> driver that is
[23:44] <wxl> i'm going to ask over on #ubuntu; this is too specific to need your guys' help
[23:44] <wxl> howveer nice you are :)