UbuntuIRC / 2014 /02 /21 /#juju-gui.txt
Initial commit
[00:27] <rick_h_> hatch: ugh, ok let's chat in the morning and get a plan together
[00:28] <hatch> +1
[00:28] <rick_h_> our brains need to rest a bit tonight :)
[00:29] <hatch> hah rick_h_ I think the CI is stuck
[00:29] <rick_h_> looking
[00:29] <hatch> I'm not entirely sure what it's even running
[00:30] <rick_h_> all good, killed it. It's done that once/twice before
[00:30] <rick_h_> just login and you can stop the in progress job
[00:30] <hatch> ohh ok cool thanks
=== TheRealMue is now known as TheMue
[01:11] <gary_poster> so long everybody! I'll miss you. :-)
=== gary_poster is now known as gary_poster|away
[11:19] <rick_h__> morning
[11:31] <hazmat> rick_h__, g'morning
[11:40] <rick_h__> hazmat: still an early bird? little ones not sleeping in for you yet?
[11:42] <hazmat> rick_h__, today was all me.. up at 2 sore throat, and lots to do.
[11:42] <rick_h__> ugh, /me sends some meds down your way
[13:27] <rick_h__> morning hatch
[13:27] <hatch> morning
[13:49] * benji_ takes the car to the shop.
[14:01] <hatch> rick_h__ so thoughts on upping the timeout and putting that chrome bug link?
[14:01] <rick_h__> hatch: yea, let's chat. I've got a few notes to run through
[14:02] <hatch> ok coffee is on, 2 mins
[14:02] <hatch> :0
[14:02] <hatch> :)
[14:02] <rick_h__> doh
[14:02] <rick_h__> ok, shoot me a link
[14:03] <hatch> bleh it's taking forever https://plus.google.com/hangouts/_/76cpjp39uok6fu53clukspafeg?hl=en
[14:27] <rick_h__> hatch: I can dupe :(
[14:27] <hatch> that seems like a blocker, no?
[14:27] <hatch> :(
[14:27] * hatch was really hoping it was his branch
[14:28] <rick_h__> hatch: it means it goes to 'feature flagged' :/
[14:28] <rick_h__> so we can still release pretty relation lines for MWC demos
[14:28] <rick_h__> and they can demo in chrome ok
[14:28] <hatch> do we want to 1.0 without local charms?
[14:28] <rick_h__> no, it'll have it, just not public. We won't blog/etc it
[14:28] <rick_h__> but the MWC people can demo it
[14:28] <hatch> I am not sure pretty relation lines are 1.0 worthy :)
[14:29] <rick_h__> yea, true I guess
[14:29] <rick_h__> so maybe it's just another rev, but we need a release for MWC
[14:29] <hatch> no offence to the pretty lines of course :D
[14:29] <hatch> oh yeah I totally agree
[14:30] <rick_h__> hatch: any chance you can look at that today and work on the upgrade afterwards?
[14:31] <rick_h__> hatch: if it's a quick fix maybe we can get it in a release today for monday?
[14:31] <hatch> yep I can, although frankban wrote it, he might be faster if he has the bandwidth
[14:31] <hatch> if not, I can get on it
[14:31] <rick_h__> we know the upgrade story will take on
[14:31] <rick_h__> but created #1283067
[14:31] <_mup_> Bug #1283067: dropping a local charm in Firefox does not deploy it into the sandbox <juju-gui:Triaged> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1283067>
[14:32] <rick_h__> frankban: do you have the time to peek at this bug and see if there's a quick fix we can get today for release? ^
[14:32] * hatch grabs his coffee
[14:33] <frankban> rick_h__: yes I'll take a look
[14:33] <rick_h__> thanks frankban
[14:33] <hatch> cool,
[14:33] <benji_> rick_h__: I had hoped sleeping on it would provide more insight, but I can't get the multi-field indexing approach to work (well it doesn't break anything but it doesn't do what we want), so I'm afraid doing this quickly is a bust. We need to learn more about ES.
=== benji_ is now known as benji
[14:34] <rick_h__> benji: ok, did you and bac get a chance to catch up yesterday?
[14:34] <rick_h__> benji: he's going to be out Mon/Tues so if we can get that doctype search working for Monday deploy that'd still be a partial win
[14:35] <benji> since he was going to be out early next week I figured if I got this working it would have to be someone else so I didn't talk to him. I wasn't aware that I would be taking his branch.
[14:35] <rick_h__> yea, understood. 0/2 for monday
[14:37] <benji> rick_h__: I bet I can figure out his branch though; should I pick that up next?
[14:37] <rick_h__> benji: I was just looking to see if he pushed up anything before he left
[14:37] <rick_h__> I'm not seeing anything other than his https://code.launchpad.net/~bac/charmworld/improve-bundle-search/+merge/207290
[14:38] * benji looks
[14:38] <rick_h__> benji: if you can run with it and get that up and going I'd appreciate it. I can get a charmworld deploy done monday and that would be nice to have
[14:40] <rick_h__> benji: yea, see how far you can get. I might be able to run with it some this weekend so let's make sure to catch up before your EOD and hangoff to me.
[14:40] <benji> rick_h__: that doesn't look like the latest code. He asked me to review that branch on Wednesday and I noted that it didn't actually do what the card was about. He then began working on it some more. I can take it from that branch (or perhaps start over, since it isn't on-target) but it'll be rework.
[14:41] <rick_h__> benji: yes, understood. It'll be rework and can't be helped without delaying into Wed or later next week in which case we'll miss the MWC demo time this was asked specifically for.
[14:41] <benji> will do
[14:41] <rick_h__> thanks
[14:49] <hatch> rick_h__ we are going to have to parse the zip contents - on a real env we would need to store the zip filename in the annotations otherwise
[14:52] <hatch> so unfortunately that part is kind of an all-or-nothing approach
[14:58] <rick_h__> hatch: what's wrong with the annotation? I'm confused
[14:59] <rick_h__> benji: one heads up, when brad and I talked the one thing that came out was that the api search and the website search are two code paths
[14:59] <rick_h__> benji: and that a "" search in the api returns all results
[14:59] <hatch> well they get sent along with every request, so it bulks up the requests and it's pretty clunky
[14:59] <hatch> at least imho
[14:59] <benji> yep
[14:59] <rick_h__> while that did not seem true on the website search
[14:59] <rick_h__> benji: cool
[15:00] <rick_h__> hatch: ok, well it was on the roadmap for the feature anyway
[15:00] <hatch> which?
[15:00] <rick_h__> hatch: the zip to help find service by name not zip filename
[15:00] <hatch> ohh yeah - I'm hoping that the sandbox api can be repurposed
[15:00] <hatch> I'll look into that first
[15:00] <rick_h__> hatch: but let's make sure we shortcut, if we dont' have any local charms in the env we can skip it still
[15:01] <hatch> oh yeah for sure
[15:01] <rick_h__> k
[15:01] <rick_h__> friday is not liking us today is it
[15:01] <hatch> this week has just been frustrating all over :)
[15:02] <rick_h__> yea, suppose so
[15:02] <hatch> I need an idea for a Go lang project
[15:04] <hatch> get my head outa js for the weekend
[15:04] <rick_h__> heh, I'll send you my list over
[15:04] <hatch> haha I'm looking for small projects
[15:04] <hatch> maybe a week of personal time sort of things
[15:05] <hatch> benji what was wrong with your car?
[15:05] <rick_h__> hatch: yea, charm proof would be a small something to check out doing. I was thinking of doing my small readable web service in Go as an experiment and test scale
[15:05] <benji> it has a coolent leak (and needs some brake work)
[15:06] <hatch> shitty, what kind of car?
[15:06] <hatch> rick_h__ oh Go can handle scale :)
[15:07] <hatch> charm proof in Go? Isn't it written in python already?
[15:07] <rick_h__> hatch: yea, just mean a good example project to 'port' and compare
[15:07] <hatch> ohh gotcha
[15:07] <hatch> that might not be a bad idea
[15:10] <hatch> maybe I'll write a Bookie competitor in Go :P
[15:10] <hatch> jk
[15:13] <rick_h__> hey, more power to you
[15:14] <hatch> it could be called Gookie
[15:14] <hatch> lol
[15:16] <hatch> rick_h__ http://nightwatchjs.org/ nodejs selenium driver api
[15:16] <hatch> it 'looks' simpler than our python one
[15:19] <rick_h__> hatch: hmm, but this is a selenium server and we use saucelabs for that
[15:19] <rick_h__> https://github.com/beatfactor/nightwatch/issues/53
[15:20] <hatch> oh shoot I misread
[15:20] <hatch> I thought that it interacted with a selenium server
[15:20] <rick_h__> it IS the server
[15:20] <rick_h__> is how I read it
[15:20] <hatch> well it does...but right heh
[15:22] <hatch> teach me for not reading before sharing
[15:39] <hatch> benji hey when you had your git rebase issues did you try creating a patch and applying that on a new branch?
[15:40] <rick_h__> hatch: I tested things out. The key is that if you updated your branch to latest develop to do 'git rebase develop' and all your commits get layered nicely
[15:40] <hatch> rick_h__ following along in #yui?
[15:40] <rick_h__> hazmat: did that on https://github.com/juju/juju-gui/pull/139
[15:41] <rick_h__> hatch: oh no, /me goes to look
[15:41] <rick_h__> hatch: yea, use rebase when push upstream changes into topic branch
[15:41] <rick_h__> that works nicely
[15:41] <benji> hatch: I considered it, that may have even been the final solution; I can't remember exactly.
[15:42] <hatch> rick_h__ well remember benji's issue with a bunch of wips and merges from develop
[15:42] <hatch> I was hoping for a reasonable 'fix' and it looks like creating a patch file is the best
[15:42] <rick_h__> yea, I mean I've done both. Created a new branch from develop and cherry pick.
[15:42] <hatch> rick_h__ so then what are we talking about re the rebase develop if you weren't following along in yui :)
[15:42] <rick_h__> that went ok, but tedious
[15:42] <rick_h__> no, I wasn't at the time
[15:43] <rick_h__> I was just replying to your questoin to benji
[15:43] <rick_h__> as it was something I wanted to test out and just had cause with the safari CI branch since it hung for a week there
[15:43] <hatch> ohhh ok ok
[15:43] <hatch> so you had commit commit merge commit commit ?
[15:43] <hatch> and doing a rebase against develop removed the merge commit?
[15:43] <rick_h__> so I updated my safari branch with latest develop first `git co develop; git juju-sync; git co $mybranch; git rebase develop
[15:44] <rick_h__> it didn't remove it, it avoided it
[15:44] <rick_h__> a merge commit is a merge commit. It's now part of the history
[15:45] <rick_h__> hatch: so https://github.com/juju/juju-gui/pull/139 had a rebase on develop in there, two rebases for lint/etc during review. looks clean :)
[15:45] <frankban> rick_h__, hatch: quick fix for bug 1283067 ready for review -> https://github.com/juju/juju-gui/pull/140
[15:45] <_mup_> Bug #1283067: dropping a local charm in Firefox does not deploy it into the sandbox <juju-gui:Triaged by frankban> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1283067>
[15:45] <rick_h__> frankban: looking
[15:45] <frankban> thanks
[15:46] <hatch> rick_h__ so how did you get rid of the merge commit there then? the rebase on develop got rid of it?
[15:46] <hatch> s/on/from
[15:46] <rick_h__> hatch: you're saying to get rid of something taht exists
[15:46] <rick_h__> I'm saying that you need to avoid the merge commit to start with by using rebase vs merge
[15:46] <hatch> well in #139 it looks like you did
[15:46] <hatch> there is no merge commit in there
[15:46] <rick_h__> right
[15:47] <rick_h__> I avoided it by doing a git rebase develop
[15:47] <rick_h__> that's how I updated my long running feature branch
[15:47] <rick_h__> hatch: follow? or am I still talking nuts?
[15:48] <hatch> ok so you didn't 'merge' develop in...you rebased it in
[15:48] <rick_h__> hatch: rgr
[15:48] <hatch> me likey
[15:49] <hatch> ok so from what I understand the 'best' way to fix benji 's issue is to use a patch and git 'should' ignore the parts of the diff that are unchanged in upstream
[15:49] <hatch> but the proper way to do it is to rebase upstream in
[15:49] <hatch> upstream in this case being develop
[15:49] <rick_h__> hatch: right
[15:50] <rick_h__> hatch: correct, you should be able to git rebase develop over and over in a long running branch safely, fixing conflicts between trunk and your WIP as you go
[15:50] <rick_h__> jujugui call in 10
[15:51] <rick_h__> frankban: yay works. Want me to :shipit:?
[15:51] <frankban> rick_h__: yes thanks
[15:52] <hatch> stupid browser differences
[15:52] <hatch> frankban how did you figure out that that was necessary?
[15:53] <rick_h__> hatch: there's a bug in zip.js called out in the code
[15:53] <frankban> hatch: ff debugger + feeling lucky with google
[15:53] <rick_h__> lol "I feel lucky, oh so lucky"
[15:54] <rick_h__> nice diff to use that whitespace flag feature on as well <3
[15:54] <frankban> yes indeed
[15:55] <hatch> frankban ok cool :) I was hoping that there might have been some cool technique or something :P
[16:00] <rick_h__> jujugui call now
[16:18] <hatch> frankban have a quick second now to run through my questions?
[16:18] <hatch> https://plus.google.com/hangouts/_/calendar/cmljay5oYXJkaW5nQGNhbm9uaWNhbC5jb20.t3m5giuddiv9epub48d9skdaso?authuser=1
[16:19] <frankban> hatch: sure, be there in a minute
[16:26] <frankban> hatch: I am there
[16:34] <Makyo> rick_h__, you mentioned copying me on an email, but having a hard time finding it.
[16:34] <Makyo> What was the subject?
[16:35] <rick_h__> Makyo: sec, it was a document. Looking
[16:36] <Makyo> rick_h__, oh, oops. Will check.
[16:36] <Makyo> There it is.
[16:36] <Makyo> Sorry, got it :)
[16:36] <rick_h__> Makyo: https://docs.google.com/a/canonical.com/document/d/1ma0U1ZxILTh5s3NoHiuwKiclRSxJLIY-Q2MEMzBO7Dk/edit
[16:36] <rick_h__> Makyo: cool, adding the link to the card as well
[16:40] <Makyo> Cool, thanks.
[16:40] * Makyo restart for updates.
[16:54] <hatch> http://vimeo.com/58200103
[17:25] <hatch> anyone else excited to see pictures of Pluto?
[17:25] <hatch> like 4 serious!
[17:25] <hatch> :)
[17:33] <rick_h__> we're getting pics of pluto?
[17:36] <hatch> well in a year probably
[17:37] <hatch> http://pluto.jhuapl.edu/index.php
[17:37] <hatch> 9.5 year trip or something hah
[17:47] <hatch> jujugui looking for a really quick review on https://github.com/juju/juju-gui/pull/141 no qa needed
[17:48] <benji> hatch: I'll take a look
[17:48] <hatch> thanks
[18:07] <hatch> rick_h__ do you know where I can find the aforementioned charm-proof repo?
[18:30] <rick_h__> hatch: it's in charm-tools
[18:30] <hatch> ohh duh
[18:31] <hatch> I'll take a look at the Go conversion....if you don't mind
[18:31] <rick_h__> woot, got the ok for the 1.0 release go go
[18:31] <rick_h__> hatch: yea, definitely.
[18:32] <hatch> cool, I have no idea what will come out of it
[18:33] <rick_h__> yea, just something small to tinker with
[19:06] <hatch> so I just looked at it
[19:06] <hatch> it's actually pretty sizeable
[19:06] <hatch> once you include the scripts for actually parsing the stuff
[19:06] <hatch> good couple thousand lines
[19:07] <hatch> which is fine
[19:07] <hatch> I had assumed it would be smaller for whatever reason
[19:38] <rick_h__> now to play "run those functional charm tests!"
[19:39] <benji> to the tune of Play That Funky Music
[19:40] <rick_h__> "get down and boogy and let functional tests pass"
[19:40] <benji> lol
[19:43] <rick_h__> boom and fail
[19:43] <rick_h__> doh
[19:46] <hatch> lol
[19:46] <hatch> it seems anything with 'charm' in it blows up for us
[19:46] <hatch> charmworld
[19:46] <hatch> charm tests
[19:46] <hatch> :P
[19:46] <hatch> lets rename them to trinkets
[19:47] <rick_h__> ERROR empty image-stream in environment configuration
[19:47] <rick_h__> ummm, ok
[19:47] <hatch> uhh what
[19:48] <rick_h__> yea, that's my thought
[19:49] <hatch> Makyo new OneTab record here ....276
[19:49] <hatch> and about 15 more tabs open lol
[20:15] <rick_h__> Makyo: did you have a card today? Were you looking at the video or something else?
[20:15] * rick_h__ was just kanban gardening while waiting for live tests wheeeee
[20:21] <hatch> I found two really cool sublime plugins, gitgutter and git
[20:21] <hatch> gitgutter shows the changes in your file in the line gutter
[20:21] <hatch> and git gives you git commands in sublime
[20:21] <hatch> sublime > terminal is kind of a pita when you only want to see diffs and stuff
[20:23] <rick_h__> hatch: or Makyo able to help me test this please?
[20:23] <hatch> sure what do you need
[20:23] <rick_h__> preferably non trusty
[20:23] <hatch> I have 12.04
[20:24] <rick_h__> hatch: I pull down lp:~rharding/charms/precise/juju-gui/1.0 and see if you can make test including the live ec2 tests
[20:24] <hatch> sure
[20:25] <hatch> bzr checkout --lightweight should be the default :)
[20:25] <hatch> bzr branch pssshhht
[20:25] <benji> rick_h__: ready for handoff? I think all we need is review and QA and it'll be done.
[20:25] <rick_h__> benji: sure thing
[20:26] <hatch> rick_h__ running `make test`
[20:26] <rick_h__> benji: https://plus.google.com/hangouts/_/72cpiv9f3hglut66ffdl7mq950?hl=en
[20:26] <rick_h__> hatch: thanks
[20:29] <rick_h__> hah, he runs make test and then loses his internet connection
[20:29] <rick_h__> "thou shall not release!"
[20:32] <hatch> rick_h__ https://gist.github.com/hatched/cba361ff581bf4d51a6d this is the error I get
[20:34] <Makyo> rick_h__, sorry, yeah, video. Have IRC open on the wrong laptop :(
[20:34] <rick_h__> hatch: did you run 'make sysdeps"
[20:34] <hatch> nope i'll try that
[20:35] <rick_h__> hatch: yea, run that first and then make ftest JUJU_ENV="ec2" or whatever your ec2 env is named
[20:35] <hatch> unable to locate libpython-dev
[20:35] <rick_h__> hatch: sudo apt-get install libpython-dev
[20:36] <rick_h__> oh, you don't have it on precise?
[20:36] <hatch> yeah that package doesn't exist
[20:36] <rick_h__> looking
[20:36] <hatch> what's the equivalent for precise?
[20:36] <hatch> pffft python portability issues
[20:36] <hatch> :P
[20:36] <rick_h__> try just 'python-dev'
[20:37] <rick_h__> but make sure you catch the rest of the sysdeps in the Makefile
[20:38] <hatch> already the newest version
[20:38] <hatch> will look at the other deps
[20:38] <rick_h__> k
[20:38] <rick_h__> sudo apt-get install build-essential bzr libapt-pkg-dev python-virtualenv rsync xvfb
[20:39] <hatch> libapt-pkg-dev looks like it was missing
[20:39] <hatch> will see if that was the issue
[20:39] <rick_h__> k
[20:40] <hatch> looks like that was the kicker
[20:40] <hatch> whatever it's for
[20:40] <rick_h__> hatch: cool, it'll run for a while hopefully
[20:41] <hatch> well it apparently doesn't like my JUJU_ENV value
[20:41] <rick_h__> hatch: right, it needs to be whatever you call your ec2 env in your environtments.yaml file
[20:41] <rick_h__> I call mine ec2
[20:42] <hatch> https://gist.github.com/hatched/cd5196ac5b83cc4bf231
[20:42] <rick_h__> ok
[20:42] <benji> rick_h__: I did some basic QA and it looks good. Here's the MP: https://code.launchpad.net/~benji/charmworld/doctype-search/+merge/207738
[20:42] <rick_h__> make ftest JUJU_ENV="amazon"
[20:43] <rick_h__> benji: awesome, will look when I get this deploy up and done.
[20:43] <benji> cool
[20:43] <hatch> ok will try that
[20:43] <hatch> lol juju-test is missing now
[20:43] <hatch> I'm just going to read this hacking file to see what I am missing
[20:44] <rick_h__> lol ok
[20:44] <rick_h__> yea you need charm-tools
[20:44] <rick_h__> sorry, didn't realize you'd not messed with the charm
[20:45] <hatch> not on this vm I guess
[20:45] <hatch> best way to install charmtools?
[20:45] <rick_h__> sudo apt-get install charm-tools
[20:45] <hatch> installing from ppa now
[20:45] <rick_h__> do you have the stable ppa?
[20:46] <hatch> yay finally
[20:46] <hatch> looks like it's starting the env
[20:46] <rick_h__> yay
[20:50] <rick_h__> benji: does this require the : or is it optional?
[20:51] <benji> rick_h__: required; I figured the structure was a better way to go, but it would be easy to make it optional
[20:51] <rick_h__> benji: ah, see in the tests that they both work cool
[20:51] <benji> well the bare words work, but if you have terms after the word you have to have a colon
[20:51] <rick_h__> benji: well just 'bundle' works for all bundles in the test
[20:51] <benji> right
[20:51] <rick_h__> right, the bare words are what I was worried about. That's the main use case
[20:51] <benji> cool
[20:51] <rick_h__> the : identifier is more advanced optional
[21:01] <rick_h__> hatch: still running?
[21:08] <hatch> yup
[21:08] <hatch> there has been an error though
[21:09] <rick_h__> :(
[21:09] <hatch> https://gist.github.com/hatched/9143581
[21:09] <hatch> doesn't give me any information as to what failed yet though
[21:09] <rick_h__> yea, will have to wait for them to finish
[21:10] <hatch> sorry my internet is very slow right now for whatever reason
[21:10] <rick_h__> you had one 'ok' thuogh so that's more than me
[21:10] <rick_h__> it takes a while
[21:10] <hatch> lol I'm guessing that 1.0 is not being released today? :)
[21:10] <rick_h__> depends on what your errors say
[21:14] <hatch> rick_h__ https://gist.github.com/hatched/a9f7df762c14e797fbc1
[21:15] <rick_h__> hatch: what's your juju version? juju --version
[21:15] <hatch> 1.17.1
[21:15] <hatch> precise
[21:16] <hatch> it's `juju version` btw :P
[21:16] <rick_h__> heh
[21:16] <hatch> that's the Go way
[21:16] <hatch> lol
[21:16] <hatch> unless they fixed that
[21:16] <rick_h__> well --version works
[21:16] <rick_h__> it's what I've been using
[21:16] <rick_h__> hatch: can you test one more thing then please?
[21:17] <rick_h__> can you stick that directory inside a directoy named precise and try to install it and check the unit log?
[21:18] <hatch> oh ok they must have fixed it
[21:18] <hatch> install it in a real env?
[21:18] <rick_h__> yes please
[21:19] <hatch> sure thing
[21:19] <rick_h__> if the tests fail and the unit was in error it'd be helpful to find out what the error is
[21:19] <hatch> bootstrapping
[21:19] <rick_h__> I can't deploy right now, there's some issue core is looking into
[21:19] <rick_h__> thanks
[21:19] <hatch> lxc bootstrap is so much faster
[21:19] <hatch> lol
[21:19] <rick_h__> sorry to distract you. I'll start working on setting up a precise vm to work around the current issues
[21:19] <rick_h__> heh no doubt
[21:19] <hatch> no problem I needed a break from local charm anyways
[21:19] <rick_h__> hatch: you can test it there as well I guess. Maybe it does error in lxc
[21:20] <hatch> so you get me to deploy a local charm....damnnnn youuu
[21:20] <hatch> lol
[21:20] <rick_h__> lol
[21:20] <hatch> ahh it's ok the ec2 setup is already running
[21:20] <rick_h__> but if the tests says it's in error I need to know what error to try to see what's not happy in the charm
[21:21] <hatch> yup I'll keep you posted
[21:21] <rick_h__> thanks, /me goes to get a refill...come on EOD
[21:21] <rick_h__> going to have to start my birthday party drinking early after today
[21:22] <hatch> it's your bday?
[21:22] <hatch> well why didn't you say something!
[21:22] <rick_h__> tomorrow
[21:22] <hatch> well then! Happy early Bday
[21:22] <rick_h__> hah
[21:22] <rick_h__> thanks, where's the wine?
[21:23] <hatch> I'd say you could watch the USA Olympics hockey game tomorrow, but you guys lost :P
[21:23] <rick_h__> I hear it wasn't a very good game all around
[21:24] <hatch> I haven't heard much except my friends who care about hockey texted me lol
[21:25] <hatch> ERROR cannot repackage charm: symlink "tests/.venv/include/python2.7" is absolute: "/usr/include/python2.7"
[21:25] <hatch> have you seen that before?
[21:25] <hatch> running make clean
[21:25] <rick_h__> make clean on the new copy
[21:26] <hatch> ahh that appears to have fixed it
[21:36] <hatch> rick_h__ 2014-02-21 21:31:15 INFO install raise ValueError('Error: no releases found in the charm.')
[21:36] <hatch> that would be an issue :)
[21:36] <rick_h__> ok, so do me a favor. this is what I was thinking
[21:36] <hatch> favour
[21:36] <hatch> :P
[21:36] <rick_h__> in the releases folder change the version from 1.0 to 1.0.0
[21:36] <hatch> ok changing
[21:36] <rick_h__> I wonder if that's what I'm hitting
[21:37] <hatch> wait....do you want me to do that in the deployed one and retry? or from ground 0
[21:37] <rick_h__> in the local copy and redeploy the charm
[21:37] <hatch> alrighty
[21:37] <hatch> will ping
[21:37] <rick_h__> mv releases/juju-gui-1.0.xz releases/juju-gui-1.0.0.xz
[21:38] <hatch> juju-gui-1.0.xz ?
[21:38] <hatch> I've never seen that extension before
[21:38] <hatch> odd
[21:38] <rick_h__> its ok
[21:38] <rick_h__> it's our special super compression extension. It's rare
[21:39] <hatch> ohh ok :) what does it use?
[21:39] <Makyo> xz :)
[21:39] * Makyo : jerk.
[21:39] <rick_h__> http://tukaani.org/xz/format.html
[21:40] <hatch> lol SORRY
[21:40] <hatch> I'm doing three things at once here haha
[21:40] <Makyo> It is 100% a Friday.
[21:40] <rick_h__> friday release day!
[21:40] <rick_h__> boom!
[21:40] <Makyo> Woooo...ooo...oo~
[21:42] <hatch> lol we said we would never do that!
[21:42] <rick_h__> well it was supposed to be easy. I think the issue is I left off a .0
[21:42] <rick_h__> just hitting a juju bug causing me to not get passing tests
[21:43] <rick_h__> if this works we're back in business
[21:47] <hatch> rick_h__ started
[21:48] <rick_h__> hatch: woot
[21:48] <rick_h__> so now to rerun the tests for one final check
[21:48] <hatch> oh kay
[21:49] <hatch> runnning
[21:49] <rick_h__> ty much
[21:54] <rick_h__> hatch: have to run and get the boy from day care. Back in 20ish
[21:54] <hatch> no prob
[21:54] <hatch> I'll ping with the results
[22:14] <rick_h__> hatch: getting some OK's ?
[22:14] <hatch> yup rockin the ok's
[22:14] <rick_h__> yay!
[22:14] <hatch> not done yet though
[22:15] <rick_h__> cool, all good
[22:15] <rick_h__> thanks for the help
[22:30] <hatch> rick_h__ passed with flying colours
[22:30] <hatch> well...if the terminal wasn't black and white
[22:30] <rick_h__> hatch: awesome, released
[22:30] <rick_h__> thanks!
[22:31] <rick_h__> we hit 1.0!
[22:31] <rick_h__> now if ES on charmworld didn't go boom we might see it ingested sometime today :/
[22:36] * Makyo dogwalk
[22:51] <hatch> rick_h__ maybe we need to invest some resources on getting GOOD at ES
[22:51] <hatch> like a few books or something to some people :)
[22:51] <rick_h__> hatch: yea, no kidding
[22:52] <hatch> conveniently you're in the unique position to authorize such expenditures lol
[23:11] <hatch> finally got the sublime gist plugin all configured properly on this machine
[23:11] <hatch> yay
[23:11] <Makyo> hatch, I nominate you to be the ES guru.
[23:11] <hatch> Makyo my brain is running out of guru room
[23:11] <hatch> lol
[23:11] <hatch> it didn't have much to begin with
[23:11] <Makyo> Just set YUI aside for a bit... :)
[23:12] <hatch> haha it's been slowly sliding to make room for Go and Python
[23:12] <hatch> I'm not sure if I can put ES in there, maybe tucked in a corner somewhere
[23:12] <Makyo> Gooooo *fistshake*
[23:12] <hatch> haha
[23:12] <Makyo> Been tinkering with Coffeescript in freetime. I kinda like it. I can see it being a maintenance nightmare for a large project, though.
[23:13] <hatch> yeah it adds yet another abstraction from the real code which I'm not a huge fan of
[23:13] <hatch> even experienced coffee users still think in javascript hah
[23:13] <Makyo> Yeah. Fun, but would make management hard.
[23:14] <Makyo> Well, it still reeks of JS/.
[23:14] <Makyo> It's not quite its own thing yet.
[23:14] <hatch> lol
[23:14] <hatch> this weekend I might try and create a juju gui sublime text plugin
[23:14] <Makyo> How would that work?
[23:14] <hatch> have all the make targets keybound :)
[23:15] <hatch> `ctrl+j,l` could run the linter
[23:15] <hatch> for example
[23:15] <Makyo> Oh, hey, that could be neat.
[23:16] <hatch> it has a 'build' option built in, but we need more targets than that
[23:16] <Makyo> I just have multiple terminal tabs and use Ctrl+R :P
[23:16] <hatch> the plugins are in python too so would give me some python practice
[23:16] <hatch> haha yeah so do I lol
[23:16] <Makyo> Yeah, that's cool.
[23:17] <hatch> I found this good Git plugin which allows you do do all the git stuff with keybindings
[23:17] <hatch> and it shows you the modified rows in the code
[23:17] <hatch> I can now properly save a selection, file, multiple files, etc to a gist from sublime
[23:18] <hatch> so with a quality juju gui plugin maybe I won't need to open the terminal
[23:18] <hatch> lol
[23:18] <hatch> the terminal is fast...but keybindings are faster :)
[23:20] <hatch> Makyo you're a vim user, correct? With Gary gone am I now the only ST2 user?
[23:21] <Makyo> I alternate. Vim for JS/Coffee, alternate for Python, ST2 for Go.
[23:21] <hatch> ahh with https://github.com/DisposaBoy/GoSublime ?
[23:21] <Makyo> I think so?
[23:21] <Makyo> 1sec.
[23:22] <Makyo> Ahoor.
[23:22] <Makyo> Shoot, I mean.
[23:22] <Makyo> My copy of sublime expired.
[23:22] <Makyo> I think that's it, though.
[23:22] <hatch> cool
[23:23] <hatch> I think it just gives you notifications now that it's expired unless you get a key
[23:23] <hatch> it's been so long, I bought a key a while ago
[23:23] <Makyo> This has happened a few times. Works if I just redownload.
[23:23] <hatch> ohh ok cool
[23:26] <Makyo> Hmm, it may not be that package, not sure. Mostly just used completion and the gofmt-on-save features.
[23:29] <Makyo> Oh, yeah, it is that plugin.
[23:31] <hatch> hah cool, I was looking for others but havne't found any
[23:31] <hatch> so I was pretty interested
[23:31] <Makyo> It works okay!
[23:35] <Makyo> Better than go in vim, in my experience, but I didn't spend much time on that, since frankban and I were pairing at the time.
[23:37] <hatch> ahh