UbuntuIRC / 2014 /02 /18 /#launchpad.txt
Initial commit
=== zz_mwhudson is now known as mwhudson
=== NikitaKonovalov_ is now known as NikitaKonovalov
=== NikitaKonovalov is now known as NikitaKonovalov_
=== NikitaKonovalov_ is now known as NikitaKonovalov
=== NikitaKonovalov is now known as NikitaKonovalov_
=== NikitaKonovalov_ is now known as NikitaKonovalov
[14:05] <shadeslayer> how would one query all the bugs from a specific source via the launchpad API?
[14:15] <geser> what kind of "source"?
[14:18] <dobey> shadeslayer: you mean for a project, a package, or for a whole distribution?
[14:18] <shadeslayer> geser: dobey https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/synaptiks
[14:19] <shadeslayer> need the bug numbers of all of those bugs so I can close them in one go ( source is unmaintained https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/1281564 )
[14:19] <ubot5> Launchpad bug 1281564 in synaptiks (Ubuntu Trusty) "Please remove synaptiks from Trusty" [Undecided,New]
[14:20] <dobey> shadeslayer: get the source_package for it, and do source_package.searchTaasks(...)
[14:20] <shadeslayer> ack
[14:20] <dobey> https://launchpad.net/+apidoc/1.0.html#source_package
=== JanC_ is now known as JanC
=== NikitaKonovalov is now known as NikitaKonovalov_
[16:27] <eagles0513875> hey guys is launchpad downas i got a time out error
[16:33] <shadeslayer> so I sent : http://paste.kde.org/pcdeuj0ts : to edit@bugs.launchpad.net a couple of hours ago
[16:33] <shadeslayer> any idea why its still not processed?
[16:43] <shadeslayer> dobey: geser ^^
[17:40] <dobey> shadeslayer: i have no idea about the e-mail interface
[17:40] <shadeslayer> oh
[17:41] <dobey> eagles0513875_: it's not down, no. time out errors happen occasionally, particularly for very large requests from the db
=== dpm is now known as dpm-afk
=== NikitaKonovalov_ is now known as NikitaKonovalov
=== NikitaKonovalov is now known as NikitaKonovalov_
[19:46] <shadeslayer> well fun, the email interface doesn't work at all https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/synaptiks/+bug/814200
[19:46] <ubot5> Launchpad bug 814200 in synaptiks (Ubuntu) "synaptiks crashed with ImportError in search(): No module named knuminput" [Medium,Confirmed]
[19:54] <kindjal> Step 1 trying to set up launchpad fails: http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~launchpad-pqm/launchpad/devel/utilities/rocketfuel-setup
[19:54] <kindjal> should that URL work?
=== mwhudson is now known as zz_mwhudson
[20:03] <kindjal> correct command is: bzr --no-plugins cat http://launchpad.net/~launchpad-pqm/launchpad/devel/utilities/rocketfuel-setup > rocketfuel-setup
[20:17] <kindjal> Has anyone done any work to puppetize launchpad or soyuz?
[20:20] <dobey> kindjal: launchpad is not really meant to be deployed outside of launchpad.net, so no
[20:21] <dobey> it's also extremely complicated, and not generally advised to do so
[20:21] <dobey> kindjal: #launchpad-dev would probably be a better place to ask about setting up a dev instance though
[20:22] <kindjal> I see...
[20:22] <dobey> kindjal: also, during australia daylight times :)
[20:22] <kindjal> fair enough
[20:22] <kindjal> thanks
[20:23] <kindjal> I want to build an ubuntu variant distribution for genomics… I have a few hundred packages… around 8GB worth compiled...
[20:23] <kindjal> I'd like an internal repository and build farm..
[20:23] <kindjal> I figured launchpad might be my answer
=== dpm-afk is now known as dpm
=== zz_mwhudson is now known as mwhudson
[21:43] <wgrant> shadeslayer: Did you sign the email and prefix each command with a space?
=== mwhudson is now known as zz_mwhudson
=== zz_mwhudson is now known as mwhudson
[22:56] <shadeslayer> wgrant: that explains it :S
[22:56] <wgrant> https://help.launchpad.net/Bugs/EmailInterface#Anatomy_of_an_email_to_the_bug_tracker
[22:57] <wgrant> shadeslayer: Also, you can use the API for bulk edits nowadays, you don't need to have an email with 1000 Ccs like the old days :)
[22:57] <wgrant> Though both work.
[23:06] <anteaya> hello
[23:06] <anteaya> we use launchpad id for signing into our gerrit
[23:06] <anteaya> and right now we have some folks unable to sign into gerrit
[23:06] <anteaya> but they can ssh in
[23:07] <anteaya> how can we assess if the source of the issue resides with lauchpad login?
[23:08] <anteaya> apparently launchpad id still works to sign into our wiki
[23:13] <anteaya> ah we are suspecting a dns issue
[23:13] <anteaya> thanks though
[23:20] <shadeslayer> wgrant: yeah, I missed the "Before you start" part :P
[23:22] <shadeslayer> didn't realize emails needed to be signed
[23:25] <wgrant> shadeslayer: Ah, I thought you'd just used OpenPGP/MIME so I couldn't see the sig.
[23:25] <shadeslayer> wgrant: until this morning I wasn't even aware LP had a email interface
[23:26] <shadeslayer> wgrant: regarding using the LP API to close bugs, I couldn't find a way to leave a comment
[23:26] <shadeslayer> so I could alter the status, but no way to tell the reporter why the bug was closed
[23:27] <wgrant> shadeslayer: newMessage
[23:28] <shadeslayer> wgrant: I don't see that in https://api.launchpad.net/1.0.html#bug_task
[23:28] <shadeslayer> o
[23:28] <shadeslayer> ohhh
[23:28] <wgrant> shadeslayer: bug_task is a single row in the task table, but comments are bug-wide.
[23:28] <wgrant> So bug_task.bug.newMessage
[23:28] <shadeslayer> right
[23:29] * shadeslayer gets the full picture and will write a "Mass bug close" script :)
[23:31] <wgrant> :)
[23:36] <shadeslayer> wgrant: do you reckon that would be a good addition to ubuntu-dev-tools
[23:38] <wgrant> shadeslayer: Could be
[23:38] <wgrant> Though it's like 6 lines in launchpadlib, so it's not hugely onerous to rewrite each time.