UbuntuIRC / 2014 /02 /16 /#lubuntu.txt
Initial commit
[03:01] <holstein> FuuqUmiist: i might just use something like tint or wbar, depending on what i want, but what you are likely asking is, how to add a launcher or link to the lxpanel?
[03:01] <holstein> http://wiki.lxde.org/en/LXShortCut looks like it might do what you are looking for
[03:03] <FuuqUmiist> actually, its a file that i can only open on wine, i want to make a shortcut on the panel
[03:04] <holstein> let me konw if that works for you
[08:23] <jozefk> Is lubuntu LTS?
[08:26] <JohnDoe_71Rus> the next 14.04 will be
[13:25] <Mongo44> I can't get the 1366X768 screen resolution I want on my Lubuntu VM. I have installed the guest additions.
[13:27] <Unit193> What release?
[13:29] <Unit193> If trusty: https://www.virtualbox.org/ticket/12623 Otherwise just install guest additions.
[13:31] <Mongo44> It is 13.10
=== anto is now known as Mongo44
[13:32] <Mongo44> I have version 13.10
[13:47] <Mongo44> There are six available screen resolutions. 3 too big and 3 too small.
[13:56] <kry> Hallo
[13:56] <Mongo44> Howdy.
[13:56] <kry> I just downloaded an .rpm ending file, and I don't get how I can install it
[13:56] <kry> It's adobe flash for Linux actually
[14:03] <kry> Lubuntu doesn't install RPM by default
[14:03] <kry> I think I got it
[14:06] <kry> Nope
[14:06] <kry> error: Failed dependencies:
[14:06] <kry> glibc >= 2.4 is needed by flash-plugin-
[14:06] <kry> /bin/sh is needed by flash-plugin-
[14:13] <phillw> kry: *buntu uses .deb packages, not .rpms. If you only have an .rpm then alien may work for you. https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RPM/AlienHowto
[14:34] <Unit193> I wouldn't recommend alien.
[14:34] <Unit193> !info adobe-flashplugin partner
[14:34] <ubottu> adobe-flashplugin (source: adobe-flashplugin): Adobe Flash Player plugin version 11. In component main, is optional. Version (partner), package size 6443 kB, installed size 17166 kB (Only available for i386; amd64)
[17:59] <Waynes> I tried to drag&drop a file out of an archive and now my mouse is frozen and I can only use the keyboard now. What to do?
[18:06] <Waynes> wuhu, I managed to kill the window manager, now it's working again
[19:00] <diecastarts> Heya all, small question yet again lol.... trying to find where the hotkeys or if there is an easy to use app to change them .. because there are a few hotkey that i don;t want or are conflicting with others.... Guessing it part of Xorg but really not sure at all
[19:01] <Unit193> They're in ~/.config/openbox/lubuntu-rc.xml
[19:01] <diecastarts> Thank you :)
[19:07] <diecastarts> <!-- Do not edit this file, it will be overwritten on install.
[19:07] <diecastarts> Copy the file to $HOME/.config/openbox/ instead. --> this mean i should cope the file before editing in the root HOME??
[19:08] <Unit193> Nope.
[19:08] <diecastarts> copy*
[19:08] <Unit193> Ignore that.
[19:08] <diecastarts> kk
[19:08] <Unit193> Also, echo $HOME, it's not in /root/
[19:13] <diecastarts> k wasn't sure because just used to see Home/username ectect
[19:20] <diecastarts> but thanks again i have to run now
[22:24] <koell> how to show music, pictures and movies folder in pcmanfm sidebar? i deleted them from there sometime ago, now i want to have them back.
[22:36] <ianorlin> hmm haven't done that maybe try bookmarking them as a workaround