UbuntuIRC / 2014 /02 /14 /#ubuntu-desktop.txt
Initial commit
=== cmiller__ is now known as qengho
=== thumper is now known as thumper-afk
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[01:53] <robert_ancell> TheMuso`, you're working on bug 1266312?
[01:53] <ubot2`> Launchpad bug 1266312 in unity-control-center (Ubuntu) "Mute button is not labelled and Test sound button does not activate with Orca" [Undecided,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1266312
[01:53] <robert_ancell> TheMuso`, if so, do you also want bug 1266291?
[01:53] <ubot2`> Launchpad bug 1266291 in gnome-control-center-unity (Ubuntu) "Workspace switcher toggle in Appearance Behaviour tab not available to Orca" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1266291
[02:07] <TheMuso`> robert_ancell: Yeah I am actually working on both, just haven't assigned myself to the latter. I'll do that now.
=== TheMuso` is now known as TheMuso
[02:08] <robert_ancell> TheMuso, awesome, thanks
[02:19] <robert_ancell> bschaefer, attente_, I assume bug 1270555 is related to what you were talking about before - is that a dup, can someone be assigned to that?
[02:19] <ubot2`> Launchpad bug 1270555 in unity-control-center (Ubuntu) "The Text Entry dialog shows invalid keyboard shortcuts to change layout" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1270555
[02:30] * bschaefer looks
[02:31] <bschaefer> robert_ancell, ill save that for attente_ to take a look. Looks like it could be a different one possibly...
[02:32] <robert_ancell> bschaefer, he might be offline, so I'll assign it to him :)
[02:32] <bschaefer> robert_ancell, sounds good :)
=== maclin__ is now known as maclin
=== duflu_ is now known as duflu
[07:06] <pitti> Good morning
[08:51] <diwic> hi, I'm trying to test some changes in unity-settings-daemon, what's the recommended procedure? Uninstall gnome-session ?
=== tkamppeter_ is now known as tkamppeter
[09:03] <seb128> good morning desktopers!
[09:03] <seb128> happy friday
[09:03] <diwic> seb128, good morning to you too!
[09:03] <seb128> diwic, why? you should be able to just install it?
[09:03] <seb128> diwic, hey ;-)
[09:03] <Laney> morning
[09:03] <Laney> happy friday indeed
[09:03] <seb128> Laney, hey, how are you?
[09:04] <diwic> seb128, so your workflow would be bzr branch lp:unity-settings-daemon, hack, and then...?
[09:04] <seb128> diwic, bzr bd; sudo dpkg -i ../build-area/*.deb
[09:04] <seb128> unity-settings-daemon --replace --debug
[09:04] <seb128> or just copy the plugin .so over the system one
[09:05] <diwic> seb128, but unity-settings-daemon conflicts with gnome-session ?
[09:05] <seb128> diwic, it shouldn't
[09:05] <Laney> it sure doesn't
[09:05] <diwic> let me double check
[09:06] <Laney> seb128: I'm good thanks, you?
[09:07] <diwic> aha, maybe I'm just missing a dist-upgrade
[09:07] <seb128> Laney, I'm good thanks
[09:07] <seb128> diwic, robert_ancell did an upload this night to make gnome-session depends on g-s-d-schemas instead of g-s-d
[09:07] <seb128> but g-s-d and u-s-d should be co-installable
[09:07] <seb128> those changes are only if you want to remove g-s-d
[09:07] <seb128> that you don't need to do
[09:08] <diwic> seb128, I saw the breaks: gnome-session was versioned, and I seem not to have dist-upgraded in a while, so probably it's just that
[09:08] <seb128> k
[09:09] <seb128> diwic, is there any way to simulate an unknown audio device plugin to test your feature?
[09:25] <diwic> seb128, in the next merge I'll add that TESTDIALOG define
[09:25] <darkxst> heyo desktopers
[09:26] <seb128> darkxst, hey
[09:26] <seb128> diwic, ok
[09:26] <darkxst> hey seb128
[09:27] <diwic> seb128, hopefully today, I just got busy with a hwe bug that needs to take priority first
[09:29] <seb128> no worry
[09:31] <darkxst> seb128, so I was going to say I had a ppa for you to test, however I am hitting weird build failures
[09:33] <seb128> darkxst, is that about gnome-desktop?
[09:33] <darkxst> seb128, yes of course
[09:33] <seb128> not giving up are you ;-)
[09:33] <seb128> well, as said I doubt I've slot for it
[09:33] <darkxst> nope!
[09:33] <seb128> I've a list worth a month of work to check/land before ff next week
[09:34] <seb128> things are getting slightly out of control there
[09:34] <darkxst> right I will find another slot to land it
[09:34] <seb128> well, don't block on me
[09:34] <seb128> but I'm still of the opinion that it wouldn't be reasonable to land that before the LTS
[09:34] <darkxst> just saying, something broke....
[09:34] <seb128> what's the issue/error?
[09:35] <darkxst> https://launchpadlibrarian.net/166020771/buildlog_ubuntu-trusty-amd64.gnome-settings-daemon_3.8.6.1-0ubuntu9~trusty1_FAILEDTOBUILD.txt.gz
[09:36] <darkxst> looks like api changes but this built fine a couple of weeks ago :(
[09:36] <darkxst> and gsd-cursor-manager is completely unrelated to the display config stuff
[09:37] <darkxst> idle-monitor is included in the new packages btw
[10:24] <seb128> don't upgrade people
[10:25] <seb128> (guess it's late for most morning upgraders)
[10:26] <larsu> seb128: uh oh. What broke?
[10:26] <seb128> <zyga> hey, daily update left my system with this:
[10:26] <seb128> apt-get: error while loading shared libraries: libgcc_s.so.1: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
[10:26] <seb128>
[10:26] <seb128> being discussed on #ubuntu-devel atm
[10:26] <seb128> I'm going to keep you guys updated
[10:26] <larsu> thanks :)
[10:28] <seb128> larsu, is apt-get complaining about that for you?
[10:29] <Laney> hum
[10:29] <seb128> in fact that version got promoted 41 minutes ago
[10:29] <seb128> so maybe most europeans updated before it hit the archive
[10:30] <seb128> if some downloaded it, you can try to wget https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gcc-4.8/4.8.2-15ubuntu3/+build/5578881/+files/libgcc1_4.8.2-15ubuntu3_amd64.deb and install it
[10:33] <larsu> seb128: no, I didn't get that
[10:33] <larsu> I updated earlier though
[10:34] <seb128> k
[10:34] <seb128> stay away from the update trigger ;-)
[10:34] * larsu stays away
[10:41] <Sweetshark> Moin all, btw!
[10:44] <seb128> Sweetshark, hey
[11:03] <Laney> postinsts R US
[11:03] * Laney offers a sacrifice to the gods of debian policy
[11:06] <seb128> speaking of those
[11:06] <seb128> mvo, hey, how are you?
[11:07] <seb128> mvo, do you think you could have a look to the aptdaemon tests failing/ftbfs in trusty?
[11:30] * seb128 looks at pitti
[11:30] <pitti> bonjour seb128, hey mvo
[11:30] <seb128> pitti, salut, ça va ?
[11:31] <pitti> seb128: err, it's green? http://d-jenkins.ubuntu-ci:8080/view/Trusty/view/AutoPkgTest/job/trusty-adt-aptdaemon/27/
[11:31] <seb128> pitti, seems like bug #1051951 regressed again (I didn't try for a while, but just plugged my ipod to test something and I get an usb stick icon)
[11:31] <ubot2`> Launchpad bug 1051951 in gvfs "music players are shown as usb drive not devices" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1051951
[11:31] <pitti> seb128: ça va bien, merci ! très mieux que trusty aujourd'hui ☺
[11:31] <seb128> trusty :/
[11:32] <seb128> bah, launchpad timeout
[11:32] <pitti> seb128: queueing for investigation
[11:32] <seb128> pitti, it's not the autopkgtest that fails, it's the tests run during the build
[11:32] <seb128> pitti, ID_MEDIA_PLAYER is set for the device
[11:33] <pitti> seb128: ah, it's the same test, but hte last time aptdaemon was run was on Dec 13
[11:33] <pitti> so it probably fails now due to some change
[11:34] <pitti> seb128: oh, you mean the FTBFS of https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/aptdaemon/1.1.1-1ubuntu2
[11:34] <seb128> pitti, yes
[11:42] <pitti> mvo, seb128: hm, on trunk I only get a PEP-8 failure
[11:43] * pitti goes to fix them while wrestling with upgrade failures
[12:00] <seb128> pitti, ok, maybe some fix to cherrypick there then
[12:01] <seb128> pitti, btw I was looking at you for the gvfs issue, but thanks for picking up the aptdaemon one ;-)
[12:02] <pitti> seb128: ah, that was mostly a quick drive-by thing, still deep in wrestling with upgrade issues; I'll keep gvfs on the radar, though
[12:05] <seb128> pitti, I tried to debug a bit, I can continue doing it if you want
[12:06] <seb128> well, rather I check basic stuff like that the old patch didn't get dropped
[12:06] <seb128> and that the ID_MEDIA_PLAYER property is defined in udev output
=== MacSlow is now known as MacSlow|lunch
[12:34] <seb128> mpt, hey, what do you think about https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/deja-dup/+bug/1280274? does the label suggestion makes sense there?
[12:34] <ubot2`> Launchpad bug 1280274 in deja-dup (Ubuntu) "The control panel includes a switch without description" [Undecided,New]
[12:38] <tjaalton> is something broken with the keyboard layout? the switcher shows correct layout but I need to click it to take it in use, otherwise it's using us layout after login
[12:39] <seb128> tjaalton, not a known issue, you are the first one to describe that
[12:39] <seb128> wfm
[12:39] <tjaalton> yeah it happens at least on one laptop
[12:40] <tjaalton> but only on my session
[12:41] <tjaalton> huh, now it works for me too..
[12:42] <denisw> keyboard switching also changed for me too a few days ago (trusty) - since then, it is suddenly triggered with Ctrl-Space instead of Super-Space, which is really annoying with Emacs
[12:42] <denisw> i don't know if this was a side effect of installing & trying out gnome-shell last week
[12:47] <Trevinho> seb128: decorations menus are back, fyi.
[12:48] <seb128> Trevinho, I saw the mp, great, thanks!
[12:48] <Trevinho> even on panel now... is that enough for landing?
[12:52] <seb128> Trevinho, wfm
[12:53] <seb128> what's the status of the current CI train landing ask?
[12:53] <seb128> do you guys plan to land the current version and do another landing soon
[12:53] <seb128> or to update to include some extra fixes?
[12:56] <Trevinho> seb128: I think we'd like to land asap... THe last AP tests given 7 failures (well, hundreds on intel, but I guess there's something broken with the test machine there)... So, we should be ok
[12:56] <seb128> nice
[12:56] <seb128> works fine on my machine (out of the dash bg thing)
=== alan_g is now known as alan_g|lunch
[13:13] <Laney> is it in a CI silo?
[13:13] <Laney> I'll try it
[13:15] <seb128> Laney, the new unity? it's in https://launchpad.net/~ci-train-ppa-service/+archive/landing-003/ but that doesn't include the decorator menu Trevinho was just mentioning
[13:15] <seb128> testing would be welcome still
[13:15] <Laney> ah
[13:15] <seb128> since that's candidate for landing ;-)
[13:15] <Laney> if it exists it can be included in this landing
[13:15] <Trevinho> Laney: we need also bamf
[13:15] <Laney> & that ;-)
[13:16] <seb128> Trevinho, you can keep appending vcs-es to the landing ask and ask them to reconfigure the silo
[13:16] <seb128> Laney, seems like they want to do a landing with what they have an another one with other nicety next week
[13:16] <Trevinho> seb128: ehm I probably didn't understand :)
[13:16] <seb128> going the ball rolling again, we didn't have unity landing for ages and the changeset is non trivial
[13:16] <Trevinho> not at all
[13:16] <Laney> thought you were talking about "no regressions" the other day
[13:17] <seb128> yeah, that would be my stance
[13:17] <seb128> but I'm not the one deciding, I just gave my opinion
[13:17] <Trevinho> we "no regress"... mostly. :)
[13:17] <seb128> Trevinho, the CI train table lists the branches to land
[13:17] <seb128> if you are not happy with the current set you can work on a fix and add an extra branch to the request
[13:17] <seb128> the ppa gets it and you can retest
[13:18] <seb128> iterate until happy
[13:18] <seb128> then you can land
[13:18] <Laney> yep
[13:18] <Laney> if bamf is needed it should be added in any case
[13:18] <Trevinho> indeed
[13:18] <seb128> it's already in the slot
[13:18] <seb128> that's a compiz/unity/nux/bamf set
[13:18] <seb128> so you can add branches for bamf as well
[13:18] <Laney> ya, needs to be listed
[13:19] <Laney> hum, maybe 4.4 fixes that scan-for-operators script
[13:19] * Laney reboots to see if it works after that
[13:19] * Laney : master of randomly changing the subject
[13:38] <seb128> pitti, time for another beer, http://www.markshuttleworth.com/archives/1316? ;-)
[13:42] <pitti> seb128: heh; well, if anything that just means more work for us in the long run, but we had that coming :)
[13:42] <mdeslaur> seb128: a small taste of what to look forward to: https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1043212
[13:42] <mdeslaur> :)
[13:42] <ubot2`> bugzilla.redhat.com bug 1043212 in systemd "something creating /var/run/nologin" [High,New]
[13:42] <popey> "and be as pleasant to work with"
[13:42] <seb128> pitti, yeh
[13:47] <Laney> bugs are fun
[13:48] <Laney> upstart was rebooting my computer on dist-upgrades recently; nobody is innocent :-)
[13:49] <mdeslaur> bugs are normal, the more code churn, the less tests, the more bugs
[13:49] <seb128> did you found the issue/what was happening?
[13:49] <Laney> yeah, it's fixed now
[13:50] <seb128> what was it?
[13:50] <Laney> umm, can't remember exactly
[13:50] <Laney> something was doing 'telinit u', which was crashing init I think
[13:50] <seb128> k, don't worry, I was just curious
[13:51] <Laney> u → please re-exec yourself
[13:51] <Laney> like if it was mid-upgrade or something
[13:51] <jodh> seb128, Laney: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/upstart/+bug/1269731 - invalid jobs were causing the failure. Amazing how many eyes looked at the code and missed that one :)
[13:51] <ubot2`> Launchpad bug 1269731 in upstart (Ubuntu) "init crashed with SIGSEGV" [Critical,Fix released]
[13:51] <Laney> jodh: ya
[13:51] <Laney> anyway I only brought it up as an example of bugs being everywhere
[13:52] <Laney> and pointing at particular examples not being too helpful
[13:52] <seb128> jodh, thanks
[13:52] <seb128> Laney, right, I'm still happy that you figured it out, it was disturbing to have a bug reboot systems out there
[13:52] <Laney> seb128: no credit for me, jodh got it
=== alan_g|lunch is now known as alan_g
=== MacSlow|lunch is now known as MacSlow
=== Sweetsha1k is now known as Sweetshark
[14:20] <seb128> tedg, hey, still working on inkscape? can you get https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/inkscape/+bug/1248174 https://launchpadlibrarian.net/165669413/1248174-Ubuntu-colour-palette-different-from-design_ubuntu_com.patch upstream?
[14:20] <ubot2`> Launchpad bug 1248174 in inkscape (Ubuntu) "The Ubuntu colour palette in Inkscape is different from the one in design.ubuntu.com" [Low,In progress]
[14:21] <tedg> Sure
[14:21] <seb128> tedg, thanks
[14:23] <dobey> did anyone else notice that the new theme package breaks the theme? the mail view in evolution has a black background now and i can't read any mail
[14:30] <seb128> dobey, that's one app
[14:30] <seb128> but that might be due to https://code.launchpad.net/~larsu/ubuntu-themes/dont-set-all-bgs/+merge/197234
[14:30] <larsu> very likely it is...
[14:31] <ochosi> just saying, but evolution has visual bugs with every theme
[14:31] <Laney> it does some weird stuff
[14:31] <ochosi> users reported that against the main xubuntu theme (greybird) as well, we also had testers with adwaita who could reproduce the issue
[14:32] <ochosi> luckily, in xubuntu i can say "i don't care (enough)"
[14:33] <dobey> ochosi: it worked fine yesterday. today it is broken.
[14:33] <seb128> dobey, you might want to try unloading overlay-scrollbar in cases it helps, but I doubt it, it would have been buggy before
[14:34] <seb128> dobey, right, it's likely the mp I pointed, that just landed, evo probably has some custom widget that needs special theming rules
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[14:34] <dobey> seb128: afaik it's just webkit, but the layout of mail messages in it might break something
[14:35] <dobey> or well, might expose some behavior that other apps don't tend to hit
[14:35] <seb128> it's probably a widget that should set a bg color and doesn't
[14:35] <seb128> the theme was setting it for all widgets before
[14:35] <seb128> it stopped doing that
[14:36] <dobey> hah
[14:36] <dobey> it's just webkit
[14:36] <dobey> if you open online accounts and add an oauth account, the area where the webkit is is all black until the page loads
[14:36] <ochosi> larsu: just wondering, you guys decided to revert the greeter_mode in indicator-sound? (it's not there anymore, this is when it was added, which was already a while back: https://code.launchpad.net/~mterry/indicator-sound/add-greeter-mode/+merge/70339)
[14:37] <dobey> seb128: so if you just fix it to set the bg for webkit, it should fix the issue
[14:37] <ochosi> larsu: background: currently you can launch media-players in greeters that support indicators and don't explicitely blacklist -sound
[14:37] <dobey> larsu: ^^
[14:38] <seb128> ochosi, what do you mean?
[14:38] <larsu> ochosi: i-sound still has a greeter mode, but it doesn't show any players
[14:38] <larsu> should it?
[14:38] <larsu> dobey: thanks
[14:38] <ochosi> no, it definitely shows players in lightdm-gtk-greeter
[14:38] <ochosi> the other indicators are fine though (e.g. datetime or power)
[14:39] <ochosi> so setting the env_var works, i'd say
[14:39] <seb128> ochosi, I guess the gtk greeter is not setting the indicator mode?
[14:39] <seb128> oh
[14:39] <larsu> no, it doesn't look at the env var anymore
[14:39] <Laney> the plot thickens!
[14:39] <ochosi> :}
[14:40] <Laney> the panel gets the object paths back
[14:40] <dobey> larsu: if you do that, would an update make it out today?
[14:41] <larsu> do what?
[14:41] <seb128> dobey, we can ask for one, then it's up to sil2100&co to see if we get a landing slot
[14:42] <seb128> larsu, he wants you to look at the webkitgtk bg color issue I think :p
[14:42] <larsu> ah, sorry I confused it with the i-sound debate
[14:42] <larsu> I don't think it's that easy, but I'll have a look
[14:44] <seb128> larsu, dobey: if I were you I would ask on #evolution on the GNOME irc if they know about a such issue, the evo guys are usually nice
[14:44] <seb128> that might be a "oh, yes, check that"
[14:45] <dobey> seb128: i just duplicated the exact same problem outside of evolution
[14:46] <seb128> dobey, right, you said, but those guys might know about webkitgtk issues
[14:48] <dobey> right, but i don't see how that will help exactly :)
[14:49] <seb128> having somebody telling you where to find a fix rather than having to debug it yourself?
[14:50] <seb128> that usually avoid wasting time
[14:50] <seb128> that's like the XError software-center was hitting, I did some round of upstream pinging with question and they helped
[14:50] <seb128> if I had tried to debug webkitgtk by myself, not knowing the code, I would probably still be debugging it
[14:57] <dobey> well, the "fix" would be a patch to webkitgtk itself i guess, so that it always draws the default bg
[14:57] <larsu> no
[14:57] <larsu> it gets the color from css
[14:57] <larsu> right now, we don't set one
[14:58] <dobey> workarounds would be patches to any apps that embed webkit to set the bg on it by default. or to have the theme to set it
[14:58] <dobey> larsu: well plain text e-mails don't have css
[14:58] <larsu> dobey: gtk theming css
[14:59] <dobey> larsu: then it sounds like my suggested fix is the right fix :)
[15:06] <hikiko> hello :)
[15:08] <larsu> dobey, seb128: hm, I was hoping this would fix it, but it doesn't: https://git.gnome.org/browse/gnome-themes-standard/commit/?id=7e381493870177818d990e3a4e6e63f4f7b09915
[15:08] <larsu> and I don't have much more time to investigate this today unfortunately
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=== alan_g|tea is now known as alan_g
[15:56] <seb128> Laney, can you get me off the CD image builds emails? ;-)
=== gatox is now known as gatox_lunch
[16:16] <attente_> ChrisTownsend, for some reason the sticky edges setting is on even if i try to turn it off in g-c-c
[16:19] <ChrisTownsend> attente_: Strange, works here.
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[16:29] <Laney> seb128: hahaha
[16:29] <Laney> that lasted long
[16:32] <seb128> Laney, I though I would receive emails only on build failures, not daily :p
[16:32] <Laney> oh, /those/ ones
[16:33] <Laney> you could filter them away?
[16:33] <seb128> yeah...
[16:33] <Laney> the failure ones are usually generally interesting
[16:33] <Laney> s/generally/genuinely/
[16:33] <seb128> right, that's why I said yes
[16:33] <seb128> but I don't want to get a daily email on days where there are no issue
[16:34] <Laney> ya
[16:34] <Laney> not willing to have your client delete them?
[16:34] <seb128> I guess I could put filtering
[16:34] <Laney> up to you
[16:34] <seb128> I need to get an actual failure to see what change/on what to filter
[16:35] <seb128> Laney, let's give it a try
[16:35] <Laney> I'd do "Daily CD health checks" → delete
[16:35] <seb128> so the failures ahve different titles?
[16:35] <Laney> there are two basic types
[16:35] <Laney> LiveFS ubuntu/trusty/i386 failed to build on 20140213
[16:36] <Laney> CD image lubuntu/trusty/daily-preinstalled failed to build on 20140212
[16:36] <seb128> k
[16:36] <seb128> thanks
[16:36] <Laney> couldn't find an Ubuntu example of the second type
[16:36] <Laney> it's more rare
[16:36] <seb128> I'm just going to filter the daily check to null then
[16:36] <Laney> nod
[16:37] <Laney> wtf
[16:37] <Laney> system-settings is
[16:37] <Laney> OMG
[16:37] <Laney> IS IT THAT SAME BUG
[16:37] <Laney> the Column ListItem one
[16:38] <seb128> ?
[16:38] <Laney> seriously ...
[16:38] <Laney> I added some printing and it gets the list of networks
[16:38] <Laney> if it's an SDK problem...
[16:38] <seb128> lol
[16:38] <seb128> I was thinking about that yesterday and then forgot to mention
[16:38] <Laney> I actually read the code of ofono
[16:38] <seb128> :-(
[16:38] <Laney> oh well
[16:38] <seb128> easy to test if it's the sdk
[16:39] <seb128> set an height for the column
[16:39] <seb128> random one, try 300
[16:39] <Laney> oh that fixes it too?
[16:39] <seb128> yes
[16:39] <Laney> was going to delete the column
[16:40] <Laney> there's inconsistent indentation on the Column too
[16:40] * Laney twitches
[16:41] <Laney> yep, that was it
[16:41] <Laney> fail
[16:41] <seb128> :/
[16:41] <seb128> Laney, so it's working, just the toolkit screwed us?
[16:41] <Laney> yes
[16:42] <seb128> :/
[16:42] <seb128> kenvandine, rsalveti: jfyi
[16:42] <seb128> ^
[16:42] <Laney> well, I can't verify selection is working
[16:42] <kenvandine> ?
[16:42] * kenvandine reads back
[16:42] <Laney> because I'm not allowed on any other network
[16:42] <seb128> kenvandine, the empty carriers list is an uitk bug
[16:42] <seb128> kenvandine, same as https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu-ui-toolkit/+bug/1275861
[16:42] <ubot2`> Launchpad bug 1275861 in Ubuntu UI Toolkit "ItemSelector in Column not rendered" [Undecided,Confirmed]
[16:42] <kenvandine> ah!
[16:42] <Laney> kenvandine: why do we show 'forbidden' networks there?
[16:42] <Laney> we know that we're not allowed on them
[16:42] <seb128> kenvandine, the one I asked you to find somebody to assign while you were in Orlando
[16:43] <kenvandine> seb128, yeah, we got that assigned
[16:43] <kenvandine> Laney, i didn't know about forbidden :)
[16:43] <kenvandine> i don't recall seeing anything about forbidden, but i guess i wasn't really looking for it either
[16:43] <Laney> https://git.kernel.org/cgit/network/ofono/ofono.git/tree/doc/network-api.txt#n181
[16:44] <Laney> probably only show available and current?
[16:44] <Laney> rsalveti: does that sound right?
[16:44] <Laney> well, I guess unknown too
[16:44] <Laney> ok, hide forbidden :P
[16:44] <kenvandine> makes sense to me
[16:44] * rsalveti reads backlog
[16:45] <seb128> rsalveti, the ofono issue is not an ofono issue, it's an ui toolkit regression
[16:46] <rsalveti> argh
[16:46] <Laney> https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/ofono/+bug/1276699 was related though
[16:46] <ubot2`> Launchpad bug 1276699 in ofono (Ubuntu) "scan-for-operator script fails: org.ofono.Error.Failed: Operation failed" [Undecided,Triaged]
[16:47] <Laney> rsalveti: still the question about if there's any point in displaying status: forbidden networks
[16:52] <rsalveti> Laney: I never saw such thing anywhere, but I saw empty lists
[16:52] <rsalveti> I'm able to reproduce that empty list behavior with another htc phone I have, but with android
[16:53] <Laney> rsalveti: what thing?
[16:57] <ogra_> seb128, a new UITK just landed in the archive
[16:57] <seb128> ogra_, yeah, I saw, it doesn't fix that bug though
[16:58] <ogra_> sad
[16:58] <seb128> indeed
[16:58] <Laney> it should be being prioritised imho
[16:58] <seb128> well, I pinged kenvandine for that and he got it assigned
[16:59] <seb128> the uitk team is busy with qt 5.2 coming and other stuffs I guess
[16:59] <kenvandine> yeah, bzoltan had me assign it right away... but looks like nobody looked at it past that :/
[17:00] <seb128> I'm going to ping them on monday
[17:00] <Laney> anyway, we can fix those two things
[17:00] <kenvandine> seb128, i just bumped the priority of the bug
[17:00] <kenvandine> it's affecting more and more things
[17:00] <seb128> kenvandine, thanks
[17:01] <kenvandine> and hopefully the bug mail will remind them :)
[17:01] <Laney> I already commented with the other bug link
[17:01] <Laney> but thanks
[17:01] <kenvandine> they were pretty overloaded all week last week with design
[17:01] <kenvandine> the sprint was a bit overwhelming i think
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[17:02] <Laney> poor SDKers
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[17:05] <seb128> Laney, https://code.launchpad.net/~hikiko/gsettings-ubuntu-touch-schemas/scale-factor-for-unity7-unity8/+merge/206240 looks fine to you?
[17:07] <kgunn> mlankhorst: ping
[17:08] <kgunn> mlankhorst: hey...we've got this new feature in mir to capture screen-cast...but it uncovered a bug in mesa
[17:08] <kgunn> https://bugs.freedesktop.org/show_activity.cgi?id=74563
[17:08] <Laney> seb128: dunno, why do we need to store it separately?
[17:08] <Laney> doesn't gtk have a setting for this?
[17:08] <kgunn> just wondering...what's the best way to get some love on that mesa bug since its blocking us
[17:09] <seb128> Laney, org.gnome.desktop.interface scaling-factor you mean?
[17:09] <seb128> Laney, that's not by screen
[17:09] <Laney> okay, and what does shell use?
[17:09] <seb128> no idea
[17:10] <seb128> do they do scalling by monitor?
[17:10] <seb128> or just follow that scalling key from gsd?
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[17:11] <GunnarHj> seb128: Hi Sebastien!
[17:11] <seb128> GunnarHj, hey
[17:11] <GunnarHj> seb128: Do you have time to assist with an upload of ubuntu-docs?
[17:11] <jasoncwarner> hey seb128 seeing a weird thing on a test machine this morning. I'm stuck at lightdm login screen for my user, but my guest session can get to a desktop.
[17:12] <seb128> GunnarHj, yes
[17:12] <GunnarHj> seb128: Everything is prepared in https://code.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-core-doc/ubuntu-docs/trusty
[17:12] <seb128> jasoncwarner, "stucked"? like it bounces you back after you auth to log in?
[17:12] <seb128> GunnarHj, ok, just standard bzr bd to build?
[17:12] <GunnarHj> seb128: We just need someone who 'push the button'.
[17:12] <GunnarHj> seb128: Yes, standard 'bzr bd'.
[17:13] <seb128> k
[17:14] <jasoncwarner> seb128: exactly that.
[17:14] <seb128> jasoncwarner, seems like your session fails to start, can you share ~/.cache/upstart/gnome-session.log ?
[17:14] <seb128> GunnarHj, doing that in a bit
[17:14] <GunnarHj> seb128: Ok, thanks!
[17:15] <mlankhorst> kgunn: remind me monday please
[17:15] <kgunn> mlankhorst: ta...have a nice weekend
[17:31] <seb128> dobey, is your issue https://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=699576 ?
[17:31] <ubot2`> Gnome bug 699576 in general "Mail reader frame is black (in the mail view)" [Normal,Resolved: fixed]
[17:33] <Laney> seb128: it's different to that
[17:33] <Laney> well, I think it is --- the body background is black too
[17:33] <Laney> for plaintext emails
[17:34] <dobey> seb128: sort of yes. for html mails it looks something like that screenshot. for plain text mails, the whole background of the view is black
[17:34] <Laney> it can't be the /same/ as that, as the revert I did is still in
[17:35] <dobey> and it's all webkitgtk views, not just evo
[17:35] <Laney> ya
[17:35] <Laney> evo could have been working around it though
[17:36] <dobey> well i see there's a patch in that bug that has status "committed"
[17:36] <dobey> but i don't know if it's in the version of evo that's in trusty
[17:36] <Laney> no, see the last comment
[17:36] <Laney> i'd just wait for lars to take a look
[17:36] <seb128> not going to happen before monday
[17:37] <Laney> yup
[17:37] <Laney> i think it can probably wait until then
[17:43] <hikiko> Laney, gnome has the text-scaling-factor
[17:43] <hikiko> which is not per monitor
[17:43] <seb128> hikiko, they also have org.gnome.desktop.interface scaling-factor, which is what GTK uses for the widgets scaling
[17:43] <hikiko> is it per monitor?
[17:44] <hikiko> I think this is for the whole desktop
[17:44] <seb128> no it's not
[17:44] <hikiko> our scale factor is a dictionary of "monitor name", value
[17:44] <hikiko> key=monitor name, value = an integer
[17:44] <seb128> that seems fine to me
[17:45] <seb128> Laney wanted to make sure we don't add a key where we could share one though
[17:45] <Laney> correct
[17:45] <hikiko> I see :)
[17:46] <Laney> When GNOME does this I'll be in favour of migrating to share the key then
[17:46] <desrt> hikiko: you're storing this dictionary in gsettings, right?
[17:46] <Laney> I'm assuming they wouldn't take a patch to the schemas now to add it there :-)
[17:47] <desrt> hikiko: when/how does this dictionary get updated?
[17:48] <hikiko> desrt, in the unity-control-center, it's not ready yet, I will submit an MP on monday or later
[17:48] <desrt> hikiko: so only the control center will ever change this value?
[17:48] <hikiko> yes
[17:49] <desrt> good :)
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[18:18] <seb128> GunnarHj, uploaded
[18:28] <Trevinho> seb128: about that gdk issue with struts...
[18:29] <seb128> Trevinho, we got it resolved, not an unity issue
[18:29] <Trevinho> ah, ok...
[18:29] <seb128> Trevinho, sorry, I should have kept you updated
[18:29] <Trevinho> seb128: as I one weird thing I get here is that window action menus (right-click on decorations)... is showing over the panel on one screen and not in the other
[18:29] <seb128> right, same problem
[18:29] <seb128> it's a gtk bug
[18:29] <Trevinho> seb128: not a problem at all... I just was noticing that today with some menus only
[18:30] <seb128> Trevinho, https://git.gnome.org/browse/gtk+/tree/gdk/x11/gdkscreen-x11.c#n390
[18:30] <seb128> Trevinho, read that comment, that explains it ;-)
[18:31] <Trevinho> seb128: good catch
[18:31] <seb128> Trevinho, you get the same issue if you open the display panel in the control center, the screen name tooltip overlap the panel on one of the panels
[19:06] <mvo> seb128: hi, sorry, did not see this earlier (re aptdaemon)
[19:06] <mvo> pitti: is adt using port 8080?
[19:06] <seb128> mvo, hey, how are you? no worry
[19:07] <mvo> pitti: just checking https://jenkins.qa.ubuntu.com/view/Trusty/view/AutoPkgTest/job/trusty-adt-apt/ARCH=amd64,label=adt/lastBuild/console and it looks like on one of the tests with the buildin webserver stuff fails and I wonder if it might be the adt environment
[19:07] <mvo> seb128: good, thanks. should I still look at this?
[19:08] <mvo> seb128: trying to make adt & apt happy currently
[19:08] <seb128> mvo, if you want to, that would be welcome, it would be handy to have aptdaemon building in trusty ;-)
[19:18] <mvo> ok
[19:32] <ochosi> bregma: light-locker 1.2 is released, would be great if you could package/upload it! thanks in advance!
[19:32] <bregma> ochosi, OK, thanks for the head-up
[19:36] <xclaesse> Hmm, firefox takes ~60% CPU when the facebook tab has focus
[19:36] <xclaesse> and goes down to 1% if I just switch tab
[19:37] <xclaesse> am I the only one to experience that?
[19:39] <xclaesse> seb128, since recent update in ubuntu 14.04, email are all black background in evolution
[19:40] <ochosi> yeah, that's been mentioned before tonight
[19:53] <ochosi> quick question, in Xubuntu i get "Gtk-Message: Failed to load module "unity-gtk-module", what's that about?
[20:36] <seb128> xclaesse, seems some widget doesn't set its bg color correctly
[20:36] <seb128> xclaesse, install https://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-unity/+archive/daily-build/+build/5561124/+files/light-themes_13.04%2B14.04.20140206.1-0ubuntu1_all.deb back as a workaround if needed
[20:37] <seb128> on that note, have a good w.e everyone
[21:25] <Laney> ochosi: dpkg -l unity-gtk*-module*?
[21:36] <GunnarHj> Laney: Still there?
[21:37] <Laney> GunnarHj: a little bit
[21:37] <GunnarHj> Laney: shaunm_ indicates that yelp 3.12 may not fit Unity very well, and suggests that we'd proably better skip it and wait for 3.14 (we are on 3.10 now. How do we pass that kind of info to people who might sync it later on?
[21:38] <Laney> GunnarHj: I don't think anyone will do that without testing
[21:38] <Laney> they'd get a beating if so
[21:40] <GunnarHj> Laney: That's right, of course. If the problem is obvious, the tests will show. But otherwise?
[21:40] <Laney> GunnarHj: umm, maybe mail ubuntu-desktop
[21:40] <Laney> I'd say file a bug from the link on http://people.canonical.com/~platform/desktop/versions.html but it's tracking 3.10 so yelp is up to date as far as it's concerned
[21:40] <GunnarHj> Laney: Do you really think that anyone would remember such a warning? ;-)
[21:41] <Laney> I don't know of any strong mechanism
[21:41] <Laney> either people read lists and remember what they see, check things like versions, or they don't
[21:41] <GunnarHj> Laney: The doc team members will keep our eyes open. :)
[21:41] <Laney> either they test or they don't
[21:42] <Laney> but most people know that we're not taking 3.12 stuff so I doubt it'll be an issue
[21:44] <GunnarHj> Laney: Ok. Guess that's safe enough.
[21:59] <Laney> GunnarHj: thanks for the warning though!
[22:00] <ochosi> Laney: thanks for the hint
[22:01] <Laney> ochosi: did you have -common and neither of the -gtk2/3 ones?
[22:01] <ochosi> Laney: i'm checking now where that came from, yeah, i guess i have some leftovers from testing the appmenu indicator in xfce
[22:01] <Laney> interesting
[22:02] <Laney> It's probably a bug that it asks for the module to be loaded even if it's not installed
[22:02] <ochosi> hm, i have unity-gtk-module-common and unity-gtk3-module
[22:02] <ochosi> so gtk2 is missing
[22:05] <Laney> k
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