UbuntuIRC / 2014 /02 /14 /#ubuntu-app-devel.txt
Initial commit
=== andrea is now known as Guest50546
[00:22] <Guest50546> I wanted to try Ubuntu.OnlineAccounts in my app but, when I try to import Ubuntu.OnlineAccounts I need to provide also the version number. I tryed with 1.0 and 0.1 but it didn't work so, what is the version number? :D
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=== bfiller is now known as bfiller_afk
[07:13] <popey> nik90: np ☻
[07:14] <dholbach> good morning
[09:22] <JamesTait> Good morning all; happy Friday, and happy Donor Day! :-D
[10:01] * kalikiana likes how JamesTait comes up with unexpected days on even the most predictable dates
[10:02] <JamesTait> I aim to offer something a litle different. ;)
=== _salem is now known as salem_
=== chriadam is now known as chriadam|away
[12:09] <dpm> hey nik90, afternoon! I'm not following clock development as closely as I used to these days. Where do we stand in terms of landing convergent designs? I saw your spec, but I'm not sure how far the implementation is. Is this something you think we could show at MWC in 2 weeks?
[12:09] <dpm> i.e. it'd be really cool to have a phone and tablet with clock and different layouts next to each other
[12:09] <nik90> dpm: hey good afternoon
[12:09] <dpm> hey :)
[12:10] <nik90> dpm: I am waiting on iBelieve to finish his convergence implementation
[12:10] <nik90> dpm: iBelieve's implementation won't use the new design, but atleast we will have a basic convergent layout
[12:10] <dpm> nik90, ah, I remember that branch, I tested it. Is there anything currently blocking it landing?
[12:11] <nik90> dpm: the new designs proposed by Lucas are on hold (implementation wise) since popey advised me that there would be changes to the bottom panel and hence it is recommended to put it on hold until they are revealed.
[12:11] <popey> yeah, we expected those sooner
[12:11] <popey> but they're not coming for a bit.
[12:12] <nik90> dpm: It has a critical blocker where when you transition from tablet to phone mode, the clock app would crash
[12:12] <popey> waiting on review within design team.
[12:12] <nik90> popey: ah okay
[12:12] <popey> I say we don't block on them and implement the tablet design we have
[12:12] <nik90> popey: okay
[12:12] <dpm> +1
[12:12] <popey> because any changes to top and bottom interaction will not arrive anytime real soon
[12:13] <dpm> nik90, is the cause of the crash known?
[12:14] <dpm> hm, LP seems to be down for me, so I can't have a look :(
[12:14] <nik90> dpm: it is something to do with the flickable we are using..the MP doesn't change it properly while changing from tablet to phone causing it to fail
[12:14] <nik90> dpm: I will work with iBelieve to get it done by this weekend.
[12:15] <dpm> awesome
[12:15] <nik90> popey, dpm: Either of you have a nexus 7 to test the branch when it is done?
[12:16] <popey> nexus 7 doesn't do tablet mode yet
[12:16] <dpm> I don't but popey now has :)
[12:16] <popey> however I stole a nexus 10
[12:16] <popey> uh
[12:16] <popey> borrowed
[12:16] <dpm> a N10
[12:16] <nik90> ok
[12:16] <popey> annoyingly you can't take screenshots on n10 so i'll have to do shakycam pics
[12:16] <nik90> I can test it on the desktop as well, but I wanted some good screenshots
[12:16] <popey> but yeah, just fire stuff at me and I can test it
[12:17] <nik90> but no worries. I will let you know
[12:17] <nik90> when it is done
[12:17] <popey> bug 1276683
[12:17] <ubot2`> popey: Error: Could not gather data from Launchpad for bug #1276683 (https://launchpad.net/bugs/1276683). The error has been logged
[12:17] <popey> not sure when tablet mode on n7 will be available
[12:17] * popey stabs launchpad
[12:17] <dpm> it seems LP is definitely offline
[12:17] <dpm> nik90, it might make sense to add a milestone in LP for MWC and target a set of bugs and features (I'd file a bug for convergence and target it too). What do you think?
[12:17] <nik90> oh come on LP..not the best time to go down
[12:18] <nik90> dpm: the entire v1.6 milestone is dedicated to MWC :)
[12:18] <dpm> \o/
[12:18] <dpm> great to see you're always one step ahead :)
[12:18] <nik90> hehe
[12:19] <dpm> nik90, do you happen to remember which date you targeted it for?
[12:20] <nik90> dpm: it reads 17th Jan 2014..which is obviously incorrect..I need to update it
[12:20] <nik90> dpm: The plan was to release 1.6 today to the phone
[12:21] <nik90> dpm: unfortunately the alarm tests are being blocked by the SDK toolkit release. That's what I am waiting for
[12:21] <nik90> I am coordinating with balloons and elopio on this
[12:21] <andrea_> what is the version of Ubuntu.OnlineAccounts that I have to use? SDK asks me to specify a version, I tried 1.0 and 0.1 but it's not one of these :D
[12:22] <dpm> nik90, oh, that should get unblocked asap, I'll have a chat with them this afternoon as well
[12:23] <nik90> dpm: awesome
[12:23] <nik90> dpm: I will request a clock app click package to the phone on Monday.
[12:23] <dpm> I'll file a bug for the initial convergence design and target it to the milestone too
[12:23] <dpm> cool
[12:24] <nik90> thnx
[12:38] <ybon> dpm: ping :)
[12:39] <dpm> hey y :)
[12:39] <dpm> hey ybon :)
[12:39] <ybon> :)
[12:39] <dpm> clearly tab completion fail
[12:39] <ybon> so I've been able to fix my EDS yesterday, and to start working :)
[12:39] <ybon> now, next step should be to run unittests
[12:40] <ybon> it seems a little bit magical to me at the moment, do you know how to run unittests of calendar-app?
[12:40] <dpm> oh wow, nicely done! Did you upgrade to trusty or did you backport the latest eds to 13.10?
[12:40] <ybon> backport
[12:41] <ybon> too much non ported package for what I've seen
[12:41] <ybon> (for my usage)
[12:41] <ybon> I've worked on datepicker: https://code.launchpad.net/~yohanboniface/ubuntu-calendar-app/DatePicker
[12:41] <ybon> (as suggested by Kunal)
[12:42] <ybon> also provided this small patch https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu-calendar-app/+bug/1279933 for event displayed twice
[12:42] <ubot2`> Launchpad bug 1279933 in Ubuntu Calendar App "Event starting at 0:00 displayed also the day before in day view" [Undecided,New]
[12:42] <ybon> but I need to run unittests to be able to finish the work and submit it :)
[12:43] <dpm> ybon, awesome. We don't have unit tests in calendar (I think), but we do have integration tests with autopilot. You can either run the tests locally or submit your merge proposal and Launchpad will run the tests for you
[12:43] <ybon> I can go and hack to see how I can run them, but I guess people already working on the calendar app will give ineresting clue, and so it's better not to spend time on my own on this
[12:43] <ybon> oh, yeah, I meant integration tests
[12:44] <ybon> ah, interesting that LP do it (I guess with CI?)
[12:44] <dpm> yeah, CI with Jenkins
[12:44] <ybon> anyway, it's better if I run them locally before pushing
[12:44] <dpm> and autopilot
[12:44] <ybon> cleaner, I mean
[12:44] <ybon> not to push bugged things ;)
[12:44] <ybon> I've seen a "testrun.sh"
[12:45] <ybon> which expects a "nexus" hostname
[12:45] <dpm> so you'll need to run them with autopilot, not sure what that script does, though
[12:45] <dpm> let me have a look
[12:45] <ybon> thank you
[12:45] <ybon> but if you don't use to run the tests yourself, so don't lose time, I can send an email to Kunal
[12:46] <dpm> ybon, someone in the channel should be able to help. Running the tests is something generic for all core apps, not specific to calendar
[12:47] <ybon> great
[13:50] <nik90> bzoltan: ping
[13:51] <nik90> bzoltan: Just leaving message for you :)
[13:51] <nik90> bzoltan: After the core apps transition to using cmake, I am unable to run any of the core apps on the phone through qtcreator.
[13:51] <nik90> bzoltan: Here is the error log that I get when I try. http://paste.ubuntu.com/6931256/
[13:53] <daker> nik90: look if you have ubuntu-clock-app.desktop [14:49:57] cat: converge-clock-tab/ubuntu-clock-app.desktop: No such file or directory
[13:54] <nik90> daker: yup that's true. As part of the cmake transition, the .desktop was changed to .desktop.in
[13:54] <nik90> daker: I realise if I add one temporarily, it will work however I was looking for an official solution
[13:54] <daker> ok
[14:00] <bzoltan> zbenjamin: ^^^^^^^^
[14:00] <bzoltan> nik90: I hear you, but I am dead busy at the moment. zbenjamin will be at you service :)
[14:01] <nik90> bzoltan: no worries..thnx
[14:01] <nik90> zbenjamin: let me know if want more info on this
[14:01] <zbenjamin> nik90: i'll look into it
[14:02] <nik90> thnx
[14:02] <bzoltan> nik90: one thing I can tell you from the top of my head that the present solution is pretty sensitive for the project structure... like directories
[14:02] <zbenjamin> bzoltan: yeah i guess its because the make install is doing something wrong
[14:02] <nik90> bzoltan: ah okay
[14:03] <nik90> bzoltan: I will have to discuss with balloons (who did the transition) as to why the cmake transition is required since testing on device through qtcreator is quite crucial to quickly testing on device.
[14:04] <nik90> balloons: pls ping me when you come online
[14:04] <zbenjamin> nik90: do you ahve the code somewhere?
[14:04] <zbenjamin> have
[14:04] <nik90> zbenjamin: lp:ubuntu-clock-app
[14:04] <nik90> https://launchpad.net/ubuntu-clock-app
[14:05] <nik90> zbenjamin: the cmake transition has already been pushed to trunk. So you can just grab the trunk.
[14:05] <zbenjamin> nik90: basically you need to have a make install target that does the right thing, as our template does
[14:06] <nik90> zbenjamin: okay. Can you point me to the template file?
[14:06] <zbenjamin> wait i'll first check what is going wrong
[14:07] <zbenjamin> the template file would be new project -> tabbed ui with backend
[14:07] <nik90> zbenjamin: ah okay
[14:12] <dpm> nik90, balloons can give you more details, but I think the cmake transition was needed to make testing and click package building easier, but it should have not affected app development. Although I see that it does now.
[14:13] <nik90> dpm: I will talk to balloons when he comes online. I am sure the fix will be something small and easy enough to push to trunk asap.
[14:14] * ybon interested too for calendar-app :)
[14:15] <nik90> ybon: I figured ;-)
[14:16] <ybon> :)
[14:33] <zbenjamin> nik90: i think its because your .desktop files name has the wrong format, let me try something
[14:33] <nik90> ok
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[14:39] <zbenjamin> nik90: i think thats it , creator expects the desktop file to be named like: ProjectName.desktop , in your case that would be com.ubuntu.clock.desktop
[14:40] <zbenjamin> err wait
[14:40] <nik90> zbenjamin: but before the transition, the desktop file was called ubuntu-clock-app.desktop
[14:40] <zbenjamin> yes thats it
[14:40] <zbenjamin> i'm currently looking up from where creator gets the desktop file name
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[14:44] <zbenjamin> nik90: ok the current version of creator requires the desktop file to be named like the cmake project
[14:45] <nik90> zbenjamin: so it should be com.ubuntu.clock.desktop
[14:45] <zbenjamin> yes atm
[14:46] <nik90> zbenjamin: okay. I will do that for now.
[14:46] <nik90> zbenjamin: I am guessing I will need to modify the cmake file to look for the updated desktop file
[14:46] <nik90> to fix this permanently in the trunk
[14:47] <zbenjamin> yeah , bzoltan any other idea about that? Basically we require the desktop file to have the same name as the cmake project.
[15:13] <nik90> dpm, popey: Do you know who to talk to about Ubuntu Layouts components in the SDK? I am having some trouble troubleshooting an issue that I have.
[15:14] <dpm> nik90, I think zsombi did the original designs, but he seems to be offline, perhaps Kaleo would know more about Layouts?
[15:15] <nik90> dpm: There was one more person who replied a long time to my questions..unfortunately I don't remember his nick or name :/
[15:15] <nik90> I think it was greyback_
[15:16] <dpm> nik90, ah, yeah, he could probably help too, but he's not on the SDK team
[15:16] <greyback_> nik90: hey. Info on Layouts? I can try, it's been a while...
[15:17] <nik90> greyback_: hey. I am using ItemLayout to position a label in tablet mode, however when I use anchors.horizontalCenter: parent.horizontalCenter it is not in the center of that parent.
[15:17] <nik90> greyback_: However if I resort to manually defining the Label inside the Layouts instead of using ItemLayout, then it works
[15:17] <nik90> greyback_: here is a screenshot -> http://imgur.com/fWD6iu8
[15:18] <greyback_> nik90: hmm, can you see/guess what parent it is being centered to? Are there any log messages being printed to your console?
[15:18] <greyback_> nik90: some code would help me understand a lot better tbh
[15:19] <nik90> greyback_: let me push the code to a branch. 1 min
[15:23] <nik90> greyback_: https://code.launchpad.net/~nik90/ubuntu-clock-app/converge-clock-tab
[15:24] <nik90> greyback_: The code I am referring to is in Clock/ClockPage.qml
[15:24] <greyback_> nik90: looking...
[15:32] <bzoltan1> zbenjamin: nik90: yes we have this restriction
[15:33] <greyback_> nik90: well looks like there's an SDK bug to start. If I run that, resize to phone, then resize to tablet it crashes: Program received signal SIGSEGV, Segmentation fault.
[15:33] <greyback_> -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------[regs]
[15:33] <greyback_> RAX: 0x00007FFFF79B06B0 RBX: 0x78F685107DD639FA RBP: 0x0000000000B2F358 RSP: 0x00007FFFFFFFCD40 o d I t s z a p c
[15:33] <greyback_> RDI: 0x78F685107DD639FA RSI: 0x0000000000C34AF0 RDX: 0x00007FFFFFFFCDD0 RCX: 0x0000000000000001 RIP: 0x00007FFFF74E4379
[15:33] <greyback_> R8 : 0x0000000000000002 R9 : 0x00007FFFCCBDA2C0 R10: 0x00000000FFFFFFFD R11: 0x0000000000000478 R12: 0x0000000000C34AF0
[15:33] <greyback_> R13: 0x00007FFFFFFFCDD0 R14: 0x0000000000000000 R15: 0x0000000000B2F340
[15:33] <greyback_> CS: 0033 DS: 0000 ES: 0000 FS: 0000 GS: 0000 SS: 002B
[15:33] <greyback_> -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------[code]
[15:33] <greyback_> => 0x7ffff74e4379 <QQmlContextData::asQQmlContext()+9>: mov rax,QWORD PTR [rdi+0x18]
[15:33] <bzoltan1> greyback_: that was nice
[15:33] <greyback_> 0x7ffff74e437d <QQmlContextData::asQQmlContext()+13>: test rax,rax
[15:33] <greyback_> 0x7ffff74e4380 <QQmlContextData::asQQmlContext()+16>: je 0x7ffff74e4390 <QQmlContextData::asQQmlContext()+32>
[15:33] <greyback_> 0x7ffff74e4382 <QQmlContextData::asQQmlContext()+18>: add rsp,0x8
[15:33] <greyback_> 0x7ffff74e4386 <QQmlContextData::asQQmlContext()+22>: pop rbx
[15:33] <greyback_> 0x7ffff74e4387 <QQmlContextData::asQQmlContext()+23>: pop rbp
[15:33] <greyback_> 0x7ffff74e4388 <QQmlContextData::asQQmlContext()+24>: ret
[15:33] <greyback_> 0x7ffff74e4389 <QQmlContextData::asQQmlContext()+25>: nop DWORD PTR [rax+0x0]
[15:33] <greyback_> -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
[15:33] <greyback_> QQmlContextData::asQQmlContext (this=0x78f685107dd639fa) at qml/qqmlcontext.cpp:812
[15:33] <greyback_> 812 qml/qqmlcontext.cpp: No such file or directory.
[15:33] <greyback_> gdb$ bt
[15:33] <greyback_> #0 QQmlContextData::asQQmlContext (this=0x78f685107dd639fa) at qml/qqmlcontext.cpp:812
[15:33] <greyback_> #1 0x00007fffccbd5891 in PropertyAction::PropertyAction(QObject*, QString const&, PropertyAction::Type) () from /usr/l
[15:33] <greyback_> ah sorry
[15:33] <greyback_> nik90: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/6931751/
[15:33] <bzoltan1> :D
[15:34] <greyback_> nik90: would you mind logging that with the SDK please?
[15:34] <nik90> greyback_: But I haven't defined the Layouts for the Phone Interface yet
[15:34] <greyback_> nik90: well, either way it shouldn't crash
[15:34] <nik90> +1
[15:35] <nik90> greyback_: hmm I might need to create a sample app before reporting the bug
[15:35] <nik90> greyback_: but let's assume that the user doesn't resize the app. I still am unable to figure out why the label is out of place
[15:36] <greyback_> nik90: true that would be appreciated, but worst case, a quick bug pointing to that branch would do
[15:36] * nik90 is creating the bug as he is typing now
[15:36] <greyback_> nik90: yep, I'm trying to figure that out
[15:38] <greyback_> nik90: I think you're doing the right thing. I suspect SDK bug
[15:39] <nik90> greyback_: ah :(
[15:40] <nik90> greyback_: btw how did you get the crash output? When I try to reproduce the bug, the program just crashes on me
[15:40] <greyback_> nik90: I ran it with gdb, like this: gdb /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/qt5/bin/qmlscene ubuntu-clock-app.qml
[15:40] <nik90> greyback_: ah..thnx
[15:40] <greyback_> nik90: np. But sorry about the bugs!
[15:41] <nik90> greyback_: no worries, I just hope they get fixed quicker
[15:41] <greyback_> nik90: I'm not aware of many users of Layouts atm, so you might be hitting some rough edges
[15:41] <nik90> greyback_: true
=== gatox is now known as gatox_lunch
[16:07] <balloons> nik90, I saw a bit of your conversation this morning.. we can change the filename and the cmake name. I followed the format that sergio used originally, but the naming doesn't matter as long as we stay consistent
[16:09] <nik90> balloons: yeah that would be nice since I understand cmake helps us use click-buddy but we shouldn't regress on the qtcreator launching capability.
[16:10] <nik90> balloons: would you be able to propose a MP to fix it. I can test it and even propose it to other core apps. I just need an example.
[16:10] <balloons> so if I change things quickly, want to confirm it works?
[16:10] <balloons> sure
[16:10] <nik90> balloons: definitely!
[16:16] <balloons> mmm
[16:19] <balloons> nik90, so I made the changes, but I'm not seeing it run
[16:20] <nik90> balloons: do you still see the same error I had?/
[16:20] <nik90> zbenjamin: ^^
[16:21] <balloons> nik90, I don't know, lol
[16:21] <zbenjamin> balloons: whats the error you see?
[16:21] <zbenjamin> in the general messages tab?
[16:22] <zbenjamin> balloons: maybe try to right click on the project and click build in chroot
[16:22] <zbenjamin> balloons: then run on the device
[16:22] <nik90> balloons: when you press ctrl+f12 in qtcreator, you should see the console output in the general messages tab at the bottom
[16:22] <balloons> right.. I have no output
[16:22] <balloons> I never used that shortcut.. so I don't know
[16:23] <zbenjamin> nik90: the thing is, creator supports only binary projects with cmake, we have no support for compiling for arch "all"
[16:23] <balloons> let me just commit and you try nik90
[16:24] <nik90> balloons: ok
[16:24] <nik90> zbenjamin: ah
[16:24] <zbenjamin> nik90: currently it does some assumptions that only work with that
[16:24] <zbenjamin> nik90: that will change in future versions
[16:24] <balloons> nik90, lp:~nskaggs/ubuntu-clock-app/qtcreator-cmake-fix
[16:25] <balloons> o.. ctrl+f12 requires device eh?
[16:25] <nik90> balloons: yup :P
[16:25] <balloons> that's the issue. I thought it would spawn locally also for some reason
[16:26] <nik90> balloons: doesn't work..same issue
[16:26] <balloons> the desktop file is as expected now right?
[16:27] <nik90> balloons: but it could be due to the reason zbenjamin mentioned above
[16:27] <balloons> we can name it anything.. just have to update the cmake to specify
[16:30] <balloons> nik90, does it need to be called ubuntu-clock-app.desktop instead?
[16:30] <balloons> is that how it worked in the past?
[16:30] <nik90> it was called ubuntu-clock-app.desktop before yes
[16:31] <nik90> balloons: I tried http://paste.ubuntu.com/6932056/
[16:31] <nik90> didnt work
[16:32] <nik90> I added ubuntu-clock-app.desktop
[16:32] <balloons> I'm confused why having a cmake file would break that
[16:32] <balloons> nik90, if you checkout the last version before all the cmake changes, does it work?
[16:32] <nik90> balloons: will try now
[16:33] <zbenjamin> balloons: the desktop file has to be named like the cmake project
[16:34] <nik90> balloons: as of rev 337 it works
[16:36] <zbenjamin> balloons: the thing is , inside creator we only know the project name you put in at the top of the cmake file, because creator has no real cmake parser we needed to do add some requirements
[16:37] <zbenjamin> so if you have project(com.ubuntu.clock), your desktop file would be com.ubuntu.clock.desktop until we can sort that out
[16:37] <balloons> ok, so nik90 if in addition to changing the file back you have to name the project the same
[16:37] <nik90> balloons: trying now
[16:37] <balloons> zbenjamin, yes but using com.ubuntu.clock didn't work.. or perhaps it didn't because I'm crazy :-)
[16:38] <balloons> nik90, I guess make sure the project also is insync
[16:38] <zbenjamin> balloons: did you rebuild after you changed it? now you have cmake just hitting run on device won't do the trick
[16:39] <nik90> zbenjamin: what really
[16:39] <nik90> zbenjamin: so I need to rebuild it and then press Ctrl+F12
[16:39] <zbenjamin> nik90: basically yes
[16:40] <zbenjamin> nik90: i know its not pretty yet, but it will get better, promise :)
[16:45] <nik90> balloons: do I build the clock app now by running cmake in the root folder?
[16:46] <balloons> yep
[16:56] <dpm> mzanetti, I'm not sure you saw it yet, but we've had more contributions to Reminders \o/ https://code.launchpad.net/~bobo-324/reminders-app/fix-1279783/+merge/206341
[16:58] <mzanetti> dpm: heh, yeah, saw it today morning. but we're kinda in a MWC crazyness in unity8
[16:58] <mzanetti> will check it out soonish
[16:58] <dpm> mzanetti, I can imagine. I'll try to have a look myself over the weekend
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[17:08] <myNameIsWho> ping mhall119
[17:08] <myNameIsWho> Hi nik90 it is I
[17:08] <nik90> myNameIsWho: hey
[17:08] <nik90> myNameIsWho: so what exactly do we need the extra permission for?
[17:09] <myNameIsWho> so yeah like I was saying there is a couple of things that we need to figure out for that ^^
[17:09] <myNameIsWho> kenvandine, is friends dev ?
[17:09] <myNameIsWho> they are using notify-send correct ?
[17:09] <myNameIsWho> nik90, the main thing is when user gets pm or pinged then they will get a notifaction popup and sound
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[17:10] <myNameIsWho> and I want it so that the EU can turn it off if they want to
[17:10] <myNameIsWho> EU = endUser
[17:10] <nik90> myNameIsWho: I am guessing the unity 8 notify-osd API will release when ready..shouldn't we wait for that?
[17:11] <myNameIsWho> sure
[17:11] <myNameIsWho> I did not know that there are vlueprints for that
[17:11] <myNameIsWho> nik90, next issue using Usermeticrics and getting Hud intergrated
[17:12] <myNameIsWho> nik90, and History
[17:12] <nik90> myNameIsWho: I know how to do both (usermetrics and hud integration)
[17:12] <myNameIsWho> history is where I am at a cross road right now
[17:12] <nik90> I can handle that
[17:12] <nik90> myNameIsWho: right, you worry about the history :)
[17:12] <myNameIsWho> nik90, what are your ideas ?
[17:13] <nik90> myNameIsWho: we can use HUD to expose the toolbar buttons
[17:13] <myNameIsWho> yeah also what about a join page and adding my google speech recoginition ?
[17:13] <nik90> myNameIsWho: as for usermetrics, we will have to decide what exactly we want to show there
[17:13] <nik90> myNameIsWho: join page?
[17:14] <myNameIsWho> nik90, look at main.qml there is a element with the id cmd
[17:14] <myNameIsWho> this can be used to make IRC commands happen
[17:14] <myNameIsWho> like join kick
[17:14] <nik90> myNameIsWho: I wouldn't recommend the google speech recognition just yet..I mean for version 1.0 we should target the most basic features and make that a solid experience
[17:14] <myNameIsWho> ban
[17:15] <myNameIsWho> ok
[17:15] <myNameIsWho> I agree
[17:15] <nik90> myNameIsWho: there is currently a bug where the text replies all append to the same line instead of going to the next line.
[17:15] <myNameIsWho> On should be able to turn off the sound notification for the pings from the Hud please
[17:16] <nik90> Is this something you can tackle asap ?
[17:16] <myNameIsWho> yeah that is bug in Ubuntu Components
[17:16] <nik90> myNameIsWho: +1 to turning off sound notifications in HUD
[17:16] <myNameIsWho> nik90, works great on qt5,2
[17:16] <nik90> myNameIsWho: oh
[17:16] <myNameIsWho> in ther TextArea
[17:16] <myNameIsWho> qt5,2 ^^
[17:17] <nik90> myNameIsWho: In which case we will wait for SDK to be ported to 5.2 which should happen soon enough. There are already test PPA available for it
[17:17] <myNameIsWho> there are a couple of hacks that I could try but most of them do not work
[17:18] <myNameIsWho> like match([SomeRegEX for time ]) and have a new line but the TextArea will not take a new line no matter what I try
[17:18] <myNameIsWho> that is another thing turning options for the Formatter
[17:18] <nik90> myNameIsWho: wouldn''t something like appending "\n" work?
[17:18] <myNameIsWho> nik90, I wish
[17:18] <nik90> too bad
[17:18] <myNameIsWho> but no it does not work
[17:19] <myNameIsWho> I was on this channel a couple of days ago talking to salem_ about this
[17:19] <myNameIsWho> I think that is who
[17:19] <myNameIsWho> at any rate I could not fix it
[17:19] <myNameIsWho> There seems to also be a bug in the TextArea with Wrapmode also
[17:20] <myNameIsWho> like when waiting for the Message of the day and login from freenode
[17:20] <myNameIsWho> or what ever server it is not wraping the words
[17:20] <salem_> myNameIsWho, me? sorry, I dont remember about this discussion.
[17:21] <myNameIsWho> see It could have been someone else
[17:22] <myNameIsWho> One of the people was kalikiana
[17:22] <myNameIsWho> can not remeber the other
[17:23] <myNameIsWho> looking up history .....
[17:24] <myNameIsWho> It was sarnold sorry salem_
[17:24] <salem_> myNameIsWho, no problem.
[17:25] <myNameIsWho> nik90, what do you think we should use as history ? write to a local file like xchat ? or to a database ?
[17:25] <myNameIsWho> if DB sqlite or Ubuntu DB ?
[17:25] <kalikiana> U1Db :-D
[17:25] * kalikiana wouldn't be biased at all…
[17:25] <myNameIsWho> what up kalikiana
[17:26] <myNameIsWho> ROTFLMAO
[17:26] <nik90> myNameIsWho: I say go u1db all the way
[17:26] <myNameIsWho> kalikiana, do you have time for something like this ? I have never used udb1
[17:26] <myNameIsWho> can we create new db tables and all that again I know nothing abut udb1
[17:27] <kalikiana> as the cherry on that cake it'll give you synchronization in the near future
[17:27] <nik90> myNameIsWho: u1db fits with with the app armour stuff as well
[17:27] <myNameIsWho> nik90, what about performance ?
[17:27] <myNameIsWho> like how fast is it what does it take up in mem ect how many pointers are there ?
[17:28] <myNameIsWho> kalikiana, what kinda db is it ?
[17:28] <nik90> kalikiana: it is essentially a wrapper around sqlite storage
[17:28] <myNameIsWho> we would have to use OAuth ?
[17:28] <nik90> I meant that to myNameIsWho :P
[17:28] <nik90> myNameIsWho: no for offline storage we wouldn't need OAuth
[17:29] <myNameIsWho> nik90, we have to use OAuth to login as are user ? so that we can access for outside the app ?
[17:29] <nik90> myNameIsWho: We will need the user credentials for sync only
[17:29] <nik90> myNameIsWho: outside the app/
[17:29] <nik90> ?
[17:29] <myNameIsWho> nik90, like if I want to check my logs in a browser in ubuntu one
[17:29] <myNameIsWho> is that where it stores it or is it ocal ?
[17:29] <myNameIsWho> loacal *
[17:30] <myNameIsWho> er
[17:30] <nik90> myNameIsWho: by default it stores it local
[17:30] <myNameIsWho> we should think about the cloud I would think
[17:30] <nik90> myNameIsWho: when sync is implemented, it will I guess u1db's servers to do the syncing
[17:30] <nik90> sync isn't ready yet in u1db
[17:30] <myNameIsWho> kalikiana, is that the plan for the future ? cloud intergration ?
[17:31] <myNameIsWho> nik90, I could write a qnetworkmanager thingy that could push to it
[17:31] <myNameIsWho> I want to do this 3 times and not 10
[17:32] <myNameIsWho> that is what I am getting at here. And I know nothing about udb1
[17:32] <nik90> myNameIsWho: 3 times not 10? I didnt get that
[17:32] <myNameIsWho> implementation
[17:32] <nik90> nvr mind
[17:33] <myNameIsWho> I think that it is key that we get a over all stucture of what we want for the history
[17:33] <nik90> myNameIsWho: If you implement sync using qnetworkmanager you have to figure it all out yourself and do the code maintanance as well...while if we rely on u1db, the process will be seamless
[17:33] <kalikiana> myNameIsWho: the exact api for auth isn't final, but I strongly desire it to be very minimal from the point of view of any app
[17:33] <nik90> myNameIsWho: ultimately every ubuntu touch app is going to be using it, I say stick with the pack
[17:34] <myNameIsWho> nik90, I do not like packs lol j/k
[17:34] <myNameIsWho> only packs of ciggs
[17:34] <myNameIsWho> gross ^^
[17:35] <nik90> lol
[17:35] <myNameIsWho> so at any rate history will be like this. user enters in new channel . it creates new database table for the channel. every time someone says something it is insrted into a new column
[17:36] <myNameIsWho> that is alot of tables after a while
[17:36] <myNameIsWho> could damage performance
[17:36] <nik90> true
[17:36] <nik90> I wonder how other irc clients store their history
[17:37] <nik90> we could take a note from them
[17:37] <myNameIsWho> nik90, xchat uses plain txt files
[17:37] <myNameIsWho> ~/.xchat2/<SERVER>/channel(orpm name).txt
[17:37] <myNameIsWho> or pm *
[17:38] <myNameIsWho> but then we have to deal with writing these files which is light weight
[17:38] <myNameIsWho> Qfile/Qdir works great
[17:38] <myNameIsWho> and iostream ect
[17:39] <myNameIsWho> I am lost as to how permissions work on that
[17:39] <myNameIsWho> like it has to be under /opt/click/whatever/app/version ? and it is ok to write there ?
[17:40] <myNameIsWho> nik90, maybe we should test both ?
[17:40] <nik90> myNameIsWho: lets try both
[17:40] <nik90> myNameIsWho: the file should be written to .local/share/app-name/
[17:41] <nik90> myNameIsWho: That's the only place we can write/read from
[17:41] <nik90> I mean write into
[17:41] <myNameIsWho> ok 1st udb1 if it does not take up resources to much then we are golden so to say. But if it does then I will write a Qml plugin to read and write files
[17:42] <myNameIsWho> agree ?
[17:42] <nik90> agreed
[17:42] <myNameIsWho> cool
[17:43] <myNameIsWho> next : All the C++ code that I have is extrenal and installs system wide. I will try to fix this today. But ....
[17:43] <myNameIsWho> this is where cmake vs qmake comes into play
[17:43] <myNameIsWho> and making the click packages after they are built
[17:43] <myNameIsWho> I have not tried to make a qmake package in chroot
[17:44] <nik90> yup the most important part
[17:44] <myNameIsWho> if it works I would like to stick with qmake (less programming )
[17:44] <nik90> you are the guy who is responsible for the c++ part, so I leave that decision making to you :)
[17:44] <myNameIsWho> like if I can build this in chroot with qmake then We can make click package with libs in it.
[17:44] <myNameIsWho> Ok
[17:45] <myNameIsWho> next: dekstop dishwasher and TV .
[17:45] <myNameIsWho> wait no dishwasher yet lol
[17:45] <myNameIsWho> I am going to have a option on start up that is --click
[17:46] <myNameIsWho> this will be run on all systems that use the unity8 window manager of sorts
[17:46] <myNameIsWho> in the desktop file ^^
[17:46] <myNameIsWho> EXEC=/foo --click
[17:46] <nik90> ok
[17:46] <myNameIsWho> so if user is on desktop it will just be foo .
[17:47] <myNameIsWho> in order to do all this I am going to have to make debian packaging for this
[17:47] <myNameIsWho> this is going to take a day or so
[17:47] <myNameIsWho> it is kinda loopie in order to make a c++ app in click I must make debian package first lol
[17:49] <myNameIsWho> so for me and my plans of the day. make a standalone package that builds a deb for armhf . Then exstract this and build click out of it
[17:49] <myNameIsWho> might not get done today
[17:49] * myNameIsWho is sad all of a sudden lol
[17:50] <nik90> I will try to propose some MP as well
[17:50] <myNameIsWho> cool
[17:50] <nik90> hey btw did you happen to test the ui stuff I proposed to see how it looks?
[17:50] <myNameIsWho> talk to you in a little bit. if you have any questions ping me
[17:51] <nik90> okay .. cya
[18:35] <rpadovani> mzanetti, hey :-) I'm working on camera improvement for reminders-app, and I added the confirm page after the shoot. On PC works as expected, but when I run the app on phone using the script in the root directory seems that my new page is not pushed on device
[18:35] <rpadovani> file:///home/phablet/reminders/builddir/src/app/qml/ui/CameraConfirm.qml:-1 File not found
[18:36] <rpadovani> mzanetti, have I to modify something? I tried to read CMaxeLists.txt, but I don't find anything related
[18:46] <myNameIsWho> nik90, update I have now gotten it so that C++ runs at runtime but the app is crashing .... more hacking
[19:13] <myNameIsWho> \o/ !!!! nik90 c++ is now ported to run at run time Pushing Code
[19:13] <myNameIsWho> Yes !!
[19:15] <ybon> myNameIsWho: on the IRC client?
[19:16] <myNameIsWho> ybon, correct
[19:16] <ybon> great :)
[19:17] <myNameIsWho> nik90, please hack from here https://code.launchpad.net/~touch-irc/touch-irc/trunk
[19:17] <myNameIsWho> this is great !
[19:19] <myNameIsWho> nik90, if you open the top most .pro file you will see that there is a dir called "ircclient" this is where all th Ubuntu Stuff is located
[19:19] <myNameIsWho> Now to make debian packaging for this
[19:35] <snwh> myNameIsWho, i assume i can send icons your way then
[19:35] <myNameIsWho> snwh, you can push to the branch if you like
[19:35] <myNameIsWho> make a new branch maybe that is like "touch-irc-icons "
[19:35] <snwh> is this sort of what you had in mind for a theme-specific icon https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/7027392/touch-irc-suru-dark.png
[19:35] <myNameIsWho> or just pass them off to me
[19:36] <snwh> i'll push a branch when ready
[19:36] <myNameIsWho> that is SWEET ! !!!!
[19:36] <myNameIsWho> Great job sam
[19:36] <snwh> & https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/7027392/touch-irc-suru.png
[19:36] <myNameIsWho> I Fricking love it !
[19:36] <snwh> are those the correct colors?
[19:36] <myNameIsWho> Up
[19:36] <myNameIsWho> snwh, that is 100% what I was looking for
[19:37] <snwh> alright
[19:37] <myNameIsWho> I can also change it up a little bit with color stuff via Qgraphics
[19:37] <snwh> I'm going to tweak those a bit and make a new branch
[19:37] <myNameIsWho> but boy ohh boy that is SWEET !
[19:37] <myNameIsWho> thanks again snwh
[19:37] <snwh> i assume an svg would be simpler to tweak
[19:38] <snwh> i can clean make one svg clean it up and give it style classes so it can be tweaked easily
[19:38] <myNameIsWho> sure svg will work
[19:40] <myNameIsWho> crazy autotools errors Bargh
[19:52] <TestingClick> Hello ?
[19:52] <myNameIsWho> sweet
[19:59] <snwh> myNameIsWho, if you'd like to add me to the Touch IRC Team I'll upload a branch ;)
[19:59] <myNameIsWho> ure
[19:59] <myNameIsWho> sure *
[19:59] <myNameIsWho> you are now added
[20:00] <snwh> alright
[20:00] <snwh> pushed
[20:01] <myNameIsWho> thanks a ton snwh
[20:01] <snwh> no problem
[20:02] <myNameIsWho> Not sure that SSL is working as I do not know how to use it
[20:02] <myNameIsWho> anyone know how to use ssl ?
[20:30] <Kaleo> hey guys
[20:30] <Kaleo> any calendar app dev around?
[20:30] <Kaleo> ever seen that failure? http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/6933288/
[20:46] <myNameIsWho> why does lintian hate the opt dir ?
[20:46] <myNameIsWho> it is throwing errors like crazy
[20:46] <myNameIsWho> E: irc-touch: dir-or-file-in-opt opt/ircclient/bin/ircclient
[20:47] <myNameIsWho> and all qml files under it
=== salem_ is now known as _salem
[21:32] <rpadovani> mzanetti, wow, I fix it! Only to add the file to the branch...
[21:36] <myNameIsWho> snwh, I have bad news
[21:36] <myNameIsWho> I can not push any apps to the store till 2015
[21:36] <myNameIsWho> so all that work that you did for the icons was for nothing
[21:40] <rpadovani> mzanetti, ok, I added the page for confirm to use a photo after a shoot
[21:40] <rpadovani> https://code.launchpad.net/~rpadovani/reminders-app/cameraImprovement/+merge/206559
[21:41] <rpadovani> In the weekend I'll try to implement other design-related features for camera
[21:41] <snwh> how odd
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