UbuntuIRC / 2014 /02 /14 /#kubuntu.txt
Initial commit
=== hewhomust is now known as hilight
=== hilight is now known as hewhomust
=== dicklicker is now known as Greekboy
[01:19] <Saigo_no_Seimate> -_-
[01:20] <not_found> *yawn*
[02:06] <ElTimo> How can I stop Windows from settings itself to the highest boot priority every time I boot it? I don't know if this is the right place to ask, but I don't know where else to go.
[02:09] <not_found> if you are choosing what OS to run from GRUB you can set the boot priority there... a quick search gives me this - http://askubuntu.com/questions/100232/how-do-i-change-the-grub-boot-order
[02:15] <ElTimo> not_found: It's actually completely bypassing GRUB. It's quite rude.
[02:19] <ElTimo> Not to mention unbelievably annoying.
[02:31] <ElTimo> Ok, the problem seems to be related to the fact that I have an entry for a previous Ubuntu install that confuses UEFI. How can I get rid of it?
[02:32] <not_found> ah I have no ideas when it comes to UEFI... I have been disabling it and booting legacy myself... hope someone else is up and has a clue
[02:43] <ElTimo> I /think/ I fixed it.
[02:43] <ElTimo> I had two entries for ubuntu, it turns out.
=== freeflying_away is now known as freeflying
=== rahul is now known as Guest73308
=== Guest73308 is now known as rahul__
=== kevin is now known as Guest67377
=== mj is now known as Guest60759
=== campr_ is now known as campr
=== rahul is now known as Guest97008
=== freeflying is now known as freeflying_away
=== freeflying_away is now known as freeflying
=== manu is now known as Guest73336
=== manu__ is now known as mammuth-mammuth
[09:57] <lordievader> Good morning.
=== Greekboy is now known as dicklicker
=== dicklicker is now known as cocksucker
=== cocksucker is now known as DickLicker
=== DickLicker is now known as Adolfhitla
=== ubuntu is now known as Guest69030
=== kushal is now known as Guest41917
[13:20] <dougl> I lost my bluetooth utility that was in the panel - does anyone know what it is called so I can get it back?
[13:23] <jussi> dougl: have you checked your bluetooth HW swith is on ?
[13:25] <dougl> jussi, no turned on my headset and it auto connected but there are more blutooth gizmos I have that do not auto connect
[13:25] <jussi> dougl: and it isnt in the little pop up part of the menu ?
[13:25] <jussi> err tray
[13:25] <dougl> jussi, no looked there too
[13:25] <natacus123> im looking for a good/easy to use IM client that works for yahoo/skype
[13:26] <dougl> natacus123, waht did google say?
[13:26] <jussi> dougl: right click the tray, system tray settings
[13:26] <natacus123> dougl: pidgin, which i hate
[13:26] <dougl> I use skype for ubuntu
[13:26] <jussi> natacus123: ktp ?
[13:27] <dougl> jussi looking now thanks
[13:28] <dougl> jussi, no mention of bluetooth in there
[13:28] <natacus123> jussi: dont know it , cant find it in repo
[13:45] <jussi> natacus123: it should be installed by default
[13:45] <BluesKaj> Howdy all
[13:45] <jussi> natacus123: internet -> kde im contacts
=== bumblebee is now known as Guest16321
=== 6JTAA8GDV is now known as AlexZion
=== AlexZion is now known as Alex_Zion
=== freeflying is now known as freeflying_away
=== Doyle__ is now known as Doyle
=== Guest97008 is now known as rahul__
[16:57] <cgismyname> Hello, I'm having a peasky GUI problem. Without touching the keyboard my windows randomly resize and move. Sometimes my search bar (the one that comes up when windows key is pressed) randomly comes up too
[16:57] <cgismyname> a lot of times in vim or firefox this symbol (move window?) randomly comes up: http://imgur.com/p8ITmLL
[17:00] <Poisoned_Dragon> is this a desktop, or laptop?
[17:01] <cgismyname> laptop
[17:02] <cgismyname> I thought maybe the touchpad was maybe causing it. But even when I'm not typing it happens.
[17:02] <Poisoned_Dragon> :(
[17:02] <cgismyname> (or not touching the computer at all)
[17:02] <Poisoned_Dragon> can you disable the touchpad with a keyboard shortcut?
[17:04] <cgismyname> yeah I'll give that a shot.
[17:04] <cgismyname> Do you know if it's common for swiping or other touchpad events to fire randomly?
[17:06] <Poisoned_Dragon> Well, lets prove what's what, first.
[17:06] <Poisoned_Dragon> if it still acts up with the touch pad off, it's possibly the kb.
[17:06] <Poisoned_Dragon> If it calms down, it was the touchpad.
[17:07] <Poisoned_Dragon> Whether that means it's off, or just over sensitive, google is your friend.
[17:07] <cgismyname> it just happened again when the touchpad was disabled. This "Konversation" window just randomly resized
[17:07] <Poisoned_Dragon> Might be your kb firing keys.
[17:07] <Poisoned_Dragon> you would have to be savvy with taking laptops apart to prove it.
[17:08] <Poisoned_Dragon> if you can disconnect it internally, then plug in a usb. You would be able to know for sure.
[17:08] <Poisoned_Dragon> *a usb kb.
[17:09] <cgismyname> ah that's a good idea.
[17:10] <cgismyname> I'm going to try to disable all the window resizing shortcuts too...
[17:11] <Poisoned_Dragon> good idea
[17:19] <zsw_> hello i need help
[17:20] <zsw_> #kubuntu-offtopic
[17:22] <zsw_> hi
=== bumblebee is now known as Guest472
[17:23] <zsw_> cydrobolt i got banned from kali-linux
[17:24] <Cydrobolt> um
[17:28] <IdleOne> zsw_: aka zack: Please don't highlight random users. Also please stop being a nuisance in general.
[17:29] <zsw_> suck it
[17:40] <zsw_> whats a really good free os
[17:41] <zsw_> hello
[17:42] <zsw_> IdleOne/ http://www.123rf.com/photo_3172713_upset-businessman-giving-middle-finger-to-boss-dof-focus-on-hand.html
[17:43] <IdleOne> well that was not nice
[18:10] <pietro10> Hi. GTK+ programs running in KDE do not use the proper kerning, letter spacing, etc. as evidenced by other KDE programs. Oddly, Firefox looks right, but the GTK+ standard dialogue boxes it uses don't. I have gtk*-engines-oxygen installed; this appears to happen regardless of engine. I tried installing gnom,e-settings-daemon, but that dind't work. What can I do? Thanks.
[18:17] <pietro10> ok my thing seems to be an issue with cairo?...
=== chiaraesamuele is now known as chiaraesamuele_
=== chiaraesamuele_ is now known as chiaraesamuele__
[18:31] <chiaraesamuele__> uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu
[18:32] <genii> chiaraesamuele__: Please don't do that. Do you have some question about your Kubuntu?
[18:32] <chiaraesamuele__> The desk are blue
[18:33] <chiaraesamuele__> <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>><<
[18:33] <genii> chiaraesamuele__: If you keep spamming I will be forced to remove you from the channel.
[18:33] <genii> chiaraesamuele__: Consider yourself warned.
[18:34] <chiaraesamuele__> <>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>><<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>><<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>><<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<>>>>>>>>>>><<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<>>>>>>>>>>>>><<<<<<<<<<<<<<>>>>>>>>>><<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>><<<<<<<<<>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>><<<<<<<<<<<<<>>>>>>>>>>><<<<<<<<<<<>>>>>>>>>>>>>>><<<<<<<<<<<<<<<>>>>>>>>>><<<<<<<<<<<<>>>><<<<<<<<>>>><<<<>>>>><<<<>>>>>><<<>>>><<<<<>>>><<<<<<>>>><<<<<<<<<<<>>>><
[18:34] <chiaraesamuele__> <>>>>>><<<<>>>>><<>>>>>>><<<<<<<>>>>>>><<<>>>><<<>>>><<<>>>>><<<<<<>>>>>>><<>>>><<<<>>>><<<<>>>>><<<>>>><<<<<>>><<<<<>>><<<<>>>><<<>>>><<<<>>>>>><<<>>>>><<<>>>><<<<>>>>><<<>>>>><<<<>>>>><<<<>>>>>><<<>>>><<<<<>>>>>><<>>>>>>><<>>>>>><<<>>>>>><<>>><<<<<>>>><<<<>>>><<<<>>>>><<<<>>>>><<>>>>>><<>>>><<<<>>>>><<<<>>>>><<<>>>>><<<<>>>>><<<>>>>><<<<>>>><<<<<>>>><<<<<<<<<>>>>><<<<>>>>><<>>>>>><<>>>>><<<>>>>><<<<>>>><<<<>>>><<<<>>>>><<<>>>>><<>>>>>><<>>><<<
[18:34] <chiaraesamuele__> >>>>><>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>><<<<<<<>>><<<>>>><<<<>>>><<<<>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>><<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>><<<<<<<<<<
[18:34] * IdleOne takes hammer away from genii
[18:35] <IdleOne> your gonna put an eye out with that
[18:35] <IdleOne> you're*
[18:35] <genii> Hehe
[18:35] <genii> IdleOne: Well, I tried to be polite.
[18:35] <IdleOne> you did
[18:36] <IdleOne> I was just worried it might be my eye
[18:36] <IdleOne> :)
[18:40] <BluesKaj> is there a full moon? the lunes seem to be more populous today
[18:41] <Pici> yes
[18:41] <genii> BluesKaj: Actually I think it may be
[18:41] * genii slides Pici a delicious beverage
[18:45] <BluesKaj> genii, yes it is full
[18:56] <pietro10> [13:55] <pietro10> oh here's some fun
[18:56] <pietro10> [13:55] <pietro10> the KDE session locker is ALSO using the wrong font kerning!
[19:00] <genii> Wish I knew more about the font system.
=== Doyle___ is now known as Doyle
[19:26] <pietro10> My laptop is picking up network printers from school and what not; how do I disable that? Thanks.
[20:00] <zsw_> can someone help me use aircrack-ng
[20:07] <zsw_> hello
[20:08] <genii> zsw_: Might want to try #aircrack-ng channel
[20:08] <zsw_> theres a ch for that!
[20:10] <zsw_> * - .88888888:.
[20:10] <zsw_> * - 88888888.88888.
[20:10] <zsw_> * - .8888888888888888.
[20:10] <zsw_> * - 888888888888888888
[20:10] <zsw_> * - 88' _`88'_ `88888
[20:10] <zsw_> * - 88 88 88 88 88888
[20:10] <zsw_> * - 88_88_::_88_:88888
[20:10] <zsw_> * - .8888.' :' `'::`88:88888
[20:10] <zsw_> * - .8888 ' `.888:8888.
[20:10] * genii sighs
[20:11] <genii> Fine.
=== marshall is now known as Guest62993
[22:16] <wolftune> is there a way to get multitouch on my *screen* to be recognized so I can use it for two-finger scrolling and such?
[23:02] <aPpYe> I am running KDE, built from ubuntu mini. It is connected to a TV via HDMI. Whenever the TV is turned off, it ceases all communication with the computer, so the computer seems to think the "monitor" has been unplugged.
[23:02] <aPpYe> This causes some programs to behave badly, since (i am guessing) there are no longer any X screens to output to. For example, transmission-qt segfaults once the tv is powered off. This only happens with this specific TV … Anyone know a workaround?
=== SonikkuAmerica is now known as TrainerSUSA
=== TrainerSUSA is now known as SonikkuAmerica