UbuntuIRC / 2014 /02 /14 /#kubuntu-devel.txt
Initial commit
[03:22] <ahoneybun> apachelogger: your fix worked
[03:24] <ahoneybun> but there are some errors from another package non docs related
[08:17] <Riddell> cyphermox_: I see you're touched bluez quite a bit, have you looked at bluez 5 at all?
[08:36] <Riddell> "digiKam Software Collection 4.0.0-beta2 is out.." do we upgrade to that?
[08:37] <valorie> will they have a release soon enough for us?
[08:37] <Riddell> that's the question
[08:39] <Riddell> http://www.digikam.org/about/releaseplan
[08:39] <Riddell> 11/05/2014: 4.0.0
[08:39] <Riddell> hmm, too late
[09:57] <lordievader> Good morning.
[10:09] <apachelogger> ScottK: I think I actually found the cause for your upgrader problem
[10:09] <ScottK> Cool.
[10:09] <apachelogger> alas, I am not sure how to resovle it so it might have to wait for aleix to come back from vacation
[10:10] <apachelogger> essentially qapt seems to ignore manual Held flags
[10:10] <apachelogger> so it detects a divergance in flags and says, this package's flags have changed, must do something with it
[10:11] <apachelogger> ScottK: to be save though, if you could send me a screenshot of the 'mark additional changes' dialog it would be good
[10:14] <apachelogger> ScottK: also here's a patch for qapt that adds debug on change detection, shoudl also help to pin point the exact problem http://paste.ubuntu.com/6930395/
[10:21] * apachelogger has trusty in vbox at 640x480
[10:21] <apachelogger> it's like the 90's all over again
[10:25] <Riddell> my virtualbox also decided to go small resolution for some reason
[10:27] <apachelogger> shadeslayer: https://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=331113 that sounds a lot like limited apt cache TBH
[10:27] <ubottu> KDE bug 331113 in muon "Muon does not find available packages to install after fresh install" [Normal,Confirmed]
[10:28] <apachelogger> Riddell: it's working in the live session though, very curious
[10:33] <Riddell> apachelogger: mm yes
[10:33] <apachelogger> and its so slow
[10:33] <apachelogger> I shoudl go back to KVM
[10:34] <apachelogger> shadeslayer: it's a caching problem
[10:34] <apachelogger> and the xapian index was not built when muon was started
[10:34] <apachelogger> muon will trigger the update which will take about 1 minute initially
[10:34] <apachelogger> which is why the updater says the cache is update
[10:34] <Riddell> hmm, something broken in the archive today #u-d talking about gcc being broken
[10:34] <apachelogger> however, once muon is done with the cache update it will not refresh its own cache
[10:35] <apachelogger> or possibly it simply times out because it doesn't want the udpate to take so long
[10:35] <apachelogger> shadeslayer: at the end of the day it all comes back to your xapian-udpate card :P
[10:46] <apachelogger> very magic
[10:47] <apachelogger> oh
[10:47] <apachelogger> shadeslayer: I think I even remember why that is the case
[10:47] <apachelogger> IIRC muon doesn't actually wire to async xapian updates or something
[10:47] <apachelogger> or was it the backend
[10:47] <apachelogger> someone definitely doesn't connect to finished and subsequently either the cache or the search is broken
[10:48] <apachelogger> like it's the search
[10:48] <apachelogger> because there is probably abortion code in there
[10:50] <apachelogger> ha! found it
[10:50] <apachelogger> even have a simple fix, alas probably not a good one
[10:51] <apachelogger> I actually think discover might have a similar issue
[10:51] <apachelogger> although it might be not visible because it list app-install-data units rather than QApt::Package directly
[11:19] <apachelogger> shadeslayer: I add some comments to https://notes.kde.org/p/kubuntu-foreign-language
[11:19] <apachelogger> I am having a hard time testing it on a 90's style micro resolution though
[11:25] <apachelogger> Bug 1268931
[11:25] <ubottu> bug 1268931 in kubuntu-settings (Ubuntu) "need kconf_update for kickoffrc" [Medium,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1268931
[11:35] <apachelogger> debian/common in kde-l10n-common needs a check so that it checks both the langpack branch as well as the kde-l10n-common branch
[11:35] <apachelogger> my, that fails to compute quite a bit
[11:35] * apachelogger fears his head might explode :'<
[11:37] <apachelogger> shadeslayer: bzr cat lp:~kubuntu-packagers/kubuntu-packaging/kde-l10n-common/debian/common &> debian/common
[11:37] <apachelogger> bzr cat lp:~kubuntu-packagers/kubuntu-packaging/kde-l10n-common/debian/config-l10n &> debian/config-l10n
[11:37] <apachelogger> WHY
[11:37] <apachelogger> for tfile in `ls kde-l10n-*.tar.xz`; do
[11:37] <apachelogger> WHY
[11:37] * apachelogger starts crying in the corner again
[12:10] <apachelogger> I did choose very bad var naming in build-l10n
[12:10] * apachelogger is ashamed
[12:16] * ghostcube gives apachelogger a cup of tea and a chocolate cookie
[12:17] <apachelogger> omnomnomnom
[12:17] <apachelogger> Riddell: ping
[12:45] <Riddell> apachelogger: pong
[12:47] <apachelogger> Riddell: I was wondering, perhaps for 14.10 we should add our own control fields to kde-l10n-*
[12:48] <Riddell> apachelogger: to the debian packages?
[12:48] <Riddell> the .deb packages?
[12:48] <apachelogger> i.e. XB-Private-Kubuntu-KDE-Language, XB-Private-Kubuntu-KDE-LanguageCode, XB-Private-Kubuntu-Ubuntu-LangaugeCode...
[12:48] <apachelogger> Riddell: yeah
[12:48] <Riddell> this would make the l10n logic in libkubuntu simpler?
[12:48] <apachelogger> yes, well, remove duplicationg anyway
[12:48] <Riddell> worth a shot
[12:49] <apachelogger> currently kde-l10n-common has code mapping the various formats for language pack codes AND libkubuntu has the very same mapping
[12:49] <Riddell> it'll all get a lot more complex with kf5 though
[12:49] <apachelogger> Riddell: how so?
[12:49] <Riddell> kf5 will presumably get its own l10n releases
[12:49] <apachelogger> oh, well, just another -common branch
[12:49] <Riddell> and will there be one or two SC releases? who knows
[12:50] <Riddell> and what will those phonon maintainers do? they're so unpredictable
[12:50] <apachelogger> two sc releases?
[12:50] <Riddell> kdelibs4 based one and kf5 based on?
[12:50] <apachelogger> oh, also simply different bzr branches
[12:50] <apachelogger> which is why it is important that we have sane scripting
[12:50] <apachelogger> which is not the case right now
[12:51] <apachelogger> Riddell: on a completely related note ... I am detangling langpack-common from kde-l10n-common and am wondering what to base the list of langpacks off
[12:52] <apachelogger> options include: apt-cache, ssh ls on depot.kde of automatically detected kde version, ssh ls of manually defined kde version
[12:52] <Riddell> whatever langpack-o-matic uses?
[12:52] <apachelogger> leaninng towards ssh ls on the latest version I am
[12:52] <apachelogger> Riddell: there's no logic for this
[12:53] <apachelogger> since langpack-o-matic creates a langpack for every language ubuntu knows about
[12:53] <apachelogger> and that list is a superset of the languages kde releases
[12:55] <Riddell> ssh ls on depot.kde of automatically detected kde version seems the best way then
[12:55] <apachelogger> ok
[13:31] <apachelogger> I thinkt he substituation nonesense should be redone a bit
[13:31] <apachelogger> terribly shitty var naming indeed
[13:32] <apachelogger> echo $ubuntudep NOT $kdecode
[13:32] <apachelogger> sed -i "s/^Depends:.*/&, kde-l10n-${ubuntucode}/" control
[13:32] <apachelogger> and that piece I do not understand at all
[13:40] <dougl> my bluetooth icon disappeared from my system tray, system setting says there is no bluetooth adapter but my bluetooth headphones connect and function... thot someone should know?
[13:44] <Riddell> dougl: bluedevil was updated to a version which was incompatible with bluez 4, I've done a revert now so maybe upgrading will fix it
[13:45] <Riddell> mark says he wants to move to systemd http://www.markshuttleworth.com/archives/1316
[13:45] <BluesKaj> Howdy all
[13:50] <dougl> Riddell, ok - no worries I just wanted to make sure someone knew...
[13:50] <dougl> Morning BluesKaj :)
[13:51] <apachelogger> Riddell: uh that is rather lovely
[13:51] <BluesKaj> Morning dougl
[13:51] <apachelogger> one less weird ubuntu techno patchy thing to worry about for kf5
[13:54] <BluesKaj> was trying to use the chrome browser pepper flash v12 in FF, it's supposed to work, but no joy on CBC olympic sites, altho chrome browser does work, the tabs are mucked up
[13:54] <Riddell> apachelogger: yes, quite a relief
[13:54] <Riddell> shadeslayer: see e-mail about intotool
[13:55] <apachelogger> Riddell: I am going to pick up substvars for the common packaging, makes complex dependency construction less of a PITA
[13:58] <mamarley> BluesKaj: You can use use Chrome's Adobe® Crash® player in Firefox? How is that?
[13:59] <BluesKaj> no mamarley, it doesn't work on 14.04 altho I saw oin some forums that it did work in earlier FF and ubuntu OSs
[14:00] <BluesKaj> FF versions that is
[14:00] <shadeslayer> Riddell: https://trello.com/c/gid70i2V
[14:00] <BluesKaj> damn adobe dropped support for the latest flash version 12 in linux
[14:01] <BluesKaj> chrome has gone ahead and embedded the v12 plugin
[14:03] <shadeslayer> yay
[14:03] <shadeslayer> http://www.markshuttleworth.com/archives/1316
[14:11] <shadeslayer> apachelogger: re kde bug 331113 : no, because even though it builds the index when you start it ( you can see the progress in the window ) , it still can't search
[14:11] <ubottu> KDE bug 331113 in muon "Muon does not find available packages to install after fresh install" [Minor,Assigned] http://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=331113
[14:11] <shadeslayer> apachelogger: so the user /thinks/ the index was built
[14:11] <shadeslayer> and /thinks/ he can search
[14:11] <shadeslayer> he actually can't
[14:16] <Mirv> note contacts for Qt on Ubuntu Touch side for the next week are sil2100, bzoltan, didrocks. Qt 5.2.1 seems fine itself now, Touch packages need fixes still
[14:17] <shadeslayer> \o/
[14:17] <Riddell> Mirv: so upload is due?
[14:20] <apachelogger> shadeslayer: I thought you had reproduced it?
[14:20] <shadeslayer> apachelogger: yes, and that's what I see in my VM
[14:20] <Mirv> Riddell: currently the plan is still via the FFe that I filed on Monday, because people want 100% smooth transition. also waiting for Debian to catch up so it'll possible to sync packages from there
[14:20] <apachelogger> Riddell: I am going to drop calligra dep from langpack as discussed some weeks ago, should be handled by kcm/libkubuntu/seed
[14:20] <shadeslayer> open muon -> let it build search index -> try searching -> empty list
[14:21] <apachelogger> shadeslayer: and you did not care to share that with me through the bug report?
[14:21] <apachelogger> because I had to look at it myself because all signs pointed away from xapian while in fact it was xapian
[14:21] <Riddell> apachelogger: is it handled by the seed?
[14:21] <Mirv> happily the V4 in Qt 5.2.1 looks good so far, it didn't in .0
[14:21] <apachelogger> Riddell: we don't have l10n on the seed, just saying
[14:23] <apachelogger> Riddell: what will happen is ubiquity+internet = resolves and installs (although that needs quality control I just noticed) || ubiquity-internet = notification after login that l10n is incomplete and user has to trigger install once internet is available || user installs new language via kcm, kcm resolves addiontal deps
[14:23] <shadeslayer> sigh, I thought it was implicit in the report
[14:23] <shadeslayer> Got to be more verbose apparently ....
[14:23] <apachelogger> oh and that just made me notice that we forgot to create a card for the notification thing
[14:23] * apachelogger heads to the trellocave
[14:23] <apachelogger> shadeslayer: APT Xapian Index seems to be already up to date: $ sudo update-apt-xapian-index The index /var/lib/apt-xapian-index is up to date
[14:23] <Riddell> apachelogger: how will ubiquity install calligra langpacks?
[14:24] <apachelogger> shadeslayer: if anything that is explicitly saying that the cache is uptodate
[14:24] <manchicken1> apachelogger: I think that apol got my libqapt changes merged into master.
[14:24] <apachelogger> Riddell: same way it does libreoffice,firefox,.. throught he language-support-common dependency list file thing
[14:24] <apachelogger> manchicken1: uh lovely
[14:24] <apachelogger> manchicken1: I'll have a look
[14:25] <apachelogger> manchicken1: btw, would you like to take over qapt development? ^^
[14:25] <manchicken1> I think I already did.
[14:25] <manchicken1> I didn't know you guys were going to let me off the hook.
[14:25] <manchicken1> It took me disappearing to get off of adept ;)
[14:25] <apachelogger> manchicken1: I guess we'll have to equip you with a kde dev account though ^^
[14:25] <manchicken1> I have one.
[14:26] <manchicken1> Though I'm not sure if there are privs I don't have.
[14:26] <manchicken1> I'm not an admin on that project.
[14:26] <apachelogger> uh, long life the new qapt developer! xD
[14:26] <apachelogger> manchicken1: if you have dev privs that's enough
[14:26] <manchicken1> It feels like you just cursed me :)
[14:26] <apachelogger> managers only have the boon of being able to delete branches
[14:27] <manchicken1> Oh… why would you want to delete a branch?
[14:27] <apachelogger> manchicken1: random work branches that were merged into master etc.
[14:28] <apachelogger> not all that common a thing to do
[14:28] <manchicken1> Fair enough.
[14:28] <manchicken1> I still need to get the kubuntu-debug-installer stuff done, too.
[14:28] <manchicken1> And I'm preparing to present at YAPC::NA 2014 in Orlando in June, too.
[14:29] <manchicken1> My benevolent overlords here at ThinkGeek are paying my way, too, so I feel inclined to put a bit of effort into it.
[14:29] <apachelogger> :)
[14:30] <manchicken1> With all of the snow, I'm the only developer in the office today.
[14:30] <manchicken1> I may end up putting together the IKEA desk for the new guy, too.
[14:31] <apachelogger> oh, putting together IKEA things, good luck, see you next year :P
[14:31] <shadeslayer> apachelogger: yes, which is totally weird that the apt xapian index is up to date
[14:31] <shadeslayer> and then it rebuilds it
[14:32] <sgclark> Riddell: frameworkintegration and kitemviews ready for you
[14:32] <apachelogger> shadeslayer: it isn't, perhaps you check too late or something
[14:32] <apachelogger> right after login there is no cache at all
[14:32] <Riddell> morning sgclark :)
[14:32] <sgclark> Riddell: morning :)
[14:32] <apachelogger> although I turned of the vm so I can't check
[14:32] <apachelogger> this tiny virtualbox window is rather enraging I have to say
[14:32] <shadeslayer> apachelogger: inorite
[14:32] <apachelogger> " Sorry, there was a problem connecting to the Launchpad server. "
[14:33] <apachelogger> ololo
[14:33] <apachelogger> shadeslayer: kickoff update thingum is bugged btw
[14:34] <apachelogger> which now reminds me that I wanted to re-QA driver manager
[14:34] <apachelogger> ahhhh
[14:34] * apachelogger jumps out the window
[14:34] <shadeslayer> apachelogger: what's wrong in the script?
[14:34] <apachelogger> shadeslayer: see trello card
[14:34] <shadeslayer> k
[14:34] <apachelogger> also please test your things :P
[14:35] <shadeslayer> apachelogger: I did test it! :O
[14:36] <apachelogger> not very well then, because there's an obvious escape problem
[14:36] <apachelogger> and wrong paths
[14:36] <apachelogger> (install path that is)
[14:36] <apachelogger> though that is really the fault of agateau I think :P
[14:37] <agateau> apachelogger: what did I do wrong?
[14:40] <apachelogger> agateau: kubuntu-settings kconf udpates end up in the wrong path
[14:41] <agateau> apachelogger: ohoh kconf updates. That was a long time ago.
[14:41] <apachelogger> might be someone elses fault, you just happen to be the only person I know who wrote a kconf_update script for kubuntu-settings ^^
[14:41] <apachelogger> agateau: possibly broke in the restructuring
[14:41] <agateau> I think I did this on my first year at Canonical
[14:41] <apachelogger> things arbitrarily break and no one notices :'<
[14:42] <apachelogger> kubuntu-fix-kwin-default-size.py
[14:42] <apachelogger> thats a newer one I think
[14:42] <apachelogger> 19/03/2009 17:48
[14:42] <apachelogger> or not
[14:42] <apachelogger> ^^
[14:53] <Riddell> apachelogger: is https://wiki.kubuntu.org/Kubuntu/Policies linked to from anywhere?
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[14:54] <apachelogger> Riddell: not yet
[14:54] <apachelogger> needs approval
[14:54] <apachelogger> first a final proof read tho
[14:54] <apachelogger> won't get anywhere before next week
[14:54] <apachelogger> I'll also propose wiki migration then
[14:56] <Riddell> apachelogger: do you expect to call a kubuntu council meeting to approve it?
[14:56] <apachelogger> Riddell: do you want a meeting? I was actually going to handle it through the list
[14:56] <apachelogger> meetings are always such an annoyance to set up
[14:56] <apachelogger> and in the end half the people don't show up anyway ^^
[14:57] <shadeslayer> apachelogger: why is https://trello.com/c/Mw5FBYpI back in todo :S
[14:57] <Riddell> apachelogger: yeah mailing list better
[14:57] <apachelogger> shadeslayer: Rohan Garg
[14:57] <apachelogger> moved from Doing to To Do
[14:57] <shadeslayer> o_o
[14:58] <apachelogger> I don't think AG actually moved the card to doing :P
[15:00] <shadeslayer> xnox: could you plz have a look at https://trello.com/c/yGJ1bn2n
[15:00] <shadeslayer> xnox: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/ubiquity/+bug/1259202
[15:00] <ubottu> Launchpad bug 1259202 in ubiquity (Ubuntu) "Ubiquity doesn't populate xapian cache on target when using the KDE frontend" [Undecided,New]
[15:06] <apachelogger> mhh, languagepack branch pretty much done
[15:07] * apachelogger moves on to tedious kde-l10n -.-
[15:07] <sgclark> Riddell: karchive ready
[15:08] <shadeslayer> apachelogger: latest_kde_version=`ssh ftpubuntu@depot.kde.org ls /home/ftpubuntu/${TYPE} | grep -P "^\d.*" | sort -V | tail -1`
[15:09] <ghostcube> ubuntu kicks upstart?
[15:09] <shadeslayer> apachelogger: can/should go into common
[15:09] <shadeslayer> ghostcube: yeah for post 14.04
[15:09] <ghostcube> hmm ok
[15:09] <Riddell> sgclark: you can now commit directory to the packaging bzr branch
[15:10] <sgclark> Riddell: nice :) how exactly do I do that?
[15:12] <shadeslayer> Riddell: did you have a look at why dh_installwm makes tests pass for frameworkintegration?
[15:13] <Riddell> sgclark: bzr co lp:~kubuntu-packagers/kubuntu-packaging/<frameworkname>
[15:13] <Riddell> sgclark: you'll need your ssh key on the machine
[15:14] <Riddell> sgclark: oh you'll need to do bzr lp-login <lpusername> too
[15:14] <Riddell> sgclark: and bzr whoami "fullname <e-mail@mail.com>"
[15:14] <Riddell> then edit the file
[15:14] <Riddell> bzr diff to view diff
[15:14] <Riddell> bzr commit to commit
[15:16] <shadeslayer> apachelogger: " this should really be a set of very specific accounts ... namely gtalk and facebook as supposedly being the most used" < application specific test IMO
[15:16] <shadeslayer> what if the user doesn't have those
[15:17] <Riddell> shadeslayer: looking at kitemviews there's qmake .pri files been added
[15:17] <Riddell> sorry not shadeslayer
[15:17] <Riddell> sgclark: looking at kitemviews there's qmake .pri files been added
[15:18] <Riddell> sgclark: and I think we need to add versioning to the build-depends
[15:19] <apachelogger> shadeslayer: s/user/tester/ must get them
[15:19] <apachelogger> there's no point in checking whether gadugadu or whatever when 90% of the target audience will want to use facebook
[15:19] <sgclark> Riddell: where are these .pri files? I dont see them
[15:20] <Riddell> ug everything in kf5 changed soname, what a pain
[15:20] <sgclark> Riddell: yup
[15:21] <Riddell> sgclark: in kitemviews I end up with usr/mkspecs/modules/qt_KItemViews.pri
[15:21] <Riddell> although I'm not sure how
[15:21] <Riddell> also I think that's installed to the wrong place
[15:28] <sgclark> Riddell: was not listed in install file, where should it be installed?
[15:29] <sgclark> Riddell: is there a write up on adding versioning somewhere?
[15:30] <Riddell> I found the install dir in extra-cmake-modules, fixing
[15:30] <Riddell> just add (>= 4.96.0) to any build-dependencies on kf5 bits in debian/control
[15:31] <sgclark> ok
[15:38] <sgclark> Riddell: I checked out kcodecs and only the debian folder came down , is that correct? I still work with source and then copy changes over to bzr?
[15:38] <Riddell> sgclark: yes only the debian/ folder is in bzr
[15:39] <Riddell> you can use bzr-buildpackage to do clever things to make it find the source
[15:39] <Riddell> or you can just copy it manually
[15:39] <Riddell> sgclark: I'm thinking if you're wanting to add versioned build-depends you want to do it in batch
[15:39] <sgclark> ok, I will go read documentation for bzr :)
[15:39] <Riddell> wget http://starsky.19inch.net/~jr/tmp/FRAMEWORKS
[15:40] <Riddell> for asdf in `cat FRAMEWORKS; do bzr co lp:~kubuntu-packagers/kubuntu-packaging/${asdf}; done
[15:40] <Riddell> something like that to start off if you want to do it in batch
[15:40] <sgclark> ok
[15:42] <debfx> yay, Ubuntu will use systemd
[15:43] <Riddell> debfx: makes life a lot easier :)
[15:43] <debfx> indeed
[15:48] * genii tries to forget everything he learned now about sysvinit and upstart, and make room in there for systemd
[15:50] <shadeslayer> genii: not just uyet
[15:50] <shadeslayer> *yet
[15:53] <genii> Hm.
[15:54] <BluesKaj> netsplit?
[15:57] <genii> BluesKaj: Not that I could tell here
[15:59] <apachelogger> shadeslayer: Riddell: if you feel very brave it would be much appreicated if you could play around with the new kde-l10n-common and language-pack-kde-common
[15:59] <BluesKaj> genii, ok, thanks , guess closing the lid did it
[15:59] <apachelogger> they are now baed of a new branch kubuntu-l10n-common which encorporates the generic mapping logic and substitution magic
[15:59] <apachelogger> also both branches now use debian/substvars to make for easier dephandling
[15:59] <Riddell> sgclark: I updated frameworkintegration in bzr with your changes and also versioning the build-depends
[15:59] * apachelogger afk looking for something to eat
[16:00] <Riddell> sgclark: I also set the changelog to unreleased as is our custom when it has not been uploaded to the ubuntu archive
[16:00] <sgclark> Riddell: ok thank you
[16:02] <sgclark> Riddell: just to be clear, I only commit to bazaar now and no longer supply package in ubuntu one?
[16:03] <Riddell> sgclark: yeah, and if you feel it's ready for a review and upload you can ping me or anyone and we'll just look at the bzr branch
[16:03] <sgclark> Ok, got
[16:03] <sgclark> it
[16:03] <Riddell> sgclark: but i think there's two major operations needed here: versioning build-depends and changing library for the new sonames
[16:04] <sgclark> right
[16:04] <sgclark> my to do list, just studying docs for bzr
[16:05] <sgclark> Riddell: ok so leave all these at ppa1?
[16:05] <sgclark> dch -i upped it to 2
[16:06] <Quintasan> \o
[16:06] <Riddell> sgclark: better leave them at "(4.96.0-0ubuntu1) UNRELEASED"
[16:06] <Riddell> sgclark: then we have a script bzr-buildpackage-ppa which adds the ~ppa to the version number
[16:06] <Riddell> sgclark: just use dch rather than dch -i
[16:07] <sgclark> ok, I just grabbed frameworkintegration to see what you did and it still says trusty?
[16:08] <Riddell> sgclark: grab again :)
[16:08] <Riddell> I just updated it
[16:08] <sgclark> ok :)
[16:15] <ovidiu-florin> ahoneybun: are you around?
[16:15] <shadeslayer> apachelogger: review plz http://paste.kde.org/ps1wa3wek
[16:15] <shadeslayer> :D
[16:16] <shadeslayer> oh whoops
[16:16] <shadeslayer> apachelogger: http://paste.kde.org/p4kza4pti
[16:39] <apachelogger> mh
[16:39] <apachelogger> shadeslayer: I'd not set the language through the isoloader
[16:39] <apachelogger> no normal person does that :P
[16:40] <apachelogger> shadeslayer: I'd still explicitly mention that one ought to watch the slideshow
[16:40] <shadeslayer> btw comparing ubuntu live iso vs kubuntu live iso we're short on one fonts.conf
[16:41] <apachelogger> peculiar
[16:41] <apachelogger> shadeslayer: still doesn't mention that one should add gtalk or facebook
[16:41] <shadeslayer> I still see no reason to mention those
[16:42] <shadeslayer> I mean most testers will use one of those
[16:42] <apachelogger> yeah, all of them will if you specify the test that way
[16:42] <apachelogger> discover still needs more explicitness
[16:44] <apachelogger> <dt>Click on the 'Overview button to go back to System Settings, and open the entry marked as "User Manager", is the UI localized?</dt>
[16:44] <apachelogger> overview quote not closed anywhere
[16:44] <shadeslayer> apachelogger: http://paste.kde.org/ppgwz2no1
[16:45] <apachelogger> firefox "is localized?" also needs explicitness
[16:45] <shadeslayer> oh, I thought I removed firefox
[16:45] <apachelogger> (we don't ship those fonts, hence why the configs are missing)
[16:46] <apachelogger> shadeslayer: and systray apps still missing...
[16:47] <Quintasan> what
[16:47] <Quintasan> We systemd now guys
[16:47] <sgclark> Riddell: first attempt at bazaar kcodecs ready
[16:48] <Quintasan> Probably slowpoke and what not but we are going to proper systemd now in Ubuntu
[16:48] <shadeslayer> yep
[16:49] <Quintasan> I can't say I saw that coming
[16:49] <Quintasan> I was more or less expecting Ubuntu sticking with upstart
[16:50] <shadeslayer> likewise
[16:54] <Riddell> sgclark: that extra-cmake-modules probably needs a (>= 0.0.10)
[16:54] <Riddell> otherwise looking good
[16:54] <sgclark> ok
[16:56] <shadeslayer> Riddell: apachelogger we can get Jenkins + upgrade testing from ubuntu \o/
[16:56] * Riddell publishes http://blogs.kde.org/2014/02/14/no-licence-needed-kubuntu-derivative-distributions
[16:56] <shadeslayer> https://jenkins.qa.ubuntu.com/view/Upgrade/
[16:56] <Riddell> shadeslayer: awooga
[16:57] * Riddell runs off for the evening
[16:57] <jussi> is nvidia broken in trusty ?
[16:57] <BluesKaj> jussi, not here
[16:58] <jussi> sigh. something not right here...
[16:58] <jussi> btw shadeslayer when does your new restricted drivers thing make it in?
[16:58] <BluesKaj> some of the higher end cards have a rough time with the recommended driver
[16:59] <jussi> BluesKaj: this one a pretty old card...
[16:59] <jussi> but the performance of this machine is horrible, Im trying to work out why...
[16:59] <jussi> new install yesterday
[17:00] <BluesKaj> mine's an entry level 8400gs
[17:00] <BluesKaj> jussi, which card/driver?
[17:00] <jussi> 01:00.0 VGA compatible controller: NVIDIA Corporation G98M [Quadro NVS 160M] (rev a1)
[17:01] <jussi> driver is whatever the first one in the list was...
[17:01] <jussi> 331 updates
[17:01] <jussi> ahh, now then... that explains things...
[17:02] <jussi> activated but not currently in use. hrm
[17:02] <BluesKaj> 331 is pretty advanced
[17:23] <shadeslayer> apachelogger: errors.ubuntu.com is good to process crashes
[17:46] <shadeslayer> apachelogger: what does "- possibly find a way to gcore all muon applications?" mean>
[17:46] <shadeslayer> aha
[17:46] <shadeslayer> generates corefile
[18:46] <soee> the switch to systemd will take place in 14.04 ?
[18:48] <BluesKaj> didn't see any specific schedule for systemd adoption
[18:51] <shadeslayer> nope
[18:51] <shadeslayer> post 14.04
[18:52] <shadeslayer> seeing how feature freeze is a week from now ...
[19:19] <ScottK> Definitely not 14.04.
[19:32] <soee> ok, thanks
[19:40] <shadeslayer> apachelogger: http://commits.kde.org/kdeconnect-kde/a14517a486d31a691422e184864224cff8008ed1
[19:42] <dougl> with todays updates bluetooth quit working completely right?
[19:52] <ahoneybun> ovidiu-florin: I am now
[19:53] <ahoneybun> dougl: having bluetooth issues too?
[19:55] <soee> there are 2 packages on hold when doing upgrades: kde-runtime plasma-scriptengine-javascript
[19:55] <soee> the seond one is like that more then a week now
[20:20] <yofel> ahoneybun, dougl: pretty much until we have bluedevil/bluez worked out
[20:20] <yofel> we have incompatible versions right now
[20:21] <ahoneybun> yofel: in 13.10?
[20:21] <yofel> hm, no
[20:21] <yofel> 14.04 is what I'm talking about
[20:21] <ahoneybun> I can't find a bluetooth adapter in 13.10 with default KDE
[20:21] <ahoneybun> but with blueman it works fine
[20:21] <yofel> that's not good :(
[20:22] <yofel> but I vaguely remember Riddell having the same issue in munich
[20:22] <yofel> we did some hci magic to wake it up I think
[20:22] <yofel> but what was it...
[20:26] <ahoneybun> well it did work or at the least the adapter was found when I first installed Kubuntu 13.10
[20:53] <ahoneybun> ovidiu-florin: are you on?
[20:53] <dougl> yofel, thanks for the update :) patiently waiting until this master piece is done before I want my money back - lol
[20:55] * dougl loves kubuntu and appreciates the sneak peek
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