UbuntuIRC / 2014 /02 /14 /#juju-gui.txt
Initial commit
=== lazyPower_ is now known as lazyPower
[12:58] <frankban> rick_h_: morning and thanks for your review! re bug 1280019 I suspect it affects our package but bac fixed in trunk. Relatedly, I will QA and work on a new quickstart release (1.1.0 I presume) next week. After that, we'll need to update the package in trusty
[12:58] <_mup_> Bug #1280019: juju-quickstart does not find admin-secret <juju-quickstart:New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1280019>
[12:59] <frankban> s/bac fixed/bac fixed it/
[12:59] <frankban> guihelp: anyone available for the second review of https://github.com/juju/juju-gui/pull/128 ? no QA. thanks!
[13:02] <rick_h_> frankban: ah ok. I thought it was fixed. I wasn't sure if it was falling into a black hole of < 1.18
[13:02] <rick_h_> like the sudo request right now
[13:02] <rick_h_> if you try to use it on local lxc it says it needs sudo, but because the check for that only kicks in at 1.18 I believe
[13:03] <frankban> rick_h_: IIRC the admin-secret check does not use version checking, it just looks for the field in the jenv file
[13:03] <rick_h_> frankban: rgr, ok cool
[13:04] <frankban> rick_h_: version checking is always suboptimal, but for lxc/sudo it is our only choice
[13:04] <benji> frankban: still need a review? If so I can do one.
[13:04] <frankban> benji: yes I do, thanks! https://github.com/juju/juju-gui/pull/128
[13:04] <benji> on it
[13:05] <rick_h_> frankban: yea, it'll be out of the way soon. They're talking 1.18 in 1-2wk
[13:05] <rick_h_> frankban: did you see the email thread around "Developing and Ubuntu Juju Charm" ?
[13:06] <frankban> rick_h_: yes, quickstart to be a juju-core recommended package
[13:06] <rick_h_> frankban: yea, and loves of quickstart <3 out there :)
[13:08] <frankban> rick_h_: yeah that's great, and that's another reason why we want to check for juju-core changes and update quickstart in the road to trusty. Brad has a card for documenting how to update the trusty package. I'd be curious to know what version of core will be in trusty
[13:08] <rick_h_> frankban: right now there's a freeze exception to gt 1.18 in
[13:08] <rick_h_> frankban: the goal is that if HA can get into trusty they'll shoot for it, but it'll be 1.XX
[13:08] <rick_h_> from my understanding
[13:10] <frankban> rick_h_: cool. so we'll need another exception to put quickstart 1.1 there. I suppose it just needs another littke branch, a pypi PPA release and then it's ready for 1.18
[13:10] <rick_h_> frankban: ok, good to know. I'll look into how to file/get the freeze exception bug in then.
[13:10] <frankban> rick_h_: great thank you
[13:18] <rick_h_> hatch: heads up, meeting is running late. Will be waiting on luca
[13:19] <hatch> ok np i'm gona run and grab a coffee then
[13:19] <rick_h_> rgr
[13:21] <frankban> benji: thanks for the review. I am not sure about the splitPath comment: splitPath('/foo/bar') -> Object {basename: "bar", dirname: "/foo"}
[13:27] <benji> frankban: hmm, maybe I misread the code. I'll take another look.
[13:29] <benji> frankban: ah! I did misread the code. I had it backwards (I thought the .pop() was a .shift()).
[13:29] <hatch> back
[13:29] <frankban> benji: cool
[13:35] <frankban> uhm, I wrote shipit but the landing lane is full... is Makyo's databinding card actually landed?
[13:35] <rick_h_> frankban: yea, that landed last night
[13:35] <frankban> rick_h_: ok
[13:35] <rick_h_> moved it over
[13:36] <frankban> thanks
[13:36] <benji> rick_h_: I'm moving the "Verify etags" card back to ready to code. If we need to track the issue we need a tracking card instead.
[13:36] <rick_h_> benji: rgr
[13:37] <rick_h_> benji: the good news is that I'll mention on the call that should be ready tues/wed next week
[13:37] <benji> cool
[13:37] * frankban lunches
[13:40] <rick_h_> frankban: so feature freeze is 20th. We've got on our plate to 'release all the things' by then for MWC. So not going to file a bug atm unless we feel we won't be able to do releases next week
[14:21] <hatch> rick_h_ still no luca eh? :)
[14:21] <rick_h_> hatch: yea, he emailed saying they were stuck on a train
[14:21] <hatch> oh that must suck he has been on that thing for a while
[14:21] <rick_h_> so we're at the mercy of london transit it appears
[14:22] <rick_h_> and here I made it early hoping we'd not keep him around late on a friday :)
[14:22] <hatch> or he is at the bar....lol
[14:22] <rick_h_> hah
[14:28] <rick_h_> ugh, 3.6GB download for Win to test IE wheeee
[14:37] <hatch> from modernie?
[14:38] <rick_h_> no, I use the msdn stuff
[14:38] <rick_h_> just give me a windows ISO to load in vbox
[14:38] <rick_h_> forget this rar file crap
[14:38] <hatch> ahh right - well that's only the most recent version
[14:38] <hatch> you can't get IE10 there
[14:38] <hatch> that was the issue I ran into
[14:39] <hatch> I have the msdn win 8 but it's the 'full' version so it auto updated IE
[14:40] <hatch> yay it's a luca
[14:45] <luca> hatch: hey :)
[14:45] <hatch> I hear you broke the tube
[14:45] <rick_h_> hatch: can you qa this in IE10 then? https://github.com/mitechie/juju-gui/tree/fix-ff-tabs
[14:46] <rick_h_> hatch: while I wait for my download and I'll check in 11
[14:46] <hatch> yop
[14:46] <rick_h_> hatch: thanks
[14:46] <rick_h_> 2.5GB down <1 more to go
[14:48] <rick_h_> luca: how's a reschedule looking? Ok to go in 13min at the top of the hour?
[14:48] <luca> rick_h_: yep, that's fine
[14:48] <rick_h_> luca: cool thanks. hatch ^
[14:49] <luca> rick_h_: we have a lot to talk about :)
[14:49] <rick_h_> ruh roh
[14:49] <rick_h_> if you bring me nested boxes I'm going to leave and become a beach bum :P
[14:52] * hatch whispers to luca......bring rick_h_ nested boxes
[14:52] <luca> hahaha
[14:52] <luca> no nested boxes
[14:52] <luca> it hasn't changed that much!
[14:55] <hatch> rick_h_ so what am I looking for in this branch?
[14:56] <rick_h_> hatch: sorry, go to a charm details, go to a diff tab
[14:56] <rick_h_> hatch: then load that url straight and make sure it lines up/looks right
[14:56] <rick_h_> hatch: see https://launchpad.net/bugs/1277148
[14:56] <_mup_> Bug #1277148: Charm description pages do not render in the correct place on Firefox <firefox> <juju-gui:Triaged by huwshimi> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1277148>
[14:56] <rick_h_> and http://comingsoon.jujucharms.com/precise/liferay-1/#code in FF
[14:56] <hatch> oh yeah it's all busted
[14:56] <hatch> ok looking
[14:57] <hatch> rick_h_ busted in IE
[14:57] <hatch> doing the FF thing in IE now
[14:57] <rick_h_> hatch: ok, makes snse. fixed FF but broke IE
[14:57] <rick_h_> I was wondering whyt he line was there, guess he added it for IE but missed it broke FF
[14:58] <rick_h_> k, I'll have to get my IE stuff up to really fix it then
[14:58] <hatch> yeah I tested it in Win 7 IE10
[14:58] <hatch> because that's what our CI uses
[14:58] <rick_h_> hatch: k, thanks
[14:58] <rick_h_> yea, I can get that as well
[14:59] <hatch> you'll notice a number of things broken in Win 8 IE10/11 which need to be fixed
[14:59] <rick_h_> ugh, do they have bugs?
[14:59] <rick_h_> next week is bugfix/release week.
[15:00] <rick_h_> jujugui anyone that wants to see what luca has for us in machine view feel free to join https://plus.google.com/hangouts/_/canonical.com/luca-rick
[15:37] <hatch> rick_h_ frankban when I was saying Persistent data store in JS, I was referring to in memory changes. Whenever you change the value in the object it simply creates a diff instead of changing the actual value of it...I wasn't actually talking about storing it in indexdb or the like
[15:37] <hatch> so similar to how closure does pds
[15:38] <hatch> ish
[15:38] <rick_h_> hatch: k, cool. Yea I think we'll need something that's basically changesets to the environment for this
[15:38] <hatch> yeah that's basically exactly what this does
[15:38] <rick_h_> hatch: and as frankban notes, eventually we want this to be consistant across users/machines and persistent somehow
[15:39] <rick_h_> so there's some layers to this we'll iterate on
[15:39] <hatch> the issue I'm having right now is efficient diff calculation and generation. This time off I'm going to be spending a bunch of time on it. I'll probably see how REACT does their tree diffs
[15:40] <frankban> hatch, rick_h_: yeah, and that can be tricky. thinking about races, simultaneous changes etc... also, when creating new entities (machines, units...) ISTM we need to pay attention on how we name those (e.g. uncommitted machine 1 can end up being committed machine 42)
[15:40] <rick_h_> frankban: defintely.
[15:41] <rick_h_> frankban: and some of this is going to be based on how things work for another project
[15:41] * rick_h_ realizes we're going to have to get used to public/private irc again
[15:41] <frankban> heh
[15:44] <hatch> yeah - I am pretty confident that the diff stuff is a solved problem now (pending a bunch of additional work ;) ) but I'm not sure what should track the changes after being submitted....I'm almost thinking the guicharm should
[15:44] <hatch> if the browser is and the user closes it....well that would suck
[15:45] <rick_h_> hatch: well, 1.0 it's browser and if it reloads/dies oh well. No harm done to your env.
[15:46] <hatch> oh yeah....this is definitely going to be a multi step process hah
[15:46] <hatch> agile yo!
[15:46] <rick_h_> wheeee
[15:50] <hatch> jujugui call in 10
[15:50] <rick_h_> thanks hatch
[15:52] <hatch> rick_h_ http://blog.chromium.org/2014/02/compiling-in-background-for-smoother.html
[15:52] <hatch> I thought the inability to do this was one of the main reasons for Dart
[15:52] <hatch> ....so confused!
[15:52] <hazmat> can i get drinks on d'bar ?
[15:53] * hazmat looks at screenshot mockups
[15:53] <rick_h_> hah
[15:57] <hatch> hazmat that's only in the enterprise version....sorry
[15:57] <hazmat> hatch, hmm.. must be where they kept the ice cream :-)
[15:58] <hatch> tomorrow, all the blogs say that Juju is coming out with enterprise version....by 'unnamed source'
[15:58] <hatch> mmmm ice cream
[15:58] <rick_h_> jujugui call in 2
[16:26] <hatch> oh rick_h_ the drag and drop stuff in lucas design, we will need to resolve the IE ugly element drag bug....somehow
[16:26] <hatch> we could revert to using the 'oldschool' method for drag and drop but I would rather not
[16:27] <rick_h_> hatch: rgr
[16:27] <hatch> I think it was benji who implemented that in the first place so maybe he has some input on what the issue was
[16:28] <hatch> because it works in every browser properly but IE
[16:29] <rick_h_> wonder how it works in IE11
[16:29] <hatch> hmm yeah...
[16:29] <hatch> looking
[16:29] <rick_h_> if that works better we can jump to there as part of the work
[16:29] <rick_h_> but we've got some time until then
[16:30] <benji> I don't remember exactly what the issues were, but they centered on whether or not the drag "ghost" was rendered correctly.
[16:30] <rick_h_> right, it was what it thought the drag'd item was I think?
[16:30] <rick_h_> everyone would let the outer container be dragged but IE got hung up on the icon or something?
[16:30] <hatch> rick_h_ I can't....comingsoon is stuck in a perma-loop on the 'your browser is not supported' screen
[16:30] <hatch> :/
[16:30] <rick_h_> hatch: hah, yea that needs updating as well
[16:31] <hatch> yeah IE only drags the element you click on, not the container (or something along those lines)
[16:32] <benji> you can set the drag item in code, but some browsers ignore (or partially ignore) the specified object
[16:33] <hatch> ahh that must have been the bug (in ie)
[16:33] <rick_h_> man I love this desktop "yep, give windows 2 cores and 8gb of ram."
[16:34] <rick_h_> "oh, and give win7 the same"
[16:35] <hatch> haha yeah
[16:37] <hatch> honestly though, they run 'good enough' with 4 :)
[16:37] <rick_h_> heh, I don't want to hear windows complaining :P
[16:39] <hatch> it doesn't, it just crashes
[16:39] <hatch> lol
[16:43] <benji> hatch: since you've been thinking about testability maybe you would like to review this guy; https://github.com/juju/juju-gui/pull/129
[16:44] <hatch> benji on it
[16:44] <benji> cool, thanks
[16:44] <hatch> ugh all'yall and your evt!
[16:44] <hatch> it's e!!!
[16:44] <hatch> just e!!!
[16:44] <rick_h_> single letter vars fml
[16:45] <rick_h_> just because people do it wrong doesn't mean anything :P
[16:45] <hatch> lol it's a convention!!!
[16:45] <hatch> wrong + convention = acceptable
[16:48] <rick_h_> benji: looks likc conflict. Tests failed.
[16:48] <benji> darn
[16:49] <benji> no "e" is an exception
[16:49] <rick_h_> exc exception ev or evt event
[16:49] <rick_h_> :)
[16:53] <hatch> e, ev, evt imho are equally as useless as variable names
[16:53] <hatch> might as well just go event
[16:53] <rick_h_> try "git grep evt" and git grep "e"
[16:53] <benji> rick_h_: yeah, I was arguing that "e" is bad no matter what
[16:53] <hatch> benji I found a pretty big bug with your code, can you look at it and then I'll continue the review
[16:53] <benji> hatch: "event" is a reserved word
[16:54] <hatch> benji in which universe? :P
[16:55] <benji> hatch: IE :( (well, it's not technically a reserved word, it is a global variable though)
[16:55] <hatch> oh for real?
[16:55] <hatch> sheesh I had no idea
[16:55] <hatch> that's pretty horrible
[16:56] <benji> indeed
[16:57] <benji> I would much rather name them "event" but the anti-shadowing argument wins me over
[16:57] <rick_h_> hatch: how did you get IE10 without IE11?
[16:58] <rick_h_> or you used the different image
[16:58] <hatch> rick_h_ modern.ie
[16:58] <rick_h_> yea, ugh
[16:58] <hatch> yeah....sorry, be prepared for anotehr 3.5GB
[16:58] <hatch> another even
[16:59] <rick_h_> I'm 13GB in so far
[16:59] <hatch> wait, why am I apologizing....blame MS
[16:59] <hatch> lol
[16:59] <rick_h_> does IE11 not have an "IE10 mode"?
[17:01] <hatch> rick_h_ it does but it's wrong
[17:02] <hatch> it can also simulate older ones, but it does it incorrectly
[17:02] <hatch> so bad in fact that you might as well not even bother
[17:02] <rick_h_> :(
[17:02] <hatch> keep the rar's as well because the vm's from modern.ie only work for 90 days
[17:08] <benji> 322 test failures
[17:08] * benji weaps into his keyboard
[17:08] <hatch> benji did you see my comment?
[17:08] <rick_h_> well upgrade is letting me upgrade to ie10 so we'll see
[17:08] <rick_h_> benji: huh?
[17:08] <benji> hatch: about a bug? yes
[17:08] <hatch> yeah, it probably is the cause of a bunch of those :D
[17:08] <benji> rick_h_: this is my branch after merging trunk
[17:09] <rick_h_> benji: heh, lovely
[17:12] <hatch> testing upgrade charm is so slow
[17:12] <hatch> real envs and all
[17:49] <rick_h_> yay! have it working with IE10
[17:49] <rick_h_> that didn't take all freaking afternoon
[17:59] <hatch> lol
[17:59] <hatch> did you need modern.ie?
[17:59] <hatch> or were you able to downgrade your win 8 ?
[18:00] <rick_h_> I got win7 up and did a software upgrade that got me from ie8 to ie10
[18:00] <rick_h_> and this is fubar and the dev tools stink and now I'm grumpy
[18:00] <rick_h_> it doesn't work in IE currently either.
[18:00] <rick_h_> how did this pass qa and land only working in chrome? :(
[18:01] <hatch> the tabview?
[18:01] <hatch> it DID work
[18:01] <rick_h_> yea
[18:01] <hatch> hmm
[18:01] <rick_h_> hmm, /me ponders some git bisect time then
[18:01] <hatch> my guess is it's when we went from tabview to raw
[18:04] <rick_h_> ok, it worked back when huw landed it originally. Damn, git biset time
[18:06] <hatch> :) I love bisect
[18:10] <rick_h_> hatch: Makyo reminder call in 20. grab foods and such
[18:11] <rick_h_> heh, benji broke it
[18:12] <Makyo> rick_h_, yep, thanks
[18:12] <rick_h_> now to figure out *how* :/
[18:13] <hatch> rick_h_ how to bisect?
[18:14] <rick_h_> hatch: no, how this branch broke it. Doesn't touch any css/etc
[18:14] <hatch> ohh
[18:15] <rick_h_> bisect worked great, 5 steps and found it
[18:15] <benji> you're welcome
[18:15] <rick_h_> hah
[18:21] <rick_h_> my bad benji didn't finish bisecting. I did it.
[18:22] <benji> heh
[18:23] <rick_h_> and this makes a lot more sense, removing bws broke things
[18:30] <rick_h_> Makyo: https://plus.google.com/hangouts/_/76cpip6167fvlc1dkookj7dhl0?hl=en
[18:31] <kadams54> Afternoon, all.
[18:31] <rick_h_> kadams54: hey, just emailing you. https://plus.google.com/hangouts/_/76cpip6167fvlc1dkookj7dhl0?hl=en
[19:23] <Makyo> jujugui two reviews, two QAs please! https://github.com/juju/juju-gui/pull/130
[19:24] <rick_h_> benji: your linter hates you :P
[19:25] <benji> heh
[19:25] <benji> yeah, fixing that now
[19:30] <hatch> hey benji did you have a chance to make that fix before I take off?
[19:30] <benji> hatch: "that fix" being calling bundleImportHelpers.deployBundleFiles instead of localCharmHelpers.deployLocalCharm? If so, yes.
[19:32] <hatch> cool and all the tests pass? I'm just wondering because the tests should have failed before :)
[19:32] <benji> hatch: yep, they pass aand they did fail once I merged in the most recent trunk
[19:33] <hatch> ohh ok cool so I can review/qa again?
[19:34] <benji> hatch: yep (I do have an insane lint message to fix though; it is complaining about something that isn't so)
[19:34] <rick_h_> the linter never lies!
[19:34] <hatch> ohh ok np, well if I end up taking off before it's all done then I'll do it this weeked
[19:34] <hatch> I -should- have 3g
[19:42] <rick_h_> Makyo: looking
[20:45] <rick_h_> jujugui anyone have fresh eyeballs to offer?
[20:47] <Makyo> rick_h_, sure
[20:47] <rick_h_> Makyo: sec, hangout invite on the way
[20:48] <rick_h_> https://plus.google.com/hangouts/_/76cpjm3ct4isbg6a8f8ff60f1o?hl=en Makyo
[21:03] <rick_h_> Makyo: if I turn off the animation rule in the css, the transition: left... it works and lines up fine :/
[21:04] <rick_h_> so something in what my branch did, and the transition interacting
[21:38] <rick_h_> Makyo: I'm giving up and EOD'ing. Commenting out one line fixes it and it's just an animation so I don't think it's anything to do with the changes in that branch directly since none of that code touched it.
[21:38] <rick_h_> Makyo: if you get a sec can you check out https://github.com/juju/juju-gui/pull/131 and review/verify that works please?
[21:38] <Makyo> rick_h_, yeah, i've not been able to pin it down. Will do.
[21:39] <rick_h_> Makyo: yea, I can't help but think I'm missing something but this is release blocker so rather 'fix' and see but it's hidden
[21:39] <Makyo> rick_h_, Yeah. Will keep poking.
[21:40] <rick_h_> appreciate it
[21:43] <Makyo> rick_h_, +1, qa good in FF. Spinning up IE VM.
[22:38] <Makyo> rick_h_, looks good. Will :shipit: for you if I don't hear back by my EOD
[22:39] <rick_h_> Makyo: appreciate it. I reran the tests and passed on second run so should be good
[22:40] <Makyo> rick_h_, Okay, cool.
[22:40] <Makyo> My IE10 machine was incredibly out of date, sorry for the delay
[22:41] <Makyo> Plus side: new yubikey arrived \o/
[22:42] <rick_h_> woot
[22:42] <rick_h_> <3 my nano
[22:42] <Makyo> I got one of the NEOs to replace the gimped one I got at UDS, which has never worked with lastpass.