UbuntuIRC / 2014 /02 /05 /#kubuntu.txt
Initial commit
=== underdog is now known as Guest66378
[01:02] <pietro10> heading home, bbl
[01:04] <psyentologist> anyone have problems with accidently brushing their thumbs / palms against the touchpad and making the cursor fly to an undesirable spot of the screen
[01:05] <not_found> +1
[01:05] <psyentologist> i dont see a palm check option like in windows either
[01:05] <not_found> I typically set it so touching the pad does not count as a click... makes it annoying to have to use the physical buttons :/
[01:06] <psyentologist> that seems like it might help i
[01:06] <psyentologist> i never thought of that
[01:07] <psyentologist> i dont have excellent dexterity and grace in my thumbs to do the tap for click like that anyway i need the deliberate pushing of the buttons
[01:13] <psyentologist> phew!
[01:15] <not_found> then it should work fine for you :)
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[01:44] <psyentologist> WHY do these phishers go after people in the craigslist personals so BAD!
[05:21] <kubuntu_noob> Hi anyone willing to trouble shoot my wireless issues?
[05:23] <kubuntu_noob> ping . . .
[05:23] <pnunn> Just ask.
[05:23] <kubuntu_noob> uh ok
[05:24] <kubuntu_noob> lspci | grep Wireless returns " 02:00.0 Network controller: Realtek Semiconductor Co., Ltd. RTL8191SEvA Wireless LAN Controller (rev 10) "
[05:24] <kubuntu_noob> I keep having spotty wireless
[05:24] <kubuntu_noob> where it constantly disconnects
[05:25] <kubuntu_noob> I have tried modprobe rtl8192se swenc:1
[05:25] <kubuntu_noob> I have tried upgrade my kernel to 3.13
[05:25] <pnunn> Are you using network manager?
[05:26] <kubuntu_noob> how could I tell?
[05:26] <pnunn> How are you setting up the wirless?
[05:26] <kubuntu_noob> I selected the wireless icon in the default panel
[05:26] <kubuntu_noob> and connected to it
[05:26] <pnunn> Version of Kubuntu?
[05:27] <kubuntu_noob> 12.10
[05:27] <kubuntu_noob> erm
[05:27] <kubuntu_noob> 13.10
[05:27] <pnunn> OK. So.. you can see the wirless in the list of available, have configured it, and connected successfully?
[05:27] <kubuntu_noob> yes
[05:27] <kubuntu_noob> but it will randomly disconnect
[05:27] <kubuntu_noob> sometimes after an hour
[05:28] <kubuntu_noob> sometimes after couple minutes
[05:28] <pnunn> Normal access point?
[05:28] <kubuntu_noob> belkin
[05:28] <kubuntu_noob> ya
[05:28] <pnunn> OK.
[05:28] <kubuntu_noob> works fine for all the windows boxes
[05:28] <kubuntu_noob> worked fine when this laptop ran windows
[05:29] <pnunn> The only time I've had problems like this is because the areal was dodgy in the lappy, but it had problems with other O/S's as well.. what's the signal strength?
[05:30] <kubuntu_noob> how can I check?
[05:31] <pnunn> In a console, type iwlist scanning
[05:31] <kubuntu_noob> wlan0 IEEE 802.11bgn ESSID:"dasfgf" Mode:Managed Frequency:2.412 GHz Access Point: 08:86:3B:A0:6A:B6 Bit Rate=150 Mb/s Tx-Power=20 dBm Retry long limit:7 RTS thr=2347 B Fragment thr:off Power Management:off Link Quality=60/70 Signal level=-50 dBm Rx invalid nwid:0 Rx invalid crypt:0 Rx invalid frag:0 Tx excessive retries:0 Invalid
[05:31] <pnunn> Looks OK, sure the access point isn't flaky?
[05:32] <kubuntu_noob> Quality=60/70 Signal level=-50 dBm
[05:32] <kubuntu_noob> rather confident
[05:33] <pnunn> OK, not sure where to go from here sorry... Anyone?? You could try askubuntu.com or www.kubuntuforums.com
[05:33] <kubuntu_noob> kk thanks
[05:39] <sledge_> hey all i was wondering if theres a way i can prevent linux from constantly asking for my password.. its so annoying
[05:40] <sledge_> and also i am trying to figure out why i try to download unetbootin from sourceforge, and its a .BIN FILE.. and linux will not recognize it to install??
[05:40] <sledge_> theres an outdated version on apt-get install..
[05:41] <dolomite> sledge_ is the usb creator software not adequate for what you need?
[05:41] <dolomite> also if you're referring to the su password you're required to enter when installing packages etc. you cannot turn that off
[05:41] <sledge_> dolomite, i am trying to create a windows usb , and a web site told me to use that
[05:41] <dolomite> nor should you want to
[05:41] <sledge_> its just annoying
[05:42] <dolomite> it's a vital security feature :)
[05:42] <dolomite> so you have a windows .iso?
[05:42] <sledge_> i know but actually i just found out a nice trick
[05:42] <sledge_> if you put it on the clipboard... its easier to just hit shift ins
[05:42] <sledge_> yeah i have the isol
[05:43] <dolomite> yah you can do that if you don't care about security :P
[05:43] <dolomite> just use the startup disk creator in kde
[05:43] <sledge_> ok
[05:43] <sledge_> will do
[05:44] <sledge_> but.. do you know why i cannot use the .bin file from sourceforge?
[05:44] <sledge_> i can remember before, it would install just fine
[05:44] <sledge_> so what changed?
[05:44] <dolomite> if you really want to install a .bin
[05:44] <sledge_> i was using linux mint
[05:44] <sledge_> it would run right from download
[05:44] <dolomite> chmod a+x file.bin
[05:44] <dolomite> sudo ./file.bin
[05:44] <sledge_> ahh. ok
[05:45] <dolomite> it needs permissions
[05:45] <sledge_> well if you think the creator will work il just use that
[05:45] <dolomite> it should work universally
[05:45] <dolomite> if it doesn't for whatever reason you can install unetbootin from .bin
[05:45] <dolomite> but it's almost always recommended that you install whatever is in the repos
[05:46] <dolomite> (not that I always follow that rule!)\
[05:46] <dolomite> actually sledge_ I've noticed that it's in a PPA now for ubuntu users
[05:47] <dolomite> https://launchpad.net/~gezakovacs/+archive/ppa
[05:47] <sledge_> i run into problems changing my repos list
[05:47] <sledge_> or adding PPA
[05:47] <dolomite> sudo add-apt-repository?
[05:47] <sledge_> is that all?
[05:48] <dolomite> sudo add-apt-repository ppa:gezakovacs/ppa
[05:48] <dolomite> now removing it is a different story
[05:49] <sledge_> ok well ill try that later
[05:49] <sledge_> one other issue im having is, i keep getting a popup notification that theres a security update available, but when i run the MUon software
[05:49] <sledge_> it doesnt show, up
[05:50] <sledge_> and linux keeps remeinding me
[05:51] <dolomite> if you establish a regimen of updating packages manually every now and then, you can turn off those notifications in muon
[05:51] <dolomite> settings>configure muon package manager>notifications
[05:51] <dolomite> to update in konsole, type sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade
[05:52] <dolomite> it just depends on how you want to do things. I'm still wary of muon and I try to keep to the CLI to install stuff
[05:52] <dolomite> but I understand if you're newer, you might want to stay with graphical interface
[05:53] <sledge_> well
[05:53] <sledge_> that explains it
[05:53] <sledge_> i was missing the dist-upgrade part
[05:54] <sledge_> i would have typed sudo apt-get install update
[05:54] <sledge_> err..
[05:54] <sledge_> i had it confused somehow, but that worked thank you
[05:54] <dolomite> yes, apt-get update pulls the data from the repos and determines what needs to be upgraded on your machine
[05:54] <dolomite> the wording is a little confusing
[05:58] <sledge_> finally
[06:00] <sledge_> so basically i dont ahve 1 security update?
[06:00] <sledge_> muon is lying?
[06:00] <dolomite> apt in konsole says you don't have any updates?
[06:01] <sledge_> right
[06:02] <dolomite> one more program to check is the muon update manager
[06:02] <dolomite> not sure why you're getting notifications if you don't have updates
[06:14] <sledge_> hm
[06:14] <sledge_> yeah me neither
[06:14] <sledge_> have to see if its still there after a reboot
[06:15] <sledge_> you know what dolomite i think i ll just create an update icon
[06:16] <dolomite> yeah good idea
[06:16] <dolomite> you can also alias it in bash or schedule it in cron
[06:21] <sledge_> grrr
[06:21] <sledge_> now its stopping at 53%
[06:21] <dolomite> update? or upgrade?
[06:21] <sledge_> unetbooting
[06:23] <sledge_> the startup usb disk creator didnt work
[06:26] <sledge_> whenever i try to add the ISO .. it doesnt show up in the little window
[06:28] <sledge_> trying unetbootinagain
[06:41] <sledge_> dolomite, ok.. it was just extracting a huge file.. im not very patient tonight i guess
[06:45] <valorie> isos are rather large
[06:47] <hateball> depending on their size ;p
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[08:08] <David1977> Good morning
[08:29] <trung> I got "unmet dependencies" problem when trying to apt-get the ubuntu-sdk package
[08:29] <trung> ubuntu-sdk : Depends: qtcreator-plugin-ubuntu but it is not going to be installed
[08:34] <Kubuntix> Hi all! Does anyone know if KDE 4.12.1 will come for Kubuntu 12.04 on backports??
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[08:37] <valorie> trung: you might ask in #ubuntu
[08:37] <valorie> these aren't kubuntu packages
[08:37] <trung> valorie: got it
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=== freeflying_away is now known as freeflying
[09:57] <lordievader> Good morning.
[10:05] <qdata> good morning all
[10:08] <lordievader> Hey qdata, how are you?
[10:09] <qdata> sleepy, needs the coffees :-)
[10:10] <qdata> how you doin over there across the pond?
[10:13] <lordievader> qdata: I'm doing good. :)
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[11:12] <BluesKaj> 'Morning folks
[11:24] <sympto_> how do i get osx's "mission control" in kwin with a synaptics pad? or: how do i bind multitouch input to kwin actions?
[11:28] <sympto_> also should i use gpointing over synaptiks (for it isnt maintained)?
[13:03] <dougl> BluesKaj, you around?
[13:09] <BluesKaj> dougl, yup
[13:11] <dougl> Morninh BluesKaj - do you have time to help me out a b it... long story short have a working 14.04 on sda and 13.10 on sdb that seems to hang after the plymouth splash and I dont know where to start?
[13:11] <dougl> BluesKaj, dont let me hold you up tho
[13:13] <BluesKaj> dougl, which graphics again?
[13:15] <BluesKaj> quite frankly I had a lot more probs with 13.10 than I do with 14.04
[13:16] <dougl> nvidia 680 if I recall
[13:17] <dougl> I like 14.04... cant wait for the lts... but still need the 13.10 until april
[13:19] <dougl> and yes 13.04 and 13.10 installs were shaky but after a bit of tweaking worked ok but 14.04 practically installed itself from cd... 13 series I needed to make an installation usb
[13:20] <BluesKaj> dougl, try the virtual console/tty , ctrl+alt+F1 to F6 , login update and upgrade, then startx, after booting 13.10
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[13:23] <dougl> BluesKaj, thanks for the pointer... I will look for you later and let you know - on my way to 13.10... how do I keep from starting x when I boot 13.10?
[13:23] <dougl> ctrl+alt+backspace work still?
[13:26] <dougiel> BluesKaj, here too
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[13:32] <BluesKaj> dougi ,it will if you set it up in system settings>input devices>keyboard>advanced>choose "key sequence to kill xserver"
[13:33] <BluesKaj> err dougl^
[13:37] <dougiel> BluesKaj, I hav e tried toboot tio root with no network to 13.10 and now I am stuck at the plymouth splash animation and do not know how to proceed ther is not terminals at f1 thru f6
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[13:39] <dougiel> is there a log somewhere?
[13:40] <BluesKaj> dougiel, did you try the recovery kernel, then i the dialog, choose networking then, repair broken packages, then resume boot
[13:42] <dougiel> I cannot get networking it hangs when I choose tht option from the recovery options in advanced boot options - I cannot get networking
[13:48] <BluesKaj> dougiel, then try nomodeset in the grub menu for 13.10 kernel
[13:48] <BluesKaj> !nomodeset
[13:48] <ubottu> A common kernel (boot)parameter is nomodeset, which is needed for some graphic cards that otherwise boot into a black screen or show corrupted splash screen. See http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1613132 on how to use this parameter
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[13:55] <dougiel> BluesKaj, I cannot figer out how to nomodeset?
[13:57] <BluesKaj> dougiel, highlight the 13.10 kernel, then hit the 'e' key, in the line that has quiet splash , add nomodeset after splash , but within the quotes
[13:59] <dougiel> BluesKaj, it was /is already there
[14:00] <BluesKaj> ok, then remove it
[14:02] <dougiel> BluesKaj, ok removd f10'd and still hanging after plymouth animation
[14:05] <dougiel> BluesKaj, isn't there a log file we could look at and see where it is hanging?
[14:07] <BluesKaj> you'll need to be able get the TTY/virtual console to read the /var/log/syslog file
[14:08] <dougiel> BluesKaj, I have 14.04 on same machine diff drive
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[14:09] <rberg> in addition to nomodeset I find that gftmode=text is sometimes needed for finicky nvidia hardware
[14:10] <rberg> sry gfxmode=text
[14:10] <BluesKaj> yeah i have the same setup, but I was able to get into the tty/shell to fix my problem with 13.10 hang
[14:12] <BluesKaj> altho my nvidia card isn't fancy like dougiel's, it's an entry level 8400gs
[14:16] <dougl> LOL came with the notebook... I usually like to keep my linux boxes dated but needed a new laptop and you can't get a decent old one ya know BluesKaj - syslog = http://pastebin.com/KHyAGAYt
[14:17] <dougl> I don't see any thing from today BluesKaj is there another log I should look at?
[14:17] <BluesKaj> dougl, yeah this laptop worked right from the getgo afterr install 14.04, intel graphics tho
[14:18] <BluesKaj> you won't see the syslog fpr 13.10 on 14.04 var/log
[14:18] <BluesKaj> for
[14:18] <dougl> I am thinking about a smaller notebook with intel... no I moumnted 13.10 and looked at the right one
[14:18] <dougl> BluesKaj, ^^^
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[14:21] <BluesKaj> dougl, if you can get a 13.10 shell from 14.04 then whynot update and upgrade?
[14:23] <dougl> BluesKaj, don't know how other than that I would... chroot /mnt/13.10/?
[14:26] <dougl> ?
[14:28] <dougl> you still here BluesKaj ?
[14:30] <rberg> are you asking how to chroot and upgrade?
[14:31] <dougl> yes
[14:31] <dougl> rberg please and thanks :)
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[14:31] <rberg> heh, I do alot of this
[14:31] <dougl> lol
[14:31] <dougl> I do more than I like to.
[14:31] <rberg> mount the device you want to choot to
[14:32] <rberg> and do a ''for a in sys dev proc; do mount --bind /${a} /mnt/13.10/${a}; done
[14:33] <dougl> just so fun to break a linux box... mounted (/mnt/13.10) sdb2...
[14:33] <dougl> for a in sys dev proc; do mount --bind /${a} /mnt/13.10/${a}; done - at root prompt?
[14:34] <rberg> "chroot /mnt/13.10" then you will want to divert upstart from restarting things when you upgrade
[14:34] <rberg> yeah as root in a terminal
[14:35] <rberg> let me look up how to to the diversion, I forget
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[14:36] <dougl> rberg, thanks for the help... and is so fun to break a linux box and so rewarding when you learn how to fix it!
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[14:37] * dougl has a plethora of emotions from using linux
[14:37] <rberg> hehe agreed!.. to prevent upstart from restarting services inside the chroot you need to "mv /usr/sbin/policy-rc.d /usr/sbin/policy-rc.d_ && printf '#!/bin/sh\nexit 101\n' > /usr/sbin/policy-rc.d && chmod +x /usr/sbin/policy-rc.d"
[14:38] <rberg> that moves a file and creates a new one with the word exit in it
[14:38] <rberg> in the chroot now you can do a apt-get update and apt-get dist upgrade
[14:38] <dougl> mv /usr/sbin/policy-rc.d /usr/sbin/policy-rc.d_ && printf '#!/bin/sh\nexit 101\n' > /usr/sbin/policy-rc.d && chmod +x /usr/sbin/policy-rc.d
[14:38] <dougl> mv: cannot stat ‘/usr/sbin/policy-rc.d’: No such file or directory
[14:39] <rberg> inside the chroot?
[14:39] <dougl> yes
[14:39] <BluesKaj> i stay away from chroot, since I'm not well versed on fooling with it :)
[14:39] <rberg> can you do a ls -l /usr/sbin/policy-rc.d*
[14:39] <BluesKaj> altho I managed to reinstall grub using it once
[14:39] <dougl> in / as # on 13.10 drive
[14:40] <dougl> BluesKaj, same exactly - grub
[14:41] <dougl> root@kubuntu:/# ls -l /usr/sbin/policy-rc.d*
[14:41] <dougl> ls: cannot access /usr/sbin/policy-rc.d*: No such file or directory
[14:41] <dougl> rberg, ^^^^
[14:42] <rberg> ok from the man page "Most Debian systems will not have this script"
[14:42] <rberg> so just do the " printf '#!/bin/sh\nexit 101\n' > /usr/sbin/policy-rc.d && chmod +x /usr/sbin/policy-rc.d" bit
[14:42] * dougl reads at a grade 6 level and appreciates the help
[14:42] <rberg> and be sure to rm that file after the dist-upgrade
[14:43] <dougl> which file rberg I will write it down as to not forget...
[14:43] <rberg> /usr/sbin/policy-rc.d
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[14:44] <rberg> for more info about it "/usr/share/doc/sysv-rc/README.policy-rc.d.gz"
[14:47] <dougl> rberg, k got it now update adn dist-upgrade? in the chroot env
[14:47] <dougl> ?
[14:48] <dougl> ouch - "apt-get update" did not look good
[14:48] <dougl> not sure where to go here?
[14:49] <dougl> ton of lines starting with Err
[14:50] <BluesKaj> no network
[14:50] <dougl> here with you on same machine
[14:52] <BluesKaj> no matter if you're chrooted into 13.10, it has no network connection
[14:52] <rberg> can you "ping" ?
[14:52] <dougl> yes
[14:53] <rberg> my bet is on resolv.conf (I have never understood how that works since network manager took over)
[14:53] <rberg> can you ping "google.com"
[14:53] <rberg> err no " "
[14:54] <dougl> no www.google.com...
[14:54] <dougl> unknown host
[14:54] <BluesKaj> rberg, NM writes to resolv.conf if youre running dhcp afaik
[14:56] <rberg> ok dougl, so here is how you fix that. "mv /etc/resolv.conf /etc/resolv.conf.bak && echo "nameserver" >/etc/resolv.conf"
[14:57] <sympto_> dougl: do what rberg said and change your dns server in the netoworkmanager-applet as it overwrites the resolv.conf all the time
[14:57] <rberg> add "rm /etc/resolv.conf && mv /etc/resolv.conf.bak /etc/resolv.conf" to the list of things to un-do after the dist-upgrade
[14:59] <dougl> back on track guys - thanks for the progress updating now and then dist upgrade
[14:59] <BluesKaj> 13.10 is really quite buggy IME , even tho 14.04 is alpha2 it's more solid than 13.10
[14:59] <rberg> cool!
[14:59] <dougl> dist-upgrade now
[15:00] <dougl> after this I try to reboot 13.10?
[15:00] <dougl> btw there was not resov.conf nothing to move
[15:01] <rberg> wow, konsole just warned me "are you sure you want to paste 15,290 characters?" I feel like this should be an achievement or something
[15:01] <dougl> lol
[15:09] <BluesKaj> \[//ll
[15:10] <BluesKaj> oops cleaning KB here
[15:10] <dougl> lol - rebooting here :)
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[15:12] <yossarianuk> have kubuntu decided on using kde 4.13 in 14.04 ?
[15:13] <dougiel> still hangs
[15:14] <BluesKaj> dougiel, did you update frub since those edits "?
[15:14] <BluesKaj> grub rather
[15:15] <BluesKaj> yossarianuk, #kubuntu-devel might know
[15:22] <dougiel> update grub in chroot env BluesKaj ?
[15:22] <BluesKaj> no update it from a terminal , no need for chroot
[15:23] <BluesKaj> dougiel,^
[15:23] <dougiel> ding now
[15:24] <dougiel> BluesKaj, will jockey-text work in chroot env?
[15:26] <BluesKaj> dougiel, dunno , i use the terminal for most installs , chroot is for exceptional problems that can't be solved from the terminal, which is very seldom in my experience
[15:28] <dougiel> BluesKaj, same... I will let you know.
[15:34] <dougl> still hangs and you cannot jockey-text in chroot env... I don't know - anyone else ready to give up?
[15:34] <dougl> BluesKaj, ^^^
[15:37] <dougiel> damn
[15:37] <BluesKaj> chroot isn't a fix for everything
[15:39] <dougiel> no but I notice I dont get a nvidia splash screen when bootig 13,10 so I thot that was the issue dunno why it just quiit working
[15:41] <BluesKaj> yeah, dougiel the nouveau driver probly should be loading in thay case, since it's the default driver til you install the nvidia-current or available driver in additional drivers
[15:44] <BluesKaj> hence no nvidia screen during boot
[15:45] <dougiel> BluesKaj, that is what I mean nvidia drivers were installed
[15:48] <BluesKaj> no nvidia screen means the driver you installed isn't loading
[15:48] <Sledgey> hey all, i was wondering why when i check synaptic package manager it has a really old version of virtualbox
[15:49] <BluesKaj> Sledgey, try the muon package manager
[15:49] <Sledgey> same thing
[15:49] <BluesKaj> Sledgey, which OS ?
[15:50] <Sledgey> the latest kubuntu release
[15:50] <Sledgey> 12.04
[15:50] <BluesKaj> lts
[15:51] <BluesKaj> latest is 13.10, but it's not LTA
[15:51] <BluesKaj> err LTS
[15:51] <Sledgey> right
[15:51] <Sledgey> stable..
[15:51] <Sledgey> long term
[15:52] <BluesKaj> yeah, but it's not the latest, therefore the older VM in the packages
[15:52] <Sledgey> Well the issue is, i am trying to create a bootable flash drive install of windows 7 with this ISO i have, here, and unetbootin creates it but it will not boot
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[15:53] <Sledgey> so i was installing win7 in a vm so i can do it that way
[15:53] * not_found had issues yesterday with unetbootin and USB's not wanting to boot form 13.10 images... not sure why....
[15:55] * not_found miss read and stays quiet...
[15:55] <BluesKaj> unetbootin is iffy, try startup disk creator
[15:55] <BluesKaj> Sledgey,^
[15:56] <BluesKaj> anyway gotta go for a few mins
[15:56] <Sledgey> yeah
[15:56] <Sledgey> i tried that
[15:56] <Sledgey> it wont even recognize the .iso
[16:16] <Sledgey> i dont know
[16:25] <BluesKaj> Sledgey, is your pc less than 3yrs old , if so try EFI boot, and if it doesn't show then try non secure boot in legacy mode in the EFI/bios
[16:25] <Sledgey> yeah i already turned it to legacy
[16:25] <Sledgey> windows 8 is horrible
[16:25] <Sledgey> i bought two laptops in teh last year
[16:26] <Sledgey> and one i have linux running, and the other im going to put windows 7 on
[16:26] <Sledgey> BluesKaj: I got it figured out now....
[16:26] <BluesKaj> do you have an ext partition set up ?
[16:26] <Sledgey> i just decided to do it on the win8 laptop
[16:26] <Sledgey> its creating the flash drive now
[16:26] <Sledgey> with the windows usb/download tool
[16:29] <BluesKaj> I wiped the drive clean on this laptop, then installed kubuntu in legacy mode with secure boot disabled and flashback bios enabled, some laptop brands like Lenovo have the flashback bios feature
[16:32] <BluesKaj> I did have a W8.1 install, but I deleted it first
[16:35] <Sledgey> its horrible
[16:35] <Sledgey> who creates an OS, designed for a phone?
[16:35] <yossarianuk> All versions of Windows have been horrible...
[16:35] <Sledgey> and then puts it on a laptop, thats not even a touch screen and tries to MAKE people use it
[16:35] <yossarianuk> I grew up with Amigas.
[16:35] <Sledgey> lol you have a point there
[16:35] <Sledgey> yossarianuk: i had a few of those, amiga 1000, and a 2000
[16:36] <yossarianuk> 1200 was the best machine I have ever owned....
[16:36] <Sledgey> loved Amiga
[16:36] <Sledgey> yea maybe it was 1200 not 2000
[16:36] <rberg> hey if it wasn't for windows 95 I might have never gotten into linux, so I owe MS for that
[16:36] <yossarianuk> everything worked and fast - no stuttering sound/graphics....
[16:36] <Sledgey> good gaming
[16:37] <yossarianuk> State of the Art is still amazing,....
[16:37] <BluesKaj> rberg, ditto on that
[16:37] <Sledgey> well what really set me off on linux was the courses i took at college
[16:37] <Sledgey> i took a few unix courses
[16:37] <yossarianuk> Windows 95 was like taking computing back a decade
[16:37] <Sledgey> as well.. and i was like OHHHHHH
[16:37] <yossarianuk> from having owned an amiga.
[16:38] <Sledgey> now i get it
[16:38] <chiaraesamuele> ciao a tutti
[16:38] <yossarianuk> I found linux as I was never happy with windows. (only used windows for 5 years...)
[16:38] <Sledgey> tried to run redhat a few times
[16:38] <Sledgey> oh god was that a nightmare, linux has come a LONG long ways
[16:39] <rberg> heh so true, I thank the debian gods for dpkg and apt
[16:39] <yossarianuk> rberg: yep
[16:40] <rberg> also update-alternatives and debconf
[16:40] <yossarianuk> Although I think arch linux is the best for making custom packages - the PKGBUILD system is so easy.....
[16:41] <yossarianuk> package building I find debian a bit of a nightmare
[16:41] <yossarianuk> takes me aboit 30 seconds to make the latest nvidia-rt package
[16:42] <yossarianuk> on ubuntu/debian it takes about 5 - 10 mins to do.
[16:42] <rberg> I grab src debs from upstream and run dpkg-buildpackage without much trouble
[16:47] <Sledgey> GRRRR
[16:47] <Sledgey> BluesKaj: grrrrr stupid EFI
[16:47] <Sledgey> i cannot make the USB bootable in windows8 because it doesnt use BOOTSECT
[16:47] <Sledgey> god i hate MS
[16:47] <Sledgey> PC/AT bios
[16:47] <yossarianuk> Sledgey do you not have kubuntu already installed?
[16:48] <Sledgey> its using EFI
[16:48] <Sledgey> yossarianuk: yes i have it installed, im trying to create a bootable win7 flash drive
[16:48] <yossarianuk> Sledgey: ah wouldn't know about that...
[16:49] <yossarianuk> does dd not work ?
[16:49] <Sledgey> dd?
[16:49] <Sledgey> what is htat
[16:49] <yossarianuk> kubuntu will have it.
[16:49] <dougl> data duplicate?/
[16:50] <yossarianuk> https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/USB_Flash_Installation_Media#Using_dd
[16:50] <yossarianuk> i.e
[16:50] <yossarianuk> dd if=/path/to/iso of=/dev/(usb stick)
[16:50] <yossarianuk> i.e
[16:50] <BluesKaj> dd works in some cases, but not all
[16:50] <yossarianuk> dd if=/home/me/win7.iso of=/dev/sdc
[16:51] <yossarianuk> I notice now kubuntu you can dd and get UEFI support...
[16:51] <Sledgey> should i format the flash drive as ntfs?
[16:51] <yossarianuk> (i.e with the kubuntu iso)
[16:51] <yossarianuk> not if using dd
[16:51] <Sledgey> worth a shot
[16:51] <BluesKaj> Sledgey, no , use fat32
[16:51] <yossarianuk> you may need to change it to/from gpt.
[16:52] <yossarianuk> if you dd you do not need to format it.
[16:52] <yossarianuk> you may need gto make a gpt table
[16:52] <yossarianuk> parted does that
[16:52] <Sledgey> ok
[16:52] <Sledgey> so just create a new table
[16:52] <yossarianuk> then dd
[16:53] <yossarianuk> (ps this may nogt work for windows isos...)
[16:55] <Sledgey> well we will find out
[16:55] <Sledgey> in a few minutes
[16:58] <BluesKaj> i have 16GB USB stick that seems bricked , no matter which method i use to rescue the unused drive space it still only shows 64mb :/
[17:00] <yossarianuk> BluesKaj: try dd ' ing to it for a few secs - then parted and mktable.
[17:00] <yossarianuk> ie
[17:01] <yossarianuk> dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/path/to/stick
[17:01] <yossarianuk> (just for a few secs)
[17:01] <yossarianuk> I would take out , then re-insert stick - then parted -> mktable
[17:01] <yossarianuk> (worth a go..)
[17:02] <BluesKaj> ok , we'll try that, yossarianuk
[17:03] <yossarianuk> then use fdisk/gdisk to format it to whatever you want (possibly actually even reboot) - then test.
[17:14] <BluesKaj> yossarianuk, it stalls/hangs after parted -> mktable /dev/sdc
[17:19] <sledgey> wtf
[17:19] <sledgey> yossarianuk you there
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[17:23] <sledgey> yossarianuk THAT comand screwed up my computer
[17:23] <sledgey> its all blue behind the terminal and it hasnt done anything since i put it in
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[18:25] <dicecca> explorer
[18:27] <not_found> random
[18:42] <BluesKaj> not_found, ??
[18:43] <not_found> BluesKaj was commenting on dicecca that joined, wrote "explorer" and left ;)
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[19:03] <franziska> hi im trying to get rsnapshot running on my system ... rsnapshot hourly from commandline works well but rsnapshot daily /weekly from commandline does not create any directory where it should
[19:03] <franziska> can u pls help me guys ?
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[20:16] <dubis> hi, Someone can help me to install oracle java in rekonq ???
[20:19] <rberg> I have experience with oracle java, but not rekonq
[20:20] <dubis> rberg: I installed the java plugin on firefox but i doesn't work
[20:21] <dubis> rberg: could you help???
[20:22] <rberg> where did you get oracle java and the plugin from?
[20:23] <dubis> java.com
[20:23] <rberg> cool, and there did you put the plugin?
[20:23] <rberg> where
[20:25] <dubis> yes I did a symbolic link in ~/.mozilla/plugins with this command ln -s /usr/lib/jvm/jdk1.7.0_51/jre/lib/amd64/libnpjp2.so
[20:31] <dubis> rberg: Any idea
[20:31] <rberg> I installed java 7u51 via make-jpkg and here is what I have
[20:32] <rberg> /usr/lib/mozilla/plugins/libjavaplugin.so -> /etc/alternatives/mozilla-javaplugin.so
[20:32] <rberg> /etc/alternatives/mozilla-javaplugin.so -> /usr/lib/jvm/jdk-7-oracle-x64/jre/lib/amd64/libnpjp2.so
[20:33] <rberg> does the plugin load in firefox? and can you see it in about:plugins ?
[20:35] <dubis> rberg: yes and the PATH is /usr/lib/jvm/jre1.7.0_51_X64/lib/amd64/libnpjp2.so
[20:36] <dubis> I used oracle-java7-installer but it doesn't work So I unstall it and I reinstall java manually
[20:37] <dubis> rberg: On this page https://www.mozilla.org/en-US/plugincheck/ I m up to date
[20:37] <dubis> rberg: on java.com test page I ve got error
[20:38] <rberg> is that on firefox or rekonq?
[20:39] <dubis> on firefox
[20:39] <rberg> I cant use rekonq at all, as it wont allow me to login to the ipmi I use for work
[20:41] <dubis> I've the same error on rekong on java.com page :http://java.com/en/download/installed.jsp?detect=jre
[20:44] <rberg> not sure, maybe make-jpkg can help.. thats how I install oracle java
[20:45] <rberg> it generates a .deb from the official tar ball.. I believe its in java-package
[20:49] <dubis> rberg: Do oyuo have any procedure on the web ... .Do you have a link ??
[20:52] <dubis> rberg: I found debian procedure
[20:52] <rberg> apt-get install java-package && make-jpkg jdk-7u45-linux-x64.tar.gz
[20:52] <rberg> ohh cool
[20:54] <rberg> fwiw: u51 is a huge PITA
[21:03] <dubis> rberg: running
[21:06] <dubis> rberg: I created the deb file so I've to use the dpkg command right ???
[21:07] <rberg> to make java 7u51 less annoying with self signed certs I have an alias that does "grep -q "$1" ~/.java/deployment/security/exception.sites || echo "https://$1" >>~/.java/deployment/security/exception.sites" then calls xdg-open on the url
[21:07] <rberg> yes dpkg -i jave.deb
[21:07] <dubis> in sudo mode right??
[21:08] <rberg> yes
[21:16] <dubis> rberg: doesn't work on java.com
[21:18] <rberg> odd, running the java test works over here after I allow the plugin
[21:21] <dubis> "grep -q "$1" ~/.java/deployment/security/exception.sites || echo "https://$1" >>~/.java/deployment/security/exception.sites"
[21:21] <dubis> bash: grep -q ~/.java/deployment/security/exception.sites || echo https:// >>~/.java/deployment/security/exception.sites: No such file or directory
[21:23] <rberg> ohh thats part of a script I use to allow self signed certs to run without disabling security all together
[21:24] <rberg> thought I would share
[21:24] <dubis> here the log file http://pastebin.com/PAeKigS7
[21:24] <dubis> may help
[21:26] <rberg> basic: JNLP2Manager.initialize(): JNLP not available: JavaDetection_applet.jnlp
[21:27] <dubis> Java(TM) Plug-in 10.51.2 is prensent in the about:plugins page
[21:27] <dubis> I m' up to date in this page https://www.mozilla.org/en-US/plugincheck/
[21:31] <dubis> reberg: same error message
[21:32] <dubis> reberg: than before the make-jpkg
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[21:37] <dubis> I'm lost
[21:38] <rberg> yeah, I am out of ideas
[21:41] <dubis> thank anyway I didn't know how to create the ajave deb file anyway
[21:41] <dubis> I going to od a post on a forum
[21:42] <rberg> youdont have any other java packages installed right? no icedtea or anything
[21:42] <rberg> "java -version" shows the correct one?
[21:44] <dubis> $ java -version
[21:44] <dubis> java version "1.7.0_51"
[21:44] <dubis> Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment (build 1.7.0_51-b13)
[21:44] <dubis> Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM (build 24.51-b03, mixed mode)
[21:45] <dubis> The odder I've got the pluigns listed in the about:plugins page and it's working on the mozilla.org page
[21:45] <rberg> does what you actually want java for work?
[21:46] <dubis> rberg: I need to occur a connection to ILOM web page of a SUN Oracle server
[21:47] <dubis> I've got certificate problem
[21:47] <dubis> Caused by: java.security.cert.CertPathValidatorException: algorithm constraints check failed
[21:47] <rberg> ohh yeah u51 is a pita, it wont run self signed applets anymore
[21:48] <rberg> unless you add the url to the security exceptions file
[21:49] <dubis> That should work with the Control panel of Java I didn't put java.com yet
[21:50] <rberg> I doubt java.com uses a self signed cert
[21:53] <dubis> reberg: righ doesn't work
[21:55] <dubis> Manage certificate in the Controlpanel is empty
[21:56] <dubis> rberg: I found a listing in the signer CA
[21:58] <dubis> OK i 've to go thanks
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[23:21] <SvenOostenbrink> Will KDE be able to boot towards a Graphics desktop while the monitor is not connected?
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