UbuntuIRC / 2014 /02 /01 /#ubuntu-desktop.txt
Initial commit
=== tkamppeter_ is now known as tkamppeter
[22:55] <Laney> attente: don't forget your climbing shoes!
[22:56] <attente> Laney, heh, i will, but i'm kind of working off an injury atm...
[22:57] <attente> i mean i won't forget ;)
[22:57] <Laney> hah, excuse noted
[23:03] <mlankhorst> night
[23:06] <Laney> mlankhorst: did you get in?
[23:06] <mlankhorst> ofc, just called them
[23:06] <Laney> good
[23:07] <mlankhorst> i treat the laptop i take with me as garbage, which is why i dont want to have access to mail on it