UbuntuIRC / 2014 /02 /01 /#ubuntu-app-devel.txt
Initial commit
[01:56] <Mihir> hey WebbyIT
[02:28] <FuLgOrE> hi. is it planned have whats app and wechat working on ubuntu touch?
[06:20] <mihir_> popey: ping!!
[08:17] <mihir_> hey nik90 :)
[08:39] <WebbyIT> mihir_, o/
[15:37] <nik90> WebbyIT: care to approve https://code.launchpad.net/~nik90/ubuntu-clock-app/update-copyright-year/+merge/204380
[15:37] <nik90> WebbyIT: it is a simple copyright update MP
[15:37] <WebbyIT> nik90, you have to update copyright only you do a change in the file during the year
[15:38] <WebbyIT> *only if
[15:38] <nik90> WebbyIT: ah
[15:38] <WebbyIT> nik90, I talked about this yesterday with a Debian Developer, because I had the same idea :)
[15:39] <nik90> WebbyIT: alrite, I will revert that and do only for those files that changed. But It would be almost 80% of the files that were changed this year :)
[15:41] <WebbyIT> nik90, yeah :D
[15:41] <WebbyIT> It's a good practice to update files copyright when you do a commit!
[15:44] <nik90> WebbyIT: done
[16:05] <WebbyIT> nik90, sorry, I wasn't at computer, approved
[16:12] <nik90> WebbyIT: Thnx
[18:38] <mefrio> hey guys I am trying to import the U1db component in a QML file but it get an error saying that those component does not exist
[18:38] <mefrio> I have installed qtdeclarative5-u1db1.0 package
[18:38] <mefrio> is it a problem of my system?
[18:40] <mefrio> oh sorry, it was just me doing a stupid thing :) solved!