UbuntuIRC / 2014 /02 /01 /#kubuntu.txt
Initial commit
[00:54] <molossus> does kubuntu 12.04.3 support booting into UEFI secure boot laptops? last time i tried that only ubuntu12.04.3 was able to boot with no problems, kubuntu 12.04.3 installed but failed to boot.
=== kylie is now known as Kylie_
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[03:52] <vladimir_> asdasdas
[03:52] <vladimir_> Holaaaa..!!
[03:52] <vladimir_> hay alguien ????
[03:55] <vladimir_> Holaaaaa...!!!!
[09:17] <aurete> join #amarok
[09:18] <valorie> aurete: you need the / first
[09:19] <valorie> or just click the #amarok word
[09:19] <valorie> :-0
[09:30] <FloodBotK1> !netsplit
[09:30] <ubottu> netsplit is when two IRC servers of the same network (like freenode) disconnect from each other, so users on one server stop seeing users on the other. If this is happening now, just relax and enjoy the show. See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Netsplit
=== jack is now known as Guest44919
[09:39] <aurete> valorie: Thanks!
[09:40] <valorie> you are very welcome
[09:40] <valorie> most all IRC commands start with the slash
[09:40] <valorie> even silly ones like /me
[09:40] * valorie demonstrates
[09:46] <aurete> valorie:i need to learn a lot about this..
[09:47] <valorie> !irc
[09:47] <ubottu> A list of official Ubuntu IRC channels, as well as IRC clients for Ubuntu, can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat - For a general list of !freenode channels, see http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#channellist - See also !Guidelines
[09:47] <valorie> heh
[09:47] <valorie> this channel's bot has lots of helpful advice
[09:48] * valorie goes to bed
[09:49] <aurete> good night!
[09:51] * aurete likes this
[10:03] <aurete> hi
[10:04] <aurete> bye
[10:29] <olympus> hallo
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[11:36] <Guest17955> ciao
=== Golden_Dawn is now known as Dr_No
[12:32] <BluesKaj> Hiyas all
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=== freeflying_away is now known as freeflying
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[13:48] <asia_> hello
[13:48] <asia_> I am looking for help with installing kubuntu on uefi
[13:49] <asia_> I've bought samsung ativ book 9 lite
[13:49] <asia_> with amd ati
[13:49] <asia_> cpu and gpu
[13:49] <asia_> installation went successfuly
[13:49] <asia_> but unfortunatelly I dont have X
[13:49] <asia_> ui
[13:49] <asia_> only comand line
[13:50] <asia_> and after second restart after install not running at all
[13:50] <asia_> it is causing that there is no more uefi entry to boot
[13:50] <asia_> I've totatly wiped out windows8
[13:50] <asia_> and cant use my new laptop
[13:51] <asia_> can anyone help me with setting catalyst driver and uefi boot
[13:51] <asia_> ?'
[13:58] <BluesKaj> asia_, can you get to the UEFI/BIOS ?
[13:58] <asia_> yes i can get using on boot F2 button
[13:59] <BluesKaj> asia_, try using the legacy mode instead of EFI, that's what worked for me
[14:00] <asia_> I've read that uefi is faster and better technology and it is worth to go with it
[14:00] <asia_> so I wanted to try
[14:01] <BluesKaj> asia_, it might boot faster , but that's all
[14:01] <asia_> If I switch to bios would it be proceded like in older machines?
[14:01] <asia_> mbr etc
[14:01] <asia_> ?
[14:01] <BluesKaj> yes
[14:02] <asia_> I think it will be worth to try :D
[14:02] <BluesKaj> if you wiped W8 then you need to reinstall EFi/bhoot for grub id you want to run in EFI mode
[14:02] <BluesKaj> if
[14:03] <asia_> how to reinstall efi
[14:07] <BluesKaj> actually it's efi/grub
[14:08] <BluesKaj> asia_, recommend you ask in #ubunt, there are more "experts" there, then here and it's not really a kubuntu issue
[14:08] <BluesKaj> oops #ubuntu
[14:13] <asia_> i will go over new with osm
[14:13] <asia_> ocm
[14:13] <asia_> legacy mode for sure :P
[14:14] <asia_> what about ati graphic card drivers
[14:15] <asia_> should I go with open source or properity driver from amd?
[14:17] <akki2222> hi
[14:18] <akki2222> i want to contribute to kde
[14:18] <asia_> should I create boot partition?
[14:18] <akki2222> but when i update my xubuntu for kde development it replaces many files like xubuntu desktop
[14:19] <akki2222> http://techbase.kde.org/Getting_Started/Build/Distributions/Debian/Source
[14:19] <akki2222> i use this debian repos
[14:19] <akki2222> m i doing something wrong?
[14:21] <BluesKaj> asia_, try the open source drivers first
[14:22] <BluesKaj> asia_, boot is not necessary , a / and /home are all you need
[14:22] <BluesKaj> and swap
[14:25] <BluesKaj> akki2222, don't use the debian repos
[14:25] <akki2222> which one then?
[14:27] <BluesKaj> akki2222, best to to check with the people at #kde-devel or #kubuntu-devel
[14:29] <akki2222> thnx
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[16:29] <lordievader> Good afternoon.
[17:04] <asia> it works :D
[17:04] <asia> thanks guys.
[17:04] <asia> as alway can count on You
[17:04] <DonkeyHotei> is there a kubuntu plasma active iso?
[17:04] <asia> apreceate it
[17:05] <DonkeyHotei> my other half is getting a surface pro 2, and i plan on disabling its secure boot
=== newbie is now known as Guest62870
[17:33] <Guest62870> Can anyone help me with an issue involving upgrading to KDE 4.12 on Kubuntu 12.04 LTS?
[17:40] <lordievader> Guest62870: What is the issue you get?
[17:49] <Guest62870> When I visit Kubuntu's site and add the KDE 4.12 PPA to Muon (or via the terminal) and then refresh/upgrade, it does not upgrade.
[17:49] <Guest62870> I am still stuck at KDE 4.11.3
[17:51] <lordievader> Guest62870: You've added the backports? (https://launchpad.net/~kubuntu-ppa/+archive/backports)
[17:54] <Guest62870> Yes, and
[17:54] <Guest62870> http://www.kubuntu.org/news/kde-sc-4.11
[17:54] <Guest62870> And when I refresh/upgrade or dist-upgrade, it shows no updates.
[17:55] <lordievader> Guest62870: So you've ran "sudo add-apt-repository ppa:kubuntu-ppa/backports && sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade"?
[18:03] <Guest62870> I haven't tried that command yet.
[18:10] <Guest62870> Just ran this command and got...0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 0 not upgraded
[18:25] <faust1002> hello
[18:27] <lordievader> Hey faust1002
[18:28] <Guest62870> lordievadar, sorry, still not working
[18:29] <Guest62870> Tried running the command you provided and got 0 upgrade, zero removed, etc.
[18:30] <Guest62870> Not sure why it's not working. It's always worked fine in the past. Couldn't even get it to upgrade on Kubuntu 13.10
[18:31] <lordievader> Guest62870: Could you pastebin "apt-cache policy kdelibs-bin"?
[18:32] <lordievader> !paste | Guest62870
[18:32] <ubottu> Guest62870: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.
[18:33] <Guest62870> lordievadar - sorry, not sure how to do that
[18:33] <lordievader> Guest62870: Open a terminal.
[18:34] <lordievader> Guest62870: Type "apt-cache policy kdelibs-bin" and hit enter.
[18:34] <lordievader> Guest62870: Copy the output of that command to "http://paste.ubuntu.com" and hit paste. Then copy the url to this chat.
[18:36] <Guest62870> http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/6856715/
[18:37] <lordievader> Guest62870: KDE 4.12 should be installed. Did you reboot after you've ran the upgrade?
[18:39] <Guest62870> Yes, many times but it never indicated that the upgrade actually took place.
[18:40] <lordievader> Guest62870: Open a kde app go to help -> about kde, what platform version do you see there?
[18:40] <Guest62870> The odd thing is that it says I have 4.12 installed and yet I have none of the new features of 4.12 (like Muon Discover) and the info center still shows KDE v4.11.3
[18:41] <Guest62870> Ok, thank you, I'll try that...
[18:42] <maca> Hi
[18:42] <Guest62870> I opened up Okular and went to "About KDE" and see "Platform Version 4.12.0"
[18:43] <lordievader> Guest62870: It might just be that Muon isn't backported yet.
[18:43] <Guest62870> No Muon Discover or any of the new 4.12 features though and the info center still shows KDE 4.11.3
[18:43] <maca> Could someone tell me how can I change the desktop when I'm in login screen to choice to Enlightenment?? I don't find the options to change when I want to Enlightenment.
[18:44] <Guest62870> I wonder how I would get 4.12.1 which is the latest version. Is there a different PPA for that?. Thanks for all your help by the way. I really appreciate it.
[18:46] <faust1002> anybody uses ISE from Xilinx?
[18:46] <Guest62870> I guess just stay in the channel and wait for these apps to be backported and keep checking maybe,
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[19:18] <dbrom> have a error on using tar : tar: Error exit delayed from previous errors. whats going on. Have 4TB of data free and the folder its stelf is only 54 GB in size
[19:20] <faust1002> bye #kubuntu
[19:39] <Jakaster> salut
[19:40] <Jakaster> y'a du monde ?
[19:41] <Unit193> !fr | Jakaster
[19:41] <ubottu> Jakaster: Nous sommes desoles mais ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en français, veuillez taper /join #ubuntu-fr ou /join #ubuntu-qc. Merci.
[19:41] <Jakaster> hi, sorry i don't know this as english only
[19:41] <Jakaster> this chanel*
[19:45] <Jakaster> where i can find a french chanel plz ?
[19:50] <lordievader> Jakaster: As ubottu says #ubuntu-fr and #ubuntu-qc are French.
[19:50] <Jakaster> thank you
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[23:49] <Doug___> alguém ai de infosec ?
[23:50] <tsimpson> !br
[23:50] <ubottu> Por favor, use #ubuntu-br para ajuda em português. Para entrar no canal por favor faça "/join #ubuntu-br" sem as aspas. Para a comunidade local portuguêsa, use #ubuntu-pt. Obrigada.