UbuntuIRC / 2014 /01 /31 /#lubuntu.txt
Initial commit
[00:04] <Unit193> Should be able to mute one source and unmute the other, but I tend to play in audacity to check things out.
[00:08] <FuuqUmiist> i can't get it to work on audacity
[03:31] <FuuqUmiist> so no one knows how to change the audio input?
[03:32] <ianorlin> maybe try amixer
[03:32] <ianorlin> although alsamixer is more convient
[04:36] <FuuqUmiist> what is the keyboard shortcut to change desktops
[04:44] <Unit193> Ctrl+Alt+Left or Right.
[04:47] <FuuqUmiist> so lubuntu is the best linux that is as lightweight and user friendly as Windows XP?
[05:05] <ianorlin> also alt+mousewheel works
[05:12] <greeter> oh dear...
[12:13] <SLit_> Hi! I have trouble installing lubuntu. When I chose install or try after I while I get just mouse cursor and monitor just flashing. Like someone is shuting down and then open it again
[14:03] <Kaylors> Quick question: I have a HP 431 with AMD Radeon 7450M and Intel HD 3000 hybrid graphics. Are there proper drivers for Lubuntu or will I be screwed over as with Ubuntu 12.04 LTS?
[14:06] <Kaylors> Seriously? No one?
[14:13] <Myrtti> if you're expecting immediate answers, you're going to have a bad time
[14:14] <Myrtti> patience is kind of expected asset
[14:14] <Mikaela> Kaylors: If you install jockey-gtk, it should show if there are propietary drivers available for easy installation.
[14:15] <Kaylors> Mikaela: Thanks...
[14:25] <lnx2> i
[17:12] <koell> i would like to install lubuntu on a netbook. should i use 32 or 64bit for?
[17:15] <PaulW2U> koell: Which version you install will depend on your processor. My netbook has a 32-bit processor so a 32-bit installation is the only option.
[17:17] <koell> PaulW2U: it's a asus emachine em350 with intel atom cpu
[17:20] <koell> the intel atom n450 has 64bit, i will just try it
[17:22] <PaulW2U> koell: if the installation hangs when installing 64-bit then it's probably a 32-bit processor :o)
[17:23] <koell> PaulW2U: okey, so i will know it immediately, fine
[17:41] <koell> wow lubuntu runs really smooth. even on netbooks <3
[18:54] <Neppy> hi there; so i'm using lubuntu on my mother's laptop; the screen of the laptop is kinda borked so it can be hard to see anything on there which is why she connects it up to the TV or a monitor which has been working fine for a couple months
[18:55] <Neppy> but now after login the screen just goes black for some reason.. and i heard weird audio "clicks", then when i hit the power button it goes into shutdown screen (visible again instead of just black) and turns off
[18:55] <Neppy> can switch to the console or what it was called just fine... googled a bit and tried xrandr which just says "Can't open display" though
[18:55] <Neppy> the fn button to switch screens does nothing either it seems
[18:55] <Neppy> (the black screen is on the laptop screen that is, and cant seem to get it to display anything on the TV or monitor)
[18:56] <Neppy> any ideas?
[19:05] <wxl> Neppy: what's changed since it worked and when it didn't work?
[19:06] <Neppy> nothing as far as i know; maybe an update but not sure :p i know she started it up once with the TV not connected right at the beginning rather than it being connected; or i think the cable slipped out while it was already on; but i dont think that should break it in such a way?
[19:07] <Neppy> also when i booted into windows it still seemed to work fine so it shouldnt be the port or fn keys that broke
[19:07] <holstein> in those cases, i'll troubleshoot the following.. try booting an earlier kernel. i'll disable the onboard screen in the bios, and try a monitor (not a TV) on the unit.. i'll run "aplay -l" in a terminal to see if the audio hardware is being used
[19:08] <Neppy> i only get those weird audionoise clicks when in lubuntu though, so no clue what those are.. disable onboard screen? how would i turn that back on then though?
[19:08] <holstein> Neppy: why would you turn it back on?
[19:08] <Neppy> well i'd guess to see something, unless im misreading something
[19:08] <holstein> Neppy: i disable broken hardware, personally.. and use an external monitor that is known good via VGA
[19:09] <Neppy> well its broken as in it is flickering
[19:10] <holstein> ok.. i test with a known good monitor, and have a situation that i know works, and i disable the onboard since setting only the external means you can stop messing about with the function keys
[19:10] <holstein> but, i would want to have a known-good monitor setting about that i have used
[19:10] <holstein> Neppy: there was an implied order above.. have you tried booting the older kernel?
[19:11] <Neppy> i havent, not even sure how to do that ^^"
[19:11] <holstein> Neppy: i feel you are stuck on disabling the onboard video.. if that bothers you, dont do it.. im just stating what i would do to rule out possible points of failure
[19:11] <Neppy> well my point is kind of if i turn it off and the monitor doesnt work then im kinda more stuck than i was already
[19:12] <wxl> it's temporary
[19:12] <holstein> Neppy: you should go ahead and plan for that, for when that onboard video breaks.. and as i said, i have a known-good monitor i plug in via VGA
[19:13] <holstein> Neppy: if that is not working for you, dont do it..
[19:13] <holstein> Neppy: you boot an older kernel by choosing it in grub
[19:13] <Neppy> hmm let me try
[19:14] <holstein> this addresses a kernel upgrade, and lets you see if thats the issue.. if all is well with the older kernel, you can assume a kernel upgrade is breaking your hardware support
[19:15] <wxl> could be some package upgrade though…
[19:16] <holstein> could be alsa firmware, or who knows.. but, kernel upgrades are easy to test for
[19:17] <wxl> maybe xrandr itself
[19:17] <wxl> but, yeah, i'd weed out the kernel
[19:18] <holstein> booting the older kernel takes only a few minutes to test..
[19:18] <holstein> Neppy: how did the older kernel work? the same?
[19:21] <ianorlin> I wonder if it could be something in X which you could test to see if could still get to tty
[19:21] <wxl> wait
[19:21] <wxl> he did say he could get to tty didn't he?
[19:22] <wxl> 1055 [freenode] < Neppy:#lubuntu> can switch to the console or what it was called just fine...
[19:22] <ianorlin> yes
[19:22] <wxl> not sure exactly how to interpret that but i imagine he can see it
[19:22] <wxl> so it probably is an x issue. still could be a kernel (module) issue.
[19:25] <holstein> Neppy said, or implied he could get to tty
[19:25] <holstein> he/she...
[19:31] <Neppy> *she; older kernel does nothing it seems; also slight correction: the monitor doesnt seem to work on windows either, just the fn keys do; and not while booting either... strangely it goes black while its connected to the laptop though (without connection it just says "No signal")
[19:31] <wxl> that to me, then, sounds like an issue with the display
[19:31] <holstein> Neppy: nothing? so, it doesnt boot *anything*? just a plain black screen? or the same issue on the older kernel?
[19:31] <Neppy> same issue on older kernel
[19:31] <holstein> yup.. the windows support is a great test for the hardware..
[19:32] <holstein> i would not mess with the software anymore til i test with a different display and cables
[19:32] <Neppy> well the display are screen adn TV with 2 diff cables, so if anything broken maybe the port on the laptop or such
[19:33] <ianorlin> the tv and monitor seem to work fine right
[19:34] <holstein> Neppy: could be that port as well..
[19:34] <Neppy> hmm wel lthe tv works fine
[19:34] <Neppy> let me test the display screen on my pc
[19:35] <holstein> Neppy: the TV works fine on another input, though
[19:36] <Neppy> well with my fathers laptop the tv works too
[19:37] <ianorlin> then you also know that cable is good
[19:40] <holstein> the cable, and the TV display
[19:40] <holstein> if windows wont work there, then, it makes me think the port, or the motherboard, or something hardware like that
[19:41] <ianorlin> which we can't really fix remotely
[19:41] <holstein> or, in linus software at all :/
[19:43] <Neppy> well the screen with the same cable also works fine on my PC... so must be the laptop port, video hardware or motherboard
[19:43] <holstein> Neppy: sure seems that way..
[19:43] <wxl> considering she pulled the cable out or whatever, that's proabably it
[19:43] <holstein> Neppy: is it connecting via VGA?
[19:44] <Neppy> the display? ya, through hdmi/vga adapter but the display thing is vga
[19:45] <holstein> i think, if i had a monitor handy, i would mess about with it and the bios a little.. could be that its toast, but there might be a setting somewhere that works
[19:45] <holstein> at least you know where the issue is, it seems
[19:45] <wxl> that adapter may be your problem, too
[19:45] <Neppy> in what way?
[19:46] <Neppy> the adapter is only for my PC anyway
[19:46] <wxl> not adapters in general, but the adapter may have failed
[19:46] <Neppy> where the display works fine
[19:46] <Neppy> since my gpu has no vga out
[19:46] <holstein> yup.. i would bypass everything you can
[19:48] <Neppy> holstein: hm.. might try that tomorrow - though a bit hard to see the bios on the laptop screen
[19:48] <holstein> Neppy: mostly, when i boot machines with external VGA like that, they post the bios on both the onboard, and external
[19:49] <Neppy> hm well didnt try bios yet but the whole bootup stuff didnt show on the external screen
[19:50] <holstein> Neppy: sure, but if whatever is broken is broken, it wont
[19:50] <Neppy> ^^
[19:50] <holstein> Neppy: thats not to say that it wouldnt on a VGA monitor normally
[19:51] <holstein> i have just set up a few "headless laptops" in the past... so i have fooled about and spent more time here than i should have :)
[20:01] <Neppy> still wouldnt explain why lubuntu makes those weird click noises - except if its somehow influenced by the broken hardware
[20:01] <holstein> sure... could be bad motherboard, or power related
[20:02] <Neppy> hm
[20:02] <Neppy> well not like it matters much when the video-out doesnt work either way; just curious heh
[20:43] <LuvLinuxOS> hi all
[21:20] <jirido> Hi.
[21:28] <jirido> How do i change what program terminal uses to open links in..
[21:31] <genii> jirido: What is it currently using? Links2 or something?
[21:46] <jirido> genii: Sad to say it uses chrome even if FF is my default browser
[21:47] <genii> jirido: What says the result of: ls -l /etc/alternatives/x-www-browser
[21:49] <Unit193> jirido: Do you click the link with the mouse or how are you trying to open it?
[21:50] <jirido> ill see / mouse so far but i working on it, Just installed screen..
[21:52] <jirido> lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 25 jan 17 2013 /etc/alternatives/x-www-browser -> /usr/bin/chromium-browser
[21:53] <jirido> how do i change that?
[21:53] <jirido> ahh of corse
[21:53] <Unit193> update-alternatives --set x-www-browser /usr/bin/firefox (Do I remember right?)
[21:54] <jirido> o.0--b
[21:55] <Unit193> sudo update-alternatives --config x-www-browser for something more interactive.
[21:56] <jirido> Un so you meen it askes?
[21:57] <Unit193> Yeah, it'll then ask which you want.
[21:57] <jirido> Ok in popup pr cli?
[21:57] <jirido> or*
[21:59] <Unit193> CLI.
[22:04] <jirido> when i run sudo update-alternatives --config x-www-browser it does ask if i want to keep the default or choose a number of alternatives.. The only one with automatic and not manual in the end is also labeled chromium.. there is no alternative for just automatic
[22:04] <jirido> Or choose when you click
[22:06] <Unit193> You hit a number there and it'll select that browser as default.
[22:20] <jirido> Unit193: Ok I got it so that there were an alternative to get to choose everytime i click on a link :) Now i get it! Thanks It worked well!
[22:21] <Unit193> You're welcome!
[22:21] <Unit193> genii: ^
[22:22] <genii> Unit193: Heh :)
[22:22] <Unit193> Your idea.
[22:22] <genii> Unit193: I didn't get a highlight in this channel so didn't get back to the part about configuring it yet :)
[22:24] <jirido> Im now strictly FF Well i have now installed elinx and linx but they dont show in the list.. Could i get them as default also?
[22:25] <Unit193> That's in www-browser
[22:26] <jirido> so they are not www-browsers
[22:27] <jirido> sorry
[22:27] <jirido> now i get it
[22:28] <genii> the www-browser is for when you are in only CLI and not a terminal inside X, the x-www-browser is for the graphical ones
[22:28] <Unit193> Then there is gnome-www-browser too. ;)
[22:29] <genii> jirido: If you so desire, you can add manually entries to the alternatives. I'd have to look up the syntax however, I haven't done it since I was tinkering with different java this way
[22:29] <jirido> one is automatic mode is that the last i opened?
[22:30] <Unit193> They are ranked by numbers, it's telling you which would be default.
[22:32] <jirido> I most look pastebin and youtubevideos people post here with irssi so it would be cool to be able to open them in som www-browswer that suports flash.. but at other times it would be nice to get the link to FF.. but i would go for www-browser
[22:33] <Unit193> A text browser that supports flash, I don't think you've ever used a terminal browser. :)
[22:35] <jirido> i have but im looking right now if i can find a hack
[22:35] <jirido> It would be cool
[22:35] <jirido> Some have image suport i understand
[22:37] <genii> Yes, you can run links2 with -g for instance. It has graphics, and if psmouse driver is loaded, mouse too. But no javascript/java/flash/etc
[22:42] <jirido> Ok.. sad. It would be fun. I dont understand why it is so imposible to run for an example ff in a cli.. with pentadactyl..
[22:43] <jirido> well that were probably not so smart said.. but i feel it!
[22:46] <jirido> Ohh.. linux.com looked nice
[23:45] <Neppy> well thanks for the help earlier ^^ and night