UbuntuIRC / 2014 /01 /30 /#launchpad.txt
Initial commit
[00:19] <saiarcot895> Something funny happened with this build: https://launchpad.net/~saiarcot895/+archive/chromium-dev/+build/5534702
[00:19] <saiarcot895> I am 100% certain that this build started 6 hours ago, but it's saying that it started 21 minutes ago, and it does look like it's at the start of the build process
[00:20] <saiarcot895> It's as if it did an automatic restart or something
[00:22] <wgrant> saiarcot895: We had some buildd issues a few hours ago due to some upgrades.
[00:22] <wgrant> It *should* all be OK now, so if it restarts again I'd like to know.
[00:22] <saiarcot895> wgrant: ah, ok.
[00:50] <cjwatson> saiarcot895: ... and further, I'd expect it was a manual retry. We often go around and restart builds that fail for reasons that apply to many builds at once.
[00:51] <cjwatson> saiarcot895: The general guarantee that a given build only runs once only applies if it succeeds.
[00:51] <cjwatson> (or a few other less-common terminal cases)
[00:51] <cjwatson> So a build happening more than once isn't "something funny", it's pretty standard.
[00:56] <saiarcot895> cjwatson: I've never seen it happen so far. I guess I've been lucky
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=== Ursinha-afk is now known as Ursinha
=== Ursinha is now known as Guest49006
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[08:22] <odyssey4me> If I've uploaded a backport to a PPA for build, it failed and I deleted the package, how long should it be before I can re-upload the package to retry the build now that I've sorted out the dependancy issue?
[08:24] <odyssey4me> According to https://help.launchpad.net/Packaging/PPA/Deleting it should be around 30 mins, or no more than an hour... but I've been waiting for over 12 hours now and my uploads are still getting rejected on the basis that the package contents are different to what's in the repository. In theory there should be no package in the repository to compare against as it's been deleted!
[08:24] <maxb> odyssey4me: Immediate, and you didn't need to delete it. Unless you mean upload different content without changing the version, in which case, *never*
[08:27] <odyssey4me> maxb - hmm, the only change is the date/time stamp... anyway, I'll figure out how to change the version and give that a go
[08:28] <odyssey4me> While I'm at it - the reason I deleted the package in the first place was because the build retries were not picking up the dependancy packages built in the PPA. Was there something special I had to do to get it to pick up the new packages that it requires as dpendancies?
[08:30] <wgrant> odyssey4me: It can take up to 15 minutes for binaries to be available in a PPA once they're built.
[08:30] <wgrant> Depwait builds will be automatically retried within an hour after the dependency is available.
[08:31] <odyssey4me> Thanks wgrant. It's likely that I was just being a little impatient. :/
[08:33] <odyssey4me> Does backportpackage allow a version number increment? I see that PPA uploads always end up with a suffix of ppa1. I would expect the higher version increment to need to be ppa2, but it appears that this can't be done with backportpackage?
[08:37] <maxb> --suffix
[08:41] <odyssey4me> Thanks maxb - after doing a little test I see that the suffix specifies overrides the default instead of appending to it. :0
[08:41] <odyssey4me> :)
=== Guest49006 is now known as Ursinha
=== BradCrittenden is now known as bac
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=== Ursinha is now known as Ursinha-afk
=== zz_mwhudson is now known as mwhudson
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