UbuntuIRC / 2014 /01 /30 /#kubuntu.txt
Initial commit
[00:10] <airsoftmodels> anybody download kubuntu 14.01 alpha 1?
[00:10] <bprompt> not me
[00:10] <Poisoned_Dragon> 14.04 alpha? yes
[00:11] <airsoftmodels> hey poisoned Dragon you over here too?
[00:12] <airsoftmodels> i am "empty" in the linuxmint-chat irc
[00:12] <Poisoned_Dragon> lol XD hi
[00:13] <airsoftmodels> how is 14.04 can i install it?
[00:13] <Poisoned_Dragon> seems ok.
[00:14] <airsoftmodels> i am downloading it now
[00:14] <Poisoned_Dragon> http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/kubuntu/releases/trusty/alpha-2/
[00:14] <Poisoned_Dragon> Oh, you found it
[00:14] <Poisoned_Dragon> I didn't even know there was an alpha2 iso
[00:14] <Poisoned_Dragon> I had installed it with the alpha1 iso
[00:15] <keithzg> Oh I should dig out my old computer.
[00:15] <keithzg> Or wait, maybe I'll wait until the beta.
[00:15] <keithzg> I've installed every beta on it starting with Dapper.
[00:15] <keithzg> How things invariably break has taught me almost all that I've learned about fixing such systems ;)
[00:21] <underdog> Are Kubuntu distros shipped with blobs in its Kernel?
[00:25] <valorie> oh right, chair
[00:25] <valorie> anyway....
[00:26] <valorie> blobs in the kernel?
[00:26] <valorie> we distribute sources for everything, underdog
[00:27] <valorie> they aren't downloaded automatically, however, you can just allow the download and you'll get all the sources you like
[00:32] <underdog> i don't want anything to do with proprietary stuff. But Thanks for the information.
[00:32] <jackyalcine> updates \o/
[00:45] * Roey hands valorie an open bag of dates
[00:45] <Roey> organic, non-gmo, Deglet Noor
[00:45] * TheFakeazneD525 slides valorie a cup of coffee too
[00:46] * Roey hands valorie the bill
[00:46] <Roey> that's one cup of coffee and a bag of dates.
[00:47] <TheFakeazneD525> and a tip
[00:47] <TheFakeazneD525> don't forget to tip
[00:52] <Roey> Assuredly so.
[00:52] <Roey> valorie: wake up wake up we're giving you food c'mon
[01:10] <jackyalcine> underdog: the kernel's pre-compiled but if you need the sources and headers, check the 'linux-{source|header}s' packages
[01:12] <underdog> jackyalcine: Thanks
[01:12] <jackyalcine> np
[01:13] <jackyalcine> anti-propreitary ftw :)
[01:19] <underdog> jackyalcine: yes indeed, my church is emacs!
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[04:09] <bogfrog> I have another question
[04:09] <bogfrog> Where can I find the muon pacage manager on my drive
[04:09] <bogfrog> I am attempting to open an apt in firefox
[04:45] <keithzg> ugh, firefox
[04:45] <keithzg> why's it gotta be like that, with it's own dumb file picker and everything
[04:45] <keithzg> If you're still looking, try
[04:45] <keithzg> "which muon"
[04:45] <Jacob_> Hi
[04:45] <keithzg> which should give you the path to the binary, at least.
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[04:46] * keithzg meanwhile contemplates how the machine he's trying to make work is blithely ignoring his xorg.conf
[04:46] <Guest63241> So I restarted my computer and now muon doesn't exist!
[04:46] <Guest63241> How do you reinstall muon thru the command line?
[04:47] <keithzg> sudo apt-get install muon
[04:47] <Guest63241> lol sorry to bother you *derp*
[04:47] <Guest63241> bye.
[04:47] <keithzg> heh
[04:48] <Guest63241> How do you install the software center?
[04:49] <keithzg> It's "teach a man to fish" time ;)
[04:49] <Guest63241> I know about apt-get
[04:49] <keithzg> try "apt-cache search muon"
[04:50] <Guest63241> I just don't know the package name
[04:50] * keithzg does everything on the CLI!
[04:51] <Guest63241> :D
[04:51] <keithzg> I do believe the Software Center is muon-discover
[04:51] <Guest63241> Yeah, I searched for it
[04:52] <Guest63241> Thanks dude, you might have just changed my life
[04:52] <Guest63241> :-)
[04:52] <Guest63241> lol
[04:52] <keithzg> No problem :)
[04:52] <keithzg> When you're ready for a level up, try aptitude ;)
[05:07] <valorie> mmmmm dates!
[05:07] <valorie> but I have no stinky cheese to eat with 'em
[05:07] <valorie> dates and nuts are good, though
[06:09] <Whiskey`Wonka> im trying to configure/connect to a openvpn server from 13.10 using the network applet. when trying there is no responce at all, no errors displayed. any ideas what im missing?
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[07:27] <apb1963> How can I downgrade qt 4.8.2 to qt 4.8.1 ?
[08:39] <jackyalcine> apb1963: you familiar with aptitude?
[08:39] <jackyalcine> if not, look into Muon Pacakge Manager
[08:39] <jackyalcine> it has the ability to downgrade packages
[08:39] <apb1963> jackyalcine: I use apt... and I also use Muon
[08:40] <jackyalcine> That has a high chance of breaking your system though
[08:40] <apb1963> apt-get
[08:40] <jackyalcine> I'd say look into Muon
[08:40] <apb1963> jackyalcine: yeah.... I know :( And I can't afford to do that.
[08:40] <jackyalcine> because this is kind of tricky in the CLI
[08:40] <jackyalcine> CLI = command line interface
[08:41] <apb1963> jackyalcine: Right now I'm looking for a way to determine what packages depend on libqtcore4 4.8.2
[08:41] <Shikieiki_> anyone here know how risky it is to upgrade {k,}ubuntu through two versions (13.10 and 14.04) without rebooting
[08:41] <Shikieiki_> ?
[08:43] <jackyalcine> that's configuration-dependent off-the-bat Shikieiki_
[08:43] <jackyalcine> going from 13.04 to 13.10 shouldn't be too bad
[08:43] <Shikieiki_> what do you mean jackyalcine?
[08:43] <jackyalcine> but to 14.04 would be rocky.
[08:43] <apb1963> krashecd
[08:43] <apb1963> krashed
[08:43] <jackyalcine> Shikieiki_: in a vanilla set-up, it'd be easier
[08:43] <Shikieiki_> rocky because of the lack of rebooting? or rocky in general? because iirc i've never re-installed since 10.10 or w/e
[08:44] <Shikieiki_> what do you mean a vanilla setup, like, a clean intall, or just no exotic configurations?
[08:44] <jackyalcine> Shikieiki_: but with more installed packages, the chances of broken deps rise (ever so slightly)
[08:44] <jackyalcine> Shikieiki_: like right off the ISO :)
[08:44] <jackyalcine> Shikieiki_: rebooting will be required; your kernel version will change.
[08:45] <Shikieiki_> i've upgraded my kernel for >100 days without needing to reboot
[08:45] <Shikieiki_> but idk if there's anything which absolutely will refuse to work unless being restarted (like the upstart or whatever kubuntu's init is called)
[08:46] <jackyalcine> You can have multiple kernels installed at one time.
[08:46] <jackyalcine> But only one can be used.
[08:46] <Shikieiki_> i know
[08:46] <jackyalcine> If you ran `uname -a`, it wouldn't say 3.11 or higher
[08:47] <jackyalcine> if you're still on 10.10 like you mentioned
[08:47] * jackyalcine checks
[08:47] <Shikieiki_> oh, no i'm on 13.04
[08:47] <Shikieiki_> i just meant, i never did a fresh install since 10.10
[08:47] <jackyalcine> OH!
[08:47] <jackyalcine> you'll be fine
[08:47] <jackyalcine> lol
[08:47] <jackyalcine> Shikieiki_: neither have I
[08:48] <jackyalcine> I actually have a 10.10 disc and I just upgrade all the way from there.
[08:48] <Shikieiki_> but i'm not worried about upgrading, i'm worried about upgrading with no plan to reboot in the future
[08:48] <Shikieiki_> *near future
[08:48] <Shikieiki_> *upgrading twice
[08:48] <jackyalcine> I went from 13.04 to 13.10 only rebooting to use the newer kernel
[08:49] <Shikieiki_> if my buntu is at eol, no more security updates will roll out for it specifically, which is not good
[08:49] <jackyalcine> Right.
[08:50] <Shikieiki_> but i shouldn't have any issues if i do-release-upgrade twice in a row and stay up for ~200 more days? i'm trying to get an uptime record (personal record), to squeeze the last out of kubuntu before i try and switch to a new distro
[08:51] <jackyalcine> That I don't know
[08:51] <jackyalcine> I'm going to hope that you wouldn't have to
[08:51] <jackyalcine> Shikieiki_: I leave uptime records for servers :P
[08:52] <jackyalcine> apb1963: I don't see 4.7.x in my package list http://i.imgur.com/f5aKcKa.png
[08:52] <Shikieiki_> heh, that's exactly why i'm doing this, because huge uptime on a regularly used desktop (or laptop) is a lot more fun than some server which will already stay up for years
[08:52] <jackyalcine> apb1963: but I'm running saucy with the -proposed and -beta PPAs
[08:52] <apb1963> jackyalcine: I don't know why you're looking for 4.7 ?
[08:53] <jackyalcine> apb1963: didn't you want an older version of Qt?
[08:53] <apb1963> jackyalcine: 4.8.1
[08:53] <jackyalcine> Shikieiki_: you use ususwp?
[08:53] <jackyalcine> apb1963: ah, my bad. lemme look
[08:53] <jackyalcine> apb1963: what version of Kubuntu are you using?
[08:53] <apb1963> jackyalcine: What I really need at this point is a way to find packages that are dependent on 4.8.2
[08:54] <apb1963> 12.04, but since kubuntu is a distribution and I'm running kubuntu-desktop on ubuntu 12.04 I really don't know the right answer.
[08:54] <jackyalcine> apb1963: Muon Package Manager can do that http://i.imgur.com/aI0i5PY.png
[08:54] <Shikieiki_> jackyalcine: ususwp?
[08:55] <jackyalcine> Shikieiki_: it's a means of hibernating your laptop
[08:55] <jackyalcine> apb1963: but for 12.04; I wouldn't be able to help :/
[08:56] <Shikieiki_> oh, i don't hibernate
[08:56] <jackyalcine> D:
[08:56] <jackyalcine> on a desktop?
[08:57] <apb1963> jackyalcine: checking it out
[08:57] <Shikieiki_> me? i'm on a laptop
[08:57] <jackyalcine> Shikieiki_: and the laptop never turns off?
[08:57] <jackyalcine> I use hibernation on my laptop with a tiny 24GB SSD to get a decent uptime
[08:57] <jackyalcine> at most 4 days
[08:58] <jackyalcine> not today though :P
[08:58] <Shikieiki_> hasn't for 110 days
[08:59] <jackyalcine> D: epic laptop?
[08:59] <Shikieiki_> although i always keep it plugged in, it's basically my desktop, but a laptop. i have a smaller netbook i use for mobility (which i'm on now, sshed into the other laptop)
[08:59] <jackyalcine> ahh something was suspecting that
[08:59] <Shikieiki_> epic?
[08:59] <jackyalcine> lol epic == shot battery laptop in my book
[09:00] <jackyalcine> or one with infinity battery life
[09:00] <Shikieiki_> nah, it's battery is fine
[09:00] <Shikieiki_> well, not "fine", but >50% maximum capacity
[09:00] <Shikieiki_> only 2 years old
[09:01] <jackyalcine> not bad
[09:03] <apb1963> jackyalcine: ok that gives me dependencies... I need reverse dependencies
[09:04] <apb1963> jackyalcine: what depends on qt... not what qt depends on.
[09:04] <jackyalcine> apb1963: I just showed you that
[09:04] <jackyalcine> there's a droplist
[09:04] <jackyalcine> and it shows an option to view Reverse Dependenices
[09:04] <jackyalcine> *Dependencies
[09:06] <apb1963> o i c... sorry... brain isn't functioning at this time of night
[09:06] <apb1963> I wonder what the equivalent cli is
[09:07] <apb1963> jackyalcine: it looks like every single package on my system :(
[09:08] <jackyalcine> apb1963: I wouldn't know how to do this in the CLI
[09:08] <jackyalcine> apb1963: it can be very close
[09:08] <jackyalcine> but I don't know if these are hard dependencies.
[09:10] <apb1963> I don't either
[09:12] <ovidiu-florin> hello world
[09:12] <ovidiu-florin> how can I get homerun on Kubuntu?
[09:12] <ikonia> homerun ?
[09:12] <ikonia> what's that
[09:17] <jackyalcine> homerun's dope
[09:17] <jackyalcine> ovidiu-florin: it should be in the ppa
[09:17] <jackyalcine> s/ppa/repositories/g
[09:17] <ovidiu-florin> ikonia: http://userbase.kde.org/Homerun
[09:17] <jackyalcine> the package name would be 'plasma-widget-homerun', ovidiu-florin
[09:18] <ikonia> is there not a stable build for it in the main repos ?
[09:18] <jackyalcine> ikonia: there is
[09:18] <ikonia> so why would you need a PPA ?
[09:18] <jackyalcine> ikonia: I typed that by mistake
[09:18] <ikonia> ahh
[09:18] <jackyalcine> http://packages.ubuntu.com/raring/plasma-widget-homerun
[09:18] <jackyalcine> it looks like it's available as of 13.04
[09:21] <ovidiu-florin> raring is old
[09:22] <jackyalcine> not old enough
[09:22] <jackyalcine> the maintainer of Homerun hangs out here
[09:22] <jackyalcine> but he's not here now
[09:24] <jackyalcine> I'm actually going to go ahead and install the default ubuntu desktop as well as GNOME shell for the hell of it
[09:24] <jackyalcine> lol
[11:53] <BluesKaj> Hiyas all
[11:54] <Yulia> hi)
[11:55] <BluesKaj> hey Yulia
[11:58] <Yulia> How are you doing:)
[11:58] <Yulia> or what are you doing?:)
[11:58] <Yuriy> кто нить по русски говорит?
[11:59] <Yulia> Yuriy, what?
[11:59] <Yuriy> anybody can talk russian?
[11:59] <swex> да
[11:59] <Yulia> da-da
[11:59] <Yuriy> как приятно! я просто тут первый раз. вдруг низзя
[12:00] <swex> не стоит
[12:00] <Yulia> mozhno vse:)
[12:00] <Yuriy> ок
[12:00] <Yulia> vot i pogovorili
[12:01] <swex> Yulia: that is place to solve problems
[12:01] <Yulia> ok, i get it
[12:05] <BluesKaj> but not in Russian
[12:31] <eagles0513875> hey guys I installed a kernel that someone package to potentially see if it fixed an issue with a patch, and it has not. how do i uninstall it and go back to the standard system kernels used by 13.10
[12:32] <BluesKaj> eagles0513875, sudo apt-get remove --purge 2.6.24-25-* (example)
[12:32] <eagles0513875> BluesKaj: would that work even if i installed the package via dpkg and the deb itself
[12:33] <eagles0513875> thanks BluesKaj seems to be doing the trick :)
[12:34] <BluesKaj> all the package managers use dpkg no matter what the namea are including apt
[12:38] <eagles0513875> thanks BluesKaj need to reboot now :)
[12:38] <eagles0513875> brb
[12:39] <BluesKaj> did you update grub ?
[12:39] <eagles0513875> yes
[12:39] <BluesKaj> good
[13:22] <eagles0513875> BluesKaj: im stumped with my track pad though
[13:22] <eagles0513875> system detects it but doesnt work at all
[13:23] <jussi> eagles0513875: have you checked there isnt a HW switch for it... ie. a FN+ something or so?
[13:23] <eagles0513875> jussi: there is and i have tried that and nothing as well nothing in system settings to switch it off and on from there either
[13:24] <BluesKaj> usually f6 , switches it
[13:25] <BluesKaj> eagles0513875, synaptiks installed ?
[13:26] <eagles0513875> on my laptop its fn + f5
[13:26] <eagles0513875> and BluesKaj it is
[13:27] <eagles0513875> jussi: BluesKaj could this be something to do with the kernel missing something in terms of compiled module
[13:29] <BluesKaj> eagles0513875, do you have synaptiks in the system tray set to "Automtically start at logon" ?
[13:29] <eagles0513875> BluesKaj: its not in the system tray
[13:30] <BluesKaj> it could be hidden
[13:30] <eagles0513875> no its not there
[13:30] <eagles0513875> and configuration is a bit wonky
[13:30] <eagles0513875> system settinggs are a bit screwey for sure
[13:31] <eagles0513875> BluesKaj: synaptiks seems to try to load then crashes i think
[13:32] <eagles0513875> ok from command line it started BluesKaj i enabled it to autostart at login
[13:33] <BluesKaj> right
[13:34] <eagles0513875> should i restart and see if it works
[13:35] <BluesKaj> yes, in order for the settings to stick
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[15:36] <apb1963> LibreOffice crashes about every 30 seconds or so... what can I do to figure out why?
[15:36] <apb1963> ubuntu 12.04 with kubuntu-desktop
[15:38] <apb1963> kubuntu-desktop:
[15:38] <apb1963> Installed: 1.254.1~ppa6
[15:38] <marcellux_> hi. any one tried linphone on kubuntu?
[15:38] <apb1963> marcellux_: why?
[15:39] <marcellux_> I was trying it. every time a friend called me, I had to restart the router
[15:40] <apb1963> marcellux_: installing it now... normally I use either sflphone or jitsi
[15:42] <marcellux_> router started playing crazy
[15:43] <apb1963> marcellux_: I installed it... but it's not showing up on my menu
[15:44] <marcellux_> applications > internet > linphone
[15:45] <apb1963> yes that did it... odd that search couldn't find it.
[15:46] <marcellux_> weird program
[15:50] <apb1963> it wants to force me to use a proxy
[15:51] <apb1963> maybe... maybe not... cancelled out of that.. let me see if I can call out
[15:55] <apb1963> error: Cannot create LinphoneAddress, bad uri [6218345353]
[15:55] <apb1963> this thing is junk
[15:55] <apb1963> lol
[15:57] <apb1963> I can't even tell if i'm registered or not.... it appears I am...but who knows?
[15:57] <apb1963> marcellux_: any reason you don't just use sflphone?
[15:57] <marcellux_> I am trying it now, but no video calls...
[15:58] <marcellux_> I was looking for an alternative to skype
[15:58] <lordievader> Good afternoon.
[15:58] <apb1963> marcellux_: I don'[t use video, but.... I'm pretty sure it has video support
[15:58] <apb1963> good morning lordievader
[15:58] <lordievader> Hey apb1963, how are you doing?
[15:59] <apb1963> marcellux_: you can ask on #sflphone as to the status of video
[15:59] <apb1963> lordievader: I'm ok... you?
[15:59] <lordievader> apb1963: Doing allright, bit tired.
[15:59] <apb1963> lordievader: yeah I only got 4 hours last night
[16:00] <lordievader> apb1963: About the same here.. :(
[16:01] * apb1963 purges linphone
[16:02] <apb1963> a pox. a pox I say!
[16:02] <apb1963> :)
[16:03] <apb1963> marcellux_: sflphone HAS video support ... Project sflphone-daemon-multi » precise build #960: SUCCESS in 5 mn 44 s: http://test.savoirfairelinux.com/job/sflphone-daemon-multi/label=precise/960/
[16:04] <apb1963> marcellux_: but since I don't have a cam, I can't verify that it works
[16:05] <apb1963> marcellux_: oops... looked at wrong thing... Project sflphone-daemon-video-multi » precise build #166: SUCCESS in 6 mn 23 s: http://test.savoirfairelinux.com/job/sflphone-daemon-video-multi/label=precise/166/
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[16:33] <fabio123> vlc or gstreamer for phonon?
[16:33] <fabio123> i didn't get the audio from the gstreamer package‎ so i got vlc
[16:49] <Aniar> well, I'll start here... briefly: I've been a KDE user since 2007 or so on Debian. Recently live-upgraded from 13.04 to 13.10 with do-release-upgrade. No errors reported during upgrade. When I rebooted, though, lightdm is starting, but not starting my xsession. I can log in on console and "startx" successfully, but I can't log in from lightdm
[16:49] <Aniar> There's no errors in my /var/log/xorg.*.log files (and only 1 non-font warning about not loading xmir
[16:50] <Aniar> with no gui, research is... limited
[16:50] <Aniar> but I'm installing lynx to google it now - wondering if anyone has any experience/thoughts/kick me to #xorg ?
[16:53] <jjinco33> Does it kick you back to login screen, blank screen or out to console?
[16:53] <Aniar> jjinco33: login screen
[16:54] <Aniar> jjinco33: and it's happening for both my account and my "no homedir normally exists" backup account.
[16:54] <Aniar> jjinco33: there's no files in /tmp owned by the backup account either (that screws up gnome all the time)
[17:01] <jjinco33> I had a similar issue after upgrade and had to remove .Xuathority file form my home directory, youc an also see if it changed to be owned by root and change it back to belong to you
[17:03] <Aniar> jjinco33: thanks, checking...
[17:03] <Aniar> jjinco33: although my backup admin had a completely empty homedir...
[17:03] <jjinco33> yeah, not sure on that one
[17:03] <Aniar> nope
[17:04] <Aniar> nothing in syslog other than acpid client connect/disconnect messages
[17:05] <jjinco33> When you can get to browser ... https://www.kubuntuforums.net/showthread.php?62529-Can-t-login-after-upgrade-to-13-04
[17:06] <jjinco33> Suggested solution there was to install and use kdm instead of lightdm
[17:07] <Aniar> worth looking into, thanks. odd - my ~/.xsession-errors only has 3 lines, one of them complaining...
[17:08] <Aniar> /usr/sbin/lightdm-session: 5: exec: init: not found
[17:08] <Aniar> too bad there's no "lightdm"
[17:09] <jjinco33> sudo dpkg-reconfigure lightdm
[17:09] <Aniar> jjinco33: already did that before coming in, didn't help. same with dpkg-reconfigure xorg
[17:09] <Aniar> trying the kdm workaround - it's 100% ok with me.
[17:10] <Aniar> that worked just fine, thanks!
[17:10] <jjinco33> ok, the person in teh thread I linked had teh same issue and had to switch to kdm. Appears lightdm never worked for him after upgrade
[17:10] <jjinco33> Cool. Glad to hear it
[17:11] <Aniar> I rebuild from scratch every 18-24 months anyways, so that'll probably happen this year, and can see where things fall out then.
[17:11] <sdaugherty> Does kubuntu automatically start gpg-agent by default?
[17:16] <jjinco33> Aniar: I do the same and usually have problems like this solved when I do
[17:20] <jjinco33> sdaugherty: Starting with 13.10 it stopped. See http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=2187463 for a fix
[18:44] <tosshs> hello world
[18:44] <tosshs> anyone using steam here
[18:45] <jjinco33> tosshs: I am
[18:46] <tosshs> jjicon33, i have troubles running it
[18:46] <jjinco33> What kind of troubles
[18:47] <tosshs> do you run the official pakage
[18:47] <jjinco33> yes
[18:47] <tosshs> well
[18:47] <tosshs> when i install it i have to log to finish the instalation and at some time steam just quit
[18:49] <genii> tosshs: They may know more about how to solve your issue in the #ubuntu-steam channel
[18:49] <jjinco33> It is with the most recent .deb from valve/steam?
[18:49] <jjinco33> What version of Kubuntu?
[18:50] <tosshs> 13.10
[18:51] <tosshs> and yes, i just dloaded it
[18:52] <jjinco33> What gpu, intel, amd, nvidia?
[18:53] <tosshs> NVIDIA Driver Version: 331.38
[18:53] <tosshs> gtx 460 howk talon
[18:53] <tosshs> hawk*
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=== Guest22625 is now known as jussi
[20:18] <tosshs> steamers, have you seen this error: .local/share/Steam/steam.sh: line 755: 2321 Segmentation fault (core dumped) $STEAM_DEBUGGER "$STEAMROOT/$PLATFORM/$STEAMEXE" "$@"
[20:18] <tosshs> on kubuntu
[20:18] <tosshs> this is the output of running steam on CLI
[20:19] <lordievader> tosshs: As genii has mentioned before, you might be betteroff in #ubuntu-steam
[20:21] <tosshs> lordievader: thanks,
[20:21] <tosshs> #ubuntu-steam
[20:21] <tosshs> join #ubuntu-steam
[20:21] <tosshs> lucky shot :)
[20:22] <lordievader> tosshs: /join #ubuntu-steam
[20:46] <tosshs> jjinco33: are you still here
[20:46] <tosshs> if yes, here is something to think about :):
[20:46] <tosshs> or may think about
[20:47] <tosshs> line 755 is actually the "fi" of the "if [ "$STEAM_DEBUGGER" == "gdb" ] || [ "$STEAM_DEBUGGER" == "cgdb" ]; then", what i previously mentioned
[20:47] <tosshs> the line after "fi", 756 is: STATUS=$?
[20:48] <tosshs> for those who joined recently, i am trying to run steam on kubuntu 13.10 x64 and i get : .local/share/Steam/steam.sh: line 755: 2321 Segmentation fault (core dumped) $STEAM_DEBUGGER "$STEAMROOT/$PLATFORM/$STEAMEXE" "$@"
[20:54] <jjinco33> Is that during install still, or after install on first launch?
[21:15] <astropirate> Hello friends
[21:15] <astropirate> Is there a way to change default look and feel of java applications? I am trying to use netbeans and it looks fugly
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[21:40] <bprompt> astropirate: think not, unless provided by the java app itself
[21:48] <dcmNindy> web link on kubuntu page for intel 64bit kubuntu 12.04 LTS iso download comes up as a 64 bit amd file name, what gives???
[21:57] <kalekip1> Does anybody know if the Ubuntu 13.10 theme is available for 12.04?
[21:57] <kalekip1> I used to have 13.10, but now I'm on 12.04 and the awesome theme is less awesome.
[22:04] <dcmNindy> web link on kubuntu page for "intel 64bit kubuntu 12.04 LTS" iso download comes up as a 64 bit amd file name, what gives???
[22:08] <BluesKaj> dcmNindy, your download includes EM64T architecture, which is 64bit intel
[22:17] <genii> dcmNindy: It's tradition to name the 64bit version amd64 because AMD was the first cpu maker with 64 bit chips
[22:18] <genii> dcmNindy: In the same way in which a nod is given to Intel with x86 meaning the 8086 and it's descendents
[22:23] <jackyalcine> fun fact!
[22:25] <genii> jackyalcine: :)
[22:27] <dcmNindy> thank you genii, I really appreciate that :)
[22:28] <dcmNindy> thank you also BluesKaj, I really appreciate that :)
[22:32] <rberg> yep, and Intels IA-64, never really panned out.. Itanium was used on servers and never made it to desktops
[22:33] <genii> rberg: I think I have some box around here like that, with NuBus memory
[22:34] <rberg> nice!
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[22:57] <dcmNindy> quit
[22:59] <dcmNindy> bye
[22:59] <genii> dcmNindy: /quit :)
[23:00] <dcmNindy> thanks
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