UbuntuIRC / 2014 /01 /24 /#ubuntu-desktop.txt
Initial commit
=== tim___ is now known as thumper
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[03:51] <GunnarHj> robert_ancell: ping?
[03:51] <robert_ancell> hello
[03:51] <GunnarHj> robert_ancell: Hi!
[03:52] <GunnarHj> robert_ancell: How do we get the g-s startup dialog translated?
[03:52] <robert_ancell> g-s?
[03:52] <GunnarHj> robert_ancell: guest session
[03:52] <GunnarHj> robert_ancell: Ubuntu patch?
[03:52] <robert_ancell> It has to be marked for translation in the debian/ directory some how, but I don't know the correct way of doing it
[03:53] <robert_ancell> or maybe a patch?
[03:53] <GunnarHj> robert_ancell: Yeah, I too thought of a patch.
[03:53] <robert_ancell> autotools fails if we refer to a file in debian/
[03:53] <GunnarHj> robert_ancell: But I'm not sure either of how all that stuff works.
[03:53] <GunnarHj> I see.
[03:54] <GunnarHj> robert_ancell: I can ask for advice here later today.
[03:54] <robert_ancell> cool, please do
[03:57] <GunnarHj> robert_ancell: Why are the guest session files in debian, btw? Is guest session a pure Ubuntu thing?
[03:58] <robert_ancell> GunnarHj, a lot of the guest session stuff is very Ubuntu specific. It's one reason why I want to split it all out into a separate package. Then that package can contain all this code
[03:59] <GunnarHj> robert_ancell: Ok, room for getting the things in order... ;-)
[05:12] <pitti> Good morning
[07:32] <darkxst> hi pitti
[07:48] <larsu> good morning!
[07:55] <didrocks> hey larsu!
[09:04] <Laney> hey
[09:05] <seb128> Laney, hey
[09:05] <seb128> good morning desktopers!
[09:05] <seb128> happy friday
[09:06] <Laney> hey seb128, happy friday indeed
[09:10] <chrisccoulson> hello!
[09:13] <seb128> chrisccoulson, hey, nice from you to say hi there ;-) how are you?
[09:21] <chrisccoulson> seb128, yeah, not bad thanks. and you?
[09:21] <seb128> I'm good, thanks
[09:22] <Laney> https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/webkitgtk/2.3.4-1ubuntu2 exciting
[09:23] <seb128> nice
[09:24] <seb128> libreoffice built as well
[09:26] <Laney> oh finally I was allowed to report the mediascanner crash
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[09:39] * pitti waves hello to Laney, seb128, and chrisccoulson; how are things in desktop land?
[09:39] <seb128> pitti, hey! quite good, thanks! how are things in qa this week? ;-)
[09:40] <chrisccoulson> hi pitti, I'm ok (although not really in desktop land) ;)
[09:40] <chrisccoulson> how are you?
[09:40] <pitti> seb128: quite nice; I got some new toys to play with (four ARM nodes in a Calxeda box), and do preps for running autopkgtests on them
[09:41] <pitti> unlike the pandas back then, these nodes are a real pleasure
[09:41] <pitti> chrisccoulson: quite fine, thanks!
[09:42] <Laney> yay
[09:42] <Laney> pretty good thanks pitti!
[09:43] <Laney> except for my adventures in autopilot land ^o)
[09:43] <pitti> Laney: heh
[09:43] <pitti> the flight business isn't for everyone :-P
[09:44] <pitti> more seriously; I didn't follow the threads that closely, did you figure it out at last?
[09:45] <Laney> I got some replies with things to try
[09:51] <darkxst> seb128, hi, lp:~darkxst/ubuntu/trusty/nautilus/310b fixes buttons and headerbar corners
[09:52] <darkxst> but there is one last issue with the pathbar button having square edges on the left side sometimes
[09:52] <seb128> darkxst, hey, thanks, I'm going to review it (comment on your wiki as well)
[09:53] <darkxst> seb128, somehow the branch in the MP got messed up
[09:53] <seb128> oh?
[09:54] <darkxst> I don't know why it has conflicts in the upstream code
[09:55] <darkxst> I can close it and relink one with the above branch
[09:58] <darkxst> oh, needs to rebased against the latest nautilus actually
[10:20] <darkxst> seb128, ok just relinked a rebased branch in the MP
[10:22] <Sweetshark> oh, we have pitti as guest in -desktop?
[10:22] * Sweetshark brings tea and cookies.
[10:22] <seb128> darkxst,
[10:22] <pitti> Sweetshark: I've never stopped hanging out here :)
[10:22] <seb128> 138 +- action = gtk_action_group_get_action (action_group, name);
[10:22] <seb128> 139 ++ action = gtk_action_group_get_action (action_group, name);
[10:23] <seb128> darkxst, that space change seems an error?
[10:23] <pitti> Sweetshark: mmmmm cookies!
[10:23] <seb128> Sweetshark, he's a permanent special guest!
[10:24] <Sweetshark> seb128: /me is still a bit dizzy.
[10:25] <seb128> Sweetshark, too much drinking? ;-)
[10:25] <Sweetshark> I watched and babysitted the ppc build finish yesterday. Could sleep before seeing that.
[10:25] <seb128> oh, ok
[10:25] <Sweetshark> s/Could/Couldnt/
[10:25] <seb128> I need to binnew it now
[10:27] <darkxst> seb128, gah that code there has real tabs ;(
[10:29] <darkxst> anyway fixed
[10:32] <seb128> thanks
[10:44] <darkxst> pitti, can you get to my testimonial today? ;)
[10:57] <pitti> darkxst: yes, I will; sorry for the delay
[10:57] <pitti> seb128: do you know where in control-center the unity configuration hides?
[10:57] <pitti> not too long ago there was an appearance & behaviour or somethign such
[10:57] <pitti> it's gone
[10:58] <pitti> it seems some upgrade reset my changed key for the HUD
[10:59] <Laney> Keyboard → Shortcuts → Launchers → "Key to show the HUD" here
[10:59] <Laney> pitti: ^
[10:59] <seb128> pitti, if you have unity-control-center installed you need to run gnome-control-center.real
[10:59] <seb128> pitti, https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/unity-control-center/+bug/1271710
[10:59] <ubot2`> Launchpad bug 1271710 in unity-control-center (Ubuntu) "doesn't list compiz/unity keybindings" [Undecided,New]
[11:00] <pitti> Laney: thanks, that worked; no idea what reset it
[11:00] <Laney> there were some uploads ...
[11:00] <seb128> uploads don't reset user settings though
[11:00] <pitti> seb128: I don't; but I did test robert's PPA once
[11:00] <Laney> nothing should
[11:00] <pitti> I have gnome-control-center installed, and not unity-control-center; should I?
[11:00] <seb128> right, that's rather a bug somewhere than an update
[11:01] <seb128> pitti, no, I though you might, we are still working on the transition
[11:01] <Laney> yes
[11:01] <pitti> yeah, I figure somethign weird with jhbuild or what not; let's ignore that one
[11:01] <pitti> seb128: ok, so it's probably due to the PPA testing; if you still have it, I'm fine; it's time for a reinstall soon :)
[11:01] <pitti> this box is too whacked by now
[11:14] <Sweetshark> seb128: hmmm, I dont find a libreoffice upgrade in trusty-proposed. Am I missing something obvious?
[11:17] <seb128> Sweetshark, yes, binNEW
[11:17] <seb128> Sweetshark, https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/trusty/+queue?queue_state=0&queue_text=
[11:17] <seb128> Sweetshark, I'm having a look to those now
[11:21] <Sweetshark> seb128: k, thx
[11:22] <seb128> Sweetshark, libreoffice-sdbc-firebird_4.2.0~rc2-0ubuntu1_i386.deb has no "useful" file it seems?
[11:22] <seb128> Sweetshark, http://paste.ubuntu.com/6807844/
[11:22] <seb128> Sweetshark, is that normal?
[11:26] <Sweetshark> seb128: meh.
[11:26] <seb128> Sweetshark, NEWed anyway, but that might be a bug
[11:27] <Sweetshark> seb128: libreoffice-sdbc-firebird would be a new package. But I disabled building firebird-sdbc as firebird is in universe and not in the best state as of now. So there shouldnt have been a package at all ideally ...
[11:28] <seb128> Sweetshark, I see, yeah, maybe commenting in debian/control would make sense
[11:29] <Sweetshark> seb128: nah, libreoffice is generating ./debian/control -- so properly, it shouldnt have that package at all.
[11:30] <Sweetshark> seb128: I will fix that, would that block uploading to trusty. Having an empty stale package of something we dont know we could deploy would be meh.
[11:31] <seb128> Sweetshark, no, it's not a blocker, as said "NEWed anyway, but that might be a bug"
[11:31] <seb128> Sweetshark, if you stop building the binary in a next upload it's going to be cleaned just fine, no worry
[11:31] <Sweetshark> seb128: k, excellent.
[11:34] <Sweetshark> real man build libreoffice with pbuilder --build --twice.
=== MacSlow is now known as MacSlow|lunch
[12:15] <seb128> Sweetshark, well done, I just enabled trusty-proposed to test libreoffice, update went fine, I've 4.2 running, working fine (from what I tested) and in french ;-)
[12:17] <Sweetshark> seb128: \o/
[12:17] <seb128> Sweetshark, the libreoffice "start" screen (e.g the one letting you pick a recent document or writer/calc/...) is not translated though, is that a bug or just french translators slacking?
[12:18] <Sweetshark> seb128: ... aaaand building tarballs for rc3 right now.
[12:19] <Sweetshark> seb128: that might be just localizers slacking as the start screen was still under heavy development late. I will look into it before the next upload though.
[12:19] <seb128> Sweetshark, thanks
[12:19] <seb128> Sweetshark, good job in any case, that split went smoothly it seems ;-)
[12:20] <Sweetshark> seb128: which ironically helps us most for the PPAs -- but then again: more/better testing in PPAs => better quality in the archive.
[12:21] <seb128> right
[12:21] <seb128> it also means lower build time
[12:21] <Sweetshark> (and doing things 'slightly different' in PPAs is a sure way into desolation ;) )
[12:21] <Sweetshark> seb128: yep. and security updates without l10n rebuilds.
[12:24] <seb128> Sweetshark, the fileselector has a bug, the "> File type" at the bottom of the open dialog lost its label
[12:25] <seb128> Sweetshark, hum, can't reproduce now, weird
[12:38] <Sweetshark> seb128: have it installed from proposed here now too. Open dialog looks fine here.
[12:39] <seb128> Sweetshark, yeah, I had the issue once (or I wonder now if I was just not awake and overlooked the label)
=== MacSlow|lunch is now known as MacSlow
[13:02] <GunnarHj> seb128: Hi Sebastien!
[13:04] <seb128> GunnarHj, hey
[13:04] <GunnarHj> seb128: Time for a lightdm packaging question?
[13:04] <seb128> GunnarHj, sure
[13:05] <GunnarHj> The lightdm source package contains the file debian/guest-session-auto.sh, which has translatable strings. However, robert_ancell let me know that autotools fails if po/POTFILES.in refers to a file in debian/, so in the latest lightdm release those strings didn't make it to lightdm.mo.
[13:05] <GunnarHj> Any ideas how this issue can be resolved?
[13:07] <seb128> GunnarHj, do you have details on how it fails? listing a debian/ file should work without issue
[13:08] <GunnarHj> seb128: No, I'm afraid not.
[13:10] <Laney> hmm
[13:10] <GunnarHj> seb128: Can the problem be related to the fact that upstream lightdm is identical with lightdm in Ubuntu?
[13:10] <Laney> https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Brightness#Phone do we have anything that looks like that in u-s-s atm?
[13:10] <xnox> unity-control-center wants to be demoted to universe, shouldn't it be seeded into ubuntu-desktop?
[13:10] <Laney> I did two Standards but it looks weird
[13:10] <Laney> xnox: not yet
[13:10] <Laney> put it in supported for now if you want
[13:10] <xnox> Laney: at least into common / supported. Ack.
[13:11] <seb128> xnox, what Laney said, the transition is still not done so we can't switch yet
[13:11] <seb128> GunnarHj, well, if that debian file is not upstream we need a debian/patches in the packaging to add it to the POTFILES.in
[13:12] <xnox> seb128: Laney: is "supported-desktop-extra" seed meant to be in main or universe?
[13:12] <xnox> cause xchat-gnome is trying to get demoted into universe, yet it's in that seed...
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=== Sweetsha1k is now known as Sweetshark
[13:13] <GunnarHj> seb128: So an Ubuntu patch that adds the required line to po/POTFILES.in would solve the problem?
[13:13] <Laney> xnox: where?
[13:15] <seb128> GunnarHj, it should, btw I'm not sure I like that new feature, it's quite annoying to have that reminder all the time
[13:16] <GunnarHj> seb128: It has been requested... And it can be disabled.
[13:16] <GunnarHj> seb128: After all, you are not the typical guest, right?
=== alan_g is now known as alan_g|lunch
[13:17] <xnox> Laney: good point. bug #1272232 is miss-leading
[13:17] <ubot2`> Launchpad bug 1272232 in xchat-indicator (Ubuntu) "Please demote xchat-indicator and xchat-gnome to universe" [Undecided,Invalid] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1272232
[13:18] <seb128> GunnarHj, who knows if I'm a typical guest or not? ;-) The feature might be mostly used by devs for testing for what we know
[13:18] <seb128> GunnarHj, we don't really have datas to say who use that feature most and how
[13:21] <GunnarHj> seb128: True... But devs is not the official target audience. Anyway, I'm about to completely rewrite https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CustomizeGuestSession, and it will include howto disable the dialog.
[13:21] <seb128> GunnarHj, ok, thanks
[13:24] <Laney> seb128: see my u-s-s question ↑ please
[13:25] <Laney> hmm
[13:25] <GunnarHj> seb128: In the meantime, this is for you only:
[13:25] <GunnarHj> Create the file /etc/guest-session/prefs.sh and insert this line:
[13:25] <Laney> https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LanguageAndText#phone uses a ListItem.Caption for that Shift thing
[13:26] <GunnarHj> touch $HOME/.skip-guest-warning-dialog
[13:26] <GunnarHj> ;-)
[13:26] <seb128> GunnarHj, thanks
[13:26] <GunnarHj> seb128: You're welcome. :)
[13:26] <seb128> Laney, define "that"?
[13:26] <Laney> which that?
[13:26] <Laney> the subtitle thing
[13:26] <seb128> "do we have anything that looks like *that*"
[13:27] <seb128> it's a caption
[13:27] <seb128> though those don't line wrap
[13:27] <seb128> which sucks
[13:27] <Laney> mmm
[13:27] <seb128> Laney, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Location#Phone has a mockup
[13:27] <Laney> there's http://developer.ubuntu.com/api/qml/sdk-1.0/Ubuntu.Components.ListItems.Subtitled/
[13:27] <Laney> but it has no control
[13:28] <Laney> yeah I can't tell if that's the same thing
[13:28] <seb128> Laney, I would put 2 entries next to each other without a divider
[13:28] <Laney> mpt's mockup has a divider
[13:28] <seb128> not between the checkbox and the caption
[13:29] <Laney> on Location
[13:29] <seb128> oh, right
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[13:29] <Laney> https://ubuntuone.com/1H4TZb2iZxg23RmAQ3v2as
[13:30] <seb128> Laney, we don't have any UI with a checkbox and caption I think
[13:30] <seb128> Laney, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SoftwareUpdates?action=AttachFile&do=get&target=phone-settings-updates-automatic.png has a subtitle on the 3rd option
[13:32] <seb128> Laney, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/OnlineAccounts#phone-settings has some caption as well
[13:32] <seb128> Laney, btw speaking of those, see my comment on https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu-ui-toolkit/+bug/1194513
[13:32] <ubot2`> Launchpad bug 1194513 in Ubuntu UI Toolkit "[ListItem] Should be possible to wrap text in list items" [Undecided,In progress]
[13:35] <Laney> mmm
[13:35] <Laney> Caption seems to be the best for now
[13:39] <desrt> Laney, seb128: good morning!
[13:39] <seb128> we really need to get the caption look fixed though
[13:39] <seb128> the left margin at least
[13:39] <seb128> it looks just weird
[13:39] <seb128> desrt, hey, happy friday!
[13:41] <Laney> hey seb128!
[13:41] <Laney> erm
[13:41] <Laney> i did a 0 character tab complete
[13:41] <Laney> hey desrt!
[13:42] <mpt> Ooh, I was inconsistent
[13:43] <mpt> The “Language & Text” captions are after their respective items, but the brightness “Adjust automatically” caption is inside the item
[13:43] <seb128> mpt, do you know if anyone is working on fixing the caption look? see Laney's screenshot in the backlog, the left margin doesn't look right
[13:43] <mpt> seb128, I don’t work on or communicate with the SDK team (except through bug reports), though that might change in future
[13:43] <Laney> haha
[13:44] <seb128> mpt, ok
[13:44] <seb128> mpt, btw, it's not only language&text, in e.g https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Location#Phone you also put the caption after the item
[13:45] <mpt> seb128, yeah, I think the Brightness one is the odd one out
[13:46] <mpt> At the moment, at least … If I designed the toolkit they’d probably all look like that
[13:56] <desrt> that was not fun.
[13:57] <desrt> Laney: greetings :)
[14:00] <Laney> desrt: something happen?
[14:01] <desrt> i got the megalag and then my server booted me off
[14:16] <seb128> Laney, can you test https://code.launchpad.net/~macslow/notify-osd/notify-osd.fix-1092905/+merge/203047 on your non unity config? ;-)
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[14:37] <seb128> tjaalton, mlankhorst: https://errors.ubuntu.com/problem/49d3a89d3542996200164f9b4a5c33cbdba206c2 is 1st on e.u.c for trusty today with 9 report, could you have a look (intel gpu lock)
[14:39] <tjaalton> looks like apport got reenabled then ;)
[14:39] <pitti> tjaalton: errors.u.c. never gets disabled
[14:40] <pitti> tjaalton: but I'll reenable launchpad crash reports soon
[14:40] <pitti> (like, today or Monday, -ETOOMUCHTODO)
[14:40] <seb128> tjaalton, or an issue with a kernel update?
[14:40] <tjaalton> ahh
[14:40] <tjaalton> seb128: could be, there haven't been other updates lately
[14:43] <seb128> wooot, indicators landing, getting closer from an unity-control-center working ;-)
[14:48] <seb128> pitti, dpm: how do we get a new template added to the desktop language-pack (unity-control-center)?
[14:49] <dpm> seb128, afaik, once the template is approved in LP, then langpack-o-matic puts it in the right langpack looking at the dependencies
[14:49] <pitti> seb128: you mean it doesn't currently built a .pot with that?
[14:50] <seb128> pitti, I'm about to fix the build to have a pot and the package is in main, I'm wondering what I should (if anything) then to have the pot landing in the desktop langpack binary
[14:50] <pitti> seb128: from the langpack side, nothign; LP just needs to pick it up and export it
[14:51] <seb128> pitti, how does the system know in what langpack to put it? (unity-control-center is not seeded yet, do I need to wait for that to happen?)
[14:53] <pitti> seb128: it looks at its dependencies
[14:53] <pitti> seb128: as it links to gtk-ish stuff, it'll categorize it for the -gnome langpack
[14:53] <seb128> pitti, excellent, thanks
[14:56] <sil2100> Laney: hi! Regarding that grilo patch forwarding ;)
[14:57] <sil2100> Laney: I'm not an expert in this code base, but I actually see that they did something like this in trunk instead: https://git.gnome.org/browse/grilo/tree/libs/net/grl-net-mock.c?id=e04c039a98d0956936c671b0678756bfaa1a5480#n262
[14:58] <sil2100> Laney: I guess this might protect from the double-free problems we've been encountering, right?
[14:59] * didrocks is away for exercising
[15:01] * seb128 follows didrocks
[15:11] <Laney> sil2100: ummmmmm
[15:14] <Laney> sil2100: seems likely, yeah
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=== m_conley is now known as m_conley_away
=== gatox is now known as gatox_lunch
=== alan_g|tea is now known as alan_g
=== m_conley_away is now known as m_conley
[16:06] <mterry> seb128, OK. So in Unity, I see Backups in both g-c-c and u-c-c. You're saying that in GNOME, it doesn't show up in either?
[16:11] <mterry> seb128, So in Unity, I see Backups in both g-c-c and u-c-c. You're saying that in GNOME, it doesn't show up in either?
[16:17] <seb128> mterry, hey
[16:17] <mterry> seb128, hi. Sorry, my IRC is crazy
[16:17] <mterry> seb128, did you get my question?
[16:17] <seb128> mterry, I'm saying that backup doesn't show in gnome-control-center.real under Unity
[16:17] <mterry> oh... .real?
[16:17] <seb128> mterry, g-c-c is a wrapper calling u-c-c or g-c-c.real
[16:18] <seb128> mterry, if you have u-c-c and want to try g-c-c you need to run .real
[16:18] <seb128> mterry, otherwise you get u-c-c through the wrapper
[16:18] <mterry> seb128, OK. So in Unity, without u-c-c, I wouldn't see Backups
[16:18] <seb128> mterry, if that makes sense?
[16:18] <seb128> correct
[16:18] <seb128> which is the default config in trusty atm
[16:18] <seb128> since we didn't complete the transition/switch the seed
[16:19] <mterry> seb128, I'm leery of just adding Unity;GNOME; because then there would be two entries in the dash, eh?
[16:19] <seb128> mterry, that's a good point maybe we just need to finish the transition
[16:20] <seb128> mterry, btw did you see my deja-dup mp to fix the unity integration?
[16:20] <mterry> seb128, I had been testing without understanding we had a wrapper, so I thought everything was magically fine. :)
[16:20] <mterry> seb128, just merged it
[16:20] <seb128> mterry, great, thanks ;-)
[16:20] <mterry> seb128, maybe g-c-c should force GNOME when looking for its panels. And u-c-c should force Unity
[16:20] <seb128> mterry, yeah, it just occurred to me that the wrapper might have tricked you :p
[16:20] <mterry> seb128, that's what I thought g-c-c was doing, and I figured it was very clever
[16:21] <mterry> There is a way to tell libgmenu or whatever which desktop you are in (otherwise, it looks it up in env)
[16:21] <seb128> mterry, that would make sense I guess
[16:21] <mterry> Not sure it's really needed. But it would help in the transition maybe
[16:21] <seb128> with the 2 variant you don't want dynamic behaviour
[16:22] <seb128> you want g-c-c to act as a GNOME config tool and u-c-c as an Unity one
[16:22] <seb128> mterry, well, the transition is mostly done, so I would say we don't need to bother
[16:22] <seb128> dpm, can you approve https://translations.launchpad.net/ubuntu/trusty/+source/unity-control-center/+imports?field.filter_status=all&field.filter_extension=pot for me?
[16:23] <mterry> seb128, thanks for figuring out that MP of yours, btw. I'm surprised I never finished hooking that option up
[16:23] <mterry> seb128, just got lost in the transition to cmake
[16:23] <seb128> mterry, yw ;-)
[16:24] <dpm> seb128, done, should be imported in a few minutes (20 or so, perhaps)
[16:24] <seb128> dpm, thanks!
[16:24] <Laney> wait wtf
[16:24] <Laney> why doesn't powerd use properties?
=== gatox_lunch is now known as gatox
[16:54] <seb128> Laney, did you see my notify-osd ping earlier?
[16:54] <Laney> no
[16:54] <Laney> when/where?
[16:55] <seb128> Laney, this channel, ~3:40 ago
[16:55] <Laney> oh yes I got it
[17:02] <seb128> Laney, so can you test it? ;-)
[17:02] <Laney> yeah building it now
[17:02] <seb128> thanks
[17:03] <Laney> what should happen?
[17:03] <Laney> the notifications should be below the panel?
[17:03] <seb128> yes
[17:03] <seb128> same that they were until recently
[17:03] <Laney> I didn't even notice that changed :(
[17:03] <seb128> oh, maybe it's working with gnome-panel
[17:03] <Laney> no, they do overlap
[17:04] <Laney> how do I make sure I'm using the new one?
[17:04] <seb128> Laney, what is your " gsettings get com.canonical.notify-osd multihead-mode"
[17:04] <seb128> old default was no-focus-follow, new one is focus-follow
[17:04] <Laney> focus-follow
[17:04] <seb128> it might be a multimonitor issue only
[17:05] <Laney> I see the problem
[17:05] <seb128> well, in any case, just check your bubble are still placed next to the panel
[17:05] <Laney> I just never noticed it changed / was wrong
[17:05] <seb128> k
[17:05] <Laney> so, I installed it
[17:05] <Laney> do I have to restart something?
[17:05] <seb128> no
[17:05] <seb128> the postinst restart it
[17:05] <Laney> then they are still overlapping
[17:05] <seb128> hum
[17:05] <seb128> check since when notify-osd is running?
[17:06] <seb128> in case the restart thing didn't work
[17:06] <Laney> 17:03
[17:06] <seb128> :-(
[17:06] <seb128> bah, MacSlow left on that :p
[17:06] <seb128> come back!!!
[17:06] <seb128> Laney, do you use 1 or 2 screens?
[17:06] <Laney> very wily
[17:06] <Laney> 1
[17:07] * Laney scps the deb to the multi-monitor unity desktop
[17:08] <Laney> something is wrong
[17:08] <seb128> buggy on the other setup as well?
[17:08] <Laney> I don't get notifications on the left monitor
[17:09] <Laney> if I select a window on the right one I see them
[17:09] <seb128> you should get it on the monitor which has the focussed win
[17:09] <seb128> was it working before that update?
[17:10] <Laney> yes and it works if I downgrade
[17:10] <seb128> ok, I guess that makes it a verification-failed, good that I asked you to test
[17:10] <Laney> let me comment
[17:11] <seb128> can you comment on the mp saying that?
[17:11] <seb128> thanks
[17:14] <Laney> done
[17:19] <seb128> Laney, I guess your left monitor is smaller resolution?
[17:19] <Laney> ya
[17:20] <Laney> 900 vs 1050 vertical
[17:20] <seb128> I can confirm that
[17:20] <seb128> the bubbles are missing on smaller resolution screen (or shifted to the top, if I change my 1920 for 1680 I can still see the bubble but it's getting a bit offscreen)
[17:21] <Laney> a diff that simple has to be too good to be true ;-)
[17:21] <seb128> hehe
=== Ursinha is now known as Ursinha-afk
[17:55] <seb128> darkxst, commented on your wikipage, I think you should update the "Previous Endorsements" to specify for what the endorsements were, it's a bit misleading, it looks like they are recommendation for MOTU/GNOME set where they are not
[18:04] <Laney> pub time!
[18:04] <Laney> happy weekend everyone :-)
[18:06] <seb128> Laney, thanks have fun at the pub and a good w.e!
[19:13] <Noah_Budy> i want to create a games folder on my desktop
[19:13] <Noah_Budy> i have one there now. and put my steam install and 2 playonlinux shortcuts there
[19:13] <Noah_Budy> but i cannot figure out how to put other shortcuts into the desktop
=== Ursinha-afk is now known as Ursinha
=== m_conley is now known as m_conley_away