UbuntuIRC / 2014 /01 /19 /#ubuntu-bugs.txt
Initial commit
=== yofel_ is now known as yofel
=== j_f-f_ is now known as j_f-f
=== back is now known as Guest54195
=== Guest54195 is now known as bakc
[14:30] <coder2> how can we track a particular issue like my brightness keys are not working in my laptop?
[14:31] <penguin42> it's just a bug
[14:33] <coder2> penguin42, can't we fix it? i guess its been quite a time i am facing same issue.
[14:34] <penguin42> coder2: Feel free to fix it, or speak to someone who knows about how those brightness keys work; but it's different on lots of different laptops
[14:34] <penguin42> coder2: If you find the person who knows a lot about how that stuff works they might be able to help; but they don't have your laptop, they might have some things to suggest
[14:37] <coder2> penguin42, how to find right people can you suggest?
[15:00] <penguin42> coder2: ok, so first - do you have a bug filed for it?
[15:04] <coder2> there was already some submission, and i +1 'd it by marking affecting me tag there.
[15:05] <penguin42> what's the bug number?
[15:07] <coder2> 1158710
[15:08] <penguin42> is your also an E530?
[15:08] <coder2> yes
[15:09] <penguin42> does that partial fix work for you?
[15:11] <coder2> yes, upto some extent yes, but not promising.
[15:11] <coder2> it works sometimes.
[15:12] <coder2> and the notification bar popping up when we increase/decrease doesn't work at all, remains at the same level (not get updated)
[15:13] <penguin42> but does the actual brightness change?
[15:15] <coder2> results are like coin flipping, sometime works some time doesn't.
[15:16] <penguin42> (brightness keys don't work on my laptop either I should point out - never bothered debugging it)
[15:18] <penguin42> coder2: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Kernel/Debugging/Backlight best to try and follow the suggestions here to try and get all the debug they ask for
[15:19] <coder2> okay, i will. Thanks for your time.
=== back is now known as Guest54025
=== Guest54025 is now known as bakc
=== Ursinha-afk is now known as Ursinha
=== trijntje_ is now known as trijntje