UbuntuIRC / 2014 /01 /19 /#ubuntu-app-devel.txt
Initial commit
=== jgdxx is now known as jgdx
=== _salem is now known as salem_
=== salem_ is now known as _salem
=== nik90__ is now known as nik90_
=== Neon is now known as Guest11087
[17:37] <Guest11087> --help
=== Ursinha-afk is now known as Ursinha
[19:42] <vendre1> learning about computer systems. anyone willing to part with words of wisdom?
[20:36] <Jim_Lahey> Hello there I made a App that uses QtGuiApplication. I set a contextual property to the viewer so that I can call the viewer from qml for things like hide() and show() . The only issue is After I try to show() the app again it Will not show Button from Qml anymore. I do not get it. Can someone look at this for me ? http://paste.ubuntu.com/6782189/
[20:37] <Jim_Lahey> The Button from line 44
[20:37] <Jim_Lahey> everything else shows back up But the Button on line 44
[20:40] <Jim_Lahey> Ok so I added another Button to see if this would happen to a different button and it did.
[20:40] <Jim_Lahey> going to make a custom button to see if this still happens
[20:45] <Jim_Lahey> OK My so a custom Button shows back up this has to be a bug in Ubuntu Components Button element
[20:47] <Jim_Lahey> Oh Well... I will just make custom buttons