UbuntuIRC / 2014 /01 /15 /#kubuntu.txt
Initial commit
[00:16] <Whiskey`Wonka> apb1963: no idea if someone can do that to a ppa. there are '2' browsers. the google version of firefox and chrome. not really sure of the exact difference
[00:17] <Whiskey`Wonka> MangaKaDenza: google-earth-stable : Depends: ia32-libs but it is not installable
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[00:24] <valorie> Whiskey`Wonka: I use chromium
[00:24] <valorie> "google version of firefox"?
[00:25] <valorie> mozilla makes firefox, google makes chrome and chromium
[00:26] <Whiskey`Wonka> right, im thinking some base that was on ff, could be confused slightly, ive been up for far far tolong
[00:28] <valorie> well, there are iceweasel, etc.
[00:29] <valorie> which change the branding so they can patch
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[00:35] <Whiskey`Wonka> yea. i need to sleep. been up for 30 some hours dealing with wind damage to a network
[00:52] <jerseydave> new NSA bugg
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[04:40] <tertu> so, this is just a question
[04:41] <tertu> would anybody know what would make upstart eat 96% of my CPU and log until it ate all my disk space
[04:41] <tertu> (i had a 46GB startkde.log file)
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[04:46] <valorie> tertu, please file a bug!
[04:46] <valorie> that sounds quite extreme
[04:47] <valorie> in the cli, run ubuntu-bug upstart
[04:47] <tertu> i don't have that file anymore, sadly
[04:47] <tertu> i had to get rid of it to make my computer become responsive
[04:48] <valorie> I assume you have the beginning of another one though?
[04:48] <tertu> yeah, looks like it
[04:48] <tertu> but i don't know how relevant that is.
[04:49] <valorie> if it is relevant, the devels will probably contact you
[04:49] <valorie> at the very least, the information will be there for them to consult
[04:49] <valorie> it's always worthwhile to submit a bug report
[04:50] <Poisoned_Dragon> Wow, a 46GB log file....
[04:51] <tertu> this machine is really buggy
[04:51] <tertu> jockey throws python exceptions when i try to do anything with it
[04:51] <tertu> muon package search doesn't work, nor does synaptic quick search
[04:52] <tertu> the Canonical APT repos were disabled by default
[04:52] <tertu> muon update manager doesn't really seem to work
[04:53] <tertu> and i think apport may have locked up, depends on how long i have to wait for it to show anything
[04:53] <Poisoned_Dragon> wow
[04:54] <tertu> ALSO if i put it to sleep the display doesn't turn back on when i wake it up
[04:54] <Poisoned_Dragon> maybe you should consider testing the ram and hdd
[04:54] <tertu> both are good
[04:54] <Poisoned_Dragon> did you install from a dvd?
[04:54] <tertu> well, i'm unsure about the ram
[04:54] <Poisoned_Dragon> check the ram
[04:54] <tertu> i did install from a dvd, it could very well have been damaged
[04:55] <Poisoned_Dragon> actually, it can be as simple as a bad burn, to complicated like a bad dvd drive.
[04:55] <valorie> did you verify the ISO?
[04:55] <tertu> you'd think these sorts of problems would have fixed themselves via updates
[04:55] <tertu> nope.
[04:55] <Poisoned_Dragon> the easiest test would be running memtest and putting the iso on a usb stick
[04:55] <valorie> depends on where the corruption was
[04:55] <Poisoned_Dragon> true.
[04:56] <valorie> that's what the checksum is there for
[04:56] <Poisoned_Dragon> could have even been a bad download, if you didn't verify the iso.
[04:56] <Poisoned_Dragon> Although, I find that iso's downloaded via torrent have a low likelihood of failure.
[04:57] <Poisoned_Dragon> So, I generally don't bother verifying with that.
[04:57] <tertu> bittorrent has its own verification system
[04:57] <Poisoned_Dragon> yup
[04:57] <Poisoned_Dragon> better than getting it from the site.
[04:57] <valorie> yes, every few weeks I ask ktorrent to check all the ISOs I seed
[04:58] <tertu> i just feel like more would be broken if the ISO was actually corrupt, like a package would be damaged internally or something
[04:58] <tertu> i'm pretty sure the sleep bug is something with my particular laptop's video hardware
[04:59] <valorie> it's worthwhile to file a bug
[04:59] <valorie> then file another bug
[04:59] <Poisoned_Dragon> could be... but one demon at a time.
[04:59] <valorie> and figure out each problem in turn
[04:59] <Poisoned_Dragon> ^
[04:59] <Poisoned_Dragon> start with the big mess, like the ram and installing with a usb stick, after verifying the iso
[05:00] <Poisoned_Dragon> Then dwindle it down.
[05:00] <tertu> i mean i'm not sure if this would be a good indication but under Windows 7 i don't really have anywhere near this amount of problems
[05:01] <Poisoned_Dragon> Well, that can be hit or miss.
[05:02] <Poisoned_Dragon> Though it would say that the hardware is working fine, it would also say that it should, since it's designed to run in windows.
[05:02] <Poisoned_Dragon> Not the ultimate diagnostic tool.
[05:02] <Poisoned_Dragon> Just part of the diagnostic tool kit
[05:03] <tertu> that would make sense for sleep (which does work) but something like ram? that doesn't make as much sense
[05:03] <tertu> and besides i have successfully run kubuntu before with fewer problems
[05:04] <tertu> well ram ages over time so that doesn't quite make sense.
[05:04] <valorie> also worth checking that the ram is tightly seated
[05:05] <valorie> it can become loose sometimes
[05:06] <Poisoned_Dragon> Was all this a problem in the live session?
[05:06] <tertu> nope.
[05:06] <tertu> i didn't try sleeping in the live session but that all went fine
[05:12] <Poisoned_Dragon> Well the live session runs all in ram. If there was going to be ram problems, it would have popped up then.
[05:12] <Poisoned_Dragon> You can test for sleep in the live session.
[05:12] <Poisoned_Dragon> At this point, it's really starting to sound like the hdd.
[05:13] <Poisoned_Dragon> By now, I would have downloaded a diagnostic iso from the manufacturer.
[05:15] <tertu> grabbing it right now,
[05:55] <mydevilroot> Hi All
[06:19] <mattcen> Hi all. I'm looking for the SVG of the default Kubuntu 13.04 wallpaper. Anybody know where it is?
[06:21] <valorie> hmmm, seems like it would be in your sources
[06:21] <valorie> I mean, we use the KDE default wallpaper, as far as i know
[06:27] <mattcen> That's a nice theory, but I've not found it yet.
[06:31] <valorie> mattcen: I'm googling, and I haven't found it either
[06:32] <shadeslayer> valorie: mattcen I don't think it was released
[06:33] <valorie> shadeslayer: so we just derived our image from the unreleased SVG?
[06:33] <shadeslayer> valorie: I /think/ pino just released a png
[06:33] * shadeslayer is confirming
[06:33] <valorie> k
[06:34] <shadeslayer> yeah http://websvn.kde.org/trunk/KDE/kde-wallpapers/Elarun/contents/images/
[06:34] <valorie> thanks, shadeslayer
[06:34] <shadeslayer> okay wait, even that's not correct ...
[06:34] <shadeslayer> hmm
[06:34] <shadeslayer> because Autumn doesn't have a svg there too
[06:36] <shadeslayer> mattcen: please ask in #oxygen
[06:37] <mattcen> Hooray for open source being open! Unbelieveable.
[06:38] <valorie> it's open
[06:38] <valorie> just not necessarily easy to find
[06:39] <valorie> if an artist doesn't want to release the SVG, why is that a problem?
[06:39] <mattcen> shadeslayer: Thanks for your help. I'll ask there
[06:40] <shadeslayer> valorie: mattcen I've /heard/ this before that the svg for Elarun was never released
[06:41] <mattcen> Right. Well that's disappointing. Thanks again.
[06:42] <mattcen> I wanted to use the image, but didn't want to commit a 1.4MB PNG to our git repo; was hoping for the SVG which I'd expect to be ~100kb
[06:44] <valorie> mattcen: if you ask the artist, he might give it to ya
[06:44] <valorie> you never know
[06:44] <shadeslayer> ^^
[06:44] <valorie> it might have been oversight that it wasn't released
[06:45] <shadeslayer> also, s/Pino/Nuno/ earlier
[06:45] <valorie> ha
[06:45] <valorie> nuno is awesome
[07:04] <mattcen> I apologize if I came off as snarky before; I just wasted 2 hours of a (very hot and unpleasant) afternoon looking for that wallpaper.
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[07:55] <student_> hi
[08:00] <valorie> how can we help you, student_?
[08:03] <lordievader> Good morning.
[12:36] <BluesKaj> Hiyas all
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[15:19] <deafgeek> .msg NickServ verify deafgeek uolgssduuudv
[15:19] <deafgeek> whoops
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[18:41] <DonBastel> Hi folks, little question is there an official kubuntu pxe package or an official iso->pxe documentation?
[18:46] <greeny> hi there, when gets KDE 4.12 released in kubuntu 13.10?
[18:53] <soee_> first it has to be ready for trusty :)
[18:55] <greeny> true. first of all i appreciate some new kate features^^
[18:56] <greeny> i hate switching between splitted window without any shortcut
[18:57] <gacyne> if i install wine will that enable windows malware on my computer?
[18:57] <soee_> :)
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[18:59] <greeny> gacyne: it will only enable the backdoors of windows software I suggest
[19:00] <gacyne> howdo i "sandbox" wine
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[19:06] <gacyne> ok i get it no security related question
[19:10] <greeny> perhaps you should ask in a wine channel
[19:10] <greeny> or google
[19:10] <greeny> :)
[20:12] <soee_> is it possible to configure 2 screens to show only different activities ?
[20:52] <gino_> celentano
[20:57] <kuba> hi
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[20:57] <Guest16560> can anybode help me to resize partition?
[21:00] <greeny> guess gparted and knoppix can do that for you
[21:03] <gino_> !lista
[21:03] <ubottu> gino_: No warez here! This is not a file sharing channel (or network); read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot ». If you're looking for a channel, see « /msg ubottu !alis ».
[21:04] <gino_> "!lista"
[21:05] <gino_> !lista
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[22:19] <djaz> hello
[23:15] <F41L> Hey, I just installed firefox and firefox-kde-support, when opening firefox from launcher, has KDE integration no problem. But if I open a web URL shortcut, it opens the ugly GTK firefox. Any ideas?
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[23:34] <valorie> F41L: maybe look at your systemsettings
[23:34] <valorie> possibly the link for 'open URLs in' or similar needs to be changed
[23:35] <valorie> default applications > web browser
[23:36] <valorie> mine is set to "in the following browser"
[23:36] <valorie> which I have as chromium browser
[23:36] <valorie> the other setting is 'in an application based on the contents of the URL'
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[23:48] <keithzg> Hmm, lightdm isn't starting automatically (have to launch the service manually) and desktop effects don't work. I have a feeling these two things are related...
[23:57] <keithzg> And oddly, Muon doesn't show virtualbox-4.3, even though it's currently installed through the Oracle-provided repo. Curiouser and curiouser.
[23:58] <keithzg> On the plus side, I have lightdm running by default now, but still no desktop effects.