UbuntuIRC / 2014 /01 /15 /#edubuntu.txt
Initial commit
[03:09] <Lucan> Not spamming, I typed this from #ubuntu for anyone who is idling here and can help me with the problems.
[03:09] <Lucan> .:22:07:44:. <Lucan> Hi everyone
[03:09] <Lucan> .:22:08:06:. <Lucan> I have some concerns for obtaining the particular drivers for Edubuntu.
[03:09] <Lucan> .:22:08:13:. <Lucan> I assumes it is same as Ubuntu.
[03:09] <Lucan> .:22:08:35:. <Lucan> Does anyone had experiences with ATI HD4670 AGP ?
[10:49] <mangled> Hey madlen, the webpage I said was http://www.intelligentrd.com
[10:49] <mangled> oops! wrong channel
[10:49] <mangled> sorry
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