UbuntuIRC / 2014 /01 /05 /#lubuntu.txt
Initial commit
[00:18] <koell> hey ianorlin :)
[00:24] <totoro> Hello!
[00:24] <totoro> I'm fond of Lubuntu
=== totoro is now known as Guest79197
[00:25] <Guest79197> I have found a bug in the design, though
[00:25] <Guest79197> Is anyone here?
[00:25] <Guest79197> I'd like to know if anyone else has this bug
[00:26] <JordanJ2> Guest79197, ?
[00:26] <Guest79197> JordanJ2, do you have the latest version of Firefox?
[00:27] <JordanJ2> If it comes with the default Lubuntu install, yes
[00:27] <Guest79197> Alright
[00:28] <Guest79197> When you hover the close tab button, does a very uselessly big black box appear?
[00:28] <Guest79197> With "Close tab" in it
[00:28] <koell> omg i love lubuntu <3
[00:29] <Guest79197> koell, me too! So light, so simple
[00:29] <JordanJ2> Yes
[00:29] <JordanJ2> It does
[00:29] <Guest79197> Could we consider this a bug?
[00:29] <Guest79197> I think it's quite ridiculously ugly
[00:30] <Guest79197> In fact, same with just hovering the tab
[00:32] <koell> Guest79197: tried fedora 20 with lxde. lxde by default looks so terrible ugly!
[00:32] <Guest79197> I believe you koell, I tried LXDE in Ubuntu 13.10 and it was ugly as well. The Lubuntu team got the trick to make it look nice!
[00:33] <Guest79197> I found another bug as well
[00:33] <phillw> Guest79197: you can raise a bug,
[00:33] <phillw> : bug
[00:33] <koell> Guest79197: yes and i dont know how they did. i tried export lubuntu's theme to fedora, but it looks still bad there xD
[00:33] <phillw> ;Bug
[00:34] <Guest79197> What do you mean, pillw?
[00:34] <phillw> oh, for FFs....
[00:34] <Guest79197> koell, I think Fedora's better experienced with Gnome
[00:34] <Guest79197> phillw, the other one I found is with Aerosnap
[00:34] <phillw> bug bot needs a number :)
[00:35] <phillw> gues
[00:35] <phillw> Guest79197: i USE
[00:35] <koell> Guest79197: yeah I always use gnome shell in fedora, and unity in ubuntu. i think they stick more on xfce there
[00:35] <phillw> I use centos
[00:36] <koell> Guest79197: aerosnap in lubuntu?
[00:36] <Guest79197> Yes. You know what's aerosnap, don't you?
[00:36] <Guest79197> SUPER+Arrow
[00:37] <koell> Guest79197: oh wow!! didnt know this works in lubuntu!
[00:38] <Guest79197> In fact, it works better than most other desktop environments in general. With the up and down arrows, we can even split the windows vertically!
[00:38] <koell> Guest79197: but there's one problem: how come back to default size before?
[00:39] <koell> Guest79197: other querstion: do u know how to get thicker borders? imho its really hard to resize windows
[00:39] <Guest79197> That's one of the intuitive problems. ALT+SPACEBAR and then X
[00:40] <Guest79197> koell, no I don't know how to do that. I've been using Lubuntu for only three days... But I agree that windows are really hard to resize
[00:40] <Guest79197> So yeah, could you help me find out if I've got a real bug, koell?
[00:40] <koell> Guest79197: only 3 days? u know more than me using this distro more than 3 months :D
[00:41] <koell> Guest79197: sure, i'll try my best
[00:41] <Guest79197> Haha, everyone I know tells me that with anything computer-related. It just always work the same
[00:41] <koell> hey philw :)
[00:41] <Guest79197> Alright
[00:41] <koell> ok
[00:42] <Guest79197> First of all, could you split your window by doing SUPER+Left/Right Arrow?
[00:42] <koell> Guest79197: we can also speak german in query too :)
[00:42] <phillw> work with each other,
[00:42] <phillw> But, can I as
[00:42] <phillw> k one
[00:42] <phillw> ask onn
[00:42] <phillw> grr,,,
[00:42] <Guest79197> koeel: Oh, sorry I don't speak nor write German.
[00:42] <phillw> ker
[00:43] <Guest79197> I'm Canadian French
[00:43] <koell> Guest79197: but u r on a german server?
[00:43] <Guest79197> Hmm?
[00:43] <Guest79197> I'm on Lubuntu's IRC channel
[00:43] <Guest79197> I didn't know it was regionalized
[00:44] <koell> Guest79197: ok, whats next? :)
[00:44] <Guest79197> So, the window is split in half?
[00:44] <koell> Guest79197: i've several windows open, ok?
[00:45] <Guest79197> Alright, I'd just want to know if there is an empty gap below the splitted window?
[00:45] <koell> Guest79197: yes!!!
[00:45] <Guest79197> Well, that's my bug
[00:45] <koell> Guest79197: its height is not full :)
[00:45] <Guest79197> I'd expect the window to take full height
[00:46] <Guest79197> I think I'll file both
[00:46] <koell> Guest79197: i think its not really bug. they did this because by default the lxde panel is at the bottom.
[00:47] <koell> Guest79197: how did u setup ur panels?
[00:47] <Guest79197> koell, the problem is there even if the panel is not hidden
[00:47] <koell> Guest79197: i know. my bottom panel is only shown on mouse hover
[00:48] <Guest79197> As a matter of fact, the issue is solved when you uncheck Reserve space, and not covered by maximized windows
[00:48] <Guest79197> But then, the maximized windows get buried under the panel!
[00:50] <koell> Guest79197: how can i uncheck reserve space?
[00:50] <Guest79197> Right click on the panel, Panel Settings, then go in the Advanced tab
[00:50] <koell> ok
[00:51] <koell> Guest79197: weird bug. not the biggest one, but still a bug :)
[00:52] <Guest79197> These are two issues I found three days ago and that I'm interested in filing for the sake of contributing to the project :)
[00:52] <Guest79197> Well no, that's of course not a big bug, except for those who actually want to use aerosnap (which is IMO underused)
[00:56] <koell> Guest79197: i think its underused because the most ppl think u can use it as in windows, just with the mouse itself. the most users dont use shortcuts well enough
[00:56] <Guest79197> Yeah, that's why I think they're working on some kind of visual response when you drag the window to an edge
[00:59] <koell> Guest79197: would be great on the next lubuntu release!
[00:59] <Guest79197> Yes!
[00:59] <Guest79197> Do you know the Undecorate feature?
[01:02] <koell> Guest79197: i dont know whats the checkbox is for. it doesnt matter if its on or off. i've not seen any differences xD
[01:02] <Guest79197> It's not a checkbox...
[01:02] <Guest79197> It's in ALT+SPACEBAR
[01:05] <Guest79197> Well, I have to go.. goodbye!
[01:05] <koell> Guest79197: ook, see ya
[01:05] <Guest79197> see ya
[02:10] <_joey> why do some people say lubuntu is buggy?
[02:10] <_joey> I'm using it on my lappy , it works alright
[02:11] <holstein> _joey: maybe its buggy on their hardware.. the hardware they have may not support linux well
=== Mohi is now known as IAmNotThatGuy
[07:46] <YaMoonSun> Excuse me, how should I setup the swap file? First on the hard disk, or last? Logical or primary?
[07:52] * YaMoonSun feels quite alone atm
[07:52] <vn151502510> any where, no problem
[07:52] <Unit193> Generally logical.
[07:52] <Unit193> !swap
[07:52] <ubottu> swap is used to move unused programs and data out of main memory to make your system faster. It can also be used as extra memory if you don't have enough. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SwapFaq for more info
[07:53] <YaMoonSun> So then the error message I receive upon start-up isn't related to the drive attempting to read the swap first?
[07:55] <YaMoonSun> I should be fine with 256mb ram and a 768 Swap, no?
[08:01] * YaMoonSun patiently awaits an answer.
[08:07] <Unit193> Well, you can try it at least.
[08:12] <YaMoonSun> The graphical setup is quite slow due to the cd-drive being used to install it. Is there an alternitive .iso for low spec systems?
[08:13] <Unit193> Yes.
[08:14] <YaMoonSun> I'm looking for a link, but it's proving quite difficult to find.
[08:17] <Unit193> http://tinyurl.com/GetLubuntu
[08:18] <YaMoonSun> Cheers
[08:22] <YaMoonSun> With that I shouldn't have a problem with future installations - Hopefully. Same features, no? Minus the graphical install
[08:22] <Unit193> It uses the Debian installer rather than Ubiquity.
[08:23] <YaMoonSun> Ah, alrighty - I don't think I've attempted to install debian yet. Should be interesting.
[09:14] <YaMoonSun> Do the restricted extras include java for firefox?
[09:15] <Unit193> Depends if they install icedtea plugin.
[09:15] <YaMoonSun> That enables java then?
[09:15] <YaMoonSun> Thanks for the speedy replies btw
[09:16] <Unit193> !info icedtea-plugin
[09:16] <ubottu> icedtea-plugin (source: icedtea-web): web browser plugin to execute Java applets (dependency package). In component main, is extra. Version 1.4-3ubuntu2 (saucy), package size 3 kB, installed size 35 kB
[09:16] <Unit193> Sure, though it's 4am so not sure if sane.
[09:17] <YaMoonSun> Well, it's 1:16am here, so I'm nearly on your level.
[09:17] <YaMoonSun> Minus the ubuntu knowledge ;=;
[09:18] <YaMoonSun> Spend 48 hours trying to update Windows XP, and finally just said fuck it, I'm swapping back to Lubuntu.
[09:18] <YaMoonSun> Super old machine.
[09:19] <Unit193> Do try to keep the language family friendly though. Yeah, 256 with XP isn't going to be fun, I had 512 with 500MHz several years back, that sure wasn't.
[09:20] * YaMoonSun apologizes
[09:20] <YaMoonSun> It wasn't too bad, but there's an issue I can't fix regarding the updates taking up 100% cpu usage via svchost.exe
[09:21] <YaMoonSun> Rather annoying..
[09:21] <YaMoonSun> Only 4 more months of support offered from Microsoft for XP regardless. Hopefully the Windows Update page still is usable for other machines.
[09:23] <TheSchaf> with stock XP the ms page is shit to use
[09:24] <TheSchaf> because the old IE cant even render the ms page properly
[09:24] <YaMoonSun> You mean 6? I had to manually update to 8 -,-
[09:26] <YaMoonSun> Installing java manually looks quite.. A mission...
[09:27] <Unit193> Use openjdk.
[09:27] <YaMoonSun> From the lubuntu software center?
[09:37] <YaMoonSun> wb
[09:37] <Unit193> Danke.
[09:37] <YaMoonSun> I don't suppose has any games to recommend? It's for my little cousin, she's about 12-13 now I believe.
[09:50] <Unit193> Penguin Command? :P
[09:52] <YaMoonSun> idk, been a windows user for 18 years, lol
[09:55] <YaMoonSun> wb
[13:34] <jarnos> What is the name of the screenshot utility in Lubuntu?
[13:37] <jarnos> IIRC it is in the Accessories menu, but I can't see it in Xfce session.
[13:55] <koell> hii phillw
[15:31] <koell> how to get this terminal? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9POlABMMQF8
[15:56] <goculor> hello
[15:57] <goculor> can you help me with docx files in lubuntu? they are recogniced like zip files, sorry for my bad english
[15:59] <zleap> I know that libreoffice opens them
[16:00] <zleap> abi word sort of opens them but doc files seem to look terrible in that, either doc or docx
[16:01] <goculor> I can open them but if I set the writter for them, the zip files will be opened with the writter too
[16:01] <zleap> however my lubuntu system just sees them as .doc files (icon wise) maybe you need right click, select open with, choose libreoffice (or something else) and tick the box that says to always open with this file
[16:01] <zleap> why are they showing up as .zip files, what is the extension to the file
[16:02] <goculor> .docx
[16:02] <zleap> what happens if you try the above
[16:03] <zleap> i know they are like wrappers for what is inside anyway
[16:04] <goculor> if I set writer for .docx files, the .zip files will be opened with writer too
[16:04] <goculor> and docx files has the zip icon
[16:12] <zleap> sounds like there may be a bug somewhere then
[16:12] <zleap> what version of lubuntu are you using ?
[16:14] <goculor> the latest, 13.10
[16:14] <zleap> ok
[16:15] <zleap> same here
[16:15] <zleap> maybe someone else can help, sorry
[16:15] <koell> docx sucks, everyone using it. we all should use plain txt files
[16:15] <zleap> what about files created with libreoffice writer and saved with it
[16:16] <zleap> koell, unfortunatly we don't have much choice as others use it and send us files in t
[16:16] <zleap> granted Plain text and Latex would be better
[16:16] <zleap> LaTeX sorry
[16:17] <goculor> they send me docx files, I don't mind to use doc, docx or odt
[16:18] <koell> zleap: that's the reason we still need install win
[16:18] <zleap> i have not used windows for years, libreoffice opens docx files fine
[16:18] <koell> i hate office applications -.-
[16:19] <goculor> but that is a problem of pcmanfm, in other computer with xfce this don't happen
[16:20] <zleap> so why am i not getting this issue then
[16:21] <zleap> i did a upgrade from 13.04 , are you using a clean install
[16:21] <koell> thunar should be the standarf fm on lubuntu
[16:21] <zleap> yeah it is
[16:21] <zleap> so what could be causing this issue,
[16:21] <goculor> clean install, do you want to see a screen shot of the problem?
[16:22] <zleap> could do but i can't really help that much
[16:22] <zleap> but that does help, the main difference here is how we installed upgrade vs clean install
[16:23] <zleap> we could do with someone with some experience of bug reporting
[16:23] <zleap> i got to bugs.lainchpad page and can't figure out how to actually report something
[16:26] <Unit193> jarnos: It just uses a bind to scrot, by default.
[16:27] <goculor> http://www.subirimagenes.com/imagen-captura6-8762652.html
[16:29] <zleap> Unit193, can you help further with this, i am unsure what is causing the issue
[16:30] <Unit193> zleap: Rather busy, sorry. Not read any scrollback of the issue.
[16:30] <zleap> could it be a mis entry in the config file somewhere, in which case why does just re-associating the files with .doc / docx just fix it, and leave anything with .zip alone
[16:30] <zleap> ok
[16:31] <Unit193> Files being opened yb wrong app? .local/share/ look ther.
[16:34] <goculor> Unit193 the problem is that if I set a text editor for .docx file, the same application will be open zip files. And docx files has the zip icon. sorry for my bad english
[16:43] <Dominic_> hello
[16:44] <Dominic_> anyone know how to get compiz working on lubuntu?
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=== PaulW2U is now known as Guest70302
=== Guest70302 is now known as PaulW2U
[18:56] <frakce> yo all
[19:03] <ianorlin> how can I help?
[19:15] <frakce> ianorlin: tu es un robot ou juste un gentil humain qui veux aider son prochain
[19:16] <holstein> !fr | frakce
[19:16] <ubottu> frakce: Nous sommes desoles mais ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en français, veuillez taper /join #ubuntu-fr ou /join #ubuntu-qc. Merci.
[19:16] <holstein> ubottu is the bot.. the rest are volunteers
[19:16] <ubottu> holstein: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)
[19:17] <frakce> sorry
=== io is now known as IdleOne
=== G4MBY2 is now known as PaulW2U
=== yofel_ is now known as yofel
=== TheMaster is now known as Unit193
[23:10] <Guest82306> hello, I use ubuntu 13.10 which has qemu 1.5 installed , I need qemu 1.7 which seems to exist in ubuntu 14.4; how can I add 14.4 repository to synaptic so it install the new release of qemu?
[23:10] <Guest82306> use lubuntu 13.10 to be specific
[23:24] <E8newallm> I'm trying to get the Openbox Configuration Manager to detect a GTK theme, but it's expecting an obt file and the GTK theme is just a bunch of folders
[23:25] <Unit193> If you want to set the gtk theme, you'd use lxappearance, for the window borders, since it's openbox, it needs an openbox theme.
[23:27] <E8newallm> I used lxappearance but that just brings up the customise screen which is the same thing
[23:37] <E8newallm> Ignore me I'm being stupid :P
[23:40] <Unit193> lxappearance-obconf is a module for lxappearance, but yeah, it has different tabs.
[23:46] <upd> hi, i have windows and i want to install lubuntu on usb how can i do it ?
[23:49] <koell> upd: hey welcome. just follow this guide here http://www.ubuntu.com/download/desktop/create-a-usb-stick-on-windows
[23:49] <koell> upd: its quite the same. u only need to download lubuntu from lubuntu.net
[23:50] <upd> yes i'm downloading, but this will be actually bootable usb, like dvd for installation and not installed on usb right ?
[23:50] <upd> so any changes i will made they will be gone next time ?
[23:51] <koell> upd: right. u can use it as live cd and try lubuntu before. but is much faster if u install it
[23:51] <koell> upd: correctly.
[23:51] <upd> well i want to install it on usb :)
[23:51] <koell> upd: its also for install :D
[23:51] <Unit193> !persistence
[23:51] <ubottu> To have some persistent storage when using a Live CD, follow the instructions on https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LiveCDPersistence
[23:51] <koell> upd: u can try it before and then install
[23:52] <upd> so i make this then boot from usb and then install on the same usb ? :D
[23:53] <upd> ah nevermind got confused
[23:53] <koell> upd: got it!!
[23:54] <koell> upd: now swing ur ass to lubuntu!
[23:54] <upd> hehe i will thanks :)
[23:54] <koell> upd: its 2in1 :D