UbuntuIRC / 2014 /01 /02 /#ubuntu+1.txt
Initial commit
=== emma_ is now known as em
[01:55] <Rovanion> Are there Nvidia drivers for 14.04 at this point?
[01:56] <whatisthematrix> Rovanion: i would think so. i think there's nvidia-319 drivers
[01:56] <holstein> Rovanion: you should be able to use whatever nvidia provides
[01:57] <whatisthematrix> there's nvidia-331 drivers
[01:57] <whatisthematrix> !info nvidia-331
[01:57] <ubottu> nvidia-331 (source: nvidia-graphics-drivers-331): NVIDIA binary Xorg driver, kernel module and VDPAU library. In component restricted, is optional. Version 331.20-0ubuntu7 (trusty), package size 26949 kB, installed size 127722 kB (Only available for i386; amd64)
[01:57] <Rovanion> Thank you for your answer!
[01:57] <whatisthematrix> and there 304's, and 173's
[01:58] <whatisthematrix> Rovanion: sure, you're welcome
[01:59] <Rovanion> Would you deem it to be stable enough for daily use at this point? I've helped out with pre-release debugging before but this is earlier than the last LTS I jumped on.
[01:59] <holstein> Rovanion: no
[01:59] <holstein> Rovanion: its testing
[01:59] <whatisthematrix> on the Ubuntu desktop i would say no. but i've used Kde and Xfce and seem to have pretty good stability. also...
[02:00] <Rovanion> Well I'm on awesome so I would just be testing standalone apps.
[02:00] <Rovanion> And then awesome of course.
[02:00] <holstein> even if it were stable as a rock today, its not guaranteed to be that way til its released, and may not be that way later
[02:01] <whatisthematrix> i just got done working a long time on compiling/configuring, and hacking my system to get Enlightenment 0.18.1(e18) compiled and installed
[02:02] <whatisthematrix> and it crashed(sigsegv) at first when trying to access menu items when i first fired it up. but after that i rebooted and it sure is nice! been using it for a few hours and it's seems stable, so far
[02:03] <holstein> and it may be.. but its not what you use if you want stable..
[02:03] <whatisthematrix> but it isn't available in trusty... but there's Motif, Cinnamon(i haven't tried it), WindowMaker, IceWM, etc, etc
[02:08] <Rovanion> Perhaps waiting for the debian import freeze is a good idea as most major system changes should have stopped by then.
[02:09] <whatisthematrix> Rovanion: what do you mostly use your sytem for?
[02:09] <whatisthematrix> system*
[02:09] <Rovanion> whatisthematrix: Normal desktop use, surf the web, programming.
[02:10] <Rovanion> On my desktop and laptop that is :P
[02:11] <Rovanion> My server on the other hand won't see an upgrade until summer I'd venture.
[02:11] <whatisthematrix> Rovanion: same here. so, i'd recommend it then. i'm loving it anyway. i just recommend not using the ubuntu desktop in it. at least from what i have tried and can tell.
[02:13] <whatisthematrix> you could install it, and then install other window managers to use
[02:13] <whatisthematrix> up to you though. only you can decide ;-)
[02:13] <Rovanion> Normally install from minimal either way
[02:13] <Rovanion> When I feel fancy I even install a display manager :P
[02:14] <whatisthematrix> i don't mind minimal, but i like eye-candy as well :)
[02:15] <Rovanion> whatisthematrix: Minimal as in: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/MinimalCD
[02:15] <Rovanion> Everything is fetched from the net during install.
[02:15] <whatisthematrix> roger that
[02:16] <whatisthematrix> cool
[02:16] <Rovanion> Since I don't install any meta-package like ubuntu-desktop I'll end up with only the packages I like.
[02:17] <Rovanion> Not that it matters but my current install is 2.4Gig of which LaTeX is 1.2 or something like that.
[02:18] <Rovanion> !info texlive-full
[02:18] <ubottu> texlive-full (source: texlive-base): TeX Live: metapackage pulling in all components of TeX Live. In component universe, is optional. Version 2013.20131219-1 (trusty), package size 14 kB, installed size 91 kB
[02:18] <Rovanion> Well that says nothing.
[02:20] <whatisthematrix> Rovanion: if you decide to download and install it, and install X-Windows and graphical stuff i should tell you of a niggle i ran into when i installed it about two and a half months ago
[02:20] <whatisthematrix> i don't know if you run into the same issue now or not
[02:21] <whatisthematrix> but i had to run this command to fix the problem of widget icons not being displayed, they were like a box with a red 'x' in them or something
[02:21] <whatisthematrix> sudo dpkg-reconfigure -plow libgdk-pixbuf2.0-0 libgdk-pixbuf2.0-common
[02:22] <Rovanion> I'll think of that if the problem comes up, thanks
[02:22] <whatisthematrix> sure, yw
[02:25] <whatisthematrix> what were you wanting to know about texlive? the version?
[02:25] <Rovanion> Installed size, of coures it only showed the installed size of the meta data which means little.
[02:26] <whatisthematrix> yep
[02:26] <whatisthematrix> you'd need a more specific package
[02:27] <whatisthematrix> !info texlive-latex-base
[02:27] <ubottu> texlive-latex-base (source: texlive-base): TeX Live: LaTeX fundamental packages. In component main, is optional. Version 2013.20131219-1 (trusty), package size 809 kB, installed size 7765 kB
[02:27] <whatisthematrix> !info texlive-base
[02:27] <ubottu> texlive-base (source: texlive-base): TeX Live: Essential programs and files. In component main, is optional. Version 2013.20131219-1 (trusty), package size 15788 kB, installed size 43096 kB
[02:28] <Rovanion> When I Install texlive-full apt-get cites something like 1.2G installed size, you could try it on yours.
[02:28] <Rovanion> If you don't already have it installed like I do.
[02:29] <whatisthematrix> i have a number of the packages under 'texlive-full' already installed
[02:29] <Rovanion> Oh well.
[02:31] <Rovanion> Right, on my server texlive-full would pull down an extra 2G of installed packages
[02:32] <whatisthematrix> roger
[02:33] <whatisthematrix> i'm looking at it in 'aptitude', and i have a good number of them already installed. a few of them just got installed last night when i was installing some things, and one of the 'doc' packages for it was
[02:33] <whatisthematrix> a 314 MB download
[02:36] <whatisthematrix> might have been this one... texlive-latex-extra-doc
[02:37] <whatisthematrix> !info texlive-latex-extra-doc
[02:37] <ubottu> texlive-latex-extra-doc (source: texlive-extra): TeX Live: Documentation files for texlive-latex-extra. In component main, is optional. Version 2013.20131219-1 (trusty), package size 306350 kB, installed size 428548 kB
[02:59] <gno1404> hi, I'm trying 14.04 with gnome - is there a way to add keyboard layout shortcuts? it's not working for me
[03:00] <gno1404> it was hard enough to 'choose' what keys but when I try them, nothing happens
[03:00] <gno1404> I added another language so I just want to toggle to the other and back
[03:01] <whatisthematrix> hopefully someone can help you with that. i don't know anything about modifying keyboard shortcuts. i've never done it anyway.
[03:03] <gno1404> maybe it doesn't work with live media or?
[03:03] <whatisthematrix> there's the following utility/app, but i don't know anything about it
[03:04] <whatisthematrix> !info gkbd-capplet
[03:04] <ubottu> gkbd-capplet (source: libgnomekbd): GNOME Panel applet for libgnomekbd. In component main, is optional. Version 3.6.0-0ubuntu2 (trusty), package size 4 kB, installed size 50 kB
[03:04] <gno1404> whatisthematrix: thanks, good to know
[03:04] <whatisthematrix> gno1404: yeah, maybe not. for instance, i don't know if you can get that app installed while running the livecd
[03:06] <gno1404> whatisthematrix: I can't use Kubuntu 13.10 with my smartphone so I'm trying Ubuntu 14.04
[03:06] <gno1404> it connects okay and I can load pics from it in image viewer so that's good
[03:06] <gno1404> just checking other things out now
[03:06] <gno1404> I install extra languages so I was curious how the shortcuts worked
[03:07] <whatisthematrix> roger. i've found the ubuntu desktop to be unstable in 14.04, so i use other window managers. i've used 'kde 4.12.0' some in 14.04
[03:07] <gno1404> yeah?
[03:07] <gno1404> interesting
[03:08] <whatisthematrix> want to hear something more interesting? ;-)
[03:08] <gno1404> I'm trying to figure out if is could be related to a kernel ver. issue but only speculating
[03:08] <gno1404> yeah, sure ;-)
[03:08] <whatisthematrix> okay
[03:09] <whatisthematrix> i worked on this starting last night, and then for many hours today
[03:09] <gno1404> oh no ;-)
[03:09] <gno1404> know how that is... sigh
[03:09] <whatisthematrix> i worked hard on compiling/configuring and hacking my system for a long time to get Enlightenment 0.18.1 compiled and installed on trusty 14.04
[03:09] <gno1404> oh nice
[03:09] <whatisthematrix> man, it was quite a bear, but i finally got it!
[03:10] <gno1404> you are starting to like the ligher window managers? ;)
[03:11] <whatisthematrix> using it now of course. seems fairly stable, other than when i first fired it up. had a crash/sigsev. but since i rebooted it's seems very good/nice
[03:12] <gno1404> not familiar with that one
[03:12] <whatisthematrix> i like a lot of the window managers/desktop environments
[03:12] <whatisthematrix> not all of them. i once tried olvwm and i was like, yuk
[03:12] <whatisthematrix> but i don't mind something like Motif(mwm) or WindowMaker, but probably prefer IceWM over those two
[03:12] <gno1404> I tried fluxbox a long time ago when I messed around with mythtv ;-D
[03:13] <whatisthematrix> i've never tried fluxbox or openbox
[03:14] <whatisthematrix> i just installed Cinnamon with aptitude today for the heck of it, but haven't tried it yet
[03:15] <whatisthematrix> i've seen a number of people talking about it though
[03:16] <gno1404> how do you like it?
[03:16] <whatisthematrix> how do i like 14.04?
[03:16] <gno1404> I also have mint installed with cinammon but since the upgrade, I cannot open my photos with any image viewer
[03:17] <gno1404> I have to use gimp
[03:17] <gno1404> I meant, how do you like the cinnamon DE?
[03:17] <whatisthematrix> if you mean Cinnamon, as i said, i installed it but i haven't ever tried it or used it yet. i've seen other people talking about it though. so i thought i'd install it
[03:18] <gno1404> kubuntu was my main OS but I cannot get my android phone detected at all - so I am trying out 14.04 with Gnome ;)
[03:18] <gno1404> oh, I see
[03:18] <whatisthematrix> but for now, i'm going to use e18 for while since it took so much work!
[03:18] <gno1404> understandable!
[03:18] <whatisthematrix> going to enjoy it for a good while ;-)
[03:18] <whatisthematrix> ya, cheers :)
[03:18] <gno1404> looks interesting but I don't like spending lots of time on configuring stuff :D
[03:19] <whatisthematrix> i like compiling and configuring stuff, somewhat
[03:19] <gno1404> it's okay sometimes if in the mood ;)
[03:19] <whatisthematrix> rgr
[03:20] <whatisthematrix> i think it's one of the great things about gnu/linux, it comes with a compiler, for free
[03:20] <gno1404> that's true
[03:20] <whatisthematrix> and nothing is hidden
[03:20] <whatisthematrix> you can look at anything
[03:21] <gno1404> plus, you should be good at setting up Enlightenment :)
[03:23] <whatisthematrix> well, i'm more knowledgeable/experienced now i can say. but still no expert i don't think. it certainly took me a bit of trial and error
[04:29] <Munchor> Hi there
[04:29] <Munchor> http://paste.ubuntu.com/6676584/
[04:29] <Munchor> Getting that on a 14.04 daily build, any ideas?
[04:32] <whatisthematrix> hello
[04:32] <whatisthematrix> i might be able to help with that
[04:33] <Munchor> great
[04:33] <whatisthematrix> let me look at it for a bit
[04:36] <whatisthematrix> interesting. i don't show that i have an '8.6' version available to install. 8.5 is available
[04:38] <whatisthematrix> i'm updating my apt just to see if 8.6 has just come available
[04:38] <whatisthematrix> anyway....
[04:39] <whatisthematrix> if you would try the following
[04:39] <whatisthematrix> cd /var/cache/apt/archives
[04:40] <Munchor> I have a tk8.4.deb and a tk8.6.deb
[04:40] <Munchor> tk8.4_8.4.20-1ubuntu1_amd64.deb
[04:40] <Munchor> tk8.6_8.6.1-3_amd64.deb
[04:41] <whatisthematrix> okay
[04:41] <whatisthematrix> what happens if you try... sudo apt-get remove tcl8.6 tcl8.6-lib tk8.6 tk8.6-lib
[04:43] <whatisthematrix> ahh! 8.6 is in my list now. 8.6 versions of tcl/tk are brand spanking new. i updated a few hours ago and they weren't available then
[04:45] <whatisthematrix> i think the system should be installing 'libtk8.6' instead of 'tk8.6-lib'
[04:46] <whatisthematrix> that is also a recent change. a change in the name of the packages. mine were replaced with the new package name just a few hours ago, but for 8.5
[04:47] <Munchor> So just unlucky time to upgrade here?
[04:47] <whatisthematrix> maybe... what happens if you try? --> sudo apt-get -f install
[04:48] <Munchor> the output from paste.ubuntu.com I sent you earlier
[04:48] <Munchor> is from apt-get -f install
[04:48] <Munchor> which I ran after upgrade -f failed with a similar error
[04:48] <whatisthematrix> okay, roger
[04:48] <Munchor> which I ran after a normal update/upgrade with that error too
[04:48] <whatisthematrix> hang on a moment
[04:49] <whatisthematrix> do --> sudo apt-get -d install libtcl8.6 libtk8.6
[04:49] <whatisthematrix> let me know when they are downloaded
[04:49] <whatisthematrix> if they aren't already
[04:49] <Munchor> >Download complete and in download only mode
[04:51] <whatisthematrix> okay. now you may get error message, but try the normal command first --> sudo dpkg -i libtcl8.6*.deb libtk8.6*.deb
[04:51] <Munchor> http://paste.ubuntu.com/6676643/
[04:51] <whatisthematrix> i'm thinking you're going to need to force something to get stuff working. but try that first
[04:54] <whatisthematrix> what happens if you try the command it suggested in your first pastebin? --> sudo apt-get autoremove tcl8.6-lib tk8.6-lib
[04:55] <holstein> thats the way i usually deal with those.. just remove til i get "apt-get update && apt-get dist-upgrade" to complete without error
[04:56] <Munchor> http://paste.ubuntu.com/6676662/
[04:56] <Munchor> won't let me remove packages? huh
[04:56] <whatisthematrix> holstein: roger that. i'd rather avoid having to use a "--force-overwrite", but i've done it many times before to get something straightened out
[04:56] <holstein> what did apt-get -f install do Munchor ?
[04:57] <whatisthematrix> Munchor: okay, one moment
[04:57] <Munchor> holstein, before I got this http://paste.ubuntu.com/6676584/
[04:57] <Munchor> Should I try again?
[04:57] <holstein> Munchor: there is no "should".. this is unreleased software
[04:59] <whatisthematrix> Munchor: do --> sudo dpkg --force-depends -r tcl8.6-lib tk8.6-lib
[04:59] <Munchor> true holstein that's right
[05:00] <whatisthematrix> Munchor: then do --> sudo apt-get install libtcl8.6 libtk8.6
[05:00] <holstein> Munchor: what triggered the install of those packages? try and remove whatever is pulling those in as well
[05:01] <holstein> Munchor: i assume you have tried simply "apt-get autoremove"
[05:02] <Munchor> whatisthematrix, that seems to have worked
[05:02] <Munchor> I just ran an update/upgrade and it worked just fine after that
[05:02] <whatisthematrix> Munchor: cool, cheers m8
[05:02] <Munchor> Do you mind, though, explaining me what the first command did? I realize it is looking for dependencies of those two packages
[05:03] <Munchor> But what is it doing to them?
[05:04] <whatisthematrix> it seemd to think your system still depended on having tcl8.6-lib & tk8.6-lib. but those have been replaced by new packages named... libtcl8.6 libtk8.6
[05:06] <Munchor> oh I see
[05:06] <whatisthematrix> if by the first command you mean --> sudo dpkg --force-depends -r tcl8.6-lib tk8.6-lib
[05:07] <Munchor> The rename makes perfect sense btw
[05:07] <whatisthematrix> that tells it to remove them regardless of dpkg thinking something depends upon them.
[05:07] <whatisthematrix> okay, cool
[05:13] <whatisthematrix> i've just looked at my latest updates, and if i go to upgrade, i think i'm going to have something similar to what happened to you Munchor. i haven't run the upgrade yet
[05:13] <whatisthematrix> but something looks amiss in aptitude at fist glance
[05:13] <whatisthematrix> first*
[05:14] <Munchor> Yeah it might happen to a lot more people
[05:14] <whatisthematrix> Yep..
[05:31] <whatisthematrix> hi there lotuspsychje
[05:32] <lotuspsychje> whatisthematrix: hello mate, how are you?
[05:32] <whatisthematrix> doing okay here. how are you?
[05:32] <lotuspsychje> whatisthematrix: great, i installed trusty on my desktop
[05:33] <lotuspsychje> whatisthematrix: lookin rock solid to me
[05:33] <whatisthematrix> awesome!
[05:33] <lotuspsychje> whatisthematrix: did you have an ssd onboard?
[05:34] <whatisthematrix> no
[05:34] <lotuspsychje> ok
[05:35] <whatisthematrix> did you install 14.04/trusty on ssd?
[05:35] <whatisthematrix> i assume you did
[05:35] <lotuspsychje> yes, got both ssd on desktop/netbook
[05:36] <whatisthematrix> nice. very fast then?
[05:36] <lotuspsychje> its because ive read article about trusty enable TRIM by default cron job now
[05:36] <lotuspsychje> its rocketfast
[05:36] <whatisthematrix> sweet
[05:36] <lotuspsychje> boot under 5sec
[05:36] <whatisthematrix> wow!
[05:36] <whatisthematrix> that is fast
[05:36] <lotuspsychje> sudo halt -p in 3sec
[05:37] <whatisthematrix> rgr
[05:38] <whatisthematrix> mine shuts down pretty darn fast even with the regular hard drive i have. but it doesn't boot in anywhere near 5 seconds
[05:38] <lotuspsychje> you got query on?
[05:39] <whatisthematrix> oh, i didn't notice. one moment
[06:14] <lotuspsychje> someone might know the packagename of that ubuntu browser?
[06:16] <lotuspsychje> !info webbrowser-app
[06:16] <ubottu> webbrowser-app (source: webbrowser-app): Ubuntu web browser. In component main, is optional. Version 0.22+14.04.20131107-0ubuntu1 (trusty), package size 585 kB, installed size 1332 kB
[06:16] <lotuspsychje> whatisthematrix: this one mate
[06:17] <lotuspsychje> seems like its meant for touch support also :p
[06:22] <whatisthematrix> oh
[06:22] <whatisthematrix> ic
[06:22] <whatisthematrix> you like it then?
[06:24] <lotuspsychje> very
[06:24] <lotuspsychje> its fast and simple
[06:24] <whatisthematrix> cool. well, i'll have to check it out!
[06:24] <lotuspsychje> whatisthematrix: http://cdimages.ubuntu.com/daily-live/current/
[06:25] <lotuspsychje> 14.04 alpha
[06:25] <lotuspsychje> during install it shows 13.10, but after setup you can see 14.04 on lsb release
[06:26] <lotuspsychje> whatisthematrix: about the browser: http://iloveubuntu.net/web-browser-app-implemented-default-ubuntu-1404
[06:26] <whatisthematrix> not sure why you're putting that link up for me. i'm already running 14.04. that is the address i used to d/l it it when i did. i'll check out the browser link though for sure
[06:27] <lotuspsychje> are you on 14.04?
[06:28] <lotuspsychje> oh so you just didnt find the webbrowser yet then?
[06:28] <whatisthematrix> i just wasn't aware of it. i use FF
[06:28] <lotuspsychje> yeah me too
[06:29] <whatisthematrix> i love FF and donate to it, if that tells you anything
[06:29] <lotuspsychje> lolz
[06:29] <lotuspsychje> surely FF is secure to browse
[06:29] <whatisthematrix> if you want to check it out, here's a screenshot of Enlightenment 0.18.1 with terminology 0.4.0
[06:29] <whatisthematrix> http://tinypic.com/r/153s3fc/5
[06:30] <lotuspsychje> oh nicely!
[06:30] <lotuspsychje> love ubuntu eyecandy :p
[06:30] <lotuspsychje> you should screenshot to deviantart
[06:30] <whatisthematrix> ya, me too! i don't mind minimal, but i also like eye-candy
[06:31] <lotuspsychje> lemme show mine
[06:32] <whatisthematrix> okay!
[06:33] <lotuspsychje> whatisthematrix: http://oi42.tinypic.com/2jerzva.jpg
[06:34] <whatisthematrix> sweet :)
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[11:16] <mortal> let's see if it breaks
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[12:13] <BluesKaj> Howdy all
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[13:53] <ThomasB> oshi-
[13:53] <ThomasB> my forward and back icons in firefox are different since i updated
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[15:51] <paddy> although i set they german keyboard layout during the installation and also manually after it in the system settings, the layout is not in use
[15:52] <paddy> against what package do i file the bug report?
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=== Ubuntu is now known as Guest88915
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