UbuntuIRC / 2013 /07 /12 /#launchpad.txt
Initial commit
=== cp16net is now known as cp16net|away
=== cp16net|away is now known as cp16net
=== tasdomas_afk is now known as tasdomas
=== mwhudson_ is now known as mwhudson
=== jam1 is now known as jam
=== ral_ is now known as ral
=== andreas__ is now known as ahasenack
=== cp16net is now known as cp16net|away
[14:03] <hjd> Hi, I have a question about removing packages from PPAs in older series. On Launchpad, on the PPA page, there's a list at the bottom, listing which series (releases) the package is available in. There's also the package details which displays the same list with more detail. The latter page contains a delete packages link, but I am not sure if this will offer me a selection of series or remove everyting.
[14:04] <hjd> Basically the PPA still carries packages for natty and oneiric and since these have reached EOL, I think these packages could be removed now. (I would of course like to keep the packages for currently supported series)
[14:06] <tsimpson> hjd: on the delete packages page you can select individual packages in individual series
[14:13] <hjd> tsimpson: Oh, nice. Thanks :)
=== kiko` is now known as kiko
=== tasdomas is now known as tasdomas_afk
=== tasdomas_afk is now known as tasdomas
=== tasdomas is now known as tasdomas_afk
=== Ursinha-afk is now known as Ursinha
[15:18] <aviral_> I tried https://help.launchpad.net/YourAccount/CreatingAnSSHKeyPair to create a ssh key i followed the step now i am confused how to import the key on the launch pad id
[15:23] <dobey> aviral_: https://launchpad.net/~/+editsshkeys
[15:23] <aviral_> dobey: thanks :)
[15:23] <dobey> aviral_: there's a place to paste a public key and add it. you can get to that page from your profile page by clicking the little circular yellow pencil icon next to "SSH Keys"
[15:24] <Dougie187> When I'm building a custom executable build from source, where do I want to place the executable in the rules file?
[15:25] <aviral_> dobey: i reached at the ssh key page already and i folloewd the key in terminal but i am unable to import it
[15:25] <aviral_> dobey: tell me hoe to do that
[15:26] <aviral_> basically i am not able to locate where the public key is stored
[15:27] <Dougie187> aviral_: the public key should be in ~/.ssh
[15:28] <dobey> it's in ~/.ssh, and possibly accessible via the seahorse UI if that's easier to use
[15:28] <aviral_> i am not able to locate it can you tell me the procedure
[15:28] <dobey> ls ~/.ssh/*.pub
[15:28] <dobey> should use id_rsa.pub iirc
[15:29] <Dougie187> unless you changed to dsa.
[15:29] <dobey> the page/docs you are already looking at should tell you which one
[15:35] <aviral_> https://help.launchpad.net/YourAccount/CreatingAnSSHKeyPair i followed linex uptill step 4 then i dont knw what to do
[15:36] <aviral_> kindly tell me
[15:36] <dobey> what do you not understand? it clearly tells you waht to do
[15:38] <aviral_> i am not able to locate ssh folder
[15:38] <aviral_> Your identification has been saved in /home/aviral/.ssh/id_rsa. Your public key has been saved in /home/aviral/.ssh/id_rsa.pub.
[15:39] <aviral_> after this i am not able to find the specified folder
[15:41] <Dougie187> Are you doing it in a gui?
[15:41] <Dougie187> or a terminal?
[15:41] <Dougie187> aviral_: ^^
[15:42] <aviral_> terminal
[15:42] <dobey> aviral_: that clearly states to you exactly where the file is, and the full path of folders leading up to that file.
[15:42] <dobey> the folder is /home/aviral/.ssh/
[15:42] <dobey> the file you want is id_rsa.pub
[15:42] <Dougie187> aviral_: `cd ~/.ssh; cat id_rsa.pub`
[15:43] <dobey> "~" is a shortcut that means "home folder"
=== Ursinha is now known as Ursinha-afk
=== joeyfreenode is now known as joey
=== matsubara is now known as matsubara-lunch
=== andreas__ is now known as ahasenack
=== cp16net|away is now known as cp16net
[17:38] <Aviral__> Agent admitted failure to sign using the key. Permission denied (publickey). ConnectionReset reading response for 'BzrDir.open_2.1', retrying Agent admitted failure to sign using the key. Permission denied (publickey). bzr: ERROR: Connection closed: Unexpected end of message. Please check connectivity and permissions, and report a bug if problems persist
[17:38] <Aviral__> can anyone tell me why the above error is showing ??
=== kiko` is now known as kiko
[17:58] <mhall119> hi everyone, Aviral__ is having a problem getting bzr+ssh working with Launchpad
[17:58] <mhall119> he's got his ssh key uploaded, and has bzr launchpad-login configured for his LP username
[17:58] <mhall119> Aviral_: can you paste the error in here?
[17:58] <Aviral_> Agent admitted failure to sign using the key. Permission denied (publickey). ConnectionReset reading response for 'BzrDir.open_2.1', retrying Agent admitted failure to sign using the key. Permission denied (publickey). bzr: ERROR: Connection closed: Unexpected end of message. Please check connectivity and permissions, and report a bug if problems persist.
[17:58] <mhall119> I've tried everything I know of to help, but came up empty
=== matsubara-lunch is now known as matsubara
[18:31] <Aviral_> Agent admitted failure to sign using the key. Permission denied (publickey). ConnectionReset reading response for 'BzrDir.open_2.1', retrying Agent admitted failure to sign using the key. Permission denied (publickey). bzr: ERROR: Connection closed: Unexpected end of message. Please check connectivity and permissions, and report a bug if problems persist.
[18:32] <cjwatson> That sounds like a local problem with your gpg-agent
[18:32] <Aviral_> the error is coming when i try to branch the code to launchpad
[18:32] <cjwatson> Er, ssh-agent, sorry
[18:32] <Aviral_> how i can solve it?
[18:32] <cjwatson> Or it could be that you have a different key than you think you do ...
[18:33] <cjwatson> Run 'ssh -vvv bazaar.launchpad.net' and put the output on paste.ubuntu.com
[18:33] <Aviral_> means??
[18:34] <cjwatson> I'm thinking out loud. Run that command and show me the output and maybe I can make some better guesses
[18:34] <cjwatson> Also, what's your Launchpad user ID?
[18:34] <Aviral_> aviral@aviral-G31M-ES2L:~$ ssh -vvv bazaar.launchpad.net OpenSSH_6.1p1 Debian-4, OpenSSL 1.0.1c 10 May 2012 debug1: Reading configuration data /etc/ssh/ssh_config debug1: /etc/ssh/ssh_config line 19: Applying options for * debug2: ssh_connect: needpriv 0 debug1: Connecting to bazaar.launchpad.net [] port 22. debug1: Connection established. debug3: Incorrect RSA1 identifier debug3: Could not load "/home/aviral/.ssh/id
[18:34] <cjwatson> NO no no no no
[18:34] <cjwatson> Do not paste it here!~
[18:34] <cjwatson> paste.ubuntu.com
[18:34] <Aviral_> ohh sorry
[18:35] <Aviral_> http://paste.ubuntu.com/5868889/
[18:35] <Aviral_> https://launchpad.net/~aviral190694
[18:36] <cjwatson> "No such Launchpad account: aviral"
[18:37] <Aviral_> hmmm how i can correct that?
[18:37] <cjwatson> You need to follow the instructions in https://help.launchpad.net/YourAccount/CreatingAnSSHKeyPair#Using_a_custom_SSH_key_for_Launchpad, minus the bit about a non-default SSH key name
[18:37] <cjwatson> In other words, you need to add this to ~/.ssh/config:
[18:37] <cjwatson> Host bazaar.launchpad.net
[18:37] <cjwatson> User aviral190694
[18:37] <dobey> or just use bzr lp-login
[18:38] <cjwatson> Right, that too
[18:38] <cjwatson> So it turns out the above was probably an untruth
[18:38] <cjwatson> 18:58 <mhall119> he's got his ssh key uploaded, and has bzr launchpad-login configured for his LP username
[18:38] <cjwatson> Type "bzr launchpad-login" and it will show you what it thinks your LP username is
[18:38] <dobey> yeah, that; he might have put 'aviral' in without the appended numbers
[18:39] <Aviral_> aviral190694
[18:39] <Aviral_> it is showing the above output after writing bzr launchpad-login
[18:39] <dobey> what branch are you trying to clone off launchpad?
[18:41] <Aviral_> dobey: i am not able to get your point
[18:42] <mhall119> cjwatson: I confirmed that bzr launchpad-login had his actual Launchpad username
[18:42] <dobey> Aviral_: what command did you run, when you got the failure?
[18:42] <Aviral_> bzr push lp:~aviral190694/animal-farm/aviralupdate
[18:44] <cjwatson> Do you have python-paramiko installed? (It should work either way, but I'd like to know in order to narrow down my search.)
[18:44] <Aviral_> i didnot have any clue about it
[18:44] <cjwatson> Do you have the python-paramiko package installed?
[18:45] <Aviral_> i dont think so
[18:45] <cjwatson> Please check. "dpkg-query -W python-paramiko"
[18:45] <Aviral_> python-paramiko
[18:46] <cjwatson> OK. I'll have to check more later. In the meantime, try the ~/.ssh/config change I suggested above.
=== Ursinha-afk is now known as Ursinha
[18:46] <Aviral_> ok :)
[18:48] <Aviral_> cjwatson: sir in the .ssh folder there are only three files id_rsa id_rsa.pub and known_hhosts
[18:49] <Aviral_> known_hosts
[18:50] <mhall119> Aviral_: you can make the config file if it doesn't exist
[18:50] <Aviral_> ohh ok
[18:52] <Aviral_> mhall119: i has to name it as??
=== cp16net is now known as cp16net|away
=== cp16net|away is now known as cp16net
[18:57] <mhall119> Aviral_: the file?
[18:58] <mhall119> Aviral_: the file should just be called "config" under ~/.ssh
[18:58] <mhall119> chmod 600
[19:00] <Aviral_> mhall119: i just named the file as config and added the text Host bazaar.launchpad.net User aviral190694
[19:05] <mhall119> Aviral_: on 2 lines instead of 1 I hope
[19:06] <Aviral_> mhall119: ya i write it on 2 lines :)
[19:06] <mhall119> and did you try running bzr push again?
[19:11] <Aviral_> ya
[19:11] <Aviral_> same error
[19:12] <Aviral_> i am thinking to delete ssh folder and the key on launchpad id and do all the process again may be that will work??
[19:12] <Aviral_> mhall119 : ^^
[19:12] <Aviral_> i will do that tomorrow.. after restarting it
[20:31] <Dougie187> What distributions can I list in the debian/changelog file to have launchpad build packages for me? And alternatively, is there a way to list multiple ones?
[20:39] <dobey> debian/changelog doesn't contain any distributions listed. you can only build packages for ubuntu on launchpad PPAs
[20:39] <dobey> and no, you can't list multiple series in a single changelog entry
[20:40] <dobey> you should appeand ~series1 (replacing "series" with the actual series name) for each series you want to upload for, and specify that series in the changelog as normal; build source package for each series, and upload them
[21:22] <Dougie187> dobey: is there an easy way to see if the dependency package names conflict between a previous series, and a current series?