UbuntuIRC / 2013 /04 /10 /#ubuntu-desktop.txt
Initial commit
=== Ursinha is now known as Ursinha-afk
[03:21] <ia0001> hello is there a reason why ubuntu flash isnt working
[03:21] <ia0001> i mean why flash isnt working on server 12.04
[03:27] <BigWhale> Good Morning.
[03:52] <robert_ancell> desrt, around?
[06:30] <pitti_> Good morning
=== pitti_ is now known as pitti
[06:31] <didrocks> bonjour pitti!
[06:32] <pitti> hey didrocks
[06:58] <desrt> word.
[06:59] <desrt> hello from european time
[07:00] <didrocks> hey desrt! how is your jetlag? :)
[07:00] <desrt> i don't have any yet :)
[07:01] <desrt> i sure hope to stay that way...
[07:01] <didrocks> heh, let's hope you will follow that path in the following days ;)
[07:01] <desrt> attente: when you wake up, i just pushed the gtk patch to the 'gicon is a bad interface' bug
[07:02] <desrt> for your testing pleasure
=== tkamppeter_ is now known as tkamppeter
[07:10] <desrt> larsu: got wifi on the train? :)
[07:16] <desrt> does anyone know of a good system in C for handling python-style named format strings?
[07:16] <desrt> like how you can have '%(foo)s' % {'foo':'bar'}
[07:23] * desrt goes to catch a train. ciao.
[07:48] <seb128> hey desktopers
[07:50] <pitti> bonjour seb128
[07:50] <didrocks> salut seb128
[07:50] <chrisccoulson> hey seb128, pitti, didrocks
[07:51] <pitti> hey chrisccoulson
[07:51] <didrocks> hey chrisccoulson!
[07:51] <seb128> hey chrisccoulson, didrocks, pitti, how are you?
[07:51] <chrisccoulson> seb128, yeah, good thanks. how are you?
[07:51] <pitti> pretty tired, I slept badly; but fine otherwise; how about you?
[07:51] <seb128> chrisccoulson, good to see you still around on the desktop channel ;-)
[07:51] <seb128> chrisccoulson, I'm good, thanks
[07:52] <chrisccoulson> seb128, yeah, i've not moved that far really ;)
[07:52] <seb128> pitti, I'm good, slept mostly well (though I woke up a couple of time during the night, not sure why, but I managed to go back to sleep every time without issue)
[07:52] <seb128> chrisccoulson, how is it to work on a new laptop boosted with disk space and extra ram? ;-)
[07:52] <pitti> we had a pretty tough storm and a lot of rain during the night
[07:52] <pitti> chrisccoulson: oh, you got a new toy?
[07:53] <chrisccoulson> seb128, it's pretty good. i can comfortably run 9 VM's on it and still be able to compile firefox
[07:53] <seb128> lol
[07:53] <seb128> crazy
[07:53] <pitti> wow, must be a helluva machine
[07:54] <chrisccoulson> pitti, yeah, i got a new latitude, but i stuck 16GB of RAM in it and one of these: http://www.amazon.co.uk/Samsung-Series-512GB-Solid-State/dp/B009LI7CYE/
[07:54] <pitti> chrisccoulson: ah, a friend of mine recently bought the 300-something GB variant of that, he's very satisfied
[07:55] <pitti> chrisccoulson: tried running gnome disks' performance check on it?
[07:55] <chrisccoulson> pitti, not yet. i might try that in a bit :)
[07:56] <pitti> my 3 year old SSD gives me 210 MB/s still (started with 250), I can only imagine how fast your's is now :)
[07:57] <pitti> but actually, I never felt it being a bottleneck
[07:57] <pitti> having a lot of RAM is quite a bit more important
[07:58] <seb128> pitti, how do you test it? "disks" seem to not want the disk to be mounted to be able to test it
[07:58] <pitti> with /tmp/ being a tmpfs, putting sbuild overlays into /tmp etc., there is hardly anythign that actually touches the disk during large package builds
[07:58] <pitti> seb128: you can do a r/o test on a mounted partition
[07:58] <pitti> seb128: for r/w you need to boot a live system, yes
[07:58] <chrisccoulson> pitti, yeah, i think your SSD performance is similar to my last one (intel 320 series)
[07:58] <seb128> hum
[07:58] <seb128> "Erreur pendant la recherche depuis 2400788480 (g-io-error-quark, 13)"
[07:59] <chrisccoulson> i haven't tried building firefox in tmpfs yet. i have enough RAM to do that now though :)
[07:59] <pitti> seb128: hm, I get a dialog box saying "busy" when requesting a write test, and a read test just works
[07:59] <seb128> "Error seeking to offset 2400788480 (g-io-error-quark, 13)"
[08:00] <seb128> on a read test
[08:00] <seb128> no benchmark for me it seems
[08:00] <pitti> any smart failures?
[08:00] <seb128> no
[08:02] <chrisccoulson> pitti, Average Read Rate: 526.6 MB/s :)
[08:02] <pitti> nice!
[08:02] <chrisccoulson> i couldn't do the write test either though
[08:03] <pitti> chrisccoulson: yeah, you need to boot a life CD for that
[08:03] <chrisccoulson> ah, ok
[08:03] <pitti> it's not destructive, but can't be run on a mounted drive to avoid endangering data integrity
[08:03] <chrisccoulson> yeah, that makes sense :)
[08:04] <didrocks> 502,0 Mo/s here ;)
[08:04] <chrisccoulson> didrocks, nice :)
[08:05] <pitti> what is a Mo?
[08:05] <didrocks> pitti: MB, but better, as in French ;)
[08:05] <pitti> *sob*
[08:05] <didrocks> ;)
[08:05] <didrocks> "octet"
[08:05] * pitti holds up the "SI units tout le monde" cardboard sign
[08:05] <didrocks> oct = 8
[08:06] <pitti> well, but one doesn't translate SI units
[08:06] <didrocks> so we don't have the bits/bytes issue ;)
[08:06] <seb128> so I'm the only one having the seek error? not fair!
[08:06] <didrocks> seb128: it seems so, you disable write tests, right?
[08:06] <chrisccoulson> the french have to be different ;)
[08:06] <chrisccoulson> :P
[08:06] <pitti> seb128: I never saw that error anywhere, and I have run disks on quite a lot of machines
[08:06] <seb128> didrocks, yes, I've a busy disk message if I don't
[08:06] <didrocks> chrisccoulson: pitti: but don't worry, we do have as well the Mio/Mo war as well ;)
[08:06] <Laney> hey there
[08:06] <seb128> pitti, disks works fine, that's just the benchmark doing that
[08:07] <chrisccoulson> hey Laney
[08:07] <pitti> right, I meant the benchmark
[08:07] <pitti> seb128: it probably gets confused on seeking to the 100th Mo!
[08:07] <didrocks> hey Laney!
[08:07] <pitti> good morning Laney
[08:07] <Laney> hey chrisccoulson didrocks pitti!
[08:07] <didrocks> seb128: you will notice that pitti adapted to "Mo" already \o/
[08:07] <Laney> happy wednesday
[08:07] <seb128> Laney, hey
[08:08] * pitti slaps didrocks
[08:08] <Laney> and seb128 too :-)
[08:08] * didrocks runs away crying
[08:08] <seb128> pitti, at least I'm not alone: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gnome-disk-utility/+bug/1081019
[08:08] <ubot2> Launchpad bug 1081019 in gnome-disk-utility (Ubuntu) "Benchmark for Harddisk fail" [Undecided,Confirmed]
[08:10] <seb128> pitti, my bet is that it hates 32bit users and you are all 64bits fanboys :p
[08:10] <pitti> seb128: peut-être nous pouvons le regarder au sprint?
[08:10] <seb128> pitti, oui, bien sûr
[08:10] <pitti> seb128: c'est facile, test avec un live CD?
[08:11] <seb128> pitti, je vais le faire et je te dirais
[08:11] <pitti> seb128: I run 32 bit on the netbook, and it works fine there
[08:11] <seb128> how big is the disk?
[08:11] <didrocks> No opinion on semantic versionning? I would like to impose it for our PS projects.
[08:11] <pitti> 16 GB
[08:11] <pitti> seb128: ^ that's the mini 10
[08:11] <seb128> k, anyway, I will try with a liveCD
[08:11] <seb128> and otherwise we can have a look at the sprint
[08:16] <Laney> my, what a pretty wallpaper I have
[08:16] <Laney> would be more useful with a desktop environment on top of it though
[08:17] <seb128> Laney, you don't enjoy clean and simple then?
[08:17] <didrocks> it's the "zen" theme :)
[08:17] <Laney> taking "minimal" to the (almost) extreme
[08:17] <seb128> Laney, joke aside, is that your session ... did it just break after today's update?
[08:17] <Laney> I still have a context menu to change the wallpaper or create folders :P
[08:17] <Laney> I didn't update yet today, so yesterday's
[08:17] <didrocks> so just no Unity
[08:17] <seb128> oh, "only" unity having issue then
[08:17] <Laney> indeed
[08:18] <seb128> what is in your .xsession-errors?
[08:18] <Laney> just something from ib-config
[08:18] <Laney> m
[08:18] <seb128> ah, I always forget
[08:18] <Laney> but I am using user sessions
[08:18] <seb128> .cache/upstart/gnome-session.log
[08:18] <Laney> hmm
[08:19] <Laney> let me poke, might be local borkage
[08:19] <seb128> we need to teach apport about upstart logs btw
[08:19] <seb128> pitti, ^
[08:19] <seb128> pitti, I will open a bug about that (if there isn't already one)
[08:20] <pitti> seb128: you mean attaching /var/log/upstart/<service>.log for system reports?
[08:20] <pitti> they aren't readable for adm (I think that's a bug)
[08:20] <Laney> ~/.cache/upstart/foo.log for user jobs
[08:20] <seb128> pitti, no, with upstart user sessions (that will be the default for Ubuntu soon), .xsession-errors is empty
[08:20] <pitti> hm, I don't even have a ~/.cache/upstart
[08:20] <seb128> pitti, gnome-session is started by upstart and its output is in .cache/upstart/<job>.log
[08:21] <seb128> pitti, did you enable user sessions?
[08:21] <pitti> seb128: not deliberately; I just keep dist-upgrading
[08:21] <seb128> pitti, ok, edit /etc/upstart-xsessions if you want to enable it
[08:21] <seb128> just uncomment the ubuntu line
[08:21] <pitti> ah, so we don't do that by default yet
[08:22] <seb128> no, it was a bit late
[08:22] <seb128> one of the "first thing in "s""
[08:22] <seb128> pitti, it's ready, the FFe didn't got acked because it came a bit late
[08:22] <seb128> same story that logind
[08:23] <pitti> I guess we'll enable a lot of that at the sprint
[08:23] <seb128> yep
[08:23] <pitti> squishy will be fun in the first few weeks
[08:23] <Laney> the main issue at the time was Xsession.d scripts needing to be ported to jobs
[08:24] <Laney> think the most important ones are done now
[08:25] <seb128> pitti, https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/apport/+bug/1167196
[08:25] <ubot2> Launchpad bug 1167196 in apport (Ubuntu) "should look for errors in upstart log once user sessions are enabled" [Undecided,New]
[08:26] <pitti> seb128: thanks, adjusted; it's on https://launchpad.net/~pitti/+upcomingwork now :)
[08:26] * pitti loves +upcomingwork
[08:27] <seb128> ;-)
[08:28] <Laney> compiz (core) - Error: Plugin 'opengl' not loaded.
[08:28] <Laney> would that break it?
[08:28] <seb128> Laney, most likely yes
[08:29] <seb128> did you break permissions on your video card again?
[08:29] <pitti> I did that a couple of times when working on logind ACLs, and unity still started up (in llvmpipe mode)
[08:30] <Laney> I get all 'yes' when running unity_support_test -p
[08:32] <seb128> Laney, is compiz working for other users?
[08:34] <Laney> good point, i'll try the guest user
[08:34] <Laney> yes :(
[08:34] <seb128> Laney, do you have a local opengl plugin in .compiz-1 or something?
[08:35] <seb128> Laney, try to strace -f compiz 2>&1 | grep opengl
[08:35] <seb128> see where it's loading it from
[08:40] <Laney> .cache/compizconfig-1/opengl.pb
[08:42] <seb128> Laney, what is in this file?
[08:42] <seb128> hum
[08:42] <seb128> ignore that, I've it there as well
[08:42] <seb128> Laney, but it should be trying to load an opengl.so
[08:43] <seb128> Laney, gsettings get org.compiz.core:/org/compiz/profiles/unity/plugins/core/ active-plugins
[08:43] <seb128> ?
[08:44] <Laney> ['core', 'ccp', 'composite', 'decor', 'compiztoolbox', 'imgpng', 'gnomecompat', 'place', 'mousepoll', 'grid', 'snap', 'move', 'resize', 'regex', 'session', 'vpswitch', 'workarounds']
[08:44] <Laney> no opengl?
[08:47] * Laney tries moving the .cache directory
[08:48] <seb128> Laney, reset the gsettings key I would say
[08:48] <seb128> but then go figure why it went missing
[08:50] <Laney> right, that fixed it ...
[08:50] <Laney> ['core', 'composite', 'opengl', 'compiztoolbox', 'decor', 'vpswitch', 'snap', 'mousepoll', 'resize', 'place', 'move', 'wall', 'grid', 'regex', 'imgpng', 'session', 'gnomecompat', 'animation', 'fade', 'unitymtgrabhandles', 'workarounds', 'scale', 'expo', 'ezoom', 'unityshell']
[08:50] <Laney> does it remove plugins from that list when they fail to load once?
[08:50] <seb128> it shouldn't, but I guess it does...
[08:50] <seb128> or there are case where that seems to happen at least
[08:51] <seb128> that's the only explanation I've for it
[08:51] <Laney> because nvidia-310 is borked with new kernels (tseliot is on it) and so I got nouveau for one boot before I went back to an old kernel
[08:52] <tseliot> Laney: -310, -310-updates, -304 and -304-updates should be fixed now in raring-proposed
[08:53] <Laney> tseliot: I don't see them - probably in the queue
[08:53] <Laney> ah yes, there they are
[08:53] <Laney> https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/raring/+queue?queue_state=1
[08:53] <Laney> did you just get rid of the check or did you fix it up?
[08:54] <tseliot> Laney: well, I simply removed the check to see if SUBLEVEL is less than 5
[08:54] <Laney> fair enough
[10:00] <seb128> Laney, btw, I registered https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/client-s-use-upstart-user-sessions while you were on holidays (just for info)
[10:00] <seb128> Laney, if you have ideas where we can use upstart session jobs, please dump them in there
[10:01] <Laney> ah great, thank you
[10:35] <darkxst> seb128, do you know where things are at, with the region panel in g-c-c? is ubuntu still using language-selector
[10:35] <seb128> yes, it is
[10:35] <seb128> the new GNOME stuff is a semi fiasco
[10:35] <seb128> as it ibus 1.5
[10:35] <seb128> it->is
[10:36] <seb128> that's starting getting slightly better in GNOME 3.8 but still broken
[10:38] <darkxst> yeh, I see
[10:39] <darkxst> the 3.8 regions tab is basically non-functional currently
[10:39] <darkxst> (as on staging)
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[12:45] <seb128> Laney, that's not enough for the merger :p
[12:46] <Laney> BAH
[12:46] <seb128> Laney, it's easy, the automatic entries come from bugs referenced
[12:46] <seb128> if you don't have a one you should manually edit the changelog
[12:47] <Laney> I'm sure I asked if the MP commit message works
[12:47] <didrocks> https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DailyRelease/FAQ#My_name_deserves_to_be_in_the_changelog.21
[12:47] <ritz> seb128++ thanks
[12:47] <didrocks> that what I pointed to you yesterday ^
[12:47] <didrocks> on #ubuntu-release
[12:47] <seb128> Laney, well, the merge checks that there is a MP commit message and refuse the merge if there is none
[12:47] <seb128> Laney, but it doesn't use the message for the changelog
[12:48] <seb128> Laney, also please submit against https://code.launchpad.net/~indicator-applet-developers/libappindicator/trunk.13.04 for raring
[12:48] <Laney> ack and ack
[12:48] <didrocks> (see Vcs-Bzr btw :p)
[12:48] <seb128> thanks ;-)
[12:48] <Laney> I did bzr lp-propose
[12:48] <seb128> well, you brancked from lp:libappindicator
[12:48] <didrocks> Laney: if you branched from trunk, it's targetting trunk for sure ;)
[12:48] <Laney> correct
[12:48] <seb128> or lp:libappindicator/13.04
[12:48] <seb128> that's why ;-)
[12:49] <Laney> does it get merged into trunk too?
[12:49] <seb128> well, the one you submitted is for trunk
[12:49] <didrocks> Laney: no, upstream splitted the branch
[12:49] <seb128> you need to proposed a second merge against 13.04
[12:49] <didrocks> for no reason TBH seeing they didn't use them
[12:49] <seb128> you can do it from the same branch though, they didn't diverge yet
[12:49] <Laney> oh, do another one not get rid of this one
[12:49] <didrocks> (even if the system supports splitting them one after another, on demand)
[12:50] <Laney> final question - does it matter what upstream version I choose when editing the changelog?
[12:50] <Laney> I guess the release bot just overwrites it
[12:51] <didrocks> Laney: yeah, see the FAQ ;)
[12:51] <didrocks> https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DailyRelease/FAQ#I_have_a_big_change_that_needs_to_be_mention_in_debian.2BAC8-changelog.2C_but_not_bug_for_it_.28or_I_didn.27t_link_to_a_bug_before_merging
[12:51] * didrocks wonders why he's explaining everything where he links to the page and people don't search through it :/
[12:51] <Laney> hey, I did read it
[12:52] <Laney> but the example there doesn't have daily version numbers
[12:52] <Laney> it seems to me like those are automatic, but that one looks like they're manually maintained
[12:52] <didrocks> You need then mention it manually in debian/changelog: If there is already an UNRELEASED content (top line in debian/changelog), add your content with:
[12:52] <didrocks> $ dch -a
[12:52] <didrocks> -> edit the change and save.
[12:52] <didrocks> If it's something like "raring" or something else:
[12:52] <didrocks> $ dch -i
[12:52] <didrocks> -> edit the change and save.
[12:52] <didrocks> I don't mention the version, so you can just follow it and go ahead ;)
[12:52] <Laney> I was reading the next question
[12:53] <didrocks> Laney: the next one is when you need to do it, like you want to "release unity 7"
[12:53] <Laney> mmm
[12:54] <didrocks> Laney: feel free to reedit/rearrange if it's not clear
[12:55] <Laney> I suppose that it's not clear to me what "bumping the upstream version" means
[12:55] <Laney> like I thought I might have to set the upstream part myself because I'm making upstream changes
[12:55] <didrocks> Laney: upstream have unity 6.8
[12:55] <didrocks> Laney: they want to mark the new upstream version as 7.0
[12:56] <didrocks> so it's hitting them they need to bump in debian/changelog as well
[12:56] <didrocks> (each title is an entry/separate question in the FAQ)
[12:56] <Laney> let me edit it and you can see if I get it right
[12:56] <didrocks> sure ;)
[13:00] <Laney> right, there we go
[13:00] <Laney> ARGH
[13:00] <Laney> Internal Server Error
[13:00] <Laney> ah, got it
[13:03] <Laney> didrocks: check that out?
[13:03] <Laney> sorry for being dense btw :/
[13:05] <didrocks> Laney: I would change "if you're moving from Unity 7.0 to 7.1." to the versions used in the following example
[13:05] <didrocks> otherwise, looking good :)
[13:05] <didrocks> oh, btw, I wrote something a while back especially for package maintainers: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DailyRelease/FAQ#I.27m_making_a_change.2C_should_I_provide_anything_in_debian.2BAC8-changelog.3F
[13:06] <Laney> yeah I put some text there too
=== Ursinha-afk is now known as Ursinha
[13:07] <didrocks> Laney: btw, on this dch -i/dch -a
[13:07] <didrocks> Laney: do you know if debchange has an easier way?
[13:07] <Laney> I just use 'dch' all the time
[13:08] <Laney> I have DEBCHANGE_RELEASE_HEURISTIC=changelog in ~/.devscripts which I know does something in this area but I can't remember exactly what
[13:08] <didrocks> Laney: good point! it's years I didn't use it!
[13:08] <didrocks> yeah, but DEBCHANGE_RELEASE_HEURISTIC=changelog is the default now
[13:08] <didrocks> so, we should be fine without it
[13:08] <didrocks> (I have it too)
[13:08] <Laney> aha, then I think you can just 'dch'
[13:08] <Laney> it adds a new entry if you're UNRELEASED, otherwise creates a whole new stanza
[13:09] <didrocks> Laney: tell me if/once you changed the versionning and I'll simplify the rest with only "dch"
[13:09] <didrocks> (confirming DEBCHANGE_RELEASE_HEURISTIC is set to changelog now by default)
[13:10] <Laney> yeah, I just checked and it is
[13:29] <didrocks> Laney: all dch -i/-a killed :)
[13:41] <Laney> :)
=== Ursinha is now known as Ursinha-afk
[14:06] <didrocks> mhall119: hey, how are you?
[14:06] <mhall119> didrocks: I am
[14:06] <mhall119> oh, I thought you asked if I was around
[14:06] <didrocks> ;)
[14:06] <mhall119> my answer makes much more sense to the question you didn't ask
[14:06] <didrocks> mhall119: ahah, indeed!
=== Ursinha-afk is now known as Ursinha
[14:07] <didrocks> mhall119: I wanted to know when the developer site will get updated to the latest sdk?
[14:07] <didrocks> mhall119: as last time I checked, the examples in the doc weren't working with the sdk we ship
[14:07] <mhall119> didrocks: they just recently landed dpm's patch to add the proper theming, so as soon as that's in a package that his script can extract the new docs from
[14:08] <mhall119> didrocks: I'm also working on updating the tutorial for the new version of the SDK
[14:08] <didrocks> mhall119: a package, like the sdk package?
[14:08] <mhall119> didrocks: yeah, the docs package for the ubuntu-ui-toolkit I think
[14:08] <didrocks> mhall119: its already in raring for a while :)
[14:08] <mhall119> 0.40.1?
[14:08] <mhall119> or 0.1.40 I should say
[14:09] <didrocks> we do have 0.1.38
[14:09] <didrocks> which doesn't work with the current tutorial
[14:09] <didrocks> (bug #1158246)
[14:09] <ubot2> Launchpad bug 1158246 in Ubuntu UI Toolkit "Tutorial code needs to be updated to use the latest UITK version" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1158246
[14:10] <kenvandine> didrocks, if a commit doesn't reference a bug # but the merge proposal does, will it get put in the changelog automatically?
[14:10] <didrocks> kenvandine: yep, if you link it to the MP before it was merged :)
[14:10] <kenvandine> great
[14:11] <didrocks> (linking the branch of course)
[14:11] <mhall119> didrocks: 1158246 is in progress now
[14:11] <didrocks> mhall119: ok, any ETA? it's broken for 3/4 weeks and I noticed a lot of people start to complain about it
[14:11] <didrocks> (including management :p)
[14:12] <mhall119> didrocks: no ETA other than "as soon as I can get it done"
[14:12] <didrocks> jasoncwarner_, Mirv: FYI as you probably wanted a status on that ^
[14:12] <mhall119> I didn't write the original, so it's slow going
[14:13] <didrocks> yeah, would have been nice to get a raw approximation, but here we go ;)
[14:13] <didrocks> thanks mhall119
[14:13] <mhall119> didrocks: np
[14:42] <debfx> hi, why does libappindicator recommend indicator-application?
[14:42] <debfx> are other implementations of the statusnotifier protocol not sufficient?
[14:42] <seb128> debfx, hey, because if you don't have an indicator the ui is nowhere to be seen which "breaks" the user experience
[14:43] <seb128> debfx, they should, it's only a recommends
[14:49] <debfx> seb128: right, but shouldn't it recommend indicator-renderer as an alternative?
[14:49] <seb128> debfx, indicator-application is a service, not the renderer
[14:50] <seb128> debfx, the renderer are unity, indicator-applet, and whatever KDE is using to draw the ui
[14:50] <seb128> debfx, having you a "renderer" doesn't give you the container for the appindicator icons
[14:53] <debfx> so indicator-application is between the application and the renderer?
[15:09] <seb128> debfx, yes
[15:22] <kenvandine> desrt, do you know if anyone has started porting dconf-qt to qt5?
[15:34] <dobey> didrocks: btw, you know the current unity gir package has the wrong verssion number in the package name? it's gir1.2-unity-5.0 but has Unity-6.0.typelib and UnityExtras-6.0.typelib
[15:34] <didrocks> mhr3: IIRC, we discussed about it in quantal ^
[15:35] <didrocks> I don't remember the outcome :)
[15:36] <mhr3> didrocks, i guess it was again about scopes - the unity-5.0 ones wouldn't work anyway, and unless you specify version number the latest version is imported eitherway
[15:37] <didrocks> mhr3: yeah, that was my feeling. I think we'll fix it in s for the 100 scopes (the override seems useless to me, so we can maybe have them parallely installable)
[15:37] <mhr3> bottomline, yes, it should be 6.0, but having 5.0 there wouldn't help anyone
[15:37] <didrocks> let's wait for the scope ABI break then :)
[15:38] <mhr3> not sure if there'll be abi breaks
[15:39] <mhr3> probably mostly api breaks :P
[15:49] <mitya57> kenvandine: there is ~fboucault/dconf-qt/qt5, but last updated on 2012-10-05...
[15:50] <kenvandine> oh cool
[15:50] <kenvandine> thx mitya57
[16:10] <seb128> everyone, can you update https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RaringRingtail/TechnicalOverview with the cool things you landed in raring?
[16:11] <seb128> didrocks, ^ can you do unity?
[16:11] <seb128> cyphermox, ^ indicators?
[16:11] <seb128> kenvandine, ^ friends?
[16:11] <seb128> mterry, ^ update-manager?
[16:11] <kenvandine> was just thinking about that :)
[16:11] <kenvandine> sure
[16:11] <didrocks> will do
[16:13] <seb128> Sweetshark, ^ libreoffice? if you have a nice description of what's new in 4 ... btw got the current version sponsored by bdrung?
[16:13] <seb128> tkamppeter, ^ summary of the printing work would be useful as well
[16:36] <cyphermox> seb128: ok!
[16:37] <seb128> cyphermox, thanks
[16:37] <cyphermox> mterry: kenvandine: goes under Ubuntu directly? should we agree on a semblance of a structure/format? ;)
[16:38] <cyphermox> like, points I guess?
[16:38] <mterry> cyphermox, looks like upstart user sessions have a template already -- bold header, free form paragraphs below
[16:39] <mterry> cyphermox, indicators are under ubuntu I'd think yeah
[16:49] <cyphermox> ok, so let's use that
[17:02] <mterry> cyphermox, still feeling like reviewing some branches? :)
[17:07] <cyphermox> yeah
[17:07] <cyphermox> shoot, I can review things and then actually finally go for lunch ;)
[17:19] <Sweetshark> seb128: adding libreoffice to the wiki
[17:19] <seb128> Sweetshark, thanks
[17:19] <Sweetshark> seb128: I havent seen bdrung sponsor the new version yet. no blockers known to me though.
[17:21] <bdrung> seb128, Sweetshark: i did the upload yesterday (with the one typo patch). it's in the queue: https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/raring/+queue?queue_state=1
[17:23] * didrocks waves good evening
[17:23] <seb128> bdrung, great, thanks
[17:23] <seb128> didrocks, 'night
[17:34] <jbicha> seb128: gnome's printer panel won't add a new printer without system-config-printer-gnome being installed? is it ok to have g-c-c depend on that?
[17:34] <jbicha> it's bug 1163674
[17:34] <ubot2> Launchpad bug 1163674 in gnome-control-center (Ubuntu) "Adding a printer crashes Gnome Control Center (System Settings)" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1163674
[17:36] <seb128> jbicha, recommends I would say
[17:51] <jbicha> ok, thanks
[17:56] <Sweetshark> seb128: done (I hope)
[18:17] <Sweetshark> https://wiki.documentfoundation.org/Talkyoo
[18:34] <Sweetshark> https://wiki.documentfoundation.org/QA/Meetings/2013/April_10
[18:45] <seb128> Sweetshark, is there anything you wanted to point in those pages? out of "french \o/" and "skype sucks"? ;-)
[18:46] <seb128> Sweetshark, you guys should just give up and use google hangouts ;-)
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[20:33] <Sweetshark> seb128: eek, that was meant for #libreoffice-qa. ignore me (this time! only!!1!)
[20:35] <Sweetshark> seb128: actually people are using g+ to connect to the talkyoo conference call number and it seems to work well. I gotta try that next time, so people can hear me speaking over my terribly expansive condensator mic.
[20:38] <seb128> hehe
[20:58] <jbicha> seb128: for libnss-myhostname, do we need to have something in main depend on it or is recommends enough?
[21:02] <seb128> jbicha, did you get the ffe/mir approved for it?
[21:02] <seb128> jbicha, recommends is enough
[21:04] <jbicha> yes
[21:10] <thumper> kenvandine: how do I start friends? do I need to log in again, or restart
[21:10] <thumper> ?
[21:14] * thumper waves at seb128
[21:14] <thumper> seb128: still up?
[21:15] <seb128> thumper, hey
[21:37] <attente> desrt, larsu, there's a.. uh. band in our usual working spot
[21:42] <tkamppeter> seb128, printing news added.
[21:44] <seb128> tkamppeter, thanks
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=== Ursinha-afk is now known as Ursinha
=== Ursinha is now known as Ursinha-afk
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