UbuntuIRC / 2013 /02 /24 /#kubuntu.txt
Initial commit
=== ken is now known as Guest62284
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=== Beanud is now known as Entropy
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[04:42] <alusion> When I powered on my system
[04:43] <alusion> It has been taking unusually long time now stuck at cryptsetup: sda5_crypt set up successfully
[04:44] <rodrigo> admin <server>
=== devil is now known as Guest70944
[05:26] <what_if> Should I buy a G5 mac pro for linux use?
[05:27] <what_if> Is there anything that does not work on G5 linux (flash, youtube, etc)?
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[06:11] <rishabh_> hi
[06:12] <rishabh_> gfsss
[06:16] <rishabh_> hi
[06:16] <rishabh_> n k
[06:22] <rob_> Hello
[06:24] <rob_> Any one know where to go to find a list of chatrooms for information about linux operating systems?
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[08:10] <calwig> hi, i just created a USB boot disk but I think it changed the PC partition
[08:11] <calwig> Im afraid that if I boot I will not get a boot menu
[08:11] <calwig> how can it be checked to see if the boot sector is still going to boot from the PC?
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[09:42] <novaisabadcat> Is there a way to sort the application launcher's "application" entries alphabetically without having to manually drag each entry?
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[10:43] <paradiznik> Hello guys. I have abit of a problem. I have a lenovo e520 with switchable graphics and i cant get my battery to run more than 2 hours (while office work).
[10:44] <paradiznik> was searching on forums but cant find any solution that would work for me.
[10:46] <freed0m> hi to all
[10:46] <freed0m> i have a question
[10:47] <freed0m> i have a kubuntu 12.04
[10:47] <freed0m> and i added the ppa of kde and now i have kde 4.10
[10:47] <freed0m> but i have a lot's of problem of crashing
[10:47] <freed0m> question:if i upgrade from 12.04 to 12.10, is that ok?
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[11:28] <nabalzs> Hello. Does Kubuntu has the same security updates as the main Ubuntu? (against malwares spywares...etc.)
[11:30] <Tm_T> nabalzs: yes, Kubuntu is Ubuntu
[11:30] <Tm_T> and the other way around
[11:31] <nabalzs> Tm_T: thank you
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[11:49] <MsCourtney> Does Kubuntu work with Secure boot?
=== Haakon_der_Gute is now known as Haakon_der_Wikin
[12:27] <electron> hi
=== andrea is now known as Guest67656
[14:14] <echofish_> Hello. Is there an "Hardware Drivers" application on Kubuntu?
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[14:42] <BluesKaj> Howdy all
=== arthas is now known as Guest18728
[14:54] <Hemza> I changed from Ubuntu 12.04 because of unity. I finsh the intallation of Kubuntu 12.04.2 and the update. KDE is not so fast as Gnome. Is there a way to enhace the boot and package lanch???
=== Guest18728 is now known as Steven_Seagal_
[15:01] <BluesKaj> Hemza, your boot launch timing is controlled in /etc/default/grub, by the line GRUB_TIMEOUT=X (seconds)
[15:03] <BluesKaj> Hemza, how did you install Kubuntu , clean or did you install kubuntu-desktop and still retain your Ubuntu /Unity or Gnome apps and packages?
[15:05] <Hemza> @BluesKaj, a clean install. I think the issue is in the KDE design... I'm used to Gnome2 and XFCE,,, for that i feel some differences.
[15:06] <BluesKaj> Hemza, that maybe your impression of KDE , but most ppl who switch to KDE find that the opposite is true.
[15:07] <away> well, you can run an xfce DE in kubuntu, but then you might as well install xubuntu instead
[15:11] <Hemza> @away, No No.. I want to try KDE. I want to participate in this community
[15:16] <Steven_Seagal_> Hemza, try this http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1889034 (sorry i don't speak english)
[15:18] <Hemza> Steven_Seagal_: thank you so much, that is what was looking for.
[15:20] <Steven_Seagal_> Hemza ;)
[15:33] <BluesKaj> IMO , trying make KDE "blazingly fast" " might save a half second here and there , but defeats the purpose of some KDE's benefits.. Hemza
[15:34] <nook> Hey, i bought this remote controlle from amazon, and it works good with Kubuntu 12.10 (http://www.amazon.de/Unbekannt-X10-PC-Funkfernbedienung-mit-USB-Empf%C3%A4nger/dp/B004KVRSGO/ref=sr_1_2?ie=UTF8&qid=1361720029&sr=8-2)
[15:34] <nook> But i miss some keys, is it possible to change the default keys without Lirc?
[15:37] <BluesKaj> nook, this is and english chat , please post websites written in english
[15:37] <BluesKaj> an
[15:39] <nook> BluesKaj, sorry but i dont know if ther is a english version of this post someware
[15:41] <BluesKaj> nook, then perhaps the people at #kubunru-de can help you
[15:41] <BluesKaj> #kubuntu-de
[15:43] <nook> BluesKaj, but my only question is, is ther a way to change de default keymap? Thats my loaded Kernel Modul: ati_remote 18282 0
[15:43] <nook> rc_core 22331 3 rc_medion_x10_digitainer,ati_remote
[15:47] <DarthFrog> nook: Why without lirc?
[15:47] <DarthFrog> Or is it not an IR remote?
[15:48] <nook> DarthFrog, yep, its an X10 remote controle without IR. But i found a website and they are using lirc. But if i use lirc i have to configure the complet keymap, but i only want to change some keys^^
[15:49] <DarthFrog> nook: You'll have to find out where the current keymap is and edit it. I've used lirc a fair bit but not radio remotes.
[15:50] <nook> DarthFrog, but how can i find the keymap? Never done some like this before...
[15:50] <DarthFrog> nook: You're going to have to read the documentation and/or HOW-TO.
[15:53] <nook> DathFrog, yes i think so too, i found some (only german -.-) pages with the same or an older remotes but all x10. I think the german Company Medion is the only who builds x10 radio remoes^^
[15:56] <DarthFrog> nook: Well, I'm Canadian so can't help you with German documentation. I'm sure there are lots of x10 users though, either on IRC or web forums.
[16:01] <alusion> guys
[16:02] <alusion> I have my kubuntu system LVM encrypted
[16:02] <alusion> however when I enter my cryptsetup password
[16:02] <alusion> it is indefinently stuck at cryptsetup: sda5_crypt set up successfully
[16:02] <alusion> I can't log into my system
[16:06] <alusion> I'm at the grub menu
[16:06] <alusion> how can I fix
[16:30] <yofel> alusion: that sounds like the login manager never shows up, try pressing ctrl+alt+f1 and see if you can get to a shell login prompt there
[16:30] <yofel> after it sets up sda5_crypt
[16:30] <alusion> yofel: it says that the sda5_crypt set up successfully
[16:31] <alusion> but it just stays at that loading screen
[16:31] <yofel> yeah, at that point press ctrl+alt+f1 and see if you get a text login prompt
[16:31] <alusion> I press it and I just get a little blinking underscore in the corner
[16:33] <yofel> hm... ok, at the grub prompt, edit the ubuntu entry and remove "quiet splash vt.handoff=7" from the linux/kernel entry
[16:33] <yofel> maybe that will tell more
[16:34] <yofel> I need to go, will be back in a bit
[16:38] <MsCourtney> Does Kubuntu 12.10 support secure boot?
[16:38] <alusion> yesh
[16:40] <ikonia> ....does it ?
[16:43] <BluesKaj> MsCourtney, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/QuantalQuetzal/ReleaseNotes/Kubuntu#QuantalQuetzal.2BAC8-ReleaseNotes.2BAC8-CommonInfrastructure.Secure_Boot
[16:53] <alusion> The problem persists
[16:54] <alusion> with no acute informtion to lean on
[16:54] <alusion> nvm verbose mode is saying stuff
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[17:27] <alusion> having boot issues. Default profile doesn't exist
[17:29] <alusion> https://www.dropbox.com/s/xwqno2aq4w1svsm/20130224_120246.jpg verbose
[17:30] <alusion> https://www.dropbox.com/s/5o3bctco2e7a6gl/20130224_122909.jpg booting recovery
[17:30] <alusion> then it goes into call trace
[17:30] <alusion> this happens after I enter my cryptsetup passwd
[17:37] <DarthFrog> alusion: Do you have an unencrypted backup of your home directory?
[17:38] <alusion> DarthFrog: I used back in time. However I think I foolishly saved it on the same encrypted drive
[17:38] <DarthFrog> oops.
[17:40] <alusion> god is just testing me
[17:40] <alusion> teaching me a lesson
[17:41] <DarthFrog> if that comforts you, go for it. :-)
[17:41] <DarthFrog> but plan on re-installing.
[17:42] <alusion> I'm trying to mount the drive in a live environment
[17:42] <alusion> it tells me
[17:42] <alusion> Error has occured, system responded: The requested operation has failed:. Requested filesystem type is neither well-known nor in /proc/filesystems nor in /etc/filesystems
[17:43] <DarthFrog> alusion: what are you passing with the "-t " option?
[17:44] <DarthFrog> I *think* (but do not know) it should be cryptfs.
[17:44] <alusion> there's an issue with the cryptsetup
[17:44] <alusion> idk what you mean with your question however.
[17:44] <alusion> I'm just trying to access it via dolphin right now
[17:46] <DarthFrog> I've never played around with filesystem encryption. It seems to me to be too chancy.
[17:51] <BluesKaj> yeah , never trusted encryption after some files were no longer accessible after an upgrade , luckily I had them backed up in decrypted form
[17:52] <alusion> It says
[17:52] <alusion> Yeah well it was my fault for bad backup habits
[17:52] <alusion> it says
[17:52] <alusion> I'm trying to access the filesystem in live kubuntu
[17:53] <alusion> 'An error occurred while accessing 'Home', the system responded: The device is currently busy.: One or more block devices are holding /dev/sda5
=== Freejack is now known as Guest11157
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[18:09] <alusion> what's the default kubuntu root passwd?
[18:10] <DarthFrog> There isn't one. Use your password to get root privileges via the "sudo" command.
[18:11] <alusion> yeah but I want to change directory
[18:11] <DarthFrog> On a live system, I don't think there are any passwords.
[18:11] <alusion> and if I sudo cd
[18:11] <DarthFrog> you don't need sudo to chdir.
[18:11] <alusion> it says sudo: cd: command not found
[18:11] <DarthFrog> cd is an alias for chdir.
[18:11] <DarthFrog> chdir is the real command.
[18:12] <alusion> chdir is not found though
[18:12] <DarthFrog> Huh? That's not right.
[18:12] <alusion> I wanna access the folder but I don't have permission o_o
[18:13] <alusion> yeah chdir works on here but not in the live kubuntu environment I have up
[18:13] <alusion> I can access my backintime snapshots
[18:13] <alusion> :O
[18:13] <alusion> that means I'm saved?!
[18:13] <Riddell> alusion: if you need a root shell use sudo bash
[18:14] <DarthFrog> Riddell: he needs help with getting access to his encrypted filesystem.
[18:15] <alusion> I used sudo bash and changed dir to the folder
[18:15] <alusion> I see two things
[18:15] <alusion> Access-Your-Private-Data.desktop and README.txt
[18:15] <BluesKaj> chdir doesn't work here either
[18:15] <alusion> readme says to run ecryptfs-mount-private
[18:15] <alusion> I run it but I receive an error
[18:15] <DarthFrog> BluesKaj: It seems that chdir has been removed.
[18:15] <alusion> Encrypted private directory is not setup properly
[18:15] <BluesKaj> looks so DarthFrog
[18:16] <DarthFrog> alusion: If you can get access to your backup, make a copy of it on an un-encrypted file system ASAP.
[18:17] <alusion> doing that right now
[18:18] <alusion> the file is practically empty
[18:18] <alusion> is this normal of backintime lol
[18:18] <BluesKaj> heh , I recall using cd to changer dirs on the original windows OS waaay back
[18:18] <DarthFrog> No idea. Are you sure the backup completed successfully?
[18:18] <DarthFrog> BluesKaj: It was a DOS command.
[18:18] <BluesKaj> yup
[18:19] <murthy> BluesKaj: hi
[18:19] <BluesKaj> I hateed MS-DOS tho ..clunky and slower than using a real file cabinet :)
[18:20] <alusion> how do I enable su in a gui
[18:20] <BluesKaj> hi murthy
[18:20] <alusion> because the command didn't work
[18:20] <alusion> I want to have su privalege in dolphin
[18:20] <DarthFrog> alusion: kdesudo
[18:21] <DarthFrog> alusion: Press ALT-F2, type "kdesudo dolphin".
[18:22] <alusion> Hmm
[18:22] <alusion> when accessing my encrypted drive it says
[18:22] <alusion> The device is currently busy.:One or more block devices are holding /dev/sda5
[18:27] <AbhiK> DarthFrog: when i did your step, i didn't get to see any files in my "Home"
[18:27] <DarthFrog> AbhiK: ?
[18:28] <AbhiK> but opening dolphin normally, shows me my /home/#user/ directory
[18:29] <DarthFrog> AbhiK: That's because your in the /root directory. You'll have to navigate to /home/abhik
[18:30] <AbhiK> DarthFrog: in normal dolphin, "Home" is same as my "/home/abhik" directory
[18:31] <DarthFrog> AbhiK: Undt zo?
[18:31] <DarthFrog> When you issue the kdesudo command, you're acting as root, not AbhiK
[18:31] <AbhiK> foriegn language?
[18:32] <AbhiK> ohkay!
[18:32] <DarthFrog> No, not a foreign language, just Sunday morning playfullness. :-)
[18:32] <AbhiK> :D
[18:32] <AbhiK> it's monday now in my region
[18:33] <AbhiK> 12am
[18:35] <alusion> I wonder
[18:35] <alusion> if I copy the home dir
[18:35] <alusion> if I can access it elsewhere
[18:35] <alusion> it's only 65gb
[18:35] <FloodBotK1> alusion: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.
[18:36] <alusion> Ah yes my bad FloodBotK1 , time to eat breakfast anyhow. Hopefully the *nix gods will favor me today
[18:47] <micha_> hallo
[18:55] <Watcher> Problem with kubuntu 12.04 and dual booting Win 7 Pro. Ihave Kubuntu installed on the first drive, just installed Win 7 on the third drive, first primary partition. I've modified grub menu.lst to load to add Win 7 to the menu. Kubuntu boot fine, Win7 does not. I get a grub error 12. How can I make Win7 boot?
[18:56] <Torch> isn't it true anymore that windows always wants itself (or its ntloader) to be on the first partition, first drive?
[18:57] <Torch> but maybe i'm just confused.
[18:57] <BluesKaj> Watcher, grub menu.list is a part of grub legacy . insttall grub2 ,. then sudo update-grub
[18:59] <Watcher> BluesKaj: Thanks for the suggestion. I haven't looked at grub2. Does it handle Win 7 dual better?
[18:59] <BluesKaj> Torch, first partition yes , first drive , no
[18:59] <BluesKaj> Watcher, grub2 is the default bootloader in kubuntu since 9.10 i think .
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[19:01] <Watcher> BluesKaj: I wonder I haven't been upgraded. I've been running Kubuntu since like 6.0x. I'll look for a package.
[19:02] <BluesKaj> Watcher, how have been upgrading , net upogrades or..?
[19:03] <Watcher> BluesKaj: Net upgrades.
[19:03] <BluesKaj> ahh, that might expalin it , Watcher
[19:04] <BluesKaj> Watcher, also run sudo os-prober before , sudo update-grub after grub2 is installed
[19:04] <Watcher> BluesKaj: The net upgrades have always completed OK without error. Do I need to upgrade from disk to cath the grub upgrade?
[19:05] <BluesKaj> no grub2 is in the repos
[19:05] <Watcher> BluesKaj: Thanks, I'll give it a try this afternoon.
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[19:08] <BluesKaj> Watcher, btw there no longer be a grub menu.list , it's /etc/default/grub , here's a good read http://www.dedoimedo.com/computers/grub-2.html
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[19:09] <Watcher> Thanks BluesKaj. I'll go there now.
[19:27] <alusion> Cannot use device /dev/sda5 which is in use (already mapped or mounted).
[19:28] <alusion> I'm trying to open it up, gparted shows it's unmounted
[19:35] <alusion> When I try to boot in recovery
[19:35] <alusion> it says
[19:35] <alusion> Default profile doesn't exist
[19:35] <alusion> Select a profile from the following list
[19:35] <alusion> disable
[19:35] <FloodBotK1> alusion: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.
[19:55] <alusion> http://www.cyberciti.biz/faq/ubuntu-mounting-your-encrypted-home-from-livecd/ I'm using this guide to recover my home dir from my encrypted LVM
[19:55] <alusion> However I get stuck @ Mount /proc file system inside /media/chroot
[19:55] <alusion> because the mount point /media/chroot/ /dev does not exist
[19:56] <tbruff13> I need help with kde 4.10 on Kubuntu I cannot move icons around
[19:58] <alusion> Also when I try to mount the volume
[19:58] <alusion> it tells me mount: unknown filesystem type 'crypto_LUKS'
[20:05] <dougl> why don't my filters work in my 12.10 install with kmail?
[20:07] <dougl> I want to filter my gmail sent/rec'd into seprate folders - why does kmail make it so difficult?
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[20:47] <aPpYe> uh ... my system just asked me to upgrade to 13.04. I installed my own kde desktop from the mini.iso. I have had only quantal in my souces.list for some time.
[20:48] <genii-around> So then it's probably prudent not to go to 13.04 yet since it's still in development
[20:49] <aPpYe> but shouldn't it have not prompted me until 13.04 was released?
[20:50] <genii-around> aPpYe: You already just got your answer in another channel so I won't bother repeating it
[20:50] <aPpYe> genii-around, yep.
[20:51] <james> hello
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[20:52] <Guest92984> derp
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[20:53] <BluesKaj> derp?
[20:53] <cowdog1> i was messing with stuff
[20:53] <BluesKaj> stuff , oh that
[20:54] <BluesKaj> :)
[20:54] <cowdog1> k
[20:55] <cowdog1> so i just installed the ghost theme and its awesome
[20:56] <cowdog1> i can seem to find any icon themes that go with it thoug
[21:01] <BluesKaj> well one man's awesome is another's fugly ...hard to find anything awesome anymore since word is so over used
[21:10] <lordievader> Good evening :)
[21:33] <martinPL> hi, i have just installed my Kubuntu 12.10, i have installed kubuntu-resticted-extras and -addons, but the system will still not play video files, do you know what is wrong?
[21:39] <BluesKaj> martinPL, in dragonplayer?
[21:45] <BluesKaj> !libdvdcss2 | martinPL
[21:45] <ubottu> martinPL: Ubuntu's default installation and repositories do not include packages needed to play commercial DVDs for legal reasons. For information on adding them, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/PlayingDVDs | For information on the legalities involved, see the "DVD" section of https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats
[21:46] <BluesKaj> !medibuntu | martinPL
[21:46] <ubottu> martinPL: medibuntu is a repository of packages that cannot be included into the Ubuntu distribution for legal reasons - See http://www.medibuntu.org
[23:14] <Watcher> BluesKaj:I've upgraded to grub2 and I've run the before and after commands. I still can't boot Win 7. When I try I get these messages "error: No such device: 22cc193bcc190b25" and "error: No such partition". Any other suggestions?
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[23:56] <MichaelP> How do i get pulseaudio's built in eq working ? In konsol i run qpaeq and get command not found !!