UbuntuIRC / 2012 /12 /31 /#ubuntu-bugs.txt
Initial commit
[01:03] <TheLordOfTime> well, Eeebottu's gone again from -bugs-announce
[01:03] <TheLordOfTime> figures.
=== Ursinha is now known as Ursinha-afk
[01:52] <TheLordOfTime> hggdh, welcome back.
[01:53] <TheLordOfTime> hggdh, mind giving me sone insight on Eeebotu?
[01:53] <TheLordOfTime> regarding what you use for bug announcements (what plugins/botframework/etc)
[02:49] <hggdh> TheLordOfTime: darn!
[02:49] <hggdh> I am losing internet here, forgot to restart it
[11:57] <Kaapa> hey there - been asked to fill more information about the package that my bug refers to
[11:57] <Kaapa> on my case it's https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/1094800 . is "linux" the correct keyword for a kernel related issue?
[11:57] <ubot2> Launchpad bug 1094800 in linux (Ubuntu) "Toshiba z930 fails to resume after second suspend on kernel >=3.4" [Undecided,New]
[11:57] <Kaapa> not sure if I shuold add something like powersave or something
=== yofel_ is now known as yofel
[19:35] <penguin42> hmm with Debian frozen it's nigh on impossible to get anything fixed there and I guess it's going to be a while before that sorts itself out
[19:36] <TheLordOfTime> mhm
[19:36] <TheLordOfTime> only thing i've seen are things pushed to unstable, and that's usually nginx
[19:37] <penguin42> well at least that's something
[19:38] <TheLordOfTime> but unstable's only partly frozen i think
[19:38] <TheLordOfTime> and i know experimental's not frozen, there was a ZNC upload post-freeze.
[19:42] <penguin42> TheLordOfTime: sid is supposed to be frozen as well
[19:42] <TheLordOfTime> when i talked to the mentors, they said it was semi-frozen
[19:42] <TheLordOfTime> "no new features"
[19:42] <TheLordOfTime> but "bugfixes accepted"
[19:42] <TheLordOfTime> kind of how any given ubuntu release is :P
[19:42] <TheLordOfTime> but that was at least 3 weeks ago
[19:43] <penguin42> hmm ok, asking on #debina-bugs taffit said 'people are not supposed to push changed to sid that are not release material'
[19:43] <penguin42> so I guess that depends how they call it
[19:43] <TheLordOfTime> well i know nginx had a segfault bug fixed
[19:43] <TheLordOfTime> and that got in :P
[19:44] <penguin42> yeh I guess the problem with my bugs is they don't seg on Debian
[19:44] <TheLordOfTime> yeah, critical bugs i think get fixed
[19:44] <TheLordOfTime> most of the bugfixes for Ubuntu nginx though i pull from upstream
[19:44] <TheLordOfTime> and reverse-engineer/backport as necessary
[21:56] <penguin42> wow, google archives of mail-archive.com are fast enough that it finds a hit from a change to a bug 10 minutes ago
[21:56] <ubot2> Launchpad bug 10 in Launchpad itself "It says "displaying matching bugs 1 to 8 of 8", but there is 9" [Medium,Invalid] https://launchpad.net/bugs/10
[22:33] <melodie> hello
[22:36] <melodie> bb in 2013 :)
[23:26] <penguin42> bug 1094278 and bug 584787 confuse me; I don't think I see why the fix given in 584787 fixes the other
[23:26] <ubot2> Launchpad bug 1094278 in uucp (Ubuntu) "cu doesn't connect properly to a serial console" [Medium,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1094278
[23:26] <ubot2> Launchpad bug 584787 in uucp (Ubuntu) "cu 1.07-20build1 mispackaged" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/584787