UbuntuIRC / 2012 /12 /27 /#lubuntu.txt
Initial commit
[07:07] <lewis1711> is there anyway to get "media keys" working? like pressing the volume up thing on my latop and getting that little popup that shows the volume level. ditto with play/pause for media players
[07:08] <holstein> lewis1711: sure... i chose to install some extra software for my machine... if they show up, you can map them.. what do i suggest? just map what you want to the volume and dont worry with a popup..
[07:10] <lewis1711> holstein: I do like the popup boxes though for volume though
[07:10] <holstein> lewis1711: sure.. you can add what you like.. just keep in mind the 'L' in lubuntu is from LXDE.. "light"
[07:11] <holstein> the more you add, the more unlike that it can become
[07:11] <holstein> what do i do? i just use the same notifications from main ubuntu...
[07:12] <holstein> lewis1711: cheers... i need to run.. most of these questions are not lubuntu specific if its dead in here and you want to try #ubuntu.... cheers!
[07:12] <lewis1711> holstein: how do you do that?
[07:12] <lewis1711> oh ok, laters
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[14:20] <dave> I need help with the install
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[14:22] <Guest64790> i need help with the installer
[14:23] <Guest64790> do u know anything? about the installer?
[15:13] <zleap> hmm
[16:07] <Amgine> Is there any LXDE tool equivalent to system monitor?
[16:08] <holstein> Amgine: what are you wanting to monitor?
[16:08] <holstein> i usually use top in a termina
[16:08] <Amgine> I want to monitor network.
[16:09] <holstein> Amgine: usually, if you right click on the net applet, you can see something like what i think you are looking for
[16:10] <Amgine> <checks>
[16:10] <holstein> http://www.ubuntugeek.com/bandwidth-monitoring-tools-for-ubuntu-users.html
[16:11] <holstein> maybe just iftop in the terminal
[16:11] <holstein> there are plenty of tool to monitor everything
[16:14] <Amgine> Very nifty, holstein. Thank you! <reads moar>
[16:14] <sepisoad> I have both ubuntu unity desktop and lubuntu, but I want to make lubuntu as my default login desktop, how do i do that?
[16:22] <sepisoad> f
[16:24] <Akhilleus> salve a tutti
[16:24] <Akhilleus> vorrei un aiuto
[16:24] <Amgine> sepisoad: Not sure, have you looked at https://www.gnu.org/software/grub/manual/legacy/Invoking-grub_002dset_002ddefault.html
[16:25] <Akhilleus> qualcuno italiano??? ho problemi con lubuntu x64
[16:25] <Amgine> Puoi parlare inglese? Penso che la maggior parte di noi parla solo inglese.
[16:26] <Akhilleus> purtroppo non riesco,pazienza! non sto neppure bene di salute mi sa neppur eil pc può distrarmi dalla malattia: scusate
[16:26] <macgyver_> io ho problemi con la crittografia dell'intero disco in Ubuntu 12.10
[16:27] <macgyver_> I've problems with entire disk crypting in Ubuntu 12.10
[16:28] <Amgine> Akhilleus: Io uso google translate. Qual è la tua domanda?
[16:29] <Akhilleus> non riesco ad installare nessuna delle stampanti brother mfc j220,samsung ml-1670!!!
[16:29] <Akhilleus> ho seguito diverse guide ma sono negato!
[16:30] <Akhilleus> su ubuntu andavano
[16:31] <Amgine> macgyver_: This is the only article I know of: https://www.eff.org/deeplinks/2012/11/privacy-ubuntu-1210-full-disk-encryption
[16:33] <Amgine> Akhilleus is having difficulty printing. Xe cannot set up a brother mfc j220 or a samsung m1-1670. Can anyone help getting these printers working?
[17:06] <fees> hi. I have a little problem after changed the screen resolution in my Lubuntu 12.10. The login screen shows fine (lightdm). Entering with Openbox profile works great, but with Lubuntu the monitor turns off. I followed this help http://goo.gl/70YgA but just change the res of lightdm with Xorg. Any suggestion?
[17:08] <holstein> i would just try arandr ...try a custom xorg.conf
[17:16] <fees> holstein the thing is xrandr says "Can't open display" when I tried from Ctrl+Alt+F1, and I created the custom Xorg with configure and moved it to /etc/X11/xorg.conf but only affected the lightdm login screen. Is there a file that keep the configuration of Monitor Settings so I could change it from the shell?
[17:17] <holstein> fees: sometimes i use a live CD such as puppy or knoppix.. i get the desktop as i want it, and copy the xorg.conf to my *buntu
[17:22] <fees> holstein I have a copy of Lubuntu 12.10 in my netbook as well and no Xorg.conf not found in it
[18:24] <Prophet> Bonjour à tous
[18:25] <Prophet> Je viens d'installer la dernière version de lubuntu pour l'utiliser comme serveur Squeezebox
[18:26] <holstein> !fr
[18:26] <ubottu> Nous sommes désolés, mais ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en français, veuillez taper /join #ubuntu-fr ou /join #ubuntu-qc. Merci.
[18:26] <Prophet> thx
[18:27] <holstein> http://ubuntu-tweak.com/app/squeezebox-server/
[18:27] <holstein> older ppa's https://launchpad.net/~soren/+archive/squeezebox
=== matt___ is now known as Acoustyk
[22:21] <Acoustyk> hey there
[22:21] <Acoustyk> I'm having a hell of a time with a Broadcom wireless card
[22:22] <Acoustyk> Anyone have any experience with that?
[22:53] <holstein> !broadcom | Acoustyk
[22:53] <ubottu> Acoustyk: Help with Broadcom bcm43xx can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/bcm43xx
[22:53] <holstein> sometimes i try the windows drivers with ndiswrapper. ndisgtk for the GUI
[22:53] <holstein> sometimes you have to blacklist the open module and use a proprietary one