UbuntuIRC / 2012 /12 /26 /#lubuntu.txt
Initial commit
[04:45] <Aureti> How does one edit key bindings? I replaced xscreensaver with slock but pressing Ctrl+Alt+L still executes xscreensaver-command.
[04:48] <Unit193> Check the file ~/.config/openbox/lubuntu-rc.xml
[04:50] <Aureti> Oh. Ok, thanks.
[06:15] <poq> Why is update manager always suggest me forefox-locale-en if FF isn't installed on my computer? Lubuntu 12.04
[06:16] <Unit193> Well I'd say because forefox-locale-en is installed.
[06:16] <Unit193> Try using synaptic or apt-get purge forefox-locale-en
[06:21] <poq> Done. What that file need for? After installing Lubuntu I did apt-get purge chromium-browser
[06:30] <Unit193> Are you sure that didn't install firefox?
[06:30] <poq> Yes. Opera only. After installing os I did apt-get purge chromium-browser
[08:00] <Ririshi> Hiya.
[08:02] <Ririshi> I've made a bootable USB Stick for lubuntu 12.10, but every time I boot from it, it tells me: "Verwijder schijven of media" which is, in english: "Remove disks or media". I've tried making a bootable USB with Unetbootin, LiLi and Universal USB Installer and they all give me the same error. Anyone could help me with this?
[09:07] <hpuser44551> Is lubuntu compatible with Dlink wireless dongles?
[09:07] <hpuser44551> http://www.dlink.com.au/products/?pid=722
[09:09] <mysteriousdaren> hpuser44551: do they have linux drivers?
[09:12] <hpuser44551> just sold a lubuntu pc to a guy with a dlink wireless usb dongle. I'm hoping it connects easily for him
[09:14] <hpuser44551> Dlink say they support windows. No mention of linux.
[09:16] <hpuser44551> I'm waiting for the dreaded phone call from the buyer complaining it's not working..
[09:17] <hpuser44551> Hopefully he gets it working.
[09:19] <hpuser44551> Is there any special software needed to be installed to support USB wireless adapters?
[09:19] <hpuser44551> i'm talking 802.11 wireless not 3g/broadband.
[10:28] <phiscribe> some usb net adaptors work fine. others require teeth pulling
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[12:34] <l057c0d3r> sigh... several problems with the new version of lubuntu... what happend
[12:34] <l057c0d3r> incorrect permissions on fresh install for the network manager.... glitches with the notification area of the taskbar.... :-(
[12:38] <nickname__> ciao a tutti
[14:23] <osmobot> Hi!
[14:23] <osmobot> I have a problem. Whenever I start the operating system, the keymap defauls to US keyboard. However, I'm using a Finnish keyboard, and I have to go to LXKeymap software to change it into Finnish every time. Is there a way to make it default to Finnish keyb?
[14:24] <osmobot> using Lubuntu 12.10 English version
[14:51] <tupu> Hi, all! In Lubuntu, where can I set the default keyboard input settings? It's defaulting on US keyboard every time I restart computer, but I have a Finnish keyboard. I can change it with LXkeymap manually but it's annoying to do every time.
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[15:01] <Osmodivs> Hello. Does anyone know how to make a bootable USB from the terminal? I have problems with Xorg, so everytime I open it, the PC will send me to the login screen
[18:07] <max999> hi. freshly installed lubuntu, is there a way to get rid of all the preinstalled games?
[18:09] <sepisoad> max999, I agree with you, they're just annoying, BTW you can run lubuntu software center and search for these games and uninstall them
[18:11] <max999> sepisoad, thx. didnt know there is something else than synaptic =)
[18:27] <max999> not much conversation in here, lubuntu running so fine evrywhere? ;-)
[18:36] <max999> any theme recommendations? browsing on box-look.org
[19:36] <Oe_eden> did you know the Sylpheed systray icon changes back to its default (and not the Lubuntu themed icon) after receiving mail
[20:37] <max999> hi. i can not extract archives via 'extract here', 'extract to' works though.
[20:38] <nortti> max999: do you get any errors?
[20:38] <max999> nortti, yes i do! accidently i checked to not show them again :-(
[20:39] <max999> now its just doing nothing. before it was doing nothing with an error :)
[20:39] <nortti> hmm
[20:39] <nortti> that is pretty hard to diagnose
[20:39] <max999> its popular on google, reading threads.
[20:40] <max999> confirmed bug on launchpad from 10/2012
[20:41] <max999> there is a patch for it but prob i should just run system updates first %-)
[20:41] <nortti> yeah
[20:41] <nortti> always a good idea
[20:42] <max999> i always forget it on each fresh install %-)
[20:42] <nortti> are you on 12.10 or 12.04?
[20:43] <max999> 12.10 i think, i downloaded the .iso today
[20:43] <max999> uname -r shows 3.5.0-17-generic
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[20:45] <nortti> strange. I'm on 12.10 and I get 3.2.0-35-generic-pae
[20:45] <max999> i seem to get 3.5.0-21 via updates atm
[20:45] <nortti> ah
[20:45] <max999> 3.2.0?
[20:45] <nortti> probably should restart more often
[20:45] <max999> =)
[20:46] <max999> i spent some time before trying to change the font in the dclock panel applet but it seems impossible without recompiling something somewhere :S
[20:46] <nortti> my other machine is on
[20:46] <nortti> :P
[20:46] <max999> also am i right there are no alternative applets to download?
[20:47] <max999> now extract here works =)
[20:47] <max999> they have included the patch / fixed the issue in an update obv
[20:47] <nortti> alarm-clock-applet seem to be available
[20:48] <nortti> you are using lxde, right?
[20:48] <max999> yes
[20:48] <nortti> ok. just checking. I use mwm myself
[20:49] <max999> another thing, where can i configure the login manager screen? =)
[20:51] <nortti> /etc/lxdm/default.conf
[20:53] <max999> sure about that? google tells me its lightdm since a while and it uses /etc/lightdm/lightdm.conf or something
[20:54] <Noskcaj> why does lubuntu 12.10 require a password for wifi even if it's an open connection??
[20:54] <TheLordOfTime> Noskcaj, if you're using autologin, its to unlock the keyring
[20:54] <nortti> max999: then it is probably that
[20:54] <TheLordOfTime> (autologin on the system)
[20:54] <Noskcaj> ok?
[20:54] <Noskcaj> its just a first time connection
[20:55] <TheLordOfTime> Noskcaj, no clue then, perhaps its a bug?
[20:55] <Noskcaj> also why is the info bar on the top of the screen during log-in but at the bottom in the desktop?
[20:56] <Noskcaj> one last thing, how can i add the Ubuntu-software-centre to lubuntu?
[20:56] <Noskcaj> TheLordOfTime, i think so
[20:59] <max999> nortti, do you know of any webpage offering full themesets for lightdm?
[20:59] <nortti> max999: I don
[20:59] <nortti> +'t
[21:00] <Noskcaj> can someone please report those bugs (if they are bugs) as i am on a very bad satellite connection for another week
[21:00] <TheLordOfTime> Noskcaj, ubuntu-bug [program]
[21:00] <TheLordOfTime> doesn't take long even on satellite
[21:00] <max999> Noskcaj, about the software center, is synaptic not fitting your needs?
[21:01] <Noskcaj> TheLordOfTime, my internet will drop out any second and i don't know what the programs are. max999 no really, and the lubuntu-software-centre is not very good
[21:01] <Noskcaj> *not
[21:03] <nortti> Noskcaj: you can install ubuntu software center from synaptic but I don't see why
[21:03] <Noskcaj> nortti, thanks, you don't have to see why
[21:04] <TheLordOfTime> Noskcaj, then you have to wait until your net stabilizes, your system's different than nortti's system, which is different than mine, so it only truly helps if *you* file the bug and have apport's data with it.
[21:05] <max999> brb testing lightdm tweaks
[21:06] <Noskcaj> TheLordOfTime, i was thinking i would have to but the bugs should appear on any 12.10 install
[21:06] <TheLordOfTime> perhaps. i don't use 12.10 so... that's my point not everyone's ON 12.10, so as a bugs triager we tend to suggest the person saying its a bug FILES the bug.
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[21:08] <Noskcaj> TheLordOfTime, i will try now, what package is the log-in manager, just lightdm?
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[21:09] <TheLordOfTime> don't remember for lubuntu ;P
[22:28] <tupu> Hi! Is there any way to prevent Lubuntu seeing my Set-Top Box as a camera? It is mounting it in some weird way and showing all files as MPEG video files when I just want to access the filesystem normally
[22:29] <tupu> Set-top box is connected to the computer with USB and it worked fine on Ubuntu, and I could access the files normally.