UbuntuIRC / 2012 /12 /22 /#ubuntu-discuss.txt
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[08:22] <Captain_Crow> will ubuntu ever be good/mainstream for gaming?
[08:28] <IdleOne> they're working on it
[08:28] <Captain_Crow> like a few years from now could ubuntu become comepatible with mainstream software and games?
[08:28] <Captain_Crow> compatible*
[08:29] <IdleOne> if what you are asking is, will software written for Windows ever be 100% compatible on linux? Only if the software devs write linux versions.
[08:31] <Captain_Crow> well doesnt have to be 100%, but just running the stuff i bought w/o something crashing or the screen going nuts and flickering would be a nice start :P
[08:32] <IdleOne> I understand what you're saying, it still boils down to software developers need to make the software for linux for it to work on linux.
[08:33] <Captain_Crow> i havent used ubuntu in a while cause i had a bad experience with it, but if it ran stuff i actually use i wouldnt mind using ubuntu
[08:33] <IdleOne> if you buy something that wasn't designed to be used on linux, you can't really blame linux now can you?
[08:35] <Captain_Crow> i heared that linux is not 100% immune to viruses, is there some type of antivirus for it?
[08:36] <IdleOne> there is, but most viruses are not written to attack linux.
[08:36] <IdleOne> someone who wants to cause damage goes for the biggest target
[08:36] <Captain_Crow> does ubuntu have a antivirus software built in?
[08:37] <IdleOne> you can install clamav
[08:37] <Captain_Crow> does ubuntu have firewalls or anything like that?
[08:38] <IdleOne> !ufw
[08:38] <ubot5> Ubuntu, like any other Linux distribution, has firewall capabilities built-in. The firewall is managed using the 'ufw' command - see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UFW | An alternative to ufw is the 'iptables' command - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IptablesHowTo | GUI frontends such as Gufw (GNOME) and Guarddog (KDE from Lucid onwards) also exist.
[08:38] <Captain_Crow> so ubuntu is safe to use?
[08:39] <chu> Yep, Ubuntu is fine "out of the box".
[08:39] <IdleOne> been using it for 5 years as my main OS without problem
[08:39] <Captain_Crow> how does it work with blender and lmms?
[08:41] <chu> No problems with blender here, though I haven't used it in a few years, and I was running it on slightly better hardware than what I have now. Not sure what lmms is though.
[08:41] <Captain_Crow> its for music
[08:41] <Captain_Crow> http://lmms.sourceforge.net/
[08:42] <chu> I would imagine it'll be fine, but I can't give a definitive answer.
[08:42] <IdleOne> lmms is in the ubuntu software center, one click install
[08:43] <chu> A classic instance of the old "TIAS", aka "Try it and see! (then tell us what you saw)"
[08:45] <Captain_Crow> does ubuntu have any userfriendly crossplatform programming IDEs?
[08:46] <chu> Depends on what you're looking for, really.
[08:47] <chu> It also, to some extent, depends upon your interpretation of an IDE. Some people are fine with the "loose", other people are after the "stricter" definition.
[08:49] <Captain_Crow> something similar to "mmf2" but for ubuntu, like something that i can use to make a game or simple software app and export to .exe, .swf, etc?
[08:51] <Captain_Crow> is there anything like these http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Clickteam#Products , that work in ubuntu or would those work in ubuntu?
[08:51] <chu> I don't know what mmf2 is.
[08:52] <chu> If you want to write a cross-platform application, choice of IDE is almost-irrelevant. It becomes a choice of the libraries you use.
[09:00] <Captain_Crow> well, mmf2 is a program that uses a universal set of codes that i guess are converted when it exports, and it has a crossplatform exporter, but i dont think the mmf2 program itself will work in ubuntu, so im wondering what the closest alternative is to that for ubuntu
[09:01] <IdleOne> !alternatives
[09:01] <ubot5> To change the default applications system-wide, use 'sudo update-alternatives --all' in a terminal.
[09:01] <IdleOne> hmm
[09:01] <IdleOne> that is not the response I was expecting
[09:02] <IdleOne> http://www.linuxalt.com/ There is somewhere you can start looking
[09:02] <Captain_Crow> ok
[09:03] <IdleOne> at a quick glance that list is a little dated but should still give you a decent idea of what is available
[09:04] <IdleOne> here is another http://www.osalt.com/
[09:06] <chu> I don't think you're looking for an IDE per se, apologies.
[09:08] <Captain_Crow> idk, i had a friend that refered to it as an IDE, so i could have been misinformed
[09:09] <Captain_Crow> btw, what is kubuntu? is there a difference?
[09:09] <chu> I guess we just have different ideas of what an IDE is.
[09:10] <chu> So, Ubuntu comes packaged, by default, with the Unity desktop environment - it's a shell on top of the GNOME 3 library. On the other hand, kubuntu comes packaged by default with the KDE environment.
[09:10] <chu> It is *possible* to still install KDE on Ubuntu (and Unity on kubuntu)
[09:12] <chu> As far as I am aware, the differences are entirely aesthetic, but perhaps someone who knows more about kubuntu could confirm/deny that.
[09:18] <Captain_Crow> so kubuntu"out of the box" wont play dvds?
[09:20] <chu> It will.
[09:20] <Captain_Crow> but ubuntu doesnt?
[09:20] <chu> They are functionally equivalent out of the box.
[09:22] <Captain_Crow> i heard that windows8 isnt supporting dvd or bluray playback, so are dvds and bluray obsolete now or something?
[09:28] <Captain_Crow> i mean cause of operating systems not playing them out of the box anymore
[09:33] <Captain_Crow> what would happen if ubuntu were the only os?
[09:35] <Captain_Crow> if everyone used ubuntu would that solve all the compatibility issues?
[09:57] <chu> I'm not sure that question has meaning really. We could pose it as a thought-experiment, and I guess the answer is "yes" in that case, but it doesn't really give us anything.
[09:59] <Captain_Crow> im just trying to understand the situation with linux and commercial pc products :P
[09:59] <chu> I'd pose an analogous question something like "If Ford were the only care manufacturer, would everyone drive a Ford?"
[09:59] <chu> s/care/car/
[10:01] <Captain_Crow> what is linuxmint, is it different from ubuntu somehow?
[10:02] <chu> It may have diverged more since I last cared to look, but as far as I am aware the difference is soley in the desktop environment.
[10:02] <chu> (Same as the difference between ubuntu and kubuntu, or xubuntu, lubuntu, etc)
[10:03] <Captain_Crow> is mint more popular than ubuntu?
[10:04] <chu> I doubt it, though Mint users certainly like to have their opinion heard.
[10:04] <Captain_Crow> when i typed linux into google, mint popped up before ubuntu
[10:04] <chu> Yep, because Mint users like to get their opinions heard :)
[10:05] <Captain_Crow> is mint more like windows or something?
[10:05] <Captain_Crow> i noticed it had a start menu type of thing
[10:06] <chu> They are functionally equivalent, just a different aesthetic look.
[10:06] <chu> You can (easily) achieve the same thing in ubuntu.
[10:08] <Captain_Crow> does ubuntu automatically install vlc or some other similar video playerback software, or does it have to be installed manually?
[10:08] <Captain_Crow> playback*
[10:09] <chu> I don't know what the name of the default video player is, but there is one there automatically.
[10:10] <Captain_Crow> so basically if someone installed ubuntu and ran updates and stuff, they could pop in a dvd and play it?
[10:10] <chu> Yes.
[10:11] <Captain_Crow> but not blurays?
[10:11] <chu> Not sure why they'd be any different.
[10:12] <chu> Oh, it's a restricted format. I see.
[10:13] <chu> You can't play blue rays, or hd dvds, without some effort.
[15:15] <Captain_Crow> how do i burn ubuntu to a disk?
[15:17] <Captain_Crow> i put in a disk, opened infrarecorder, and selected the iso file, a box came up, the ok button is greyed out
[17:12] <Captain_Crow> how do i get a ".msi" file to run on linux?
[19:02] <popey> Captain_Crow, that's a windows app
[20:14] <Captain_Crow> i got it, i just forgot to install wine :P