UbuntuIRC / 2012 /12 /22 /#ubuntu-arm.txt
Initial commit
[08:31] <adknight87_bugsB> poke poke
[08:31] <adknight87_bugsB> So I'm on ubuntu arm at the moment.
[08:31] <adknight87_bugsB> through my phone
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[08:33] <adknight87> So has anyone got wine working on ubuntu-arm?
[09:56] <Laney> ~,.
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[12:33] <foormea> hi, i'm trying to install ubuntu on my nexus7. using the graphical installer ubuntu-nexus7-installer, copy seemed to get stuck for over half an hour. i see from the manual steps here https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Nexus7/Installation that 2mn should be about what it needs to flash the device. can you confirm how long i should wait, roughly?
[12:35] <Tasssadar> I am pretty sure that 30m is too long, something probably went wrong
[12:38] <foormea> okay. i'm doing it with the manual steps and it's already flashing for 6-7-8mn
[12:39] <foormea> nothing showing on shell, dmesg says nothing bad either
[12:39] <foormea> maybe i'll try from another computer..
[12:40] <foormea> otherwise i'll revert the mofo to android :D (if i can flash it back haha)
[12:40] <Tasssadar> how big is the image after you extract it from .gz?
[12:40] <foormea> 700mb
[12:40] <Tasssadar> chm
[12:40] <foormea> chm?
[12:40] <Tasssadar> it got big again, fastboot has problems flashing that big images
[12:41] <foormea> sending 'userdata' (705701 KB)...
[12:41] <Tasssadar> not sure from which size it is, but it was something around 700mb
[12:41] <foormea> ha. okay... should i file a bug?
[12:41] <Tasssadar> I am not "from ubuntu", maybe they already know
[12:42] <Tasssadar> I can upload you older image, which should work
[12:42] <Tasssadar> and then you can apt-get upgrade
[12:42] <foormea> that'd be great. hang on i'd have to setup account for you. unless you don't mind sharing via google drive?
[12:43] <Tasssadar> actually the image vanhoof uploaded for me a while ago is stil there
[12:43] <Tasssadar> http://people.canonical.com/~vanhoof/tassadar/UbuntuNexus7.tar.gz
[12:44] <foormea> thanks Tasssadar i really appreciate it
[12:45] <Tasssadar> I hope that it is small enough, because I did not try flashing it via fastboot
[12:45] <foormea> how did you do it?
[12:45] <Tasssadar> I am dualbooting it, so I just extract the image somewhere
[12:46] <foormea> ohh... i'm pretty new to the non-standard android world, do you have a link to recommend to do this?
[12:47] <Tasssadar> I fail to parse the end of that sentence - you want a link to see how did I do it?
[12:47] <foormea> yes, please
[12:47] <foormea> :)
[12:47] <Tasssadar> http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=2011403
[12:48] <foormea> i meant, do you have a link that you recommend. sorry, i'm not a native english speaker. maybe you're not either. anyway. thanks!
[12:48] <Tasssadar> no, I am not :)
[12:49] <foormea> i'll try the dual boot later. for now i'll try the full ubuntu. if i can flash it.
[12:50] <foormea> i got this nexus7 offered as a present, trying to find a use for it. i'm not convinced so far.
[12:54] <Tasssadar> well, it's made for consuming content - movies, youtube, whatever. But I use it also as "textbook" in school, and sometimes instead of a computer - with ubuntu, or you can just chroot into ubuntu from android
[12:56] <Tasssadar> I've got iPad 2 for a month, to try what is is like, and I could't not find a decent use for it - it is too big (and fragile) to carry and use in school, you have to pay $99 _and_ have Mac computer just to develop an app for it...
[12:57] <foormea> easily watching movies via sshfs/nfs/something like that without copying the stuff onto the tablet beforehand would be a great achievement that i've found no easy way to do with android
[12:57] <gildean> foormea: subsonic
[12:57] <Tasssadar> I think alpha/beta xbmc for android is around already
[12:57] <foormea> oh yeah?
[12:58] <Tasssadar> http://xbmc.org/natethomas/2012/12/02/xbmc-12-frodo-beta-2-now-with-android/
[12:58] <foormea> i'll try xbmc and subsonic. after i'm done playing with ubuntu :D
[12:58] <gildean> with subsonic you can stream music/videos from your homecomputer/server to your mobile device and transcode to the bitrate available atm
[12:59] <foormea> gildean: cool. what protocol does it use?
[12:59] <gildean> it's basically just a http(s) server with a transcoder like ffmpeg in the backend
[13:00] <gildean> it works well imo
[13:01] <foormea> i'll give it a try. thanks!!
[13:03] <foormea> Tasssadar: i can flash with the image you gave me!
[13:05] <Tasssadar> how big it is after decompressing?
[13:05] <foormea> sending 'userdata' (693301 KB)...
[13:06] <foormea> took 81s+50s
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