UbuntuIRC / 2012 /12 /21 /#ubuntu-desktop.txt
Initial commit
=== broder__ is now known as broder
=== broder is now known as broder___
=== broder___ is now known as broder
=== tkamppeter__ is now known as tkamppeter
=== Ursinha is now known as Ursinha-afk
=== Ingeniumed_ is now known as Ingeniumed
=== Trevinho_ is now known as Trevinho
=== Ursinha-afk is now known as Ursinha
=== fredp` is now known as fredp
=== Quintasan_ is now known as Quintasan
[14:52] <attente> hi desrt
[15:25] <desrt> attente: hey
[15:25] <desrt> attente: what's up?
[15:27] <attente> desrt: you're back from poland?
[15:27] <desrt> yup. since a couple days ago.
[15:27] <attente> how was it?
[15:27] <desrt> busy
[15:28] <desrt> you get much done these past weeks?
[15:28] <attente> not really
[15:29] <desrt> :(
[15:29] <desrt> on vacation yet?
[15:29] <attente> not really :(
[15:29] <desrt> how are you 'not really' on vacation? :p
[15:30] <attente> good question...
[15:30] <attente> anyways
[15:30] <attente> the module is not playing well with empathy
[15:30] <desrt> does empathy have an app menu?
[15:31] <attente> i believe so
[15:31] <attente> yes it does
[15:32] <desrt> ya.. no doubt GtkApplicationWindow is the source of your troubles
[15:32] <attente> well
[15:32] <desrt> time for some clever tricks :)
[15:32] <attente> i fixed the module so it would fall back on the old menubar/action group if it had it
[15:32] <attente> but this problem is a different one altogether
[15:32] <attente> i can't even diagnose it
[15:32] <desrt> the trouble is that you will have to add the actions from the GtkMenuBar action group to the existing action group of the window
[15:33] <desrt> when does your vacation start?
[15:33] <attente> desrt, this is fine actually
[15:33] <attente> it's already done
[15:33] <desrt> oh. good :)
[15:33] <attente> i have no idea
[15:33] <attente> re: holiday
[15:33] <desrt> maybe you should ask jasoncwarner_ :)
[15:34] <desrt> my understanding is that the entire company is on vacation starting from a couple of days before christmas through to the new year
[15:34] <desrt> i don't know exactly what 'a couple of days' is, though
[15:34] <desrt> probably today is your last day, i guess
[15:34] <attente> are you on holiday?
[15:34] <desrt> ya
[15:34] <desrt> for the past two weeks
[15:34] <desrt> :D
[15:34] <attente> ah, sorry
[15:34] <desrt> no worries
[15:35] <attente> that would explain the emptiness today
[15:35] <attente> <insert end of the world joke here>
[15:36] <desrt> ya
[15:42] <larsu> desrt, attente, hi. The company's vacation is all through next week iirc
[15:42] <larsu> (I took next week and the 31st)
[15:42] <attente> hi larsu
[16:55] <Sweetshark> yay, beta2 finished to build.
=== dupondje_ is now known as dupondje
[17:16] <robru> gooood morning desktop team!
[17:22] <Sweetshark> goooood evening desktop team.
[17:22] * Sweetshark is off for holidays.
[17:27] <desrt> robru: your move is complete, i guess?
[17:27] <robru> desrt, ehhhhhhh
[17:27] <robru> desrt, my stuff is still in storage in winnipeg and I'm living in a hotel in victoria.
[17:28] <desrt> ahh
[17:28] <desrt> the sweet life
[17:28] <robru> desrt, aiming to find an apartment by feb 1st
[17:28] <desrt> seen any curb stompings outside your hotel window yet?
[17:28] <robru> desrt, thankfully not!
[17:28] <desrt> so a step up!
[17:28] <robru> quite!
[17:35] <xnox> robru: Victoria, BC? That's a big move =)
[17:35] * xnox liked Winnipeg a lot.
[17:35] <robru> xnox, yep! it's my lifelong dream to live here. I've loved this place since I was a kid!
[17:35] <robru> xnox, you liked winnipeg? ever been there in winter? ;-)
[17:36] <jbicha> xnox: what were you doing in Winnipeg?
[17:37] <xnox> robru: jbicha: yeah I lived there for a whole year, so I did enjoy +30 in the summer & -45 in the winter ;-)
[17:37] * xnox remembers the days looking at -40 & wishing it was -45 cause then the school is closed.
[17:37] <sarnold> haha
[17:38] <xnox> jbicha: foreign exchange student living with a host family for one school year.
[17:38] <xnox> here in UK they close schools at -10 or something silly like that.
[17:39] <jbicha> oh wow
[17:39] <jbicha> since when did the Desktop Team get overrun by Canadians?
[17:40] <xnox> jbicha: when wasn't it, eh?! =)
=== davidcalle_ is now known as davidcalle