UbuntuIRC / 2012 /12 /21 /#ubuntu-bugs.txt
Initial commit
[00:51] <robru> hggdh, https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu-nexus7/+bug/1072509 shouldn't this one be 'opinion' rather than 'confirmed'?
[00:51] <ubot2`> Launchpad bug 1072509 in ubuntu-nexus7 "Gnome Shell/Classic is Unable To Provide Accelerated Experience" [Low,Confirmed]
[00:52] <TheLordOfTime> mfisch was the one that removed won't fix, perhaps he should be asked?
[00:52] <TheLordOfTime> he/she/
[01:07] <hggdh> looking
[01:09] <hggdh> robru: on that I agree with TheLordOfTime, even more cuz mfisch knows what he is doing. But I fail to see what impact/usage it would have on nexus7
[01:09] * TheLordOfTime smiles since he was right.
[01:10] <robru> hggdh, exactly, I just want to get it off the list of "confirmed nexus7 bugs" since it's not really relevant to what we're trying to accomplish with the nexus7 ;-)
[01:10] <TheLordOfTime> .... eurgh, i just read something i never thought i'd see on the ubuntu wiki... one of the codename suggestions for S
[01:11] <TheLordOfTime> robru, i think you should consult with mfisch on this one. just because he/she's the one that changed it from Won't Fix.
[01:11] <robru> will ping mfisch then
[01:11] <hggdh> robru: I fundamentally agree with you...
[01:11] <TheLordOfTime> we've probably pinged them several times :P
[01:11] <hggdh> TheLordOfTime: its a he
[01:11] <TheLordOfTime> hggdh, can't tell, LP times out right now
[01:11] * TheLordOfTime hates flaky train wifi
[01:11] <hggdh> heh
[01:12] <robru> how important is it that I really ping mfisch? it seems pretty cut and dry to me that it simply should not be confirmed.
[01:14] <robru> it has associated upstream bugs that are status 'new' under other projects, the nexus7 aspect should just be opinion, I feel rather strongly actually
[01:14] <robru> it's not like this bug is going to die, just the nexus7 aspect of it
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[01:18] <robru> meh, emailed mfisch
[02:07] <mfisch> my ears are burning
[02:09] <mfisch> robru: you still around?
[02:10] <robru> mfisch, yep
[02:11] <mfisch> robru: so the thinking on that bug was that while it didn't really fit our goals, as you stated, that we'd accept fixes for anyone who wanted to send them. It's a valid bug, but not one we really care about fixing. I'm not sure in what state that leaves it in except where it is now.
[02:12] <robru> mfisch, well, my concern is that it's marked as confirmed *specifically for the nexus7 project*, which is wrong. mark it as 'confirmed' under gnome-shell or gnome-session or something, but mark it as 'opinion' just for the nexus7 project
[02:12] <mfisch> robru: okay, I'll agree to that
[02:13] <robru> mfisch, also, it has links to upstream bugs, which is good. ;-)
[02:13] <mfisch> yep
[02:13] <robru> mfisch, ok, do you want to change it or should I?
[02:13] <mfisch> robru: you if you don't mind, I'm about to put my kid to bed
[02:14] <robru> no worries. I'm triaging! ;-)
[02:14] <robru> (first day triaging)
[02:14] <mfisch> triaging is a great way to learn about ubuntu
[02:14] <mfisch> I also appreciate hggdh's idea that I know what I'm doing, it is sometimes correct
[02:15] <mfisch> robru: The Ubuntu Nexus7 Team - Joined 3 hours ago <- welcome
[02:16] <robru> mfisch, thanks. achiang asked me to help out with triaging so I am, because my Desktop Team workload is a bit low over the holidays.
[03:09] <robru> hggdh, still around?
[03:14] <hggdh> robru: indeed. A bit carried over on wisky, but still cognisant. I think
[03:15] <robru> hggdh, ok, just curious about a simple issue. https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu-nexus7/+bug/1068672 so here, cwayne18 has marked it 'confirmed', but since then much more info has been added. it seems like a well-defined task to me, so I marked it as 'triaged'. just wanted to make sure that was appropriate.
[03:15] <ubot2`> Launchpad bug 1068672 in ubuntu-nexus7 "webcam support" [Medium,Triaged]
[03:15] <robru> (I think I'm getting the hang of this)
[03:16] <hggdh> robru: looking
[03:17] <hggdh> robru: yes, it is certainly triaged
[03:17] <robru> hggdh, thanks ;-)
[03:17] <hggdh> robru: and yes, you are getting there :-)
[03:25] * hggdh considers this a good end-of-day, and limits self to another wisky
[03:36] * chilicui2 hugs everyone in case tomorrow finish the world
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[11:28] <Maccer> It seems that a previously fixed regression has now regressed again: https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/295832
[11:28] <ubot2`> Launchpad bug 295832 in pulseaudio (Ubuntu) "Alsa does not honor pcm.!default because of /usr/share/alsa/pulse.conf" [Low,Fix released]
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=== Logan_ is now known as Guest17481
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