UbuntuIRC / 2012 /12 /16 /#ubuntu-arm.txt
Initial commit
[02:59] <mjrosenb> the ubuntu-12.10 image, does that want to be dd'ed onto a sd card, or a usb drive?
[02:59] <mjrosenb> wat
[02:59] <mjrosenb> *wait
[03:00] <mjrosenb> that is a dumb question
[03:00] <mjrosenb> it needs to be the sd card, since the pandaboard cannot boot off of a usb drive
[03:05] <mjrosenb> "(initramfs) mount: mounting /dev/loop0 on //filesystem.squashfs failed: invalid argument"
[03:05] <mjrosenb> is the erro i'm getting, in case anyone has seen it before..
[03:11] <mjrosenb> argh... and the manifest doesn't have md5sums?
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[08:39] <breton_> hi. What's the defaut login in ubuntu nexus 7 image? I've tried loging in as guest user, but sudo doesn't work there; also 'su -' refuses to accept "ubuntu" as root password
[08:42] <breton_> also, there is nothing like "ubuntu" user in /etc/passwd
[08:43] <Ethernin> ubuntu
[08:43] <Ethernin> ubuntu
[08:43] <Ethernin> for username/pass
[08:43] <Ethernin> ;-)
[08:44] <Ethernin> by default
[08:44] <Ethernin> 12.10?
[08:44] <breton_> 13.04. yesterdays raring image. There is no 'ubuntu' user in /etc/passwd.
[08:50] <Ethernin> ok, then u have to set it up with the menu after install
[08:52] <breton_> err, where is that?
[08:52] <Ethernin> um after u install it should prompt u to create a user ect like normal ubuntu after initial install
[08:56] <breton_> I installed it by simply flashing the raring image. And after the first boot it didn't prompt.
[08:59] * breton_ has a feeling that he can now fix it only by chrooting into the image and creating the user manually
=== breton_ is now known as breton
=== Quintasan_ is now known as Quintasan
=== rsalveti_ is now known as rsalveti
=== yofel_ is now known as yofel
[17:42] <erdnussradio> hi. I want to install ubuntu on my "hercules ecafe ex hd" this got a freescale imx515 platform inside. Where can I find information about how to do this?
[17:43] <kulve> erdnussradio: did you check the URLs mentioned in the topic?
[17:45] <erdnussradio> kulve: thanks. I already tried some ubuntu-imx51 images and the rootfs but they did not work. so I will try the qemu version now
[17:50] <kulve> erdnussradio: my main point was that most of the info is there. The qemu-based in for emulating, I guess that's not your goal?
[17:50] <kulve> I don't have any extra info related to your hercules specifically..
[17:54] <erdnussradio> kulve: thanks :)
[18:02] <gildean> erdnussradio: iirc support for the imx51 series was dropped after 10.10
[18:03] <gildean> i remember someone talking about it here
[18:05] <Jef91> Anyone around know how to change the default height of orca? I did something and now it is super short by default making it hard to use
[18:13] <erdnussradio> gildean: ohh ok thanks for that information
[18:18] <gildean> erdnussradio: you might have better luck with debian tho'
[18:19] <gildean> also the older versions might be still available somewhere
[18:54] <erdnussradio> gildean: thanks I found a working debian rootfs :)
[21:21] <mjrosenb> hey all, is anyone running 13.04 on a chromebook?
[21:27] <k1l> give me a samsung chromebook and i will :)
[21:31] <mjrosenb> k1l: do I get it back after you're done installing it? :-p
[21:31] <k1l> we will see :)
[21:32] <mjrosenb> I once again bricked the linux install on my chromebook :(
[21:33] <mjrosenb> not that I can't recover it, but I am not sure how much I want to recover something that is so flaky...