UbuntuIRC / 2012 /12 /16 /#launchpad.txt
Initial commit
=== LordOfTime is now known as TheLordOfTime
=== thopiekar_ is now known as thopiekar
=== Quintasan_ is now known as Quintasan
=== Ursinha-afk is now known as Ursinha
[14:59] <agent00tai> hi guys, would we be allowed to point our own domain to ppa.launchpad.net so that when we decide to we can move the repo without any user interaction?
[15:46] <shadeslayer> could someone re-activate https://launchpad.net/~blue-shell/+archive/staging
=== yofel_ is now known as yofel
[17:55] <shadeslayer> errr ... launchpad is losing my uploads I think
[17:56] <shadeslayer> PPA uploads specifically\
[20:29] <frathgeber> am i missing something or does launchpad not provide a canonical download url for a tarball of the latest trunk revision?
[20:30] <frathgeber> or indeed for any branch?
[20:31] <frathgeber> i'm looking for the equivalent of https://github.com/<user>/<proj>/archive/<branch>.tar.gz
[20:40] <frathgeber> with a bit of trial and error i figured out i can do https://bazaar.launchpad.net/~<user>/<proj>/<branch>/tarball
[20:41] <frathgeber> however that's of little use unfortunately because the tarball contains the *folder structure* ~<user>/<proj>/<branch>
[20:41] <frathgeber> why on earth? that doesn't make any sense to me
[20:42] <frathgeber> in particular it makes it impossible to point to the tarball in the dependency_links of a python setup.py script
[20:42] <frathgeber> unfortunately setuptools doesn't support fetching from a bzr repo either, so it seems you're out of luck with python packages hosted on launchpad
[21:14] <Saviq> hey, are we experiencing some down-time on LP? I've uploaded a package to a PPA and haven't received any info for a long time now
[21:53] <lifeless> frathgeber: LP offers that
[21:54] <lifeless> frathgeber: the folder structure being included is surprising, sounds like a bug .
[21:59] <mwhudson> explicitly depending on the latest revision also sounds like a way to shoot yourself in the foot
[21:59] <mwhudson> (or have someone else shoot you in the foot for you, possibly)
[21:59] <mwhudson> but i guess that's a separate issue :)
[22:23] <lifeless> I hope so :)
[22:58] <wgrant> shadeslayer, Saviq: ppa.launchpad.net had some trouble with a runaway process, so the uploads were backlogged. It's fixed now, and it's caught up with the queue.
[22:58] <Saviq> wgrant, awesome, thank you
[23:05] <frathgeber> lifeless: thanks, i filed a bug for the unexpected folder structure inside the tarball: https://bugs.launchpad.net/loggerhead/+bug/1091005
[23:05] <ubot5> Launchpad bug 1091005 in loggerhead "Tarballs contain user/project/branch directory structure" [Undecided,New]
[23:44] <lifeless> frathgeber: that should be on launchpad
[23:44] <lifeless> frathgeber: loggerhead is a library, not bazaar.launchpad.net.
[23:50] <wgrant> That could well be a loggerhead bug
[23:56] <lifeless> wgrant: indeed, at which point two tasks :)
[23:57] <wgrant> No