UbuntuIRC / 2012 /12 /14 /#ubuntu-app-devel.txt
Initial commit
[15:16] <jasonamyers> any system76 owners in here?
=== jasonamyers is now known as jasonamyers|away
=== mhall119_ is now known as mhall119
[22:45] <vadi2> What does this at the end of compilation accomplish? Test binary integrity?
[22:45] <vadi2> { test -n "" && DESTDIR="" || DESTDIR=.; } && test $(gdb --version | sed -e 's,[^0-9]\+\([0-9]\)\.\([0-9]\).*,\1\2,;q') -gt 72 && gdb --nx --batch --quiet -ex 'set confirm off' -ex "save gdb-index $DESTDIR" -ex quit 'mudlet' && test -f mudlet.gdb-index && objcopy --add-section '.gdb_index=mudlet.gdb-index' --set-section-flags '.gdb_index=readonly' 'mudlet' 'mudlet' && rm -f mudlet.gdb-index || true
[22:45] <vadi2> It seems to be a new thing, I suspect it came via updates.
[23:11] <tsimpson> vadi2: it inserts gdb debugging information in the resulting binary
[23:11] <vadi2> Oh
[23:11] <vadi2> Where can I find out why / how does this change things?
[23:14] <tsimpson> it's why do you need to change it?
[23:14] <tsimpson> oops, I mean it's for debugging... why do you want to change it?
[23:14] <vadi2> I don't want to change it, I want to find out what does it change from previously
[23:15] <vadi2> Since you know -g before seemed enough?
[23:15] <tsimpson> it's just makes debugging with gdb a bit more efficient