UbuntuIRC / 2012 /12 /14 /#maas.txt
Initial commit
[10:24] <ehw> rvba: ping
[10:25] <rvba> ehw: pong
[10:25] <ehw> rvba: hey there; would you happen to know which PPA build of MAAS is linked to the upcoming SRU?
[10:26] <rvba> ehw: roaksoax will probably rebuild the packages but the packages in the testing ppa (https://launchpad.net/~maas-maintainers/+archive/testing) are the ones you are looking for.
[10:30] <ehw> rvba: ok, thanks, having a look
[10:46] <ehw> rvba: hmm... so apt-get upgrade doesn't upgrade maas; dist-upgrade does upgrade maas, but blows away the database
[10:49] <rvba> ehw: do you have a stacktrace I could take a look at?
[10:49] <ehw> rvba: it doesn't give a stacktrace
[10:50] <ehw> rvba: going to my maas server now shows me "No admin user has been created yet"
[10:50] <ehw> rvba: apparently, the maas package removes the old one, then installs itself anew
[10:51] <rvba> ehw: weird, the db should have been upgraded in-place. I guess you're doing this on precise right? (because we're SRU'ing on precise and on quantal)
[10:51] <ehw> rvba: it's on precise
[10:51] <ehw> rvba: basically, just a fresh install of maas from main, setup a couple of nodes, then add in the PPA
[10:52] <ehw> rvba: apt-get update && apt-get upgrade doesn't offer an update of maas* (python-django does)
[10:52] <ehw> rvba: you need to do a apt-get dist-upgrade to upgrade maas
[10:52] <ehw> rvba: which involves purging the existing version of maas including the db
[10:53] <rvba> ehw: let me try that on a precise instance and get back to you.
[10:53] <ehw> rvba: alright, thanks
[11:03] <rvba> ehw: ok, so 'apt-get upgrade' did not work because some of the new dependencies are in a ppa (this will go away when the packages will be properly SRU'ed). if you explicitly run 'sudo apt-get install maas python-django-maas' the db will be upgraded (instead of simply wiped away as with 'dist-upgrade').
[11:05] <ehw> rvba: ok, interesting thanks
[11:05] <rvba> np
[11:28] <ehw> rvba: did you just test this on your side? I'm getting bitten by pad.lv/1081391
[11:29] <ehw> rvba: although the upgrade didn't blow away my db, it does fail because of that missing GenericIPAddressField
[11:40] <rvba> ehw: you need python-django version 1.3.1-4ubuntu1.5~ppa1 it will be SRU'ed but for now it's in the testing ppa too.
[11:41] <ehw> rvba: why wouldn't that be installed as a dependency during the maas upgrade?
[11:42] <rvba> ehw: does not look like we force the version (which is bad).
[11:43] <rvba> ehw: you can force the install of the right version with 'apt-get install python-django'
[11:44] <ehw> rvba: I guess that dependency is going to need to be fixed, though, before customers get hold of it :-/
[11:45] <rvba> ehw: indeed. But as you can see from the comments on this bug you pointed out to me, the SRU of python-django is not yet done. If we can't do it, we've got an alternate solution. That's why we're waiting to change the dependency.
[11:47] <rvba> ehw: I'll file a bug about that just to make sure we do not lose track of that problem.
[11:48] <ehw> rvba: cool, thanks! would you mind subscribing me to that when you get it opened?
[11:48] <ehw> (my lp is eric-canonical)
[11:48] <rvba> ehw: sure
[12:39] <rvba> roaksoax: Hi, would you mind having a look at bug 1090334 when you'll be back? It's for the precise SRU packaging branch.
[12:39] <ubot5> Launchpad bug 1090334 in maas (Ubuntu) "MAAS (in precise) requires django >= 1.3.1-4ubuntu1.5" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1090334
=== matsubara is now known as matsubara-lunch
=== matsubara-lunch is now known as matsubara