[00:16] <Oe_eden> holstein, where/how can I file a bug ? |
[00:19] <Unit193> !bug |
[00:19] <ubottu> If you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its derivatives, please file a bug using the command « ubuntu-bug <package> » - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ReportingBugs for other ways to report bugs. |
[00:35] <Oe_eden> 500 internal server error |
[01:21] <kosaidpo> hello |
[01:22] <kosaidpo> which package i have to install to get disk utility |
[01:22] <Unit193> gnome-disk-utility ? |
[01:23] <kosaidpo> Unit193: you sure ?? |
[01:23] <kosaidpo> i think its lx sumthin related i may be wrong '] |
[01:24] <kosaidpo> Unit193: you're right i mistaken its name |
[04:26] <Ascavasaion> Morning. My PS/2 mouse refuses to be recognised. It is getting power as it is glowing, but does not work. I am currently using a USB one just to get around GUI, but I need the USB port for other things. Can someone please tell me how to get the PS/2 mouse working. Thank you. |
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[20:08] <jkh62> hello everyone! :) |
[20:09] <mysteriousdaren> peace |
[20:09] <jkh62> mysteriousdaren: peace! |
=== len is now known as Guest37385 |
[22:06] <Lesh_> Hello, I'd like to ask for some help. I have a old IBM T23 and wanted to install Lubuntu 12.10 alternate 32bit. It has a Pentium 3 with 1,13GHz and 384MB Ram. After the installtion the screen looks like this: https://fbcdn-sphotos-h-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-snc6/706097_189241941214630_123880148_o.jpg Is there a problem with the graphic driver and am I able to fix that? Thank you. |
[22:43] <Analogymous> Hi! I'm currently installing Lubuntu for an older machine running amd athlon 3000+, 512mb ram, 128mb Nvidia 5200 and I decided to erase the already existing Windows XP and Ubuntu-installation when I clicked in the installation guide that I run from a DVD. I can only hear minor activity from the HDD and there is a blackscreen with the pointer feat the loading circle. Has the installation frozen or is it just erasing all the |
[22:43] <Analogymous> data from previous OSs? :) |
[22:56] <Lesh_> Hello, I'd like to ask for some help. I have a old IBM T23 and wanted to install Lubuntu 12.10 alternate 32bit. It has a Pentium 3 with 1,13GHz and 384MB Ram. After the installtion the screen looks like this: https://fbcdn-sphotos-h-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-snc6/706097_189241941214630_123880148_o.jpg Is there a problem with the graphic driver and am I able to fix that? Thank you. |
[23:06] <Analogymous> Looks like problems with the graphic driver... |
[23:09] <Lesh_> And now? =/ |
[23:18] <Analogymous> I have no clue. I am currently trying to install it myself and it feels stuck with the loading... |
[23:19] <Analogymous> I think maybe an installation of XP or other OS would make due to recover it! |
[23:20] <Analogymous> Hope I won't have the same graphical issue, it's feels like a gamble when it comes to driver to support for linux but maybe that's just my beginner prejudices.. |
[23:23] <Lesh_> Same here ;) |
[23:37] <Analogymous> Dah. |
[23:47] <holstein> Analogymous: i would load the live CD with "nomodeset".. safe graphics mode |
[23:47] <holstein> Analogymous: with tricky hardware, i might use a live CD such as puppy or knoppix to get the desktop configured.. then steal the xorg.conf from that live environment |
[23:48] <holstein> driver support can be challenging, but remember.. nothing about linux/*buntu is preventing your hardware manufacturer from providing you a driver for your hardware |
[23:49] <holstein> that being said, there are plenty of options.. the vesa driver is one of those usually fail-safe options |
[23:57] <hal14450> Lesh_, it would help to know the graphics chip. you can use lspci to glean that info and then google for a solution. i do have to admit that having something like that happen after a fresh install given you probably didn't use a CLI based installer really isn't acceptable. |