UbuntuIRC / 2012 /12 /08 /#lubuntu.txt
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[03:02] <user20393> Dillo browser won't show images on google image search. How to fix? Is there a setting in dillorc I need to change?
[03:03] <user20393> sudo apt-get install dillo
[03:03] <user20393> dillo settings are in /home/user1/.dillo/dillorc
[03:03] <Unit193> That's to install it. Have you tried xxxterm?
[03:04] <user20393> no what's that?
[03:04] <user20393> well i have lxterminal and i already installed dillo, but can't get images to show in the browser.
[03:05] <Unit193> http://www.dillo.org/FAQ.html#q28 That may answer your question, guessing Google redirects images.
[03:05] <Unit193> !info xxxterm
[03:05] <ubottu> xxxterm (source: xxxterm): Minimalist's web browser. In component universe, is optional. Version 1:1.11.3-1 (quantal), package size 170 kB, installed size 421 kB
[03:08] <user20393> thanks. I followed the dillo instructions, still no images. Will test xxxterm.
[03:09] <holstein> i found dillo so light, it didnt do some things i needed
=== len is now known as Guest88898
[03:10] <user20393> I'm fairly sure i had images in dillo 2, but dillo3 won't show images on cnn, google or wikipedia.
[03:11] <holstein> im quite sure i didnt get features i expected.. some images were not working
[03:12] <holstein> i say, if you want a modern browser, use one.. otherwise, if you want a light one, you might have to deal with some things "missing"... try midori
[03:13] <user20393> xxxterm works fine. That will do.
[03:14] <user20393> cool browser. i like it
[03:14] <user20393> thanks
[03:23] <Unit193> Sure thing.
[19:12] <talis62> Hello everyone!
=== daker_ is now known as daker
[21:37] <marxiano> nas