UbuntuIRC / 2012 /12 /06 /#maas.txt
Initial commit
=== shang_ is now known as shang
[12:47] <rvba> rbasak: I'm enlisting ARM nodes all right, but when I try to deploy something with juju on them, juju is never able to connect to them.
[12:48] <rbasak> rvba: do you have serial output on the ARM nodes? You should be able to get this with ipmitool or freeipmi
[12:48] <rvba> rbasak: I'm using the package in the dailyppa on precise.
[12:48] <rvba> rbasak: this is happening in the lab
[15:58] <smoser> rvba, ping.
[15:58] <smoser> i'm playing aroudn with some stuff, and i'd liek a general bucke where i could put some information on start
[15:58] <smoser> is there anything like that ?
[15:59] <smoser> right now i can post to the api key value pairs with the start reqeust, but only 'user_data' and 'series' are paid attention to.
[16:00] <smoser> i'd like for other stuff i post to get somehow attached ot the node (probably removed on 'release')
[16:03] <rvba> smoser: hey
[16:04] <smoser> the end goal would be for me to be able to get at those key/value pairs inside the templates
[16:04] <rvba> smoser: if you have a look at the api code for start (http://paste.ubuntu.com/1414975/), we pass the 'user_data' to the start_nodes method and the 'series' is attached to the node. I don't know what you're trying to achieve really but looks like you might want to create new data attached to a node.
[16:05] <smoser> i'd like a general bucket
[16:05] <smoser> rather than "user_keys" or something. that everything got shoved into
[16:05] <smoser> in my installer templates, i can then read stuff from there
[16:06] <smoser> the specific motivation would be to pass something like:
[16:06] <smoser> installer=fast_pass
[16:06] <smoser> or
[16:06] <smoser> installer=d-i
[16:06] <smoser> that specific thing might make sense to have maas know about, but there are surely lots of other things that maas can just shuffle through.
[16:07] <rvba> One solution would be to create a new JSONField on the node with a meaningful name (:)) and use that to store your stuff.
[16:08] <rvba> This field would contain a json object that you could exploit in the installed templates.
[16:08] <rvba> (you would have to make it available to the templates of course)
[16:11] <rvba> smoser: maybe a JSONField is overkill if you just want to have one string to store installer parameters that can be stored as one line of text.
[16:11] <smoser> json is just text.
[16:11] <smoser> binary blob is most "I dont care"
[16:12] <smoser> second is text that "I dont care"
[16:12] <smoser> and if i'm suggesting that maas not care, then i'd suggest it really not care.
[16:12] <smoser> (ie, not insist on json)
[16:32] <smoser> rvba, i dont *hvae* to make it avaliable in the templates explicitly. as I can execute arbitrary python code there.
=== matsubara is now known as matsubara-lunch
[16:39] <melmoth> is there a way in Maas to have several different preseed file used when a machine is being deployed ?
[16:40] <melmoth> like, on some box creating a new partition on the drive (so we can use them to deploy a swift storage or nova-volumes charms) ?
[16:40] <melmoth> (talking about maas on 12.04 btw)
[16:41] <smoser> melmoth, why would you not do that via user-data ?
[16:41] <smoser> what would be the value of doing it in the installer ?
[16:41] <smoser> you *can* accomplish this (even in 12.04 most likely) by having the template execute whatever python code you want and call out to another service even more data).
[16:41] <melmoth> i have no idea about the user-data thing.
[16:41] <smoser> ?
[16:42] <smoser> when you deploy a node in maas, it takes user-data ( just like on ec2/openstack )
[16:42] <melmoth> i understand user-data for vm, but for bare metal, once lcoud init runs , the machine is alreadt installed, so you cannot shrink / can you ?
[16:42] <smoser> and cloud-init acts on that user-data.
[16:42] <smoser> well, you can shrink filesystems, yes.
[16:42] <smoser> but generally having the installer not take all for / if you wanted to use less makes more sense here.
[16:43] <melmoth> but only for some machine.
[17:25] <Aram> hi, I need a little hint. My maas controller has two ethernet interfaces. I want to use maas-dhcp and maas-dns. how do I tell maas-dhcp only to use eth1? I don't need a full answer, just a manual page name.
=== matsubara-lunch is now known as matsubara
[18:51] <Aram> hmm... /etc/dhcp/dhcpd.conf does not get created by maas-dhcp. I was under the impression maas generates this files, do I need to create if by hand?
[18:51] <Aram> I solved the eth1 problem, btw
[18:52] <melmoth> any idea why bootstraping fail ? http://pastebin.com/gF72WSzq summary: The requested URL /MAAS/api/1.0/tags/ was not found on this server.
[18:54] <Aram> I guess I could use maas-provision generate-dhcp-config to generate it, but what omapi key to use?
[19:05] <matsubara> Aram, if you configure the controller through the web UI you'll be able to choose which interface is running the dhcp server
[19:06] <matsubara> Aram, or you can use the maas-cli
[19:06] <Aram> matsubara: thanks. found it. I feel stupid now. I didn't think of using the GUI at all.
[19:07] <Aram> dhcpd seems to work now, but it can't find the tftp server
[19:07] <Aram> do I need to manually enable that as well?
[19:08] <matsubara> Aram, nope, the dhcpd.conf file is in /etc/maas/ can you paste that? the next_server parameter there is where the nodes will look for the tftp server
[19:08] <Aram> ah, yes, the next server is wrong. it's on a different network interface
[19:08] <matsubara> so, once you install maas, if you need to run dpkg-reconfigure maas to set the proper address for the pxe interface
[19:09] <Aram> hmm... dpkg-reconfigure mass doesn't do anything
[19:09] <Aram> maas
[19:09] <Aram> exists with status 0
[19:09] <Aram> no output
[19:10] <Aram> same with -p low
[19:17] <Aram> ok, it was maas-region-controller, not maas, but dhcpd.conf is still wrong.
[19:18] <Aram> well, when running dpkg-reconfigure maas-region-controller, I did get an error.
[19:19] <Aram> this is the error
[19:19] <Aram> http://paste.ubuntu.com/1415395/
[19:20] <Aram> don't know if the error is fatal or not, but it does rememer what I've set.
[19:20] <Aram> but dhcpd.conf has the old name
[19:21] <Aram> also the dns is wrong in dhcpd.conf, not only next-server
[19:22] <Aram> this is my dhcpd.conf: http://paste.ubuntu.com/1415399/
[19:31] <Aram> matsubara: any idea about that error ^ ^
[19:33] <matsubara> Aram, you can change that file manually and run sudo service maas-dhcp restart
[19:33] <matsubara> and check if the node will boot properly
[20:21] <Aram> matsubara: I did that, am I correct in assuming my changed won't be overwritten? anyway, now it finds the TFTP server but it stops at 'Trying to load: pxelinux.cfg/default'
[20:21] <Aram> s/changed/changes/
[20:23] <Aram> Unable to locate configuration file
[20:24] <matsubara> Aram, did you run maas-import-pxe-files?
[20:25] <Aram> yes.
[20:25] <Aram> but in /var/lib/maas/tftp/amd64/generic there's only precise
[20:25] <Aram> and I set quantal in the web ui afterwards
[20:30] <matsubara> maybe it failed to download the quantal images?
[20:31] <Aram> it only tries to download precise
[20:32] <Aram> ran it again
[20:32] <Aram> precise node seems to boot via pxe, whohoo
[20:32] <Aram> but I'd like quantas as well
[20:32] <Aram> quantal
[20:34] <Aram> hmm, the precise node didn't auto-enlist
[20:39] <Aram> yep, nodes boot alright but with no auto enlistment
[20:40] <Aram> am I doing something wrong?
=== lifeless_ is now known as lifeless
[20:44] <Aram> yes they do
[20:44] <Aram> it just took some time
[20:44] <Aram> I see two nodes
[20:44] <Aram> so now only the quantal problem remains
[22:01] <Aram> why does it take so long for new nodes to appear in the maas interface?