UbuntuIRC / 2012 /12 /06 /#edubuntu.txt
Initial commit
=== yofel_ is now known as yofel
[16:08] <highvoltage> http://edubuntu.org/news/13.04-alpha1
[17:49] <micahg> stgraber: have you considered trying an alternate DE for LTSP?
[17:50] <stgraber> micahg: yeah, since 12.10 we use gnome-fallback by default for it. highvoltage wanted (may still want) to go with lxde but I don't really like the idea of shipping 2 completely different DE
[17:50] * micahg was going to suggest Xfce :)
[17:51] <stgraber> so the current plan is to see what happens by 14.04, if they don't somehow get compiz and unity to deal with GL indirect rendering, we'll most likely switch to fat clients my default
[17:51] <stgraber> which won't have any of those problems as the DE will run on the client
[17:51] <highvoltage> stgraber: I'm going to toy around with it, but not going to do anything in raring. I think it's better at this stage to see what happens with unity and gnome (including gnome legacy, etc)
[17:51] <highvoltage> (yeah, "snap", basically)
[17:52] <highvoltage> unity's usability is *horrible*
[17:52] <highvoltage> but I think it's better to make some lenses and try to fix it rather than switch DE
[17:52] <micahg> highvoltage: gnome legacy upstream is gone with 3.8 (which we probably won't see in Ubuntu until 13.10)
[17:52] <highvoltage> micahg: you seem to be confused
[17:53] <highvoltage> micahg: gnome fallback is going away with 3.8
[17:53] <highvoltage> micahg: gnome legacy is coming in 3.8
[17:53] <micahg> hrm, I thought upstream gave up on anything like that
[17:53] <stgraber> gnome legacy is a gnome shell based UI that looks like gnome 2
[17:53] <micahg> interesting
[17:53] <stgraber> where gnome fallback was the gnome 2 components mixed with gnome 3
[17:53] <highvoltage> micahg: http://blogs.gnome.org/mclasen/2012/12/05/gnome-3-7-what-is-happening-now/
[17:54] * micahg must have missed that communique
[17:54] <highvoltage> I'm pretty much using gnome 3 right now with a bunch of plugins that make it more gnome-2 like.
[17:54] <highvoltage> but gnome has lots of problems with plugins at the moment
[17:55] <highvoltage> whatever version of gnome you're running there's a significant number of plugins that aren't compatible with it
[17:55] <stgraber> sounds like firefox ;)
[17:55] <highvoltage> pretty much.
[17:55] <highvoltage> except that firefox work farely well without any plugins
[17:55] <highvoltage> *works
=== You're now known as ubuntulog