UbuntuIRC / 2012 /12 /05 /#ubuntu-beginners.txt
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=== yofel_ is now known as yofel
=== albert is now known as Guest63196
=== Guest63196 is now known as Phryq
[22:27] <riles> can I get some tips. I have exhausted all I know and am kinda SOL
[22:29] <riles> I am on another computer because my Macbook pro was running 12.4 of Ubuntu so I decided to try 12.10.
[22:30] <riles> Now when I start my computer about 80% of the time the sign in screen shows but then after I sign in it freezes.
[22:30] <riles> The times that I get though it freezes after lots of small visual glitches.
[22:30] <riles> What should I do?
[22:35] <holstein> i would just go back to 12.04 riles
[22:35] <riles> How do I do that?
[22:36] <riles> I can't get my computer to read the disc drive. I press ESC at menu and nothing shows the disc in the device
[22:36] <riles> *at boot
[22:36] <holstein> well, ubuntu nor linux are magic. if the hardware is failing, that wont help
[22:37] <holstein> riles: i would get the 12.04 live CD you likely used to install 12.04 and reinstall it
[22:37] <holstein> i would test the memory and the hard drive
[22:37] <riles> alright.
[22:37] <riles> which button do I hold at boot?
[22:38] <riles> The drive is working I made a mint disc when I got it to run one of the few times.
[22:39] <holstein> riles: all of that depends on the machine
[22:39] <holstein> riles: when i had a macbook and was testing, i believe it was just the "c" key
[22:39] <holstein> could have been "apple+C"
[22:39] <riles> I am on a 100% ubuntu macbook
[22:39] <holstein> riles: the operating system makes no difference
[22:39] <riles> i s
[22:39] <riles> weird.
[22:39] <holstein> riles: you are asking the hardware to boot a CD.. that is before the OS loads
[22:40] <riles> I am rebooting the device now
[22:40] <holstein> riles: each machine boots CD's in a different way.. typyically from the bios
[22:40] <holstein> the apple hardware doesnt have a traditional bios in that sense.. so it can be a bit more tricky, though arguably more "attractive"
[22:40] <riles> learning new things today
[22:41] <riles> the screen just went purple... shit.
[22:42] <holstein> riles: try and keep it clean here.. the language
[22:42] <riles> sorry.
[22:42] <holstein> riles: i would just try and boot a live CD
[22:43] <holstein> riles: i would tap the shift key.. i would try down at the bottom "F6" and select "nomodeset"
[22:43] <riles> could i put something into terminal to get it to boot from the disc?
[22:43] <holstein> this is what i reffered to with the apple hardware i had https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MacBook
[22:43] <holstein> riles: no
[22:44] <holstein> riles: you can boot the live CD.. holding shift
[22:44] <riles> okay
[22:44] <holstein> riles: then, at the bottom.. you'll see F6
[22:44] <holstein> in that f6 menu.. you'll see "nomodeset"
[22:44] <holstein> this will kind of "put something in the terminal"
[22:45] <holstein> riles: i would test the memory there... try and get to a live desktop and look at the hard drive
[22:46] <riles> I held shift and it did not do anything, resumed normal boot
[22:46] <holstein> riles: cool
[22:47] <riles> ?
[22:47] <holstein> riles: this will *not* be easy.. nor will it just automatcially happen for you. nor will apple or anyone else be able to help you
[22:47] <holstein> riles: what did i do?
[22:47] <holstein> i put the cd in.. i removed the hard drive so i wouldnt "break" it, forcing reboots
[22:47] <holstein> riles: i tried the live CD.. if that fails, i use the tap shift and f6 option
[22:48] <riles> shift+f6?
[22:48] <holstein> riles: you likely are not doing the key sequences in the order the hardware is expecting
[22:48] <holstein> riles: no
[22:48] <holstein> riles: i would hit c.. or whatever it is that boots the cd
[22:48] <holstein> when you hear the cd loading.. hold shift
[22:49] <holstein> that should bring up the options wth f6 at the bottom... which are not a big deal, since its just an alternative, and nothing to worry about
[22:49] <holstein> if you cant get that to work, move on
[22:49] <riles> okay
[22:49] <holstein> https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MacBook was quite helpful for me though
[22:49] <holstein> that should tell you, by the model you have, what you should need to do
[22:50] <riles> alright thanks.
[22:50] <holstein> i think you should rule out hardware issues..
[22:50] <riles> Is there anyway to just wipe my system clean?
[22:50] <holstein> riles: sure.. boot one of these live CDs and wipe it
[22:51] <riles> I have my documents backed up and my osx on an xternal
[22:51] <holstein> riles: you'll need to sort out how to boot a live CD.. be that an apple OS one, or an ubuntu one.. or something with gparted
[22:51] <riles> alright.
[22:52] <riles> I could partition the drive and then slap on the osx and then delete the ubuntu right?
[22:52] <riles> I have a sucessful boot. Testing memory
[22:52] <holstein> riles: those are options that can be done after booting an osx installer disc.. correct
[22:53] <riles> how do I do a memory test?
[22:53] <holstein> riles: i boot a live CD with a memory test on it
[22:53] <holstein> the ubuntu ones have it.. but you need to press shift at the correct time
[22:54] <riles> okay
[22:54] <holstein> riles: you would hold C to get the cd to load.. them press shift to show the menu with the f6 options that i mentioned and the memtest
[22:54] <holstein> OR, just get a diagnostic live CD such as ultimate boot cd
[22:55] <riles> okay. I will give this all a shot.