UbuntuIRC / 2012 /11 /30 /#launchpad.txt
Initial commit
[01:05] <JoseeAntonioR> hey guys! I'd like to know how does the jenkins launchpad plugin works with scripttrigger, so I can start using it in a while
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[05:41] <mangdood> Hi, how might I change my password on Launchpad?
[05:43] <ebergen> https://login.launchpad.net/
[05:47] <mangdood> Whoa. I never thought the link would be.... so simple.
[05:47] <mangdood> It's not going to ask me for my current password though? It seems rather dangerous if someone gets on your computer
[05:47] <ebergen> the login stuff is kind of wonky now because it is all the unity single sign on
[05:48] <ebergen> *shrug* I'm just another user
[05:48] <mangdood> :P I guess I'll send them an email?
[05:54] <wgrant> mangdood: That's bug #829836
[05:54] <mangdood> ...I guess not. Whatever, I've changed my password so my problem is solved
[05:54] <ubot5> Launchpad bug 829836 in Canonical SSO provider "Password can be changed with only cookie authentication" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/829836
[05:55] <mangdood> Oh my. It's been a year and it hasn't changed. Like most bugs.
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[10:32] <ccxCZ> hello, is it possible to generate the +series graph without the whole launchpad suite? what component does that?
[10:34] <czajkowski> hmm not sure
[10:34] <czajkowski> StevenK: is it possible?
[10:34] <hyperair> that graph is probably generated on the client side
[10:34] <hyperair> (considering how it's draggable and all)
[10:36] <ccxCZ> well, it's a canvas element
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[10:37] <ccxCZ> but I'm more asking on how to get that data, I can run it through graphviz or similar
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[13:06] <bibinou> hi
[13:07] <bibinou> I got spam in a bug report : https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/quodlibet/+bug/601741/comments/7
[13:07] <ubot5> Launchpad bug 601741 in quodlibet (Ubuntu) "playing module (s3m, xm, mod, it...) files produces silence" [Undecided,Invalid]
[13:08] <bibinou> I think the poor guy got his email hacked
[13:08] <czajkowski> spam removed
[13:08] <bibinou> thanks
[13:09] <czajkowski> np
[13:10] <bibinou> you banned him ?
[13:11] <bibinou> nice 410 :)
[13:12] <czajkowski> no that was done a long time ago
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[14:35] <JoseeAntonioR> Hey guys, do any of you have an idea of how does the jenkins launchpad plugin works with ScriptTrigger?
[14:37] <czajkowski> matsubara: any ide where to point JoseeAntonioR in the right direction
[14:46] <matsubara> I think the jenkins jobs I use, use a custom trigger (the code is in lp:autopkgtest)
[14:52] <JoseeAntonioR> already spoken to mmrazik, solved :)
[14:52] <JoseeAntonioR> thanks a lot guys
[15:10] <xnox> JoseeAntonioR: for the record lp:auto-package-testing has full source code for the trigger on source changes in the ubuntu archive, but that is not launchpad specific.
[15:11] <xnox> JoseeAntonioR: there is also tarmac which integrates with launchpad merge proposals, branches and jenkins.
[15:11] <xnox> JoseeAntonioR: check the wiki about it.
[15:11] <JoseeAntonioR> xnox: will do, thanks a lot!
[15:11] <xnox> czajkowski: all things jenkins redirect to -> #ubuntu-quality =)
[15:12] <xnox> czajkowski: generally there are no special things on launchpad-side, it more-or-less purely works against launchpad api.
[15:12] <czajkowski> xnox: I know but JoseeAntonioR had already asked in anothe channel as well
[15:12] <czajkowski> so just kinda wanted to help him as well
[15:12] <czajkowski> xnox: we also get lts of things that are not lp related in here as well :)
[15:13] <xnox> fair enough =)))))
[15:13] <xnox> ;-)
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[15:39] <tedg> Hey, is there a way to get to http://launchpad.net/~/+upcomingwork from the GUI?
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[15:47] <xnox> tedg: I'd like to know as well =)
[15:48] <tedg> xnox, It's a secret page... shhhh! :-)
[15:48] <xnox> =)))))))))))))))))))))
[15:53] <ScottK> Oh, that's a nice one.
[16:01] <czajkowski> not so secret
[16:01] <czajkowski> rather handy :)
[16:02] <mgz> +freechocolate on the other hand, is secret.
[16:04] <czajkowski> hmm I've had no chocolate today, this could be one of the reasons I'm rather sleepy
[16:13] <Daviey> Anyone know how i can download a *.changes from a private ppa? urllib fails, as it isn't signed in... (url obtained from auth'd changesFileUrl() call)
[16:14] <czajkowski> sinzui: any idea if that's possible?
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[16:31] <micahg> Daviey: the security team has scripts to do that
[16:33] <sinzui> Daviey, your script needs to load your credentials to get access. I don't have an example of how to do it.
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[16:36] <Daviey> sinzui: Ah, i might have that.. thanks
[16:36] <Daviey> i hoped lplib had a built in wrapping of urllib :)
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[21:47] <bjsnider> my bot's log says that it uploaded a bunch of packages to my ppa on the 17th, but the ppa has no record of it. launchpad also did not email me about it
[21:47] <bjsnider> is it possible for launchpad to just lose those packages?
[21:52] <Aaron> hey i have a question i was trying to change my email from timido@ubuntu.com to aaron@ubuntu.com
[21:52] <Aaron> but the launchpad profile aaron is taken
[21:58] <Aaron> any suggestions?
[22:10] <dobey> bjsnider: is it authenticated to launchpad as a user that owns the PPA?
[22:10] <bjsnider> yes
[22:10] <bjsnider> it it worked fine before and has worked fine after this date
[22:10] <czajkowski> Aaron: a user already has that lp name
[22:11] <czajkowski> Aaron: and as the lp id name is what the @ubuntu.com address uses you can't change it
[22:11] <czajkowski> you could contact the person and see if they are still using it
[22:11] <czajkowski> while people may not be active in LP they could use their account for other things
[22:13] <dobey> bjsnider: not sure why that would happen then
[22:13] <Aaron> the guy does not look active
[22:14] <dobey> Aaron: maybe he doesn't use launchpad, but uses other services
[22:15] <czajkowski> Aaron: well folks don't have to be active :) again people subscibe to bugs, have the same login for ubuntu forums or AU all with the same login and refer to their lp pages.
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[22:15] <czajkowski> dobey: :) great minds!
[22:15] <dobey> maybe he uses Ubuntu One on Windows only or Android or something. :)
[22:16] <czajkowski> or a mac!
[22:16] <czajkowski> anyting is possible you know :p
[22:16] <dobey> not yet :)
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[23:31] <TheLordOfTime> i assume i can't change my username on LP unless i close my current PPAs?