UbuntuIRC / 2012 /11 /30 /#kubuntu.txt
Initial commit
[00:21] <pen_> how long 12.04 will reveive bacports ?
[00:23] <d_ed> pen_: April 2017
[00:24] <d_ed> In theory anyway. In practice it will only be security updates after a while.
[00:25] <pen_> so no new kde versions
[01:48] <frankko> is there really no qt based rss reader with google reader sync?
[01:49] <frankko> i feel dirty having to install a whole hoard of libs and dependencies just to get liferea ti make up for that deficiency
[02:22] <frankko> what am i missing if i get theese errors?: "CMake Error at akonadi_resource/CMakeLists.txt:41 (kcfg_generate_dbus_interface):" and "Unknown CMake command "kcfg_generate_dbus_interface"."
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[02:41] <gerald_> hi all
[02:43] <gerald_> has anyone got call of duty modern warfare 3 to work on well on wine 1.5? with a ati hd 3 or 4 xx card?
[03:38] <luis_> que onda hueyes
[03:44] <frankko> anyone know how to make opera not use html5 video on youtube?
[03:55] <asensio> what is the best twitter client for kubuntu ?
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[04:47] <DaZ> frankko: probably disable it on youtube.com/html5 ? :v
[04:50] <Sixil> Anyone know bash here?
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[08:04] <du> Good morning users! It´s nice to be omnline! Isn`t it?
[08:05] <Smurphy> not really ... Could still sleep some 4 hours or so :}
[08:07] <du> Oh, dear poor at sleep Smurphy! :-))))
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[08:32] <root-897754> Hallo
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[08:34] <du> Hallo root-897754!:-))))
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[09:25] <john__> hey my plasma desktop crashed ! N_N
[09:41] <du> Hey John_, call over xterm :syntax sudo dolphin, path /usr/bin/X11,file :plasma netbook .exe! Good Luck!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :-|
[09:44] <du> Bye, I have to go shopping now, see you later in net!!!!!! :-(
[09:54] <rosoftamar> hello
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[11:32] <invariant> The scrollbar of a GTK2 application is invisible until I hover over it. I want it to always be visible. How can that be accomplished?
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[12:45] <Anubis> hi! how can i see the display name in kopete instead of account name?
[13:01] <thechef> Is there a PPA for the freshest vanilla kernel? I know one can use backports, but they are not bleeding edge and I have good experience with stable/LTS distributions in combination with latest kernels (even RC), but I'd love to have a PPA instead of compiling my own (the debian way)
[13:02] <yofel_> thechef: there are mailine builds in http://kernel.ubuntu.com/~kernel-ppa/mainline/ but there's no automated respository that I know of
[13:03] <thechef> ah
[13:03] <thechef> so the packages are there
[13:03] <thechef> just no repos around it.. okay
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[13:28] <BluesKaj> Howdy all
[13:33] <Smurphy> Jo ..
[13:54] <roland> how do I set firefox as default browser? when I click on links in quassel, it tries to start rekonq, although I have uninstalled that
[13:54] <roland> kubuntu 12.04
[13:54] <lordievader> roland: See System Settings -> Default Application -> Web Browser.
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[13:56] <roland> lordievader: thanks, that did it...
[13:56] <BluesKaj> roland, or firefox>edit>preferences>advanced
[14:00] <roland> where can I change the applications that firefox uses to open downloaded files, currently it want's to open pdf files with gimp and "Open containing folder" starts k4dirstat.
[14:08] <BluesKaj> roland, you can the file associations by using the "open with"(right click dialog) option and choose "other" , then in the menu type okular and check the box beside "remember application association"
[14:09] <roland> BluesKaj: when I click on the file in dolphin, it opens the correct application
[14:12] <BluesKaj> roland, you can change that in FF edit preferences applications tab
[14:15] <roland> BluesKaj: doesn't work, changed to okular, restarted firefox, still open "import with gimp" window
[14:18] <BluesKaj> roland, did you see my post about the FF FF edit>preferences>?applications tab
[14:19] <roland> BluesKaj: yes changed that in applications tab
[14:19] <BluesKaj> close FF and reopen it
[14:20] <roland> BluesKaj: did it
[14:21] <BluesKaj> that's all I know about how to fix that
[14:21] <BluesKaj> roland, ^
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[16:21] <alsitnetpc> hallo, here all....
[16:21] <alsitnetpc> connection all
[16:22] <alsitnetpc> information all......
[16:22] <lordievader> Hey alsitnetpc, how are you doing?
[16:22] <alsitnetpc> okay.....
[16:22] <alsitnetpc> good bye....all....
=== Quintasan_ is now known as Quintasan
[16:45] <cjae> will installing xbindkeys xautomation break the currently working logitech "extra keys" and what is enabling these working keys now?
[16:53] <draciron> Been trying for a week now to get a friend going on Kubuntu w/o success. She needs the Nvidia96 driver
[16:54] <draciron> however short of installing Nvidia binary and having to reinstall every time the kernel is updated, a rather gruesome thing to ask a first time Linux user
[16:54] <draciron> I can't find a way to get those drivers working for her. Anybody have any ideas?
[16:55] <shadeslayer> the driver should be automatically reinstalled whenever the kernel is updated
[16:55] <shadeslayer> !nvidia
[16:55] <ubottu> For Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VideoDriverHowto
[16:56] <BluesKaj> draciron, first are you sure that's correct driver for her card and which nvidia card is it
[16:56] <BluesKaj> draciron,?^
[16:57] <draciron> Mostly, the novoua is a disaster which leaves her low rez. Nvidia curren leaves her with cursor issue
[16:57] <draciron> She looked up her card and it showed nvidia 96
[16:57] <draciron> It's an older emachine apparently.
[16:57] <Katbuntu> Hi
[16:58] <BluesKaj> yes but which card please , draciron?
[16:58] <draciron> Asking, one sec
[16:58] <BluesKaj> draciron, lspci | grep VGA
[17:01] <draciron> nvidia GeForce 4MX
[17:05] <draciron> Hi Katbuntu
[17:05] <Katbuntu> Hi draciron
[17:06] <BluesKaj> yup draciron , I had to be sure , but that card needs the legacy drivers you mentioned and that ould be problematic. Make sure the install is up to date by updating and upgrading
[17:06] <Katbuntu> I use Nouveau and it's better than nvidia propietary drivers... And with a nvidia 9300m gs
[17:07] <draciron> It's been updated, though new kernel update today she hasn't applied.
[17:07] <BluesKaj> yes nouveau is really quite good nowadays , of course that depends on the card
[17:07] <draciron> problematic is an understatement.
[17:07] <draciron> the nouveau dumps her into low rez mode Katbuntu
[17:08] <Katbuntu> Yep
[17:08] <draciron> If she downgrades xorg she gets stuck in dependency hell.
[17:08] <Katbuntu> Ironically I have more problems with restricted drivers, I'll never understand.
[17:09] <BluesKaj> perhaps the kernel update will help if the modules for nouveau kernel module is updated as well
[17:09] <draciron> if she installs from Nvidia website every time there's a kernel update it'll wipe her out and this is her FIRST experience w/Linux.
[17:09] <BluesKaj> draciron, 12.10 ?
[17:10] <draciron> yep 12.10
[17:10] <BluesKaj> what kind of pc specs ?
[17:10] <Katbuntu> draciron: sudo apt-get install linux-headers-generic
[17:10] <draciron> old eMachine
[17:10] <Katbuntu> It's an issue with propietary drivers on Quantal
[17:10] <draciron> she's already got headers & srcinstalled.
[17:10] <Katbuntu> ow
[17:11] <draciron> If there's support on a different version can move her to that. I just had her install the LTS since that's what I use
[17:12] <draciron> and that way it'd be easier for me to help her.
[17:12] <BluesKaj> linux isn't magic , but if she has 1G RAM and and decent cpu , 12.10 should run
[17:13] <draciron> It runs great, and aside from cursor issues and no OpenGL and other driver specific issues it runs great on her system.
[17:13] <BluesKaj> then there are other versions that don't need fancier hardware like xubuntu etc
[17:14] <draciron> She's a first time Linux user, KDE is by far best way for her to start w/Linux.
[17:15] <cjae> thats a matter of opinion
[17:15] <draciron> Maybe after she's grown to appreciate Linux she can try other desktop managers, though I wouldn't inflict unity on anyone lol
[17:15] <draciron> I've introduced dozens of people to Linux and the ones that stayed with it were almost all those who started w/KDE.
[17:16] <draciron> KDE lessons the learning curve considerably.
[17:16] <BluesKaj> cjae, it's a matter of what works for you , opinion doesn't matter
[17:16] <cjae> lol
[17:17] <cjae> what works for me is my opinion
[17:17] <draciron> That allows them to explore linux w/o having to relearn keystrokes, etc.
[17:18] <draciron> It's been me experience. I used to start lots of folks w/Gnome but had a very high failure rate w/folks who started w/Gnome.
[17:18] <draciron> The UI was too different and the learning curve discouraged many.
[17:18] <BluesKaj> it also depends on what their area of computer use and experience is with windows or mac which determines how easily ppl adjust to kubuntu
[17:19] <quizno50> I started my very non-technical wife with LXDE, she hated it; then I switched her to Unity when 12.04 came out, she loved it. (She hates using my Kubuntu Computer) So, I guess it really depends on the person.
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[17:20] <cjae> two desktops
[17:21] <draciron> True. Though Unity seems like a serious pain, though win8 seems like a flat out theft of unity desktop
[17:21] <cjae> just use kdm
[17:21] <draciron> reminds me anybody had any experience getting around EFI? I've got a new laptop I'm working on installing Kubuntu on but
[17:21] <cjae> i have it working with no errors
[17:22] <draciron> struggling to get around the EFI so I can install
[17:22] <quizno50> draciron: I put Kubuntu on my MacBook a while back, and honestly: I couldn't get the EFI stuff working at all... I had to use the BIOS emulation
[17:23] <cjae> and nautilus is transfering files better than dolphin right now, if you want gui transfers
[17:23] <draciron> This is a new win8 machine. No bios emulation option :(
[17:23] <draciron> it's pure EFI, no bios support at all.
[17:24] <draciron> I use Krusader personally. Despise Dolphin.
[17:24] <BluesKaj> i have np transferring files with dolphin ..woking well here
[17:24] <draciron> That and good ole command line depending on what I'm doing.
[17:25] <quizno50> Ouch... Hmmm... Last I played with it; I was able to get a USB stick to boot using the EFI stuff, but it took a lot of trial and error, but this was also the MacBook, no clue about newer Win8 systems =(
[17:25] <cjae> BluesKaj: your on 12.10 arent you
[17:25] <draciron> yeah no luck w/stick or USB DVD or DVD.
[17:25] <draciron> Yep 12.10
[17:25] <BluesKaj> cjae, yes
[17:26] <cjae> BluesKaj: I think there is a problem on 12.04 with kio-slave
[17:26] <draciron> Got to be a way to do it, been cussing at it 2 days now lol. The lap top I'm typing on now is ancient.
=== Guest10632 is now known as Katbuntu
[17:26] <BluesKaj> was experimenting with 13.04 on another partition but the 3.7 kernel doesn't like my HW and the 3.5 alternative screws my graphics
[17:26] <draciron> Need to upgrade before this one dies :(
[17:30] <BluesKaj> cjae, drag and drop isn't working in some cases on 12.10 either ...tried copying some music file from a cd which used to work without k3b , but not anymore
[17:30] <BluesKaj> err some music files
[17:31] * cjae is upset about k3b
[17:31] <phoenix_firebrd> BluesKaj: HI
[17:32] <BluesKaj> hi phoenix_firebrd
[17:37] <draciron> Guess it's time for plan B, SUSE :(
[17:39] <BluesKaj> cjae, the latest upgrades must have fixed the drop and drag / copy and paste problem with kio-slave , just testing a cd and the copy and paste appears to be working now
[17:39] <cjae> cool
[17:40] <phoenix_firebrd> draciron: whats the problem?
[17:41] * dougl thinks the kubuntu install is the problem for draciron
[17:41] <cjae> holy sweet fudge is my external ever hot inside
[17:41] <phoenix_firebrd> dougl: why so?
[17:43] <dougl> phoenix_firebrd, sorry - I have no real insight but was wondering if there were install issues for draciron as kubuntu intalls since 12.04 were like root canals for me on my hardware.
[17:43] <cjae> must be good for life of device
[17:47] <phoenix_firebrd> dougl: Do you have a problem during installation?
[17:47] <phoenix_firebrd> dougl: wifi?
[17:49] <dougl> yes - used netbootin or something to get it installed.
[17:51] <phoenix_firebrd> dougl: netbootin ? why?
[17:51] <cjae> BluesKaj: which cd?
[17:51] <phoenix_firebrd> dougl: tried to install from a usb?
[17:52] <BluesKaj> a burned cd with wav files, cjae
[17:59] <cjae> BluesKaj: sorry, was the update on
[18:06] <cjae> which version of kde had the kio fix?
[18:09] <draciron> Kubuntu on the driver issue or the EFI?
[18:09] <phoenix_firebrd> draciron: EFI?
[18:10] <phoenix_firebrd> draciron: windows EFI?
[18:10] <draciron> Yeah it's a new win8 laptop and can't get into bios.
[18:10] <draciron> Yep winEFI
[18:10] <draciron> Can't get it to boot into install media, either USB or DVD.
[18:11] <phoenix_firebrd> draciron: are you using a wireless keyboard?
[18:11] <draciron> I've got no qualms about installing Ubuntu then installing KDE post install, but LTS a big deal to me.
[18:11] <draciron> Nope, but wireless trackball.
[18:11] <phoenix_firebrd> draciron: so wired keyboard?
[18:12] <draciron> yep, it's a laptop, using laptop KB.
[18:12] <phoenix_firebrd> draciron: Did you read the manual to know which to access bios options
[18:13] <draciron> No bios options, have to boot into windoze to get to psudo bios, then select a temp boot order option, but when I do
[18:13] <draciron> get err msg no device I think it is.
[18:13] <draciron> one sec will power up and replicate.
[18:14] <phoenix_firebrd> draciron: did you try f12 key or f10 during boot?
[18:15] <phoenix_firebrd> draciron: tell me your laptop company name and model number
[18:15] <faris> Anybody using acer timeline series?
[18:16] <draciron> Yep, those options no longer exist as that style bios has been eliminated.
[18:17] <BluesKaj> faris, what's your issue , asking about specific pc's doesn.t help us help you
[18:17] <draciron> I get a system dowen't have any USB boot option. Please select other boot option in boot manager menu
[18:17] <faris> i got the battery not detecting my system
[18:17] <faris> im a newbie
[18:18] <draciron> Spent quite few hrs with Toshiba tech support before I got that far.
[18:18] <draciron> Welcome to Linux faris
[18:18] <BluesKaj> draciron, yeah , lots of oder pcs won't boot from a usb stick
[18:18] <phoenix_firebrd> draciron: so thats toshiba , whats the model?
[18:18] <BluesKaj> older
[18:18] <draciron> This is brand new BluesKaj
[18:18] <faris> i tried many methods found in differnt forum to fix issue with my battery not detecting ...none was working for me
[18:19] <BluesKaj> draciron, ok ...bummer :P
[18:19] <faris> thanks dracion
[18:19] <draciron> Satillite c855-s5306
[18:19] <phoenix_firebrd> draciron: googling
[18:20] <draciron> One of these new win8 abominations.
[18:20] <draciron> Already tried that, model too new.
[18:20] <draciron> The older methods of accessing bios don't work.
[18:20] <phoenix_firebrd> draciron: Do you mean the secure boot issue?
[18:20] <draciron> That's what took hrs w/Toshiba tech support and I called them AFTER failing all the googled methods.
[18:21] <draciron> Aye, secure boot.
[18:21] <draciron> Can't get around win8's strangle hold on bios.
[18:21] <draciron> well technically it's no longer bios but the new efi equiv.
[18:22] <phoenix_firebrd> draciron: have you tried super grub?
[18:22] <draciron> super grub?
[18:22] <draciron> There's a new version of grub?
[18:23] <phoenix_firebrd> draciron: no it has been there for long
[18:23] <draciron> Though I'm not even getting that far. Can't even get it to see the media.
[18:23] <phoenix_firebrd> draciron: Using it you can boot to any linux installs , thats includes your usb too
[18:24] <phoenix_firebrd> draciron: Ubuntu has a solution for the secure boot, new grub version solves this problem
[18:24] <draciron> I've got media built, but can't get too it. can't get around the secure boot critter.
[18:25] <draciron> So no chance of using LTS? :(
[18:25] <phoenix_firebrd> draciron: Does the laptop has a dvd drive and can it bbot from a dvd?
[18:25] <phoenix_firebrd> draciron: Yes using super grub
[18:25] <draciron> Has a DVD, not sure if it can boot from it.
[18:26] <draciron> Though DVD was burned w/normal install from Kubuntu download site..
[18:26] <phoenix_firebrd> draciron: If you have no problem , try the super grub
[18:27] <draciron> DVD worked fine doing wipe and load on this machine, but no boot from new laptop. Googling super grub.
[18:28] <phoenix_firebrd> draciron: Download the super grub image and burn it to the dvd. Have the bootable Usb image inserted , boot using the super grub and boot into the usb
[18:28] <phoenix_firebrd> draciron: http://www.supergrubdisk.org/
[18:30] <phoenix_firebrd> brb
[18:37] <draciron> Could only find the rescutux image, downloaded that.
[18:37] <phoenix_firebrd> i am back
[18:38] <draciron> nvm found supergrub
[18:38] <roberto> Salve a Tutti nessun Italiano?
[18:41] <phoenix_firebrd> !italian
[18:41] <ubottu> Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (per entrare, scrivi « /join #ubuntu-it » senza virgolette)
[18:44] <draciron> Found part of the problem. Was using 32 bit ISO which does not detect UEFI
[18:49] <BluesKaj> well, stuff to do ..later folks
[18:56] <FloodBotK1> !netsplit
[18:56] <ubottu> netsplit is when two IRC servers of the same network (like freenode) disconnect from each other, so users on one server stop seeing users on the other. If this is happening now, just relax and enjoy the show. See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Netsplit
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[19:11] <phoenix_firebrd> draciron: solved?
[19:12] <draciron> Not sure, supergrub image did not dl properly, need to re DL that.
[19:13] <draciron> Creating 64 boot image on usb stick
[19:19] <genii-around> Hm
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[20:06] <frankko> how do manage multiple displays in kubuntu?
[20:06] <dougl> frankko, nvidia video card?
[20:07] <frankko> no intel
[20:09] <dougl> intel with dual outputs?
[20:17] <roberto__> salve a tutti
[20:18] <dougl> ?
[20:18] <bazhang> Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (per entrare, scrivi « /join #ubuntu-it » senza virgolette) roberto__
[20:18] <dougl> thot it was portugese
[20:32] <du> Hello users, I` m back in net! :-)))) Hey John_, do you have solved your problem with your plasma desktop??????????????????????????????????????? :-]
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[22:03] <Catbuntu> Hey
[22:09] <du> Hey Catbuntu, how are you?
[22:11] <lordievader> Hey Catbuntu, Catbuntu and Katbuntu is one and the same, right?
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[22:21] <du> Hey lordievader, that` s not the same! Attention, because of syntax cat and kat! :-|
[22:22] <lordievader> du: I know, but since these nicks are very much alike it is probable that the person behind it is also one and the same.
[22:28] <du> Hey lordievader, it` a cat patchwork unbuntu family! :-)))))))))))))))))))))))))
[22:36] <du> Bye, users! It was nice to be online and now leave you until tomorrow! :-))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
[22:38] <lordievader> That was one large smiley.
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