UbuntuIRC / 2012 /11 /28 /#kubuntu.txt
Initial commit
[00:08] <Dutchman> sixil, are you looking to permanently delete it, or move it to trash?
[00:08] <sixil> Trash.
[00:10] <Dutchman> You could make an alias in your ~/.bashrc file that goes like this: alias=trash "mv %s ~/.local/share/Trash/
[00:11] <Dutchman> Then typing "trash <somefile> would move it to your trashbin
[00:12] <sixil> Has to be a shell script. Never scripted in my life (thankfully i've programmed before) but I understand the concept of making an alias and then move whatever the argument is into the trash location.
[00:12] <Dutchman> Sorry, forgot the closing quotes
[00:12] <Dutchman> Well, you could create a script doing the same thing
[00:13] <sixil> Alright.
[00:13] <Dutchman> Start in with "#! /bin/sh" and on the next line put the 'mv' commands
[00:13] <sixil> Not #!/bin/bash?
[00:14] <Dutchman> Then set the script as executable. You can either add where the script is to your path or as root set it in /usr/bin.
[00:15] <Dutchman> You can use bash or sh, it's not important which.
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[00:15] <Dutchman> "sh" is just more common
[00:15] <sixil> No difference I assume then, heh.
[00:15] <sixil> Alright.
[00:15] <Dutchman> Less letters to type... ;-)
[00:15] <sixil> Haha, I guess. :)
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[00:16] <sixil> Okay, so all I put in is the, mv "%s ~/.local/share/Trash/" and that's it?
[00:17] <Dutchman> Thing is, if you put it under /usr/bin, you'll have to explicitly type the path to your user trash, as in /home/USER/.local/share/Trash/
[00:18] <sixil> Would it be USER or $USER?
[00:18] <sixil> More than likely I'm going to put it into the /usr/bin directory to make it a global script.
[00:19] <Dutchman> Sorry, &USER I think is right, you'll have to experiment. Been many years since I wrote a script.
[00:19] <Dutchman> That's $USER, boy, I should learn to type someday...
[00:20] <sixil> Haha, trust me, I've had worse days.
[00:21] <Dutchman> As a suggestion, I'd find a file and try the command from the terminal first, to make sure it places the file in the right Trash.
[00:21] <sixil> Working on a helpdesk and typing "Hello, how can I help you?" when I'm not looking turned into "kr;;p/j[e vsm O jr;[ upi" lol
[00:21] <sixil> Alright, lemme quickly write this up.
[00:21] <Dutchman> LOL! I know the feeling!
[00:22] <sixil> mv "/home/$USER/.local/share/Trash/" So, quotes are in the right place and such?
[00:23] <Dutchman> I don't think you'll need the quotes unless the filename has a space in it. And in scripting I think you can use the single quote.
[00:23] <sixil> Also, if I wanted to restore said file from the CLI, is there any way I can make sure it returns to its original location?
[00:24] <Dutchman> I'm trying it right now in a terminal to see if it goes to the right place.
[00:24] <sixil> Well, would it still be best practice to keep the quotes or just remove them?
[00:24] <sixil> Alright man. :)
[00:24] <sixil> Lemme get coffee.
[00:24] <sixil> Coffee = code.
[00:24] <Dutchman> Return it? Hmm... probably, but I don't know how that works.
[00:25] <sixil> I read something somewhere about metadata?
[00:25] <sixil> One sec.
[00:28] <Dutchman> Okay sixil, I tried it from a terminal, and while it moves the file to the Trash, it ends up causing Dolphin to hang if you try to view trash, so something isn't being done properly.
[00:29] <sixil> Hm.
[00:30] <sixil> maybe the path should be: /home/$USER/.local/share/Trash/files/ ?
[00:30] <Dutchman> I've trashed a file normally, to see how Dolphin does it, and try to figure out what else might need to be done.
[00:32] <sixil> Try changing the path to that path I quoted.
[00:32] <sixil> Might do something.
[00:33] <Dutchman> It seems Dolphin creates a "Restore" metadata file in the other folder, /info, and if it's missing then Dolphin hangs. And yes, the deleted file itself goes into /Trash/files
[00:34] <Dutchman> You'd probably have to create a script that also generates the info file, just to keep Dolphin or any other file manager happy.
[00:34] <sixil> Well, that's kinda good haha.
[00:34] <sixil> I need to create a restore script too!
[00:34] <sixil> :p
[00:35] <sixil> Hm, for some reason I can't even save this .sh file into /usr/bin
[00:35] <sixil> Not root I guess.
[00:35] <Dutchman> I'm curious if there's another CLI command that would do the same already, something that basically does what a file manager does from the command line.
[00:39] <sixil> I am assuming that if I put my username into the "root" group, I need to log out and log back in to make the settings live in Kubuntu?
[00:40] <Dutchman> Better to use 'sudo' than change group permissions, it's easier and more secure.
[00:42] <sixil> Okay.
[00:42] <sixil> Do I need to log off and on to make the changes effective?
[00:42] <Dutchman> You shouldn't.
[00:44] <Dutchman> You will have to set it executable though.
[00:44] <sixil> Yeah I'll chmod it
[00:44] <Dutchman> Yep.
[00:45] <sixil> You do not have the permissions necessary to save the file. Please check that you typed the location correctly and try again.
[00:45] <sixil> Ugh
[00:47] <Dutchman> When I have to write something that needs root privledges, I do it in a termnal with 'sudo nano /usr/bin/somefilename', it asks for my passwordto start, then I make whatever changes and just save the file.
[00:48] <sixil> I was just using a text editor
[00:48] <sixil> lol
[00:49] <sixil> Okay I'm using GNU nano
[00:49] <sixil> I've written the script
[00:49] <Dutchman> You can, but start the text editor from the terminal with something like "kdesudo kwrite &'
[00:49] <sixil> ...and to save? lol
[00:50] <sixil> Oh!
[00:51] <sixil> Do I save it as del or del.sh?
[00:51] <sixil> I'll assume .sh!
[00:52] <Dutchman> That will start the text editor already with root privledges, so you can save the file wherever you want.
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[00:53] <Dutchman> I would just name it 'del', that way you won't need to remember the '.sh' part. You'll see most scripts in /usr/bin don't have extensions.
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=== Vito is now known as Vito_away
[00:55] <Dutchman> Do you need to be able to find the file with Dolphin?
[00:55] <sixil> bash: /usr/bin/del: Permission denied lol
[00:55] <Dutchman> chmod a+x /usr/bin/del
[00:56] <sixil> Operation not permitted.
[00:56] <sixil> As ironic as this sounds.
[00:56] <sixil> I love Linux.
[00:56] <Dutchman> sudo chmod a+x /usr.bin/del
[00:56] <Dutchman> sudo chmod a+x /usr/bin/del
[00:56] <sixil> Works like a charm.
[00:56] <Dutchman> Sorry...
[00:57] <Dutchman> Do you need to be able to read/restore from Dolphin?
[00:57] <sixil> All CLI.
[00:58] <Dutchman> Then perhaps it would be better to create a hidden directory in the user's folder for the trashed files, rather than use Dolphin's trash.
[00:58] <sixil> Well, I think that this script should be universal.
[00:59] <sixil> Although, it should be cli, there is the option to also use this on all bash shell linux's.
[00:59] <sixil> Limiting it to just Kubuntu would be bad of me, lol.
[01:00] <Dutchman> Then I think the idea would be to add to the script the ability to create a folder for it to use, and test if it's there before it bins something. Know what I mean?
[01:01] <Dutchman> That would make it universal, because the script would take care of it's own housekeeping.
[01:02] <sixil> Sure.
[01:03] <sixil> Well I'm in a worse state.
[01:03] <sixil> mv: missing destination file operand after `/home/sixil/.local/share/Trash/files'
[01:03] <sixil> Try `mv --help' for more information.
[01:03] <Dutchman> That, I'm afraid, is beyond what I could even try to help with here. I suggest looking around online for some scripting tutorials. What you want to do is surely possible, it's just getting the commands right.
[01:04] <Dutchman> Try adding "/" to the end of the destination line, so it uses the default filename. "files" is the folder, and it sees you're trying to replace a folder with a file.
[01:05] <Dutchman> Edit the script so the destination is /home/sixil/.local/share/Trash/files/
[01:05] <sixil> Gotcha
[01:06] <sixil> mv: missing destination file operand after `/home/sixil/.local/share/Trash/files/'
[01:07] <angelforget> hello
[01:07] <Dutchman> Hmm? What does the script look like? The whole thing?
[01:07] <sixil> mv "/home/$USER/.local/share/Trash/files/"
[01:07] <sixil> angelforget: Hello.
[01:07] <AMDAthlon> will kubuntu 12.10 get KDE 4.9.3?
[01:08] <Dutchman> Change it to 'mv %s /home/$USER/.local/share/Trash/files/
[01:09] <sixil> Alright, done that.
[01:09] <Dutchman> Work now?
[01:09] <sixil> Gotta close the quotes i think
[01:09] <sixil> lol
[01:10] <Dutchman> There shouldn't be quotes in the script, I just place them there to show what should be written.
[01:11] <sixil> mv: cannot stat `%s': No such file or directory
[01:11] <Dutchman> And I always forget to close them.
[01:11] <sixil> lol
[01:11] <sixil> You're not the only one. :P
[01:11] <Dutchman> Okay, need to find out how to do variable expansion in bash, hang on...
[01:11] <sixil> Writing C# and not putting a ";" in certain places really kills.
[01:13] <Dutchman> Looking at the bash manpage now...
[01:14] <sixil> Roger.
[01:23] <Dutchman> Try changing'%s to $f, I think I got the substitution character wrong, it should be $.
[01:24] <sixil> Well, it says missing destination file operand
[01:25] <sixil> mv $f /home/$USER/.local/share/Trash/files/
[01:25] <Dutchman> Hmm? Trying on the command line...
[01:27] <Dutchman> Strange, I don't get an error when I run it on the command line that way...
[01:28] <Dutchman> I think it's the replacement variable, "$f", I probably still have it wrong. Of all the luck, you get an inexperienced bloke like me trying to help. ;p
[01:30] <sixil> Well
[01:30] <sixil> Hold on
[01:31] <sixil> until [ "$#" = "0" ];do
[01:32] <sixil> mv $1 "$HOME/.local/share/Trash/files"
[01:32] <sixil> shift
[01:32] <sixil> done
[01:36] <Dutchman> Is that working?
[01:37] <sixil> Yes
[01:37] <sixil> It's moving the file.
[01:37] <Dutchman> Great!
[01:37] <sixil> I think that $1 made the difference.
[01:38] <Dutchman> Yep, I had the variable wrong.
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[01:38] <sixil> Wonder how I could jazz this code up now.
[01:39] <sixil> Hmm.
[01:40] <sixil> Any way to return the name of the file name in an echo line?
[01:40] <sixil> For example
[01:40] <Dutchman> Well, I'm thinking you want to make it portable, distro independent, so having it create it's own trash folder would give it that.
[01:40] <sixil> "The file: bla.jpg, has been moved"?
[01:41] <Dutchman> Yeah, should be something like 'echo $1 "has been moved"'
[01:42] <sixil> Haha, you would think.
[01:42] <sixil> Just says "has been moved"
[01:44] <Dutchman> If memory serves me (which I wouldn't bank on) the variable $1 should still contain the filename until it's replaced. You may have to have it all on one line though, like 'mv $1 /blah/blah && echo $1 "has been moved"'
[01:45] <sixil> I'll try.
[01:45] <Dutchman> Or it may have to have the variable contained, I think it's with braces {}
[01:46] <sixil> && worked
[01:47] <sixil> Lol
[01:47] <sixil> Why are all Linux gurus bearded men that look like Captain Birds Eye?
[01:48] <bazhang> !ot
[01:48] <ubot93> #kubuntu is the official Kubuntu support channel, for all Kubuntu-related support questions. Please use #kubuntu-offtopic for general chatter. Thanks!
[01:48] <Dutchman> I think it's a requirement.
[01:49] <sixil> Looks like it.
[01:50] <sixil> Now the only thing to do..
[01:50] <Dutchman> Grow a beard?
[01:50] <sixil> Is to create a restore script that will restore the file to it's original location.
[01:51] <bazhang> lets get back on topic
[01:52] <Dutchman> That will be harder, because you need some way of recording it's original path.
[01:52] <sixil> I'm assuming that can be achieved using meta data
[01:53] <Dutchman> If you have any files you trashed with Dolphin, look at the "info" folder and you can see how the GUI does it.
[01:53] <Dutchman> Each deleted file has a corresponding "restore info" file.
[01:55] <Dutchman> It stores the deletion date and original path, with a ".trashinfo" extension.
[01:55] <sixil> Ah
[01:55] <sixil> Hold on
[01:55] <sixil> You're right
[01:55] <sixil> I need to delete this file into a specific folder
[01:55] <sixil> Not the global trash!
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[01:56] <sixil> But into a folder called dustbin
[01:56] <Guest22127> hdlooooooooooooooooooooooo
[01:57] <sixil> So can I modify the path to make a folder then?
[01:57] <sixil> Or do I need to specify mkdir?
[01:58] <Dutchman> Well, my thought was to use an "if... then... else" function to test for a default folder for the dustbin, and it it doesn't exist, create it with a "mkdir", if it does, just use it.
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[02:00] <sixil> So.
[02:00] <sixil> If [condition] right?
[02:00] <sixil> broken down with ";"
[02:01] <sixil> if [condition]; then [mv... bla]; else mkdir bla && mv.. bla
[02:01] <Dutchman> Yeah, but don't ask me how it would go, I just don't honestly know. Many of the scripts in /etc use if-then routines, perhaps look at some of them to get an idea of syntax.
[02:02] <sixil> Hmm
[02:02] <sixil> Surely if there is a directory using mkdir, it'll ignore it no?
[02:03] <sixil> Also, I'm assuming 'readlink' just reads the path?
[02:04] <Dutchman> Well, I think the first thing to do would be test for the directory, see if it exists. Sort of: "if exist ~/.dustbin, then "", else mkdir ~/.dustbin". That way it checks for the existence first, and if it's there, it bypasses the mkdir and runs the rest.
[02:07] <Dutchman> That's why I suggested checking scripts in /etc, there's lot's of startup services that check for existence of files before they execute, there should be plenty of examples in the /etc scripts to get ideas from.
[02:10] <Dutchman> Take a look at "/etc/profile"
[02:12] <Dutchman> Hup, supper is calling me. Gotta run, but I'll be back later. Really interested in how you make out sixil.
[02:13] <sixil> Alright man.
[02:13] <sixil> Thanks for the help dude.
[02:13] <Dutchman> Will you be here for a while yet?
[02:13] <sixil> All night dude.
[02:13] <sixil> Haha
[02:13] <Dutchman> Alright, chat at ya later.
[02:14] <sixil> Alright.
[02:14] <sixil> I'll hold off until you're back. :P
[02:39] <personal> if i wanted to change the size of the text in the windows, dialog boxes etc., where would i go to do that?
[02:40] <tsimpson_> System Settings -> Application Appearance -> Fonts
[02:41] <personal> omw thanks
[02:44] <personal> that worked! thanks so much! everything was like size 9. couldn't read a thing. now size 14 and i can read it
[02:46] <personal> um trying to add a printer but that text is still like size 9. i cant read it to see which print driver to select. how do i fix that?
[02:51] <tsimpson_> I don't know, I haven't had a printer in years
[02:52] <personal> i'm squinting hard at the dialog and it looks like the printer is not in the list. can anyone help?
[02:52] <personal> tsimpson_, thanks for the help you have given. every little bit helps
[02:54] <personal> the printer was originally there and working except paused, i got it unpaused and it said it could not find the printer (URI?). so i removed it to re-add it. now i think i messed up and am in trouble. help?!
[03:00] <personal> i'll have to come back to this later. thanks again bbl
[05:28] <AlexZion> hi everyone , for some reason I need to open by konsole command, a browser window on a specific url in full screen mode, I know how to do it in normal way , but not for the fullscreen mode someone can help me ?
[05:36] <hechao> 有人知道QT中文方面的irc频道吗
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[05:38] <AlexZion> well I found kstart which should do all I need ...
[05:42] <Unit193> !ch | hechao
[05:42] <ubot93> hechao: The Swiss !LoCo team can be found in #ubuntu-ch (please speak English there) - Deutschsprachiger Ubuntu Support in #ubuntu-de - Aide Ubuntu en français dans #ubuntu-fr - Supporto Ubuntu in Italiano in #ubuntu-it
[05:42] <Unit193> !cn
[05:42] <ubot93> 如欲獲得中文的協助,請輸入 /join #ubuntu-cn 或 /join #ubuntu-tw
[05:46] <hechao> I'm Sorry,Thanks
[06:17] <Dutchman> Still here sixil?
[06:57] <CosmicB> I've lost the icon I had in the tray for KDE IM Contacts, kubuntu 12.10, kde 4.9.3, I can't seem to remember the name of that binary
[06:57] <CosmicB> could it be /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/indicator-application-service ?
[06:59] <CosmicB> hmm, it must have something to do with telepathy
[07:00] <Tm_T> CosmicB: you probably mean "instant messaging presence"
[07:00] <CosmicB> Tm_T mabye (?)
[07:00] <CosmicB> the im client works, but I don't have the icon in the tray
[07:01] <Tm_T> CosmicB: rightclick systray -> system tray settings -> display
[07:01] <Tm_T> and enable that (:
[07:02] <CosmicB> ah Tm_T THNX, that worked
[07:03] <CosmicB> It happened when I switched default monitor (got two of them)
[07:27] <cortexA9> hello
[07:27] <cortexA9> what version of KDE have kubuntu daily ?
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[07:56] <slaptman> hello i am a noob at KDE ..I have been using XFCE,LXDE,GNOME,etc but wanted to try KDE out.On a fresh install there is a big box on the left side of the screen where i think i am abl to put shortcuts to applications,but i accidentally closed it or removed it.How do I get that back?
[07:58] <lordievader> slaptman: You can create/edit shortcuts under System Settings -> Shortcuts and Gestures.
[07:59] <slaptman> thank you
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[08:44] <cluelesscoder> hello, anyone around?
[08:45] <cluelesscoder> I just installed Kubuntu and it has been a frustrating experience (coming from Linux Mint KDE 13)
[08:47] <cluelesscoder> guess not, ok bye, time for bed
[08:47] <lordievader> !patience | cluelesscoder
[08:47] <ubot93> cluelesscoder: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com/ http://www.ubuntuforums.org/ or http://www.kubuntuforums.net/ while you wait.
[08:47] <cluelesscoder> yeah, it's too late
[08:48] <cluelesscoder> I've gotta hit the hay
[08:48] <cluelesscoder> might be back later
[08:48] <cluelesscoder> the issues seem to have resolved; probably due to not formatting my /home partition when I came over from the Mint version
[08:49] <cluelesscoder> now I'm wondering why my computer refuses to boot from my LiveUSB... I guess maybe because it recognizes that I already have Kubuntu installed?
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[10:13] <Mmike> How can I make dolphin be in 'detailed' view by default?
[10:44] <thelionroars> I seem to have managed to associate files with Kate somehow - for example in my firefox downloads tab, when I try to open containing directory it will open Kate and display an error popup
[10:44] <thelionroars> anyone know how to fix this?
[10:48] <thelionroars> lol ok, fixed it
[11:16] <Lord_Drachenblut> 5
[12:52] <BluesKaj> Hey all
[12:59] <thelionroars> greetings and salutations
[13:00] <BluesKaj> 'morning
[13:00] <thelionroars> close enough :)
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[13:47] <JuJuBee> I am having problems with process /usr/bin/X :0 -br -audit 0 -auth /var/lib/gdm/ :0.Xauth -nolisten tcp vt7 getting up to 100% frequently. It seems related to Rhythmbox and or EasyTag. When using Rhythmbox if I alter the mp3 tags I see this process spike. If I use EasyTag it always spikes and the system gets slow.
[13:54] <Kvaks_> I have the same problem with deluge-gtk
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[13:56] <Kvaks> I don't have a solution, though. Other than restarting the application, which helps for a while.
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[14:09] <JuJuBee> Kvaks: Yea, that is what I do, sometimes log-out/in
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[15:25] <z3d3> Hi for all
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[16:04] <thor> Hi, is it not possible to set up a custom partition table with encrypted LVM or LVM?
[16:04] <thor> from the standard disk that is
[16:16] <simplew> i have gpg-agent running, still 'debuild -S' continues prompting for the gpg key becuase it asks twice fot the gpg key, can anyone clarify?
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[17:03] <ManDay> Does kubuntu come with a VNC server which can perform reverse connects?
[17:07] <Tm_T> ManDay: reverse connects?
[17:08] <ManDay> Tm_T: Where you (who shares your desktop) can initiate the connection
[17:08] <ManDay> (for example when you, who you want to share the desktop, are behind a firewall)
[17:09] <ManDay> otherwise, I'll just get x11vnc
[17:37] <Guillem_> I get a popup for every notification, and I wish they only were shown at the system tray "i" menu. I've selected "Tray icons only" at system_settings->Notifications->Other Notifications
[17:37] <Guillem_> what am I missing?
[17:43] <Katbuntu> hiya
[17:50] <Guillem_> hmm at least I see now that the popups can be dragged arround, so I can place them at a zone where they do not anoy me...
[17:54] <cjae> anyone else having dolphin freeze when maximized?
[17:54] <cjae> think it was after the last update
[17:54] <cjae> 12.04
[17:57] <cjae> sorry no it was just my /etc/fstab
[17:58] <rork> Guillem_: other programs might still send standard notifications, for most KDE programs you have to deselect them in the Settings > Configure Notifications menu
=== Catbuntu is now known as Katbuntu
[18:18] <volty> hi, how can I relaunch input actions daemon without loggout out?
[18:21] <byrk0ff> hi
[18:21] <byrk0ff> how i can reinstal kde plasm?
[18:21] <byrk0ff> some1 can tell me?
[18:23] <volty> another prob., akonadi isn't working, seems it cannot connect to dbus (with backports)
[18:24] <byrk0ff> startx not work
[18:25] <volty> byrk0ff: state the message
[18:25] <volty> (the error)
[18:26] <byrk0ff> the problem is on my side, because the uninstall mysql and with it the packets which are responsible for kde plasma
[18:27] <byrk0ff> [;
[18:29] <volty> no way: mysql and kde plasma are quite different things
[18:32] <volty> kde plasma is on top on xorg and kde, anyway have to go now :(
[18:32] <byrk0ff> I know, but when you uninstall kde fell
[18:40] <lordievader> Good evening
[18:43] <Katbuntu> Hi lordievader.
[18:43] <lordievader> Hey Katbuntu, how are you doing?
[18:44] <Katbuntu> Asking if FreePascal is better than GPC :P
[18:44] <Katbuntu> I want to program in old languages like Pascal or ADA!
[18:44] <lordievader> Katbuntu: Ohh, cannot help you there, sorry.
[18:44] <Katbuntu> haha
[18:46] <OerHeks> Katbuntu, try fp-ide + fp-compiler >> http://fusharblog.com/installing-free-pascal-in-ubuntu/
[18:46] <Katbuntu> I'm installing it.
[18:46] <Katbuntu> fp-ide looks very turbo-pascal-ish :P
[18:46] <Katbuntu> oooooooooooooooooooooooooooohhhhhhhhhhhhhh sweet memories
[18:47] <Katbuntu> I also downloaded Lazarus.
[18:47] <OerHeks> That is also a good idea
[18:47] <Katbuntu> No, it isn't haha
[18:47] <Katbuntu> It's very Delphi-ish...
[18:47] <OerHeks> I am not a pascal programmer
[18:47] <Katbuntu> I preffer fp-ide, it's sweetie.
[18:48] <Katbuntu> *sweet
[18:48] <Katbuntu> And for ADA there's GNAT, although I never programmed with ADA... Never, never!
[18:48] <Katbuntu> I have a Turbo-Pascal book of my mum.
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[19:22] <ManDay> Has anyone used telepathy-raika?
[20:23] <Katbuntu> Bbye
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=== marco is now known as Guest71666
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[22:15] <Catbuntu> Hi
[22:42] <ozzzy> so... is kubuntu supposed to drive all 4 cores to 100% and lock up the system when copying files?
[23:04] <sparajuri> hello world
[23:14] <sevenhill_> Hello, could someone help me about this one : http://pastebin.ca/2257645 how can i compile it without problem ??
=== sevenhill_ is now known as sevenhill
[23:51] <sam_> Hi, I'm trying to replace KDM with a login script that automates login for a multi-user setup
[23:54] <sam_> anyone have deep understanding of KDM or Xsession?