UbuntuIRC / 2012 /11 /23 /#ubuntu-desktop.txt
Initial commit
[01:26] <Chucrute301> This is true ?
[01:26] <Chucrute301> www.webupd8.org/2012/11/new-icons-for-ubuntu-software-center.html?m=1
[01:29] <notgary> Yep, all true. If you want to install them now, then check out this article http://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2012/11/how-to-install-the-13-04-unity-launcher-design-updates
[01:31] <Chucrute301> Thanks
[02:19] <mspencer> Hi, is this a good place to ask a question about how to implement a GUI feature like one in Software Center? I've glanced through the code but can't figure it out.
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=== sabdfI is now known as AdrenalineBR301
=== AdrenalineBR301 is now known as Chucrute301
[03:17] <Chucrute301> sabdfl, soon we will fix this bug https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+bug/1
[03:17] <ubot2> Launchpad bug 1 in Ubuntu "Microsoft has a majority market share" [Critical,In progress]
[05:06] <pitti> Good morning
[06:39] <didrocks> good morning
[07:27] <pitti> bonjour didrocks, comment vas-tu?
[07:27] <didrocks> pitti: bien occupé, mais ça va! et toi?
[07:27] <pitti> didrocks: le même :)
[07:31] <pitti> didrocks: how is your didrocks.py magic working out?
[07:32] <didrocks> pitti: worked well yesterday, we added some components for this morning and found a new case, fixing it, adding a test later today and we'll be fine :)
[07:32] <didrocks> pitti: we are waiting on autopilot to stabilize to have unity running
[07:32] <pitti> ah, good to hear that there's progress
[07:36] <chrisccoulson> good morning everyone
[07:45] <didrocks> hey chrisccoulson
[07:46] <chrisccoulson> hi didrocks, how are you?
[07:47] <didrocks> chrisccoulson: busy, but fine! yourself?
[07:49] <chrisccoulson> didrocks, yeah, pretty much the same ;)
[07:49] <chrisccoulson> trying to make http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~mozillateam/firefox/firefox-trunk.head/view/head:/debian/tests/mochitest-chrome.json shrink
[07:56] <didrocks> pitti: do you know how to subscribe a team to every MR for a project? I can't find it again…
[07:56] <didrocks> the PS projects are really a mess in term of who is subscribed to what
[07:58] <pitti> didrocks: non, je ne sais pas
[07:58] <didrocks> pitti: ah, j'ai trouvé :)
[07:58] <didrocks> pitti: il faut aller sur la page de la branche destination
[07:59] <chrisccoulson> so, when i upload the work from https://code.launchpad.net/~mozillateam/firefox/firefox-trunk.head, we'll have tests running for firefox. but what happens if i want to run the tests for PPA builds too? (ie, daily builds, firefox-next or the security PPA?)
[07:59] <pitti> didrocks: je crois que c'est impossible :-(
[08:00] <didrocks> pitti: sisi, c'est bon :)
[08:00] <didrocks> pitti: sur la branche destination, tu peux changer les subscribers (si tu fais parti de la team)
[08:00] <chrisccoulson> yay for google translate ;)
[08:01] <pitti> oh, je n'ai pas trouver ça
[08:01] <pitti> didrocks: (^ est-ce bon, ou est-il "je n'ai pas le trouver"?)
[08:02] <didrocks> pitti: "je n'ai pas trouvé ça" ;)
[08:02] <pitti> en effet, merci
[08:06] <pitti> didrocks: anyway, I had expected this to be on the code.lp.net/project page, a "subscriptions" somewhere
[08:06] <didrocks> pitti: no, it's per branch anyway :/
[08:06] <didrocks> s/anyway/only
[08:06] <pitti> oh, je le vois maintenant
[08:57] <seb128> hey desktopers
[08:59] <dpm> morning seb128
[08:59] <seb128> hey dpm, how are you?
[08:59] <pitti> bonjour seb128
[08:59] <chrisccoulson> hey seb128
[08:59] <dpm> I'm good, thanks :)
[08:59] <seb128> lut pitti, ca va ? t'as des pbs d'accents ?
[08:59] <seb128> chrisccoulson, hey, how are you ?
[09:00] <pitti> seb128: oui, ils sont difficile! plaît vs. plaisir, etc.
[09:00] <chrisccoulson> seb128, yeah, good thanks. and you?
[09:00] <seb128> chrisccoulson, I'm good thanks
[09:02] <seb128> pitti, "plait"
[09:02] <pitti> seb128: "s'il vous plaît"
[09:03] <seb128> pitti, the ^ is often used where words used to have "st" and the s got dropped
[09:03] <pitti> seb128: jr "je achète" vs. "nous achetons"
[09:04] <seb128> forêt ~ forest
[09:04] <pitti> ah, like "hôpital"?
[09:04] <seb128> yeah
[09:04] <seb128> plaît was "ploist" in old french apparently
[09:05] <pitti> but that's less obvious than why "il connaît" has an accept, but all other forms don't
[09:05] <pitti> "accent"
[09:05] <seb128> pitti, btw the academie say it's correct to use "il plait" without the î in a revision in 1990 so you can find both forms
[09:05] <seb128> but right, accents are non really consistently used, it's hard to make a rule from it ;-)
[09:06] <pitti> I also like "possède" vs. "possédez"
[09:06] <pitti> seb128: how often do native French speakers get these wrong?
[09:07] <seb128> not often
[09:07] <pitti> I guess/hope it's not really that important if one gets them the wrong way around
[09:07] <seb128> they are not pronounced the same way
[09:08] <seb128> so if you know the prononciation you probably get the writing right
[09:08] <Laney> ahoy
[09:08] <seb128> and it's easy for a native speaker to say what sounds right ;-)
[09:08] <seb128> hey Laney, how are you?
[09:08] <pitti> seb128: right, by now I know how to pronounce them; I still need to learn it :)
[09:12] <Laney> good thanks seb128
[09:12] <Laney> got that Friday feeling!
[09:12] <Laney> you?
[09:12] <seb128> Laney, in troll mood you mean? :p
[09:12] <seb128> Laney, I'm good thanks ;-)
[09:12] <Laney> that's just you :P
[09:14] <Laney> seems others have that mood on ddl though ...
[09:15] <seb128> ddl always has that mood ;-)
[09:17] <sabdfl> morning all
[09:19] <pitti> hey sabdfl, how are you?
[09:19] <sabdfl> good thanks!finally settling down after UDS
[09:19] <sabdfl> how are you guys?
[09:23] <seb128> sabdfl, hey!
[09:24] <sabdfl> bonjour seb
[09:35] <pitti> sabdfl: wow, settling down did take a while then! I'm great, thanks
[09:48] <sabdfl> pitti, well, i had some videos to record for next year ;)
[09:48] <sabdfl> which was a week long fury of editing and wordsmithing
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[09:48] <sabdfl> hope folk will like the result!
[09:50] <sabdfl> geez, did we just go from firefox 16 to 17 to 18 in a week?!
[10:07] <chrisccoulson> bah, connection died when i docked
[10:07] <chrisccoulson> sabdfl, you sound surprised about that? ;)
[10:13] <sabdfl> chrisccoulson, heh. only marginally
[10:20] <chrisccoulson> i love it when tests fail intermittently. especially when they only fail if you run them after 1.5 hours of other tests, and don't ever fail when you run them individually :/
[10:37] <didrocks> pitti: I would appreciate some bumps on https://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-unity/+archive/daily-build/+build/4006584 and https://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-unity/+archive/daily-build/+build/4006580 to avoid finishing during the night :)
[10:37] <pitti> there :)
[10:38] * didrocks hugs pitti for saving his night
[10:38] <pitti> de rien :)
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[10:43] <pitti> didrocks: did you use autopilot for a test of your own already?
[10:43] <pitti> thomi seems to be AFK
[10:43] <didrocks> pitti: no, I'm just a user of it and packaged it, but that's it
[10:43] <didrocks> pitti: if you need some people using it, maybe try #ubuntu-unity?
[10:46] <pitti> ah merci, je vais le fair
[10:46] <pitti> e
[10:58] <larsu> seb128, erm, that patch in bug 881135 is definitely not against indicator-application
[10:58] <ubot2> Launchpad bug 881135 in indicator-application (Ubuntu) "IBus indicator "missing icon"-icon shown when input method is enabled" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/881135
[10:58] <larsu> looks more like libappindicator
[11:00] <larsu> ya, libappindicator, but it doesn't look like it will still apply. Do you know if this is even still an issue?
[11:01] <seb128> larsu, oh sorry, I forgot that the lib was a separate source ;-) no idea, I was just looking at ibus issues and found that with a patch so I reassigned
[11:02] <seb128> larsu, it would probably be fair to ask details to the submitter and if the issue is still valid
[11:03] <larsu> seb128, going through the log, it looks like it was fixed in r232, for bug 885080
[11:03] <ubot2> Launchpad bug 885080 in libappindicator "the ibus' indicator fallback icon doesn't have a proper name" [High,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/885080
[11:03] <larsu> seb128, I'll comment
[11:04] <seb128> larsu, thanks
[11:09] <mpt> seb128, hey, once Kazam gets a bit more polish and bug-fixing I'd like to propose it for replacing gnome-screenshot by default. What would be best way to propose it?
[11:09] <seb128> mpt, email ubuntu-desktop list with the suggestion
[11:10] <mpt> seb128, ok. What would happen next? Who would make the decision?
[11:11] <seb128> mpt, we will have a list discussion with people for or against, if there is a consensus we will follow it, if not Jason and/or I will decide
[11:11] <mpt> seb128, understood. Thanks. :-)
[11:11] <seb128> yw ;-)
[11:11] <mpt> BigWhale, ^^
[11:15] <BigWhale> mpt, yes?
[11:15] <BigWhale> oh ok..
[11:15] <BigWhale> I see.
[11:17] <BigWhale> mpt, the only functionality that gnome-screenshot has over Kazam is capturing directly to clipboard. I didn't know it existed.
[11:17] <BigWhale> :)
[11:18] <chrisccoulson> pmsl @ https://groups.google.com/d/msg/mozilla.dev.apps.firefox/jpX_z5zieD4/4i20rLFEKnEJ
[12:11] <didrocks> the powerpc builds are still "starting in 1 minute :/" for one hour and half now
[12:13] <Laney> they've got some long running builds going
[12:40] <chrisccoulson> w00t, another test failure down: http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~mozillateam/firefox/firefox-trunk.head/revision/1432
[12:42] <didrocks> chrisccoulson: great!
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[12:55] <mhr3> larsu, ping?
[12:56] <larsu> mhr3, is that a question?
[12:56] * larsu is unsure what the answer is
[12:57] <mhr3> larsu, you probably do lots of tests with dbus, right? is there something that makes it easy now? cause we're for example using special make target (check-headless) which spawns a xvfb before each test etc... isn't this all somehow nicely integrated in dbus-test-runner or somewhere?
[12:57] <mhr3> ie i want something less racy and easier to use
[13:00] <larsu> mhr3, right, I have the same questions, so I'm probably the wrong guy to ask :)
[13:00] <larsu> pitti might know more
[13:00] <mhr3> i wanted to ask ted, but today's not a good day :)
[13:01] <mhr3> pitti, make our lives race-free
[13:01] <larsu> :)
[13:01] <pitti> dbus-test-runner sorts out the dbus spawning, but it's not related to xvfb
[13:01] <mhr3> i mean pitti, sudo make our lives race-free
[13:01] <pitti> xvfb-run <app> isn't so bad, though?
[13:01] <mhr3> xvfb-run? oh that sounds interesting
[13:02] <mhr3> i knew the sudo would cut it :)
[13:02] <pitti> oh, how else do you use xvfb?
[13:02] <mhr3> you don't want to know
[13:02] <pitti> in most cases I just do dbus-launch xvfb-run foo
[13:03] <pitti> (you need to kill the spawned dbus afterwards, but that's secondary)
[13:04] <mhr3> won't xvfb-run dbus-test-runner fix all our problems?
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[13:24] <pitti> mhr3: yes, it should; I just avoid dbus-test-runner in upstream GNOME tests as it's not that widespread yet and only solves a tiny problem
[13:24] <pitti> (i. e. avoiding the extra kill command to destroy the dbus-daemon after the tests)
[13:24] <pitti> and with Gio.TestDBus it's even easier
=== Chucrute301 is now known as General5estrelas
[13:44] * desrt big yawn
=== General5estrelas is now known as Chucrute301
[13:45] * larsu hands desrt virtual coffee
[13:56] <attente> desrt: should we meet today?
[13:56] <desrt> attente: good question!
[13:56] <desrt> my desire to leave the house today is low, but we could :)
[13:56] * desrt looks outside. yuck.
[13:57] <attente> yeah.. i looked outside too
[13:57] <chrisccoulson> you mean that you actually leave the house? i leave the house once every 6 months
[13:57] <chrisccoulson> for UDS!
[13:57] <chrisccoulson> ;)
[13:57] <Chucrute301> crapy coffe
[13:57] <attente> chrisccoulson, ha
[13:57] <chrisccoulson> :)
=== Chucrute301 is now known as Ezio
=== Ezio is now known as Guest83893
=== Guest83893 is now known as Ezio_Auditore
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[14:02] <xnox> how can I build a unity source package from lp:unity ? Should I be forcing it to be native?
[14:03] <xnox> (6.12.0 tarball already exists in the archive, but if I use that one dpkg-source fails to create a new source package due to binary changes (images))
=== Ezio_Auditore is now known as Chucrute301
[14:05] <seb128> xnox, yeah, force it to be native
[14:05] <xnox> seb128: cool.
[14:05] <xnox> seb128: is that the plan going forward? cause then maybe the .bzr-builddeb/default.conf should be updated.
[14:07] <seb128> xnox, not sure, the daily jobs create a orig tarball
[14:11] <desrt> seb128: how much effort is an SRU?
[14:11] <desrt> seb128: http://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=622140
[14:11] <ubot2> Debian bug 622140 in neon27 "neon27: symbol SSLv2_server_method used" [Serious,Fixed]
[14:12] <desrt> seb128: that's fixed in the quantal package, but still broken on precise
[14:12] <didrocks> xnox: seb128: don't use native
[14:12] <didrocks> xnox: just bump artifically the version if needed
[14:12] <didrocks> it's in split mode
[14:12] <seb128> desrt, seems like a good candidate for a SRU ... efforts, well it depends, you need a testcase so the SRU can be verified, that can be work to write one
[14:12] <desrt> seb128: "compile libmusicbrainz"
[14:13] <seb128> desrt, that's a valid testcase ;-)
[14:13] <desrt> https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/neon27/+bug/845901 is our bug, btw
[14:13] <ubot2> Launchpad bug 845901 in neon27 (Ubuntu) "libneon can't find SSLv2_server_method" [Undecided,Confirmed]
[14:13] <xnox> didrocks: in that case, what will be the next version number released from lp:unity? 6.12.1 ?
[14:14] <seb128> desrt, your comment suggest it works if you install the right package?
[14:14] * xnox wants to be above current, but below next release. Sould I use 6.12.0+ then?
[14:14] <desrt> seb128: there are two variants of libneon
[14:14] <xnox> (locally)
[14:14] <desrt> one is linked against openssl and the other is linked against gnutls
[14:14] <seb128> desrt, well anyway if you want an SRU a link to the commit/diff and subscribing ubuntu-sponsors would be good
[14:14] <desrt> only the version linked against openssl has the problem
[14:16] <didrocks> xnox: just bump locally, the daily system is bumping automatically the version
[14:17] <didrocks> so :)
[14:17] <didrocks> xnox: I'm still under discussion with upstream, we'll surely bump to 7
[14:17] <desrt> seb128: found a patch in the debian packaging. will upload.
[14:17] <seb128> desrt, thanks
[14:20] <desrt> seb128: okay. did all of that. someone should magically appear and SRU it now?
[14:21] <xnox> didrocks: where is the "daily system" ? e.g. which version numbers does that use?
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[14:24] <seb128> desrt, yeah, where "someone" is usually a sponsor/patch pilot
[14:24] <desrt> good enough. no rush.
[14:24] * desrt just uses the gnutls version for now
[14:24] <seb128> desrt, bonus point if you make the bug SRU compliant (e.g write "Impact" "Test Case" "Regression Potential" sections in the description)
[14:25] <didrocks> xnox: will be <major_upstream>dailyYY.MM.DD
[14:25] <didrocks> xnox: so I want to simplify with time the "major_upstream" to be just 6, 7, 8…
[14:26] <desrt> seb128: is it considered kosher to edit someone else's post like that?
[14:26] * desrt is not the OP
[14:26] <xnox> didrocks: ack.
[14:27] <seb128> desrt, the description at the top of the bug is supposed to be a clean summary and is editable for that reason ;-) (and you have a link to show the original description)
[14:27] <seb128> desrt, comments are not editable
[14:27] <Laney> I usually keep it with [ Original Description ] or similar
[14:27] <seb128> I tend to clean, like I drop the dump of apport infos often
[14:28] <seb128> but I keep the original small summary if it makes sense under a ------------ line
[14:31] <desrt> seb128: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/neon27/+bug/845901
[14:31] <ubot2> Launchpad bug 845901 in neon27 (Ubuntu) "libneon can't find SSLv2_server_method" [Undecided,Confirmed]
[14:31] <desrt> looks good?
[14:32] <desrt> seb128: seems that every package we have in the archive uses the libneon27-gnutls variant... so nobody ever noticed this problem with the openssl version (which has 0 rdepends)
[14:33] <seb128> desrt, yes, thanks!
[14:33] <seb128> desrt, how did you end up with the openssl version? ;-)
[14:33] <desrt> seb128: some package tells you that it needs libneon
[14:33] <desrt> libneon27-dev seems like the most logical thing to install
[14:34] <desrt> simply dropping that package from precise would probably also solve my problem :p
[14:45] <didrocks> jibel: https://jenkins.qa.ubuntu.com/view/cu2d/view/Indicators%20Head/job/cu2d-indicators-head-3.0publish/ \o/
[14:45] <didrocks> jibel: trying now to approve manually
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[14:47] <didrocks> jibel: hum, didn't work that well
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[14:48] <jibel> bzr: ERROR: Parent not accessible given base "bzr+ssh://bazaar.launchpad.net/+branch/indicator-appmenu/" and relative path "../../../+branch/indicator-appmenu/"
[14:48] <jibel> didrocks, again
[14:48] <didrocks> yeah
[14:48] <didrocks> I'll change the config, one sec
[14:48] * didrocks hates bzr sometimes
[14:49] <didrocks> ok, trying again
[14:50] <didrocks> and same for datetime…
[14:52] <didrocks> and a bzr config later…
[14:55] <didrocks> phew, good now :)
[14:56] <didrocks> jibel: I think we'll need to couple that to the "deploy stack" script
[14:56] * didrocks writes it down
[14:58] <didrocks> and: https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/raring-changes/2012-November/001787.html
[14:58] <didrocks> https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/raring-changes/2012-November/001788.html
[15:19] <seb128> ok, I'm out for some hours, will be back later and do some catching up before calling it a week
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[15:42] <smspillaz> somebody pinged me and I don't know who it was ...
[15:50] <didrocks> smspillaz: go to bed! :)
[16:07] <desrt> i love our privacy commissioner
[16:08] <cyphermox> privacy commissioner?
[16:08] <desrt> cyphermox: http://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/calgary/story/2012/11/22/calgary-budget-privacy.html
[16:08] <cyphermox> ah, that's my bad for thinking about Ubuntu all the time and not politics :P
[16:08] * desrt <3 <3 <3 canada's crazy privacy laws
[16:09] <desrt> in canada taking a photocopy of someone's drivers licence is illegal
[16:09] <desrt> in the US they wonder why you don't also take a urine sample
[16:09] <cyphermox> hehe
[16:10] <jbicha> desrt: you don't have anything to hide, do you? ;)
[16:10] <cyphermox> jbicha: dunno, even then, a driver's license holds quite a lot of information that most people don't need to keep
[16:11] <jbicha> cyphermox: yeah I was giving the typical American response though :)
[16:11] <gema> in the uk nobody can take a photocopy of your passport or driving license, you have to do it yourself, they have selfservice machines in every photocopy place
[16:12] <cyphermox> the least information is distributed and held in various places, the least chances for stupid mistakes like my previous employer failing to clean up computers holding employee information before sending them to be scrapped
[16:12] <desrt> indeed
[16:12] <desrt> the canadian approach to the problem appeals to me greatly as someone who has had the concept of least-privilege drilled into their head
[16:13] * Laney stabs paste.u.c
[16:13] <Laney> authentication to download raw pastes, really?
[16:13] <cyphermox> Laney: yeah :/
[16:13] <desrt> Laney: fpaste is your friend
[16:14] <Laney> anything else is
[16:14] <Laney> the ubuntu one is the default for pastebinit though
[16:14] <desrt> pastebinit has an rc file
[16:14] <cyphermox> Laney: you can change that via config
[16:14] <Laney> i'm aware
[16:14] <Laney> i don't usually config stuff in chroots though
[16:14] <cyphermox> let me pastebinit mine for you ;)
[16:14] <desrt> .pastebinit.xml rather
[16:14] <cyphermox> (to paste.u.c)
[16:14] <Laney> or in the cloud, or whatever
[16:15] <cyphermox> Laney: otoh, -b is your friend
[16:31] <achiang> cyphermox: pushed a version string fix for https://code.launchpad.net/~achiang/network-manager-applet/precise-lp780602/+merge/135586
[16:31] <xnox> Laney: yeah, I think stgraber switched to debian pastbin by default (allows downloads)
[16:32] <stgraber> xnox: nope, I haven't, the default pastebin depends on the lsb distro reported by the system
[16:33] <stgraber> xnox: ubuntu pastes still go to paste.u.c
[16:33] <desrt> stgraber: can you modify pastebinit to comply with the xdg basedir spec?
[16:33] <desrt> ie: ~/.config/pastebinit.xml
[16:33] <stgraber> paste.debian.net is bad for quite a few other reasons... pastes need to be at least 3 lines long, you can't go over a given number of columns and lines, ... it's quite restrictive
[16:34] <desrt> (but don't hardcode ~/.config/ -- follow the spec properly)
[16:34] <desrt> stgraber: fpaste is a pretty good one
[16:34] <stgraber> desrt: yeah, I'm rewriting pastebinit entirely so will try to remember to do that when I'm working on the settings (unlikely to stay as xml)
[16:34] <desrt> worst thing it does is ask you to fill a captcha if the paste is old
[16:34] <desrt> stgraber: gsettings!!
[16:34] <desrt> :)
[16:35] <stgraber> desrt: 90% of my users aren't on desktop systems :)
[16:35] <desrt> stgraber: 100% of your users already have glib installed
[16:35] <Laney> stgraber: what if you forgot to set the ubuntu default in the rewrite ...
[16:36] <stgraber> desrt: it's sadly true... though gsettings without a storage backend probably doesn't make a lot of sense :) (I just checked and even though I indeed have glib pretty much everywhere, I don't have dconf)
[16:36] <desrt> stgraber: fair enough
[16:37] <stgraber> Laney: I'll need to poke IS about it again, there are a lot of things that are quite wrong with paste.u.c which once fixed should make it good enough that we can drop the openid for /plain
[16:37] <Laney> I asked for it once IIRC
[16:38] <Laney> apparently people were using it to host malware
[16:38] <desrt> ya. that's tricky.
[16:38] <stgraber> sure, but just ask for a captcha if the paste has been queried more than 5 times
[16:39] <desrt> hm. maybe that's what fpaste does
[16:39] * desrt got the impression that it was strictly time-based though
[16:39] <stgraber> and last I checked paste.u.c had much worse issue than that. There was no size limit on what you could post.
[16:39] <stgraber> I believe I have a few 50MB binary pastes that I created when trying to detect the size limit for all the pastebins supported by pastebinit :)
[16:41] * desrt discovers cool feature of gnome-shell notifications: they're activity based
[16:42] <desrt> instead of having a timeout for how long they're shown they seem to have a timeout for how long they're shown after you interact with the desktop
[16:42] <desrt> (ie: solves the problem of getting a notification while you're away from your desk)
[16:44] <robru> desrt, yeah, I quite miss that feature since switching to Unity
[16:44] <desrt> it can't be too hard to implement...
[16:45] <robru> all you'd need is some kind of idle timer. Does Gdk have an API for that, or would it have to be in the session mananagement logic?
[16:45] <robru> obviously there's already an idle timer that decides when to activate the screensaver...
[16:45] <desrt> well
[16:45] <desrt> the notifications are in the window manager...
[16:45] <desrt> i guess it has some sort of higher level concepts about session activity :)
[16:47] * larsu thinks the concept of ephemeral notifications is broken anyway
[16:47] <larsu> I might miss it even if I interact with the session in some way
[16:47] <robru> larsu, agreed. Gnome Shell's notifications are superior in many ways. ;-)
[16:48] <larsu> robru, I'm saying they're not: any timeout on a notification is wrong
[16:49] <robru> larsu, but it's easier to miss the unity ones than the shell ones.
[16:50] <larsu> robru, the ephemeral ones, yes. But most "notifications" stay in the panel until you interact with it (best example is the messaging menu)
[16:50] <larsu> I hate the bubbles, if you mean those :)
[16:51] <robru> yeah, that's what I mean, larsu. I hate that they offer no way to get to the program they're notifying about. Shell really has that figured out a lot nicer I think, click on the notification to go to the program that's notifying. makes it easier/faster to find things
[17:05] <mspencer> mpt: png re. Contributor Console
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[17:23] * didrocks waves good evening and good week-end :)
[17:26] <achiang> cyphermox: do you think i should subscribe ubuntu-sponsors to my MP to help offload you?
[17:26] <cyphermox> achiang: not necessary, I will look at it right after I'm done with overlay-scrollbar here
[17:26] <cyphermox> (actually, I'll just upload it to -proposed)
[17:27] <achiang> cyphermox: ah, ok. i know you're busy so just trying to make your life easier
[17:27] <cyphermox> np.. but I'll be on it in a minute, I really want to look at other things than indicators for a little bit
[17:27] <achiang> :)
[17:27] <cyphermox> nm-applet needs an upload to raring too to get the shiny nm-connection-editor overhaul
[18:33] <cyphermox> achiang: as soon as sbuild completes successfully it will be uploaded
[18:33] <achiang> \o/
[18:36] <cyphermox> I don't see why it would fail, and I even went to look at API code again for one of the patches, because it seemed wrong
[18:36] <cyphermox> (but it's not)
[19:31] <Chucrute301>
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[23:29] <mspencer> I'm working on creating Contributor Console based on the specifications at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ContributorConsole. For questions I have related to the spec, should I contact the author specifically? Also, should I email him directly or talk to him in this channel?
=== Zdra is now known as xclaesse